A Republic, Not an Empire

A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny
Author Patrick J. Buchanan
Country United States
Language English
Subject Intervention (international law), United States--Foreign relations
Publisher Regnery Publishing
Publication date
Media type Print (hardcover)
Pages 437 pp
ISBN 0-89526-272-X
OCLC 237351752
327.73/009 21
LC Class E183.7 B83 1999

A Republic, Not An Empire is a 1999 book by American political figure Patrick J. Buchanan.


Buchanan critiques foreign policy commitments by the United States from a traditionalist conservative pespective. He likens America's overseas involvement to those of past empires—and predicts a similar decline without a change in course. Buchanan writes, "Present U.S. foreign policy, which commits America to go to war for scores of nations in regions where we have never fought before, is unsustainable. As we pile commitment upon commitment in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, and the Persian Gulf, American power continues to contract--a sure formula for foreign policy disaster."

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