Bera, Mathura
Bera (Badrivan) is a village or gram panchayat in Nauhjhil Block, Mat Tehsil of Mathura district, Uttar Pradesh, India. Bera village is about 50 kilometres (31 mi) from Mathura on the Khair road.
Social composition
Bera village was settled by Raghav / Jayas Rajputs in 1300 AD by Thakur Vedram Singh Raghav came from Rajorgarh , Alwar. Bera has a population of 5000 with Rajputs, Brahmin, Vaishya and other castes in this village. The village is roughly 30% Rajputs (mainly Raghav , Sisodia & Jadon Thakur), 30% Brahmin (mainly Saraswat, Katara, Rawat etc.),15% Vaishya, 15% SC (mainly Chamaar), and 10% other castes.
Mostly villagers are dependent on farming. Few are in local business. 40% are farmers, 10% are in business, and 50% have migrated outside the village for government jobs or other business. The literacy rate of this village must be above 80%.
Around 40% of families have at least one member serving in government jobs.
The village has an intermediate college: Sri Gandhi Smarak Krishak Inter College Bera donated by Rajputs ( by Thakur Hoti Singh ) in Bera & managed by a society.
- G. S. K. Inter College Bera Mathura
- P. S. Bera-I
- P. S. Bera-II
- Saraswati Shishu Mandir
- Saraswati Shiksha Mandir
Bera has a population of 5,000. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. BERA has an average literacy rate of more than 80%, higher than the national average of 67%:. In Bera, 15% of the population is under 6 years of age.
Bera sees heightened activities during the major festival. The Braj culture has been expressed widely through various practices. There is a temple of Shri Alkheswar Mahadev Mandir, Bera(Mathura). The idol of Lord Shiva was found in the pond of Alkheswar in the past. There is very Big Pond named Alkheswar Kund. A fair is organised in last of Navratra's of Chaitra ( most probably in April) every year. The temple and pond are all centers of religious activities. From early morning till dusk devoted villagers throng the holy temple. Rasiya is a tradition that is integral to Braj culture. It is the tradition of folk-songs that describe the love of the divine couple Radha and Krishna. Holi is one of the main festivals of this village. Raaslilas of Mathura have become an integral part of Indian Folklore. According to popular belief, Krishna had danced with gopis on banks of Yamuna river.Surprisingly in the morning people greet each other with Ram-Ram.
The language spoken in Bera is Hindi and Braj Bhasa.
Bera is located at 27°49′N 77°46′E / 27.81°N 77.76°E. It has an average elevation of 174 metres (570 feet).
Neighbour Villages
Ram Nagla, Khayara, Chandpur, Mahmudgarhi, Murkati, Badanpur, Lohai, Jarara, Tehra, jaraara, Bhidauni, Jagpura & Sikandarpur,
Bera is well connected by road to the Khair & rest of Mathura and India. Yamuna Expressway (From Noida to Agra). The village is served by Upsrtc and private transporters. A Direct Roadways bus is available to Mathura and Agra.
See also
- Mathura-The Cultural Heritage. Edited by Doris Meth Srinivasan, published in 1989 by AIIS/Manohar.
- Konow, Sten. Editor. Kharoshthī Inscriptions with Exception of those of Asoka. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, Vol. II, Part I. Reprint: Indological Book House, Varanasi, 1969.
- Growse, F. S. 1882. " Mathura A District Memoir.
- Drake-Brockman, D. L. 1911. " Muttra A Gaztteer.
- Harendra Singh Raghav, Native of this village and the Grandson of Thakur Badan Singhji, currently he stays in Dubai.
External links
Mathura travel guide from Wikivoyage
- Read details about Mathura
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