Characters of Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV (originally titled Final Fantasy Versus XIII), an action role-playing video game set for release in November 2016, is the fifteenth main installment in the Final Fantasy series, and is thematically connected to Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy, a subseries of games linked by a common mythos which includes Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Type-0. The world and main characters were created by Tetsuya Nomura, the game's original director. Nomura also designed the main characters: other character designers involved with the game included Roberto Ferrari and Yusaku Nakaaki.
The story revolves around a conflict between the nations of Lucis and Niflheim over the world's last remaining crystal. The main protagonist is Noctis Lucis Caelum, sole heir to the throne of Lucis. On his journey, he is accompanied by three companions: Gladiolus Amicitia, a brother-figure from a noble family sworn to Noctis's protection; Ignis Scientia, Noctis's strategist; and Prompto Argentum, a friend of Noctis from a lower-class family. A key character is Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Noctis's fiancée through an arranged marriage. Other characters include Noctis's father Regis, the king of Lucis; Cor Leonis, a famous warrior of Lucis; Gentiana, Lunafreya's companion and attendant; Cindy, who with her grandfather Cid acts as mechanic for Noctis' car; and Iris, Gladiolus's sister. Characters from Niflheim serve as the game's main antagonists, including emperor Iedolas Aldercapt, his chancellor Ardyn Izunia, supreme commander and Lunafreya's brother Ravus Nox Fleuret, head researcher Verstael, and mercenary dragoon Aranea Highwind.
During the game's prolonged development, during which it changed its name and prospective platforms, multiple concepts went through revisions and some elements were cut entirely, including characters and story scenes. Conversely, some characters and concepts were retained throughout development, such as the dragoon Aranea and the game's thematic relation to Fabula Nova Crystallis. Additional media and merchandise based upon the world and characters of XV have been produced, with its expanded media being dubbed the "Final Fantasy XV Universe": these include the anime Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV and the CGI film Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV.
Concept and creation
The concept and setting of Final Fantasy XV, originally a spin-off titled Final Fantasy Versus XIII (ファイナルファンタジーヴェルサスXIII Fainaru Fantajī Verusasu Sātīn), was created by its original director Tetsuya Nomura.[1] Originally in development for PlayStation 3, Versus XIII was shifted onto the eighth-generation consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. During this transition and its later development, Final Fantasy Type-0 director Hajime Tabata became co-director alongside Nomura before becoming full director to see the project to completion.[2][3] Its total development period ultimately lasted for around ten years, although Tabata would come to refer to Versus XIII and XV as different games.[4] The game was originally designed as an entry in Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy, a collection of games united through a common mythology and shared themes.[5] When it was renamed, XV "disconnected" from Fabula Nova Crystallis: while the mythos was retained, its role in the story was reduced and terminology unique to the mythos removed so XV retained an individual identity.[6][7][8][9] The central concept behind the world of XV is "a fantasy based on reality": the setting is based on the real world and the fantasy elements grew out of familiar settings. Realizing this aspect of the game was quite difficult for Nomura before the game's move onto eighth-generation hardware. While the story was similar to other entries, he wanted to create more realistic characters.[10] His ambition was to make XV "about man in the real world", including less fantasy elements. He also described XV as the darkest entry in the series, acknowledging that this atmosphere might narrow its target audience while feeling that the time was right for such characters.[11]
The original story themes were "misery" and "bonds", with all the characters representing these themes through their actions and the events they were caught in. It was intended to be a painful story that emphasized the power of friendship.[12] The theme of bonds, as represented by the relationships between Noctis and his comrades and between Noctis and his father Regis, was carried over into XV.[13] A key narrative element was Noctis' personal journey from prince to king.[14] The original script was written by Kazushige Nojima, who described his story for Versus XIII as "Myth vs. Reality".[15][16] When Versus XIII became XV, multiple aspects were changed. A scene that was removed was the original opening, where Noctis met another character at a treaty-signing party, then had to escape Lucis when the forces of Niflheim attacked; those scenes were changed to have the group being away at the time of the invasion. In contrast, other characters revealed during earlier trailers were retained and would have important roles in the story. When consulted over how his original draft could be reworked, Nojima said that he would be content as long as the overall concept remained faithful to the original. This gave the team the confidence needed to rework and realize the original story within XV.[16] This rewriting was primarily done by Saori Itamuro, who was credited as "Lead Scenario Designer".[17]
In contrast to many previous Final Fantasy titles, the playable cast of XV is all-male, although women still play key roles in the story. This was a concept that was chosen by Nomura from the outset, and agreed upon by Tabata despite some later reservations on his part.[18] Nomura wanted to depict a story with a group of men going across the world. This approach was based upon his wish to create a road movie vibe and experiences from his youth, when it was common to see single-gender groups going on trips. He also did not want them to be drawn together by a grand destiny, instead being natural friends confronted with bizarre and dangerous situations.[18][19] The story took place over a ten year period, and the characters' appearances altered appropriately: this bucked the trend of a lot of equivalent games that had static characters, with the team wanting to properly represent the characters growing through their journey.[20] The game's opening, which depicted a story event late in the game, was inspired by Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, which had a well-known conclusion related to the main character: while the conclusion was known, it was the rest of the story that provided the drive for players to proceed through the story.[21] For both Versus XIII and XV, game staff stated that it would likely be the saddest Final Fantasy story to date.[1][22]
Character design

The game's main cast was designed by Nomura.[1] The clothing for characters was designed by Hiromu Takahara, lead designer for Japanese fashion house Roen.[1] Takahara's involvement principally came due to the detail needed for the costumes, which were inspired by western fashion: designing them himself would have been time-consuming for Nomura to do along with his other duties, which included designing characters for Final Fantasy XIII. He also wanted to continue to express the game's realism through the character outfits.[23] The design trait for the main characters was "jet-black", while all the character clothing in the game utilized Roen's distinctive asymmetrical styling.[1][24] Roen's designs were kept in the game when it became XV, as the team felt it would be wrong to remove them.[22] In-game, the color match between characters was explained as it being a special color associated with the royal family and the nobility.[25] The characters of Ardyn, Gentiana, Iris, Aranea, Umbra, Cidney, Cid, and Verstael were all designed by Roberto Ferrari, who had previously done work on Type-0 and was involved with the project from its earlier development as Versus XIII. These designs were completed by 2010, when the project was still known as Versus XIII.[26][27] To help maximize the realism of the characters, their hair was first created by a hairstylist using a mannequin's wig, then rendered into the game using the technology of the Luminous Studio engine. The same technique was used for Agni's Philosophy, the engine's demo at E3 2012.[28]
To help convey the road movie theme, the team created towns featuring both strange and familiar elements, taking inspiration from the opening scenes of Back to the Future Part II.[29] Alongside the serious storyline, several elements of light comedy were added as a counterbalance. A large amount of dialogue was conveyed using in-game conversations instead of cutscenes. He also wanted the dialogue to sound "natural and not game-like or lofty".[30] The changeover from Versus XIII to XV resulted in the redesign of characters such as Regis, and the replacement of the previous main heroine Stella with the similarly-named Lunafreya.[16][31] It also meant that many of Ferrari's character designs went unused, something he was openly frustrated about as he considered these unseen characters more visually striking than his surviving designs.[27]
Final Japanese voice casting for the game began in 2010.[32] The English localization of XV was led by Dan Inoue.[33] One of the aspects of the localization was using different accents to show the characters originating from different regions of the world: a cited example was Ignis, who spoke with a British accent while the other main characters spoke with an American accent.[34] One of the early issues—which drew public attention with the release of Episode Duscae—was Noctis's voice in the English dub; it was pitched rather low, making the character seem older and less energetic than his Japanese counterpart. This was explained as being due to tight scheduling removing the opportunity for Tabata to catch the issue and re-record before it was time for release. After Episode Duscae, the voice work was redone to better convey Noctis's personality.[35] Different issues raised later included Ignis's localized lines, which changed aspects of the character interaction, and the alteration of Cindy's name from the original "Cidney".[33] In an interview with Famitsu during Gamescom, Tabata revealed that the main reason for the delays in XV's release were related to the game's localization and debugging, as the team wanted to bring the game out in the west close to its Japanese release.[6] In addition to being released with French and German dubs and text translation for those respective regions, it was also localized for Latin America with Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese text: this was the first time a Final Fantasy title was localized into these languages.[36]
Main characters
Noctis Lucis Caelum
- Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese); Ray Chase (English)[37][38]
- Young Noctis
- Voiced by: Miyuki Satō (Japanese); Hyrum Hansen (English)[37][38]
Noctis Lucis Caelum (ノクティス・ルシス・チェラム Nokutisu Rushisu Cheramu) is the protagonist and sole playable character of XV. The crown prince and protector of Lucis, he was granted magical powers from a near-death incident in his childhood. At the game's beginning, he is en route to the city of Altissia for his arranged marriage with Lunafreya when he receives the news of Lucis's invasion by Niflheim.[39]
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
- Voiced by: Rina Kitagawa (Japanese); Amy Shiels (English) (XV)[37]
- Voiced by: Shiori Kutsuna (Japanese); Lena Headey (English) (Kingsglaive)[38]
- Young Lunafreya
- Voiced by: Liliana Chomsky (English)[37][38]
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (ルナフレーナ・ノックス・フルーレ Runafurēna Nokkusu Furūre), "Luna" (ルーナ Rūna) for short, is the main heroine of Final Fantasy XV and the "keystone" of the Final Fantasy XV Universe.[40] A princess of the royal family of Tenebrae and a childhood friend of Noctis, she was held prisoner by Niflheim after they invaded her homeland. Her standing as the nation's magically-gifted Oracle grants Tenebrae relative autonomy under imperial rule and sees her revered worldwide.[41] As part of the peace treaty between Lucis and Niflheim, Lunafreya becomes Noctis's prospective bride. Following the empire's invasion of Lucis, Lunafreya currently resides in Altissia, having escaped the attack on Insomnia.[42]
Lunafreya's place in XV was originally held by the similarly-named Stella Nox Fleuret (ステラ・ノックス・フルーレ Sutera Nokkusu Furūre), who was to be the main female protagonist of Versus XIII.[16] The relationship between Stella and Noctis was originally designed to be platonic rather than romantic, as Nomura felt a preference towards portraying a different kind of relationship between male and female protagonists. He also wanted to make her the first female character to "stand out from all previous [Final Fantasy heroines]",[43] A key scene for Stella was the meeting and conversation with Noctis during the game's opening.[44] While Nomura deliberately designed her against his usual tastes, he grew fond of her design over the years. Stella's design underwent alterations between 2011 and 2013, mainly to make her more beautiful.[24] She was intended to be a very polite person, with that politeness conveyed through specific dialogue traits in her speech.[45] During the rebranding process, it was planned for XV to be a single, complete experience rather than span multiple games; Stella was thus redesigned to play a more active and important role in the reworked story.[46] However, as fans already had a fixed image of her at that point, the development team felt that this radical change of her character would not be well received.[47] It was then decided that Stella would be dropped and replaced with Lunafreya.[16]
Both Tabata and Lunafreya's English voice actress, Lena Headey, have described her as a strong-willed and independent character, as well as her relationship with Noctis being more complex than a typical love story.[48][49] To convey Lunafreya's strong will and her high-born status, Naora consulted a professional hairstylist and makeup artist; the way makeup was applied to her eyes and mouth was changed accordingly, and her hairstyle was done to resemble "something that would require the assistance of a handmaiden". Care was taken not to make her too prim, so that players could relate more to her.[50]
Gladiolus Amicitia
- Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (Japanese); Chris Parson (English)[37][38]
Gladiolus Amicitia (グラディオラス・アミシティア Guradiorasu Amishitia) is the eldest son of a noble family pledged to the protection of the Lucian royal family. While he acts as Noctis's guardian as tradition demands, his bond with Noctis is more akin to that between brothers.[39][51]
Gladiolus's original design was dubbed a "straight muscleman" by Naora, but was redesigned to appear more intellectual for XV. His eyes were also narrowed to give him a "sultry gaze off into the distance". For the musculature of his chest and midriff, martial artists and other similar real-life figures were used as references.[50] As with the rest of the party, he is dressed in black due to its specific significance to the Lucian royal family.[25]
Ignis Scientia
- Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (Japanese); Adam Croasdell (English)[37][38]
Ignis Scientia (イグニス・スキエンティア Igunisu Sukientia) is a man raised alongside Noctis to be his advisor. Provided with an extensive education, he developed a collected composure and tactical instinct.[39][51]
Out of the main cast, Ignis went through the least changes despite the technological improvements. To reflect his position as Noctis's protector from a young age, he was made to look more toned and his musculature was developed, particularly around the neck. Care was taken to retain his intellectual look.[50] As with the rest of the party, he is dressed in black due to its specific significance to the Lucian royal family.[25]
Prompto Argentum
- Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara (Japanese); Robbie Daymond (English)[37][38]
- Young Prompto
- Voiced by: Aki Kaneda (Japanese)[52]
Prompto Argentum (プロンプト・アージェンタム Puronputo Ājentamu) is a friend of Noctis from a lower-class family, dating back to their teenage years. On their journey, Prompto acts to lighten the atmosphere of the party, taking on burdens for others and lifting their spirits with his antics.[39][51]
Prompto's facial features and hairstyle underwent multiple redesigns, the more recent ones based on negative feedback from fans, so that he would have international appeal.[53] As with the rest of the party, he is dressed in black due to its specific significance to the Lucian royal family.[25] Prompto proved to be the starting point for Brotherhood, as producer Akio Ofuji conceived the series based around wanting to expand upon a backstory created by staff surrounding his difficult childhood.[54]
Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII
- Voiced by: Tsutomu Isobe (Japanese); Jim Pirri (English, XV);[37] Sean Bean (English, Kingsglaive)[38]
Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII (レギス・ルシス・チェラム113世 Regisu Rushisu Cheramu Hyakujūsansei) is the king of Lucis and Noctis's father, and the guardian of the crystal's power. Regis's connection to the crystal causes him to age at an accelerated rate, as his own life energy is needed to sustain the Wall, the magical barrier protecting Lucis from the outside world. He is the second central character of the film Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV alongside Lunafreya.
A character carried over from the original concept for Versus XIII, Regis underwent a major redesign during development, becoming an older character in appearance. This was due to Regis's expanding role in Kingsglaive and the new technology available. The development team wanted to create a more expressive character and aged him to properly convey his stature as a king. Due to this, his in-game incarnation was redesigned to better fit with his portrayal in Kingsglaive.[31] The redesign was also chosen as his original design no longer fit into the reworked story of XV.[55] As with the rest of Lucis' royalty, he is dressed in black due to its specific significance.[25]
Other characters
Ardyn Izunia
- Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (Japanese); Darin De Paul (English)[37][38]
Ardyn Izunia (アーデン・イズニア Āden Izunia) is the main antagonist of XV. The chancellor of Niflheim and Aldercapt's chief advisor, he acts as the main political force running Niflheim in Aldercapt's stead, and is the one responsible for the empire's most recent Magitek technology.[56]
Ardyn was designed by Roberto Ferrari;[26] his design stood out from the other cast members', with one notable feature being the fedora he wore. He is described by the staff as "an interesting and strange character", with a unique personality and using his attire to express it, comparing it to the outfit of Kefka Palazzo, the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VI.[31]
Iedolas Aldercapt
- Voiced by: Shōzō Iizuka (Japanese); Bob Joles (English, XV);[37] David Gant (English, Kingsglaive)[38]
Iedolas Aldercapt (イドラ・エルダーキャプト Idora Erudākyaputo) is the emperor of Niflheim and an antagonist in XV. At the game's beginning he has withdrawn from frontline politics, delegating the task of administrating his empire to his chancellor Ardyn. Nevertheless, he retains an active role within Niflheim's political scene.[56] Aldercapt was initially voiced in Japanese by Shinji Ogawa, who passed away during XV's development.[57]
Ravus Nox Fleuret
- Voiced by: Yūichi Nakamura (Japanese); Trevor Devall (English)[37][38]
- Young Ravus
- Voiced by: Zachary Gordon (English)[38]
Ravus Nox Fleuret (レイヴス・ノックス・フルーレ Reivusu Nokkusu Furūre) is Lunafreya's older brother and a former prince of Tenebrae, now a high-ranking officer in the imperial army. He attends the treaty-signing as part of Niflheim's delegation, subsequently participating in the empire's invasion of Lucis.[58]
Cor Leonis
- Voiced by: Hiroki Tōchi (Japanese); Matthew Mercer (English)[37]
Cor Leonis (コル・リオニス Koru Rionisu) is a guest character in XV.[59] The Lord Commander of the Crownsguard and a famous warrior of Lucis, he follows the party in order to protect the prince and his group, occasionally joining them in battle.[51][60] He fought alongside King Regis against the forces of Niflheim in his youth, and his reputation earned him the moniker of "the Immortal General" (不死将軍 Fushi Shōgun).[51][61]
Cor's age is known as an "unlucky age" (厄年 yakudoshi) in Japan; it is believed his age, 42, is among those beset by ill fortune.[62] Cor's Japanese voice actor, Hiroki Tōchi, was originally cast as Noctis's chauffeur in Versus XIII before its transition to XV.[51]
- Voiced by: Sayaka Kinoshita (Japanese); Renee Faia (English)[52]
Gentiana (ゲンティアナ Gentiana) is a non-playable character who serves as Lunafreya's lady-in-waiting.[63] She is said to play an important role in the game and to be of a "special existence", not a mere attendant to Lunafreya.[64][65]
Iris Amicitia
- Voiced by: Megumi Han (Japanese); Eden Riegel (English)[37]
Iris Amicitia (イリス・アミシティア Irisu Amishitia) is a guest character in XV.[59] The younger sister of Gladiolus and a childhood friend of Noctis and Ignis, she currently resides in the town of Lestallum, having escaped Insomnia during Niflheim's invasion.[66]
Cid and Cindy
- Cid Sophiar
- Voiced by: Nobuyuki Katsube (Japanese); Jack Angel (English)[37]
- Cindy Aurum
- Voiced by: Yū Shimamura (Japanese); Erin Matthews (English)[37]
Cid Sophiar (シド・ソフィア Shido Sofia) and his granddaughter Cindy Aurum (シドニー・オールム Shidonī Ōrumu, "Cidney"[67]) are supporting characters who act as mechanics for Noctis's car. In his youth, Cid fought alongside Regis and Cor against the forces of Niflheim.[61]
Cindy was designed by designers Roberto Ferrari and Yusaku Nakaaki, among others.[35][68] A character crucial to the story and gameplay, Cindy was first introduced in the Episode Duscae demo. Tabata described her as "the kind of girl who is very good at dealing with men".[69] In response to negative comments about her appearance in player feedback for Episode Duscae, Nakaaki stated she had not been deliberately sexualized, but that the team had perhaps put too much "heart and soul" into her design. They chose to make adjustments so players would be more comfortable with her.[35] Originally, Cindy's breasts jiggled so much that Tabata had to ask the team to tone it down.[70]
Aranea Highwind
- Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (Japanese); Kari Wahlgren (English)[37]
Aranea Highwind (アラネア・ハイウィンド Aranea Haiuindo) is the captain of the Third Army Z-Corps 87th Airborne Units, a group of mercenaries currently employed by Niflheim. Due to her prowess in aerial combat, she is known as "the Dragoon".[56]
Aranea was designed by Roberto Ferrari.[27] Tabata has described her as a recurring enemy to Noctis and his friends, but otherwise holding no special significance to the main story.[31] Aranea's English voice actress, Kari Wahlgren, has described her as "edgy" and "street smart", though her loyalty and morals remain ambiguous due to her status as a mercenary.[71]
Nyx Ulric
- Voiced by: Gō Ayano (Japanese); Aaron Paul (English)[38]
Nyx Ulric (ニックス・ウリック Nikkusu Urikku) is the main protagonist of Kingsglaive, and a member of the titular elite guard that defends Lucis from the invading forces of Niflheim. In his youth Nyx was saved by King Regis, and thus is fiercely loyal to him in return.[72]
Cultural impact
There has been an internet meme focused on Noctis and his friends in the Regalia looking at photoshopped images. Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto found it comical and motivated fans to produce more in order to increase people's interest in Final Fantasy XV.[73]
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External links
- Final Fantasy XV - Characters (Japanese)