12th OTO Awards
12th OTO Awards
March 9, 2012
Overall winner
Petra Polnišová
Hall of Fame
Dušan Gabáni
Život Award
Jozef Kubáni
The 12th OTO Awards, honoring the best in Slovak popular culture for the year 2011, took time and place on March 9, 2012 at the Opera of the Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava. The ceremony broadcast live RTVS on Jednotka. The hosts of the show were Marián Čekovský and Michal Hudák.
Winners and nominees
Main categories
- Television

Martin Rausch alias "Pyco"
Diana Mórová
Marián Čekovský

Nela Pocisková
News Host | Sports Host or Commentator |
★ Lucia Barmošová
★ Peter Varinský
Journalist | Entertainer |
★ Patrik Herman
★ Martin Rausch
Drama Actor | Drama Actress |
★ Ján Koleník
Comedy Actor | Comedy Actress |
Program | Show |
★ Srdce pre deti – JOJ
Series | |
- Music
Male Singer | Female Singer |
★ Marián Čekovský |
Overall winner | ★ Petra Polnišová |
Hall of Fame | ★ Dušan Gabáni |
Život Award | ★ Jozef Kubáni |
TV ratings
The show has received a total audience of more than 464,000 viewers, making it the second most watched television program within prime time in the region, yet the lowest rated in the TV poll's history.[1]
- Kočišek, Lukáš (2012-03-12). "Max Jason Mai nemohol vystúpiť na OTO 2011". Trend (in Slovak). TREND Holding. etrend.sk. Retrieved February 19, 2015.
- Gáfrik, Zdeno (2012-03-09). "OTO 2011: Šoky medzi spevákmi, absolútnu sošku má Petra Polnišová". Pravda (in Slovak). PEREX. pravda.sk. Retrieved February 19, 2015.
- Strategie (2012-03-10). "Osobnosť televíznej obrazovky za rok 2011". Hospodárske noviny (in Slovak). MAFRA. hnonline.sk. Retrieved February 17, 2015.
- Webnoviny (2012-03-10). "Ceny OTO 2011 rozdali v piatok večer, Markíza bojkotovala". Finance (in Slovak). Finance media SK s.r.o. finance.sk. Retrieved February 15, 2015.
- SITA (2012-03-10). "OTO: Pyco potopil Adelu, absolútnym víťazom sa stala Polnišová!". Aktuality (in Slovak). Azet.sk, a.s. aktuality.sk. Retrieved February 16, 2015.
- TASR (2012-03-10). "OTO 2011: Dušan Gabáni v sieni slávy, absolútny OTO pre Polnišovú". Teraz (in Slovak). Tlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky. teraz.sk. Retrieved February 19, 2015.
- bam (2012-03-09). "OTO 2011: Kto si čo obliekol a kto čo vyhral?". Feminity (in Slovak). Zoznam s.r.o. feminity.zoznam.sk. Retrieved February 15, 2015.
- Kernová, Mirka (2012-03-13). "OTO sa skončil a v RTVS sa cítia podvedení". SME (in Slovak). Petit Press. sme.sk. Retrieved February 15, 2015.
- ↑ Kočišek, Lukáš (2012-03-12). "V piatok uspeli OTO 2011 aj Farma". Trend (in Slovak). TREND Holding. etrend.sk. Archived from the original on 2015-04-27. Retrieved February 17, 2015.
External links
- Archive > OTO 2011 – 12th edition (Official website)
- Winners and nominees (at Topky.sk)
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 9/11/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.