Araribóia (old spelling: Ararigboya) is the founder of the city of Niterói, in Brazil. In Tupi, his name means "ferocious snake".
He was the leader of the Temiminó tribe, which inhabited the territory of the present Espírito Santo state and came to Rio de Janeiro in AD 1564, with Estácio de Sá's fleet. Under his leadership, the tribe assisted the Portuguese in their war with France for total control of the Guanabara Bay. After their victory, Araribóia remained in Rio de Janeiro until 1573, when his tribe officially received the lands across the Guanabara Bay on November 22.
Araribóia also received the title of knight of the Order of Christ, Captain of the village (Capitão-Mor), a salary of 12,000 réis per year and a piece of clothing that had belonged to King Sebastian of Portugal.
In 1568 he received the Christian name of Martim Afonso, to honour Martim Afonso de Sousa. He died in 1587.