Bashy Quraishy

Bashy Quraishy is a Danish-Pakistani author and consultant regarding minority rights.
Quraishy was born in India, but grew up in Pakistan. Quraishy has studied Engineering in Germany and United States, and later studied International Marketing in London. Quraishy is a member of a number of Commissions, Committees and Boards involved with Human Rights, Ethnic/Religious Equality Issues, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, both in Denmark and internationally.
On the Danish level, Quraishy is the Chief Editor of MidiaWatch, which is a quarterly magazine on media and minorities, Chair of media monitoring organisation, Fair Play and member of the Advisory Council of Danish Human Rights Institute.
On the international level, from 2001 – 2007, Quraishy was President of ENAR – Brussels that is the largest EU network against racism with over 700 member organisations. Since November 2007, Quraishy is Chairman of ENAR’s Advisory Council, Chair of the European Platform for Jewish Muslim Co-operation, member of the "Board of Trustees" of the Dutch Foundation " More colour in the media", General Secretary of the network, EMISCO - European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion and Member - Advisory Board - Migration Research Centre - Hacettepe University - Ankara, Turkey. Quraishy is also senior adviser to COJEP International, a France-based inter-cultural youth organisation and from 2005-2007 sat on EU Commission’s High Level Committee on the Social and Labour Market integration of disadvantaged ethnic minorities in EU.
Quraishy contributes regularly to the Danish and European press with essays, chronicles and TV debates as well as lectures on various issues concerning Ethnic Minorities in EU, Islam in the Western Media, benefits of inter-culturalism, globalization, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, Racism’s consequences and Integration’s dilemma in Europe. Since January 2010, he hosts TV programme - Bashy’s Corner – at TV Channel Greater Copenhagen.
Books published:
- Fort Europa –1994
- EU – the lost paradise - 1995
- European Union or Fortress Europe – 1996
- I am not a racist but --. – 1996
- My Europe – 1997
- Searching for a humane Europe – 1998
- From Punjab to Copenhagen – 1999
- Danish identity – seen through brown eyes - 2003
At present, Quraishy is working on two new books, one dealing with the living conditions of Muslim Communities in Europe and the other about the prevailing arrogance of Danish politicians and media towards ethnic and religious minorities, especially Muslims, in the last 25 years.
Study papers published; From 1986 - 2012 1. Inter-cultural communication is the way forward 2. Multiculturalism and the European integration 3. Ethnic minorities in the west – conflict or enrichment 4. Resisting racism in Europe 5. Europe is marching in the wrong direction; Latest development in the European Union on immigration and asylum 6. EU Constitution and ethnic minority rights 7. Lobbying against hate speech in Europe 8. NGOs and trade unions – partners against racism 9. Human Rights – Western dictates versus the global necessity 10. Shared citizenship – immutable core or dynamic nucleus 11. The Scandinavian societies and ethnic minority integration 12. Shadow reports on Danish discriminatory practices –2002,03,04,05,06 13. EU -Directives on Racism 14. Police profiling and ethnic minorities in Europe 15. Lobbying the media by ethnic minorities 16. Media and minorities in the Danish society 17. Racism's effect on Muslim Youth in Europe 18. Media’s role in cementing Islamophobia 19. Western terminology and Islam 20. Islam in the Western media 21. Islamophobia and anti-Semitism – two sides of the same coin 22. Integration or segregation of Muslims communities in Europe 23. NGOs and the decision making process in EU 24. Jewish Muslim Dialogue – its time has come 25. Role of education in tackling hatred against Muslim communities 26. Islamophobia – past, present and future 27. Role of adult education in an intercultural society 28. Roma in Europe - a minority since 800 years 29. Violent extremism has no religion 30. Freedom of speech vs. protection of ethnic and religious minorities
A collection of more than 1000 articles, essays, chronicles and interviews is available for public at the Copenhagen City's Official archives and can be requested at the following link:
- A Minority Perspective on the EU’s Commitment to Promoting Anti-Discrimination Policies, in: Robertson-von Trotha, Caroline Y. (ed.): Europe: Insights from the Outside (= Kulturwissenschaft interdisziplinär/Interdisciplinary Studies on Culture and Society, Vol. 5), Baden-Baden - 2011
• 2007 Award for action against racism and discrimination, given by COJEP international-France • 2007 Ambassador for Peace by Universal Peace Foundation. South Korea • 2008 Medal for outstanding services for inter-faith work. Mardin, Turkey • 2008 Certificate of appreciation-International Conference of Islamic Scholars. Jakarta. Indonesia • 2008 Hero Award for services rendered to Pakistani and ethnic minority communities in Denmark by Pakistan Society. Copenhagen • 2010 Shield of Honors for contribution to New Europe Initiative by COJEP International Strasbourg. France at Istanbul. Turkey • 2012 Award for contribution at International conference held by Commerce University and EMISCO on Islamophobia – Istanbul. Turkey • 2012 Shield of Honors for contribution at Turks in Europe Conference by Gaziantep University – Turkey • 2012 Shield of honors for inter-cultural communication by Fatima Jinnah Women University. Rawalpindi. Pakistan • 2013 Award by Hacettepe University - Ankara for contribution at the international conference on Migration, Islam and multiculturalism in Europe