Clorinda (Jerusalem Delivered)

Clorinda is a character from Torquato Tasso's La Gerusalemme liberata. She is a warrior woman of the Saracen army.
First introduced in the second canto of the poem, when she rescues Sofronia and Olindo, two Christian lovers of Jerusalem, from death. She is next discovered under the command of the King of Jerusalem, Aladine, aiding that city's defences, together with the bold knight Argantes. Tancred saw her on the field and fell in love with her, thus refusing to do battle with her. Because of this, a lessor champion was sent out from the Christian hosts, and Clorinda slew him. Erminia, her companion, being herself enamoured of Tancred, then escaped Jerusalem in the guise of Clorinda, purposing to enter the Christian camp, but being surprised by a party of knights without, she fled and was lost in the forests.