Codex Bobiensis

Codex Bobiensis (Siglum k, Nr. 1 by Beuron) is one of the oldest Old Latin manuscripts of the New Testament. The fragmentary text contains parts of the Gospel of Mark (Mk 8:8-16:9) and Gospel of Matthew (Mt 1:1-15:36).[1]
Probably it is written in North Africa, and is dated to the 4th or 5th century. Later, it was brought to the monastery in Bobbio in northern Italy.[2] Today it is housed in the national library in Turin.
Researchers, comparing the Codex Bobiensis with quotes from Cyprian’s publications from the 3rd century, think it may represent a page from the Bible Cyprian used while he was a bishop in Carthage. A palaeographic study of the scripture determined it is a copy of a papyrus script from the 2nd century.
Codex Bobiensis is the only known example of the shorter ending added directly to Mark 16:8, but not the "long ending" through Mark 16:20.[3]
The Latin text of the codex is a representative of the Western text-type.
Textual features
In Matthew 8:12 it represents textual variant ἐξελεύσονται (will go out) instead of ἐκβληθήσονται (will be thrown). This variant is supported only by two Greek manuscripts Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Climaci Rescriptus, and by syrc, s, p, pal, arm, Diatessaron.[4]
There is a unique reading following Mark 16:3:
Subito autem ad horam tertiam tenebrae diei factae sunt per totum orbem terrae, et descenderunt de caelis angeli et surgent in claritate vivi Dei (viri duo?); simul ascenderunt cum eo, et continuo lux facta est. [5]
The text requires some conjectural emendation. Bruce Metzger provides the following translation:
"But suddenly at the third hour of the day there was darkness over the whole circle of the earth, and angels descended from the heavens, and as he [the Lord] was rising in the glory of the living God, at the same time they ascended with him; and immediately it was light." [6]
See also
- ↑ The order of books was probably: John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew. see Scrivener
- ↑ It was traditionally assigned to St. Columban, who died in the monastery he had founded there, in 615. , see F. H. A. Scrivener, A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament (London 1894), vol. 2, p. 48.
- ↑ K. Aland & B. Aland, The text of the New Testament: an introduction to the critical editions and to the Theory and Practice of the Modern Textual Criticism, Wm. Eerdmans, 1995, p. 188
- ↑ UBS4, p. 26.
- ↑ Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, Barbara Aland and Kurt Aland (eds), Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th edition, (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2012), p. 174.
- ↑ Metzger, Bruce The Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, 2nd edition (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1994) pp.101-102.
Further reading
- John Wordsworth, Old Latin Biblical Texts, Oxford 1886
- F. C. Burkitt, Notes. Saint Mark XV in codex k, JTS 1900, ss. 278-279.
- F. C. Burkitt, Further Notes on codex k, JTS 1904, ss. 100-107.
- C. H. Turner, A Re-collation of Codex k, JTS 1904, pp. 88–100.
External links and sources
- Bible Research: Codex Bobbiensis
- Catholic Planet: The Writing of the Gospels – Mark
- BIBLE VIEWS: Christian Doctrine and Practice: Translations and the Greek Text
- Image