1st Iranian Majlis

Members of the First Majlis (October 7, 1906 June 23, 1908). The central photograph is that of Morteza Gholi Khan Hedayat, the first Chairman of the First Majlis.[1]

The 1st Iranian Majlis was a legislative assembly from Oct 7,1906 to June 23, 1908. Its session was formally opened by Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar.

Mozaffar's son and successor, Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar, became Shah on January 21, 1907. He was against the constitution that was ratified during the reign of his father. In 1907 Mohammad Ali dissolved Majles (Iranian parliament/National assembly) and declared the Constitution abolished because it was contrary to Islamic law.[2] On June 23, 1908, the Shah bombarded the Majles with the military and political support of Russia and Britain.[3][4][5]

Prime ministers

See also


  1. W. Morgan Shuster, The Strangling of Persia, 3rd printing (T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1913), pp. 48, 119, 179. According to Shuster (p. 48), "Five days later [measured from February 1st] the Persian Minister of Finance, Saniu'd-Dawleh was shot and killed in the streets of Teheran by two Georgians, who also succeeded in wounding four of the Persian police before they were captured. The Russian consular authorities promptly refused to allow these men to be tried by the Persian Government, and took them out of the country under Russian protection, claiming that they would be suitably punished."
    See also: Mohammad-Reza Nazari, The retreat by the Parliament in overseeing the financial matters is a retreat of democracy, in Persian, Mardom-Salari, No. 1734, 20 Bahman 1386 AH (9 February 2008), .
  2. Donzel, Emeri “van” (1994). Islamic Desk Reference. ISBN 90-04-09738-4. p. 285-286
  3. BBC Persian
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