Cologne Cathedral organs
The transept Organ
The organs of Cologne Cathedral are the major source of instrumental music at the cathedral, being played for daily services and accompanying the choir, as well as being used for concerts and recitals.
The organists of Cologne Cathedral have included Josef Zimmermann, Clemens Ganz and Winfried Bönig. Since their inauguration by Professor Zimmermann in 1960, there has been a series of twelve concerts each year, on Tuesday evenings from June to September.[1]
The cathedral contains two Klais pipe organs built in 1948 and 1998.
Transept Organ (Klais 1948/1956)
I Positiv C–c4
Gedacktpommer | 16′ |
Metallflöte | 8′ |
Rohrflöte | 8′ |
Salicet | 8′ |
Principal | 4′ |
Spitzflöte | 4′ |
Nasard | 22/3′ |
Waldflöte | 2′ |
Terz | 13/5′ |
Sifflöte | 11/3′ |
Mixtur IV-V | 11/3′ |
Dulcian | 16′ |
Trompete | 8′ |
Tremulant |
I Rückpositiv C–c4
Portunalflöte | 8′ |
Lieblich Gedackt | 8 |
Blockflöte | 4′ |
Superoctave | 2′ |
Sesquialtera II | 22/3′ |
Scharff IV-VI | 1/2′ |
Krummhorn | 8′ |
Tremulant |
II Hauptwerk C–c4
Principal | 16′ |
Bordun | 16′ |
Principal | 8′ |
Octave | 8′ |
Offenflöte | 8′ |
Gedackt | 8′ |
Gemshorn | 8′ |
Rohrquinte | 51/3′ |
Octave | 4′ |
Rohrflöte | 4′ |
Terz | 31/5′ |
Septime | 22/7′ |
Superoctave | 2′ |
Weitflöte | 2′ |
Großmixtur IV | 4′ |
Rauschpfeife III | 22/3′ |
Mixtur VI-VIII | 2′ |
Trompete | 16′ |
Trompete | 8′ |
Kopftrompete | 4′ |
III Schwellwerk C–c4
Großgedackt | 16′ |
Principal | 8′ |
Holzflöte | 8′ |
Gamba | 8′ |
Vox coelestis I-II | 8′ |
Octave | 4′ |
Querflöte | 4′ |
Nasard | 22/3′ |
Schwegel | 2′ |
Terz | 13/5′ |
Nachthorn | 1′ |
Mixtur IV | 22/3′ |
Fagott | 16′ |
Trompete | 8′ |
Oboe | 8′ |
Vox humana | 8′ |
Trompete | 4′ |
Tremulant |
IV Solowerk C–c4
Metallflöte (Pos) | 8′ |
Rohrflöte (Pos) | 8′ |
Quintade | 8′ |
Principal (Pos) | 4′ |
Koppelflöte (Pos) | 4′ |
Nasard (Pos) | 22/3′ |
Waldflöte | 2′ |
Sifflöte (Pos) | 11/3′ |
Septime | 11/7′ |
None | 8/9′ |
Nonenkornett IV | 13/5′ |
Mixtur IV-V (Pos) | 11/3′ |
Aliquot II-III | 1′ |
Terzcymbel III-IV | 1/3′ |
Dulcian (Pos) | 16′ |
Trompete (Pos) | 8′ |
Röhrenglocken |
Cymbelstern |
Tremulant |
IV Hochdruckwerk C–c4
Konzertflöte | 8′ |
Stentorgambe | 8′ |
Tuba magna | 16′ |
Tuba major | 8′ |
Tuba mirabilis | 8′ |
Tuba episcopalis | 8′[2] |
Tuba capitularis | 8′[2] |
Pedal C–g1
Vox Balenae | 64′ (211/3′) |
from Principal 32′ |
Principalbass | 32′ |
Untersatz | 32′ |
Principalbass | 16′ |
Contrabass | 16′ |
Subbass | 16′ |
Zartbass (SW) | 16′ |
Octavbass | 8′ |
Flötenbass | 8′ |
Gedacktbass | 8′ |
Choralbass | 4′ |
Bassflöte | 4′ |
Principal | 2′ |
Hintersatz VI | 22/3′ |
Mixtur IV | 11/3′ |
Contraposaune | 32′ |
Posaune | 16′ |
Fagott (SW) | 16′ |
Basstrompete | 8′ |
Clarine | 4′ |
Nave Organ (Klais 1998)
The nave organ
I Rückpositiv C–c4
Bourdun | 16′ |
Praestant | 8′ |
Rohrflöte | 8′ |
Salicional | 8′ |
Principal | 4′ |
Spitzflöte | 4′ |
Nasard | 22/3′ |
Waldflöte | 2′ |
Terz | 13/5′ |
Quinte | 11/3′ |
Scharff V | 1′ |
Dulcian | 16′ |
Cromhorn | 8′ |
Vox Humana | 8′ |
Tremulant |
II Hauptwerk C–c4
Praestant | 16′ |
Principal | 8′ |
Doppelflöte | 8′ |
Gemshorn | 8′ |
Octave | 4′ |
Rohrflöte | 4′ |
Quinte | 22/3′ |
Superoctave | 2′ |
Mixtura Major IV | 2′ |
Mixtura Minor IV | 22/3′ |
Cornet V (ab f0) | 8 |
Trompete | 16′ |
Trompete | 8′ |
Trompete | 4′ |
III Schwellwerk C–c4
Salicet | 16′ |
Principal | 8′ |
Bordun | 8′ |
Gambe | 8′ |
Vox coelestis | 8′ |
Octave | 4′ |
Traversflöte | 4′ |
Quintflöte | 22/3′ |
Flageolet | 2′ |
Terzflöte | 13/5′ |
Mixtur IV | 2′ |
Fagott | 16′ |
Trompete | 8′ |
Oboe | 8′ |
Tremulant |
Pedal C–g1
Violon | 32′ |
Principal | 16′ |
Subbaß | 16′ |
Quinte | 102/3′ |
Octave | 8′ |
Bartpfeife | 8′ |
Superoctave | 4′ |
Flöte | 4′ |
Posaune | 16′ |
Trompete | 8′ |
Clarine | 4′ |
- Couplers: I/II, III/II, III/I, Sub III/III, Sub III/II, Super III/III, Super III/II, Super III/I, I/P, II/P, III/P.