
Azzopardi is an Italian surname of Lombard origin, now naturalized in Italy, Malta and France in the form Azzopardi (written in various documents as Azupardu, Azuparda (in the 1419 militia list), Aczupard, Zupard (1480 militia list), Azzupard, Azzoppardo, Azzopardo, Azzopardi, Azzoppardi, Zoppardo, Zopardo, in the Status Animarum or church census of 1687). It still occurs in Northern Italy in the form Azzopardo (mainly in Julian Venetia), and in Sicily in the forms Zuppardo, Zuppardi. It derives from a combination of the Langobardic Italian names Azzo meaning 'noble' and Pardo, originally the name of a Germanic tribe (the Bardi); see E. De Felice, Dizionario dei cognomi italiani, Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1978, p. 64. A Genoese notary of the 13th century bore the name Ogerius Açopardus. Claims of Spanish, Greek or Jewish origins by amateur genealogists are all spurious, this being one of the oldest Italian surnames, introduced by one or more Christian settlers from Sicily some time between the thirteenth and the fifteenth century. [1] It has been falsely claimed that this name is the same as Safaradi, the name of a family of Maltese Jews, despite the facts that the surname Azupardu was already well established in the local Catholic community, and that the Safaradi family was expelled from Malta along with the rest of the Jewish community in January 1493.
The reference from the publication is repeated verbatim here in case of loss of the original document, Godfrey Wettinger, "The Origin of 'Maltese' Surnames", Melita Historica, xii, 4 (1999), 333-344: Ref. [27] For Accio see: Codice diplomatico della Repubblica di Genova, “Fonti per la Storia d’Italia”, Roma 1942, III, doc. 44, p. 120: Azo Rovedus, Azo Borel, giugno 1197; and Azo de Pangiano, Azo, Salvaticus, Azo Rovedus, and Azo de Avolasca in ibid., doc. 50, pp.131-132, 27 Agosto 1198. Ogerius Açopardus figures among witnesses to a notarial deed in Genoa on 4 August 1201: Giovanni de Guiberto (1200–1211), a cura di M.W. Hall-Cole et al., “Notai liguri del secolo XII, vol. V,” Genoa, 1940, doc. 350 in vol. I, 173.
- Antonio Azzopardi (1805–1881), Maltese settler in Australia
- Ayrton Azzopardi (born 1993), Maltese footballer
- Barry Azzopardi (born 1947), Gibraltarian chemical engineer
- Charles Azzopardi (1930–1970), Maltese footballer
- Deborah Azzopardi (born 1958), British artist
- Edward Azzopardi (born 1977), Maltese footballer
- Francesco Azopardi (1748–1809), Maltese composer
- Franck Azzopardi (born 1970), French footballer
- Frederick Azzopardi (born 1949), Maltese politician
- Gilles d'Ambra Azzopardi (born 1949), French psychosociologist
- Ġużè Muscat Azzopardi (1853–1927), Maltese novelist
- Ian Azzopardi (born 1982), Maltese footballer
- Jason Azzopardi (born 1971), Maltese politician
- John G. Azzopardi (1929–2013), Maltese pathologist
- Juan Bautista Azopardo (1772–1848), Maltese privateer and Argentine Navy officer
- Justus Azzopardi (18th century), Maltese philosopher
- Keith Azopardi (born 1967), Gibraltarian lawyer and politician
- Kyra Azzopardi (born 1991), Canadian actress
- Mario Philip Azzopardi (born 1950), Maltese television and film director
- Michael Azzopardi (born 1987), Maltese designer and entrepreneur
- Nicole Azzopardi, Maltese singer-songwriter
- Peppi Azzopardi (born 1959), Maltese television presenter
- Salvino Azzopardi (1931–2006), Maltese-Indian philosopher
- Stephen Azzopardi (born 1967), Maltese footballer
- Trezza Azzopardi (born 1961), Welsh writer
- ↑ "". 8 January 2008.