Burette clamp
Burette clamp is a scientific equipment which used specifically to hold and secure a burette on a stand, so that a burette is fixed and more convenient for the experiment.[1] Burette clamp can be made by many materials such as plastic and cast iron. However, iron clamp with rubber knob to hold burette are likely to be more durable. Usually Burette clamp comes in double, which means it can hold two burettes.
Burette can be held by methods suggested below. Fix the burette on a stand, squeeze the handle, rubber knob will then separate from each other. Burette will be put between the rubber knob. The rubber knob are typically soft and sticky due to properties of rubber, so the burettes are not likely to break or slip during the experiment.
Clamp facing upward
Clamp facing downward
Side view Burette Clamp
Burette with Clamp