Angura Mohammed Pur

Angura Mohammed Pur is a village in Beani Bazar Upazila of Sylhet District, Bangladesh. The village is in the Union of Kurar Bazar. This village is more commonly known by its nickname, Maodhpur. The village market is called Farir Bazar. There is famous Madrasa called "Jamia Madania Angura Mohammod Pur Madrasa" which is funded by villagers and people living abroad. The village is divided by the river Khushiara. 60-75% of the population have emigrated to other countries, mostly in Europe, the USA and the Middle East. This village has a major draw back due to the inhabitants, failure in maintaining the rivers and canals. Farming has almost disappeared and therefore there is no income. Most residents are always looking to migrate to other countries due to the lack of jobs and lack of awareness about education. The village has limited natural resources and the village committee is nonfunctional.
Coordinates: 24°52′05″N 92°07′07″E / 24.8681°N 92.1185°E