Alain Bauer

Alain W. M. Bauer (born May 8, 1962 in Paris) was elected professor of criminology at the National Conservatory for Arts and Crafts (CNAM Paris) and a Senior Research Fellow at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (New York) and the University of Law and Political Science of China (Beijing). There were many protests in the scientific community in France against this political appointment because he has not received a Phd.[1] Which is the rule in the CNAM since its creation during the French Revolution.
As an elected student on the "U.N.E.F. I.D." list, which was a socialist organization,[2] he has been the youngest Vice President of the Sorbonne university, in charge of Finances and Administration, an office he held from 1982 to 1989. Afterwards, he became one of the advisors on national security to the Prime Minister Michel Rocard from 1988-1990.[3]
He has worked as a criminologist at the Sorbonne University, at the National Police Academy, at the National Justice Academy, at the National Gendarmerie Academy and Senior Research Fellow at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.[4] He has been elected Professor of Criminology at the National Conservatory for Arts and Crafts under government proposal (CNAM) in Paris in 2010.[5]
He is a Member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. In 2006 and 2007, he has been appointed at the French Commission on police data control and of the French Working Group on Policing. He also worked as an advisor to the NYPD, the LASD and the Sûreté du Québec (Canada). He was appointed in August 2007 by the French President Nicolas Sarkozy to reorganize the French system on studies and research on security and strategy, focusing on the creation of a National Security Council.
- Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France 2000-2003.
- Chancellor of the International Masonic Institute since 2003.[6]
- Knight of the Légion d'honneur
- Captain of the National Order of Mérit, of the National Order of Academic Palms, of the National Order of Arts and Letters
- Grand Cross of the Lafayette Order
- Violence et Insécurité urbaines (Que Sais Je 1998, 11ème éd., PUF 2007)
- l'Amérique, la violence, le crime (2000, 2 e éd., PUF 2001
- la Guerre ne fait que commencer (JC. LATTES 2002, rééd. GALLIMARD 2003)
- les Polices en France (Que Sais Je 2 e éd., PUF 2002)
- le Crime aux Etats-Unis (PUF), les Polices aux Etats-Unis (PUF)
- Imaginer la sécurité globale (Pensée et les Hommes Bruxelles 2003)
- Etat d'urgence (Fayard 2004), Deux siècles de débats républicains (Edimaf) et Dico rebelle (Michalon 2004)
- l'Enigme Al Qaïda (JC. LATTES 2005)
- Mercenaires et polices privées (en coll., UNIVERSALIS 2006)
- Géographie de la France criminelle (ODILE JACOB 2006)
- les Polices au Québec (dir., Que sais-je, PUF 2006)
- Mieux contrôler les fichiers de police (DOCUMENTATION FRANCAISE 2006)
- World Chaos, Early Detection and Proactive Security (DRMCC 2007)
- Les mystères de Channel Row (JC. LATTES 2007)
- Radicalization in the West (NYPD 2007)
- L’année stratégique 2008 (Dalloz 2007)
- Le nouveau chaos mondial (Les Riaux 2007 plus éditions italien, arabe, chinois)
- L’esprit des lumières est il perdu (Le MONDE-PUR 2007)
- République, Républiques (GODF 2007)
- Pour une stratégie globale de sécurité nationale (Dalloz 2008)
- Vidéosurveillance et vidéoprotection (Que Sais Je PUF 2008)
- Le 11 Septembre (Memorial de Caen – Ouest France 2008)
- 100 Mots pour comprendre l’actualité (PUF 2008)
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