Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency

The Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) is a public utility that provides drinking water to 200,000 people in Central Lake County, Illinois. CLCJAWA's Paul M. Neal Water Treatment facility began producing drinking water in 1992. Prior to that time, each village it serves obtained their drinking water from wells or by purchasing it from other Lake Michigan water supplies.
Member communities
CLCJAWA provides water to the following villages: Lake Bluff, Libertyville, Vernon Hills, Mundelein, Grayslake, Round Lake, Round Lake Park, Round Lake Beach, Wildwood, Knollwood/Roundout, and Gurnee.
Water treatment process
CLCJAWA draws water from Lake Michigan and purifies it with several water treatment processes including ozone, coagulation, flocculation, activated carbon filtration, ultraviolet light and chlorination.
Awards and recognition
CLCJAWA was the third water treatment plant in the United States to win the Partnership for Safe Water "Excellence in Drinking Water" Phase IV award[1] and the first conventional water treatment plant to achieve this status.The Partnership for Safe Drinking Water Program[2] was created by the American Water Works Association, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
CLCJAWA has also received numerous awards from the Government Finance Officers Association. These awards include the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.