
Directed by Edoardo Winspeare
Starring Donatella Finocchiaro
Cinematography Paolo Carnera
Release dates
Language Italian

Galantuomini (also known as Brave Men and Gentlemen) is a 2008 Italian crime-drama film directed by Edoardo Winspeare.[1] It entered the main competirion at the 2008 Rome Film Festival, in which Donatella Finocchiaro was awarded best actress.[2]



  1. Boyd van Hoeij (December 3, 2008). "Review: 'Galantuomini'". Variety. Retrieved 4 March 2014.
  2. Paolo D'Agostini (November 1, 2008). "Giuria e pubblico finalmente in sintonia". La Repubblica. Retrieved 6 March 2014.

External links

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