
Bugga is a historic village of Jhelum Tehsil Pind Dadan Khan, Punjab, Pakistan. It is situated on the boundaries of Sargodha District, Khushab District and Jhelum District. As it is situated at the river bank, it got flooded twice and was re populated. It is the native village of bugvi family which resides at bhera. The major decisions and responsibility of village lies in hands of the head of village (Lumbardar) . Presently Muhammad Khan is the Lumbardar of the village after his Late Father Baz Khan. Near village is a shrine named Shah Zinda .
Nearby places
Bhera and Jhawrian are near Bugga. It is 12 km away from Lillah. It is located 8 km away from the M2 motorway from Lahore-Islamabad at the right bank of the Jhelum River near Southern Salt Range in Sargodha District. Bugga is surrounded by green fields from the river side.
Coordinates: 32°02′N 73°49′E / 32.033°N 73.817°E