Cultural depictions of Cleopatra
Cleopatra has been the subject of literature, films, plays, television programs, and art. Only those with Wikipedia articles are cited.
- Kimberly-Clark: 2010 TV campaign for Poise adult underwear with Whoopi Goldberg as Cleopatra [1]
- Doctor's Associates: Subway 2010 "Five Dollar Foot Long" TV campaign with Ewa Da Cruz as Cleopatra
- Fleet Laboratories: 2011 Summer's Eve TV campaign [2]
- ooVoo: "Arcana Academy" campaign [3]

Cleopatra as a Goddess; 1st century BC

"La morte di Cleopatra" by Cagnacci

Poster for the film Cleopatra (1917), starring Theda Bara
The Banquet of Cleopatra was a subject in art, mainly of the Baroque period.
- Robert K. Abbett: cover of Cleopatra (1962)
- Lawrence Alma-Tadema: "Cleopatra" (1875)
- "The Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra" (1883)
- Ivan Argunov: "Умирающая Клеопатра" (1749)
- Francesco Xanto Avelli: "Marco Antonio e Cleopatra" (1542) [4]
- Gillian Ayres: "Antony and Cleopatra" (1982)
- Bartolommeo Bandinelli: "Cleopatra"
- Francesco Baratta: "Cleopatra" [5]
- François Barois: "Cléopâtre mourant" (1700)
- Pompeo Batoni: "Cleopatra e Marco Antonio morente" (1763)
- Hans Sebald Beham: "Der tod der Kleopatra" (1529) [6]
- Gyula Benczúr: "Kleopátra" (1911)
- Claude Bertin: "Cléopâtre se suicide" (c. 1697)
- Jacques Blanchard: "La mort de Cléopâtre" (c. 1620)
- Arnold Böcklin "Kleopatra" (1872)
- Pier Jacopo Alari Bonacolsi "Cleopatra" (1519–1522)
- Boucicaut Master: "Cléopâtre a présenté avec la tête et membres de son propre enfant" (c. 1415) [7]
- "Le tombeau de Marc Antony et de Cléopâtre" (c. 1415) [8]
- Frederick Arthur Bridgman: "Cleopatra on the Terraces of Philae" (1896)
- "Cleopatra's Barge"
- Frank Brunner: "Cleopatra" (1976)
- Winifred Brunton: "Queen Cleopatra VII"
- Alexandre Cabanel: "Cléopatre essayant des poisons sur des condangés à mort" (1887)
- Guido Cagnacci: "La morte di Cleopatra" (1658)
- "La morte di Cleopatra" (1660)
- Denis Calvaert: "De dood van Cleopatra" (1590)
- Andrea Casali: "Antonio e Cleopatra" [9]
- André Castaigne: "Antoine et Cléopâtre" (1911)
- Chelsea Porcelain: "The Death of Cleopatra" (1760) [10]
- Demetre Chiparus: "Cleopatra" (c. 1925)
- Giovanni Battista Cipriani: "Cleopatra" after Benvenuto Cellini [11]
- Auguste Clésinger: "Cléopâtre" [12]
- John Collier: "The Death of Cleopatra" (1890)
- Michel Corneille "Cléopâtre et l'aspic" (1650–1660)
- Donato Creti: "Cleopatra" (1710)
- Pietro da Cortona: "Cesare rimette Cleopatra sul trono d'Egitto" (1637)
- Salvador Dalí: "Cesare y Cleopatra" (1972)
- "La muerte de Cleopatra" (1975)
- "Les Amoureux Antoine et Cléopâtre" (1979)
- Leonardo da Pistoia: "Cleopatra" [13]
- George and Edward Dalziel: "Cleopatra" (1864) after Frederick Sandys [14]
- Jacopo de' Barbari: "Cleopatra" (c. 1508) [15]
- Jan de Bray: "Het banket van Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra" (1669)
- Eugène Delacroix: "Cléopâtre et le paysan" (1838)
- Gerard de Lairesse: "La banquet de Cléopâtre" (1680)
- Jean François de Troy: "La mort de Cléopâtre" [16]
- Archie Dickens: "Cleopatra" (1990)
- Erté: cover for the February 1927 Harper's Bazaar [17]
- Thomas Francis Dicksee: "Cleopatra" (1876)
- Piero di Cosimo: "Cleopatra" (1485–1490)
- Domenichino: "La morte di Cleopatra"
- Jean-Bernard Duvivier: "Cléopâtre" (1789)
- Adrian Feint: "Anthony and Cleopatra"
- Harrison Fisher: "Cleopatra" (1907) [18]
- Lavinia Fontana: "Cleopatra" (1585)
- Elisabeth Frink: "Anthony and Cleopatra" (1982), modeled by Helen Mirren and Michael Gambon
- Felice Ficherelli: "La morte di Cleopatra" (1650)
- "Scene dalla vita di Cleopatra" silver basin (1620–1625) after Bernardo Strozzi [19]
- Margaret Foley: "Cleopatra"
- Giacomo Francia: "Cleopatra"
- Francesco Furini: "La morte di Cleopatra" [20]
- Louis Gauffier: "Cléopâtre et Octavian" (1788)
- Cesare Gennari: "Cleopatra" (1663)
- Artemisia Gentileschi: "Cleopatra" (1621–1622)
- "Cleopatra" (1630)
- Orazio Gentileschi: "Cleopatra"
- Jean-Léon Gérôme: "Cléopâtre et César" (1866)
- Giampietrino: "Cleopatra" (c. 1525)
- "La morte di Cleopatra" (c. 1530)
- Achille Glisenti: "La morte di Cleopatra" (1878)
- Luca Giordano: "Cleopatra" (c. 1700)
- Pierre Gobert: "La Duchesse du Maine en Cléopâtre" [21]
- Thomas Ridgeway Gould: "Cleopatra" (1873) [22]
- Guercino: "Il suicidio di Cleopatra" (1621)
- "La Cleopatra morente" (c. 1648)
- Gavin Hamilton: "The Death of Cleopatra" (1767)
- Augustin Hirschvogel: "Der tod der Kleopatra"
- Gerard Hoet: "Het Feest van Cleopatra" [23]
- Howard David Johnson: "Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt" [24]
- Jacob Jordaens: "Het Feest van Cleopatra" (1653)
- Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée: "La mort de Cléopâtre"
- Giovanni Lanfranco: "Il suicidio di Cleopatra" (1632–1633)
- Gregorio Lazzarini: "Cleopatra o allegoria della Prudenza"
- Edmonia Lewis: "The Death of Cleopatra" (1876)
- Johann Liss: "Der tod der Kleopatra" (1622–1624)
- Claude Lorrain: "Le débarquement de Cléopâtre à Tarse" (1642–1643)
- Juan Luna: "La muerte de Cleopatra" (1881)
- Angelica Kauffman: "Cleopatra"
- Hans Makart: "Der tod der Kleopatra" (1875)
- "Die Niljagd der Kleopatra" (1883–1884)
- Carlo Maratta: "Cleopatra e la perla" (1650)
- Jan Matsys: "Cleopatra" (c. 1565) [25]
- Luigi Mayer "Baths of Cleopatra at Alexandria" (1802), commissioned by Sir Robert Ainslie, 1st Baronet
- Giuseppe Mazzuoli: "La morte di Cleopatra" (c. 1713) [26]
- Sebastiano Mazzoni: "La morte di Cleopatra"
- "Il Banchetto di Cleopatra" (1660) [27]
- Angus McBride: "Antony and Cleopatra" (1973)
- Anton Raphael Mengs: "Augustus und Kleopatra" (1761)
- Michelangelo: "Cleopatra" (1533–1534)
- Pierre Mignard: "La mort de Cléopâtre" (1670)
- Gustave Moreau: "Cléopâtre" (c. 1887)
- Caspar Netscher: "De dood van Cleopatra" (1673)
- Terese Nielsen: "Cleopatra"
- Theodor Pallady: "Cleopatra" [28]
- Michael Parkes: "Cleopatra" (1990)
- Maxfield Parrish: "Cleopatra" (1917)
- Gianfrancesco Penni: "La morte di Cleopatra"
- Johann Georg Platzer: "Antonius und Kleopatra in der Schlacht bei Actium" (c. 1750)
- "Das Gastmal der Kleopatra" (1750) [29]
- Valentine Cameron Prinsep: "The Death of Cleopatra" [30]
- Domenico Puligo: "La morte di Cleopatra" (c. 1525)
- Marcantonio Raimondi: "La morte di Cleopatra" (1520–1525) [31]
- Jean-Baptiste Regnault: "La mort de Cléopâtre" (1796–1799)
- Rembrandt: "Studie van een naakt vrouw als Cleopatra" (c. 1637)
- Guido Reni: "Cleopatra con l'aspide" (1630)
- "Cleopatra" (1635–1640)
- Pietro Ricchi: "La morte di Cleopatra" (c. 1670)
- Sebastiano Ricci: "La morte di Cleopatra"
- Domenico Riccio: "Il suicidio di Cleopatra" (1552)
- Antoine Rivalz: "La mort de Cléopâtre" [32]
- Jean-André Rixens: "La mort de Cléopâtre" (1874)
- Girolamo Romani: "La morte di Cleopatra" lunette (1531–1532) [33]
- Mimmo Rotella: "Cleopatra"
- Peter Paul Rubens: "Cleopatra" (1615)
- School of Fontainebleau: "Cléopâtre" [34]
- "Cléopâtre" (1754) [35]
- Elisabetta Sirani: "Cleopatra" [36]
- Andrea Solari: "Cleopatra" [37]
- Leonello Spada: "La morte di Cleopatra" [38]
- Pierre Gustave Eugene Staal: "Cleopatra" (1858), from Mary Cowden Clarke's World Noted Women
- Massimo Stanzione: "Cleopatra" (1630) [39]
- William Wetmore Story: "Cleopatra" (1869)
- Jean-Joseph Taillasson: "Cléopâtre découvert par Rodogune d'avoir empoisonné la coupe nuptial" (1791)
- Giovanni Battista Tiepolo painted several works and cycles on Anthony and Cleopatra. The Banquet of Cleopatra (1744) is in Melbourne, Australia. Tiepolo returned to the subject a few years later in a scene in his fresco cycle on Anthony and Cleopatra in the Palazzo Labia in Venice. A further large oil Tiepolo version is paired with a Meeting of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. This is in Arkhangelskoye Palace near Moscow (1747, 338 x 600 cm). There are several oil sketch modelli and drawings.
- Timotheus: "Queen Cleopatra" [40]
- Michele Tosini: "Cleopatra" [41]
- Francesco Trevisani: "Il banchetto di Marco Antonio" (1702)
- Henry Tresham: "In the Palace in Alexandria" (1795), published by the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery dramatizing Antony and Cleopatra [42]
- Alessandro Turchi: "La morte di Antonio e Cleopatra" (1630–1635)
- "La morte di Cleopatra" (1640)
- Anthony van Dyck: "Death of Cleopatra VII"
- Justus van Egmont: "Het verhaal van Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra" (1677) [43]
- Willem van Mieris: "De dood van Cleopatra" (1694)
- Jan van Scorel: "De stervende Cleopatra" (c. 1523) [45]
- Alessandro Varotari: "Cleopatra" [46]
- Vecchietta: "Antonio e Cleopatra"
- Claude Vignon: "Cléopâtre se donnant la mort" (c. 1640)
- Vincent of Beauvais: "Les suicides d'Antoine et Cléopâtre" from Le Miroir Historial [47]
- John William Waterhouse: "Cleopatra" (1888)
- Richard Caton Woodville: "Cleopatra"
- "The Death of Cleopatra" (1889) for The Illustrated London News
- Johann Palisa named 216 Kleopatra after Cleopatra
- Jean-Pierre Aumer and Rodolphe Kreutzer: Antony et Cléopâtre (1808)
- Michel Fokine and Anton Arensky: Nuit d'Egypte (1908)
- restaged as Cléopâtre (1909) by Sergei Diaghilev, starring Ida Rubinstein, costumed by Léon Bakst [48]
- Martha Graham and Halim El-Dabh: One More Gaudy Night (1961)
- David Nixon and Claude-Michel Schönberg: Cleopatra (2011) for the Northern Ballet [49]
- Jean-Georges Noverre: Antony et Cléopâtre (1765)
- Ben Stevenson: Cleopatra (2000) for the Houston Ballet [50]

The 1909 Cléopâtre costume designed by Léon Bakst for Ida Rubinstein.
- Colgate-Palmolive: Cleopatra line of Beauty Cream Soap and lotions [51]
- Sandra Bernhard posed as Cleopatra for the August 1989 cover of Spy
- Kim Kardashian posed as Cleopatra based on Elizabeth Taylor's film portrayal for a photo spread in the March 2011 issue of Harper's Bazaar
- Robert Bernstein: Tales of Suspense #44, Tony Stark follows The Mad Pharaoh to ancient Egypt, and aids Cleopatra [52]
- Bret Blevins and Rick Remender: Legion of the Supernatural, #3
- Walter Crane: Sheba
- René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo: Asterix and Cleopatra
- Don Marquis: Archy and Mehitabel
- Vicente Segrelles: Cleopatra
- Cleopatra, Portrait of a Killer (2009) (Camelia Ben Sakour)
- Rome's Greatest Battles: Actium (2010) (Laëtitia Eïdo)

Theda Bara in Cleopatra (1917)

Claudette Colbert in Cleopatra (1934)
Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra (1963)
- The Angry Hills: the girl Morrison talks to on the phone says her name is Cleopatra
- Antony and Cleopatra (1908) (Florence Lawrence)
- Antony and Cleopatra (Ethel Teare)
- Antony and Cleopatra (Hildegarde Neil)
- Asterix and Cleopatra (Micheline Dax)
- Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (Monica Bellucci)
- Caesar and Cleopatra (Vivien Leigh)
- Carry On Cleo (Amanda Barrie)
- Cleobatra (1943) (Amina Rizk)
- Cleopatra (1917) (Theda Bara)
- Cleopatra (1934) (Claudette Colbert)
- Cleopatra (1963) (Elizabeth Taylor)
- Cleopatra (1970) (Chinatsu Nakayama)
- Cleopatra (1999) (Leonor Varela)
- Cleopatra (1970) (Viva)
- Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (1912) (Helen Gardner)
- Cléopâtre (1899) (Jeanne d'Alcy)
- Dante's Inferno (Lorna Low)
- Due notti con Cleopatra (Sophia Loren)
- Giulio Cesare (2006) (Danielle de Niese)
- Highway to Hell (Amy Stiller)
- Marie Antoinette: as Drouet tries to convince a mob that the man inside the carriage they have stopped is Louis XVI, a woman in the mob shouts facetiously, "And I'm Cleopatra!"
- Munchie Strikes Back (Antonia Dorian)
- The Notorious Cleopatra (Sonora)
- Serpent of the Nile (Rhonda Fleming)
- Scooby-Doo! in Where's My Mummy? (Virginia Madsen)
- The Story of Mankind (Virginia Mayo)
- Totò e Cleopatra (1963) (Magali Noël)
See also: Cleopatra (Character) page
- Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome The campaign in Pax Romana: 1. Actium: has a history section that talks about Antony and Cleopatra falling in love, the navy battle in Egypt and their downfall by suicide. Also in the campaign you're required to sink Cleopatra's barge in order to win the campaign.
- Anachronism Set 2 includes Cleopatra
- Assassin's Creed II In the backstory of the game, Cleopatra is included in a list of tyrannical rulers targeted by the assassins. She is killed by a female assassin named Amunet, who assassinates her using an asp to make the queen's death appear to be a suicide.
- BreakAway's and Impressions's "Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile" (2000)
- Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone -Cleopatra appears as an end boss in the final level of the arcade game.
- Cleopatra and the Society of Architects
- Cleopatra Fortune
- Civilization II
- Civilization III
- Civilization VI
- Civilization Revolution
- Dante's Inferno
- Kheops Studio's "Cleopatra: A Queen's Destiny" (2007)
- Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
- Shadow of Rome Iris and Charmian, twins who appear throughout the game who employ the character Sextus and his gladiators, are implied to be working for Cleopatra, even though it's never confirmed. But considering that the game is based around Julius Caeser's assassination, it's highly possible that she is the one who sent them.
- International Game Technology has a series of Cleopatra slot machines.
- Jacob Abbott: Cleopatra (1879)
- Giovanni Boccaccio: "Cleopatrae, Aegypti Reginae" (from De mulieribus claris)
- Gillian Bradshaw: Cleopatra's Heir
- Charlotte Brontë: Villette, Lucy is mortified at seeing a semi-nude painting of Cleopatra
- Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra (1935)
- Jeffrey K. Gardner: Cleopatra
- Georg Ebers: Kleopatra (1894)
- Karen Essex: Kleopatra (2001) and Pharaoh (2002)
- Colin Falconer: When We Were Gods (2000)
- Sarah Fielding: The Lives of Cleopatra and Octavia (1758)
- Théophile Gautier: "Un Nuit de Cléopâtre" (1838)
- Margaret George: The Memoirs of Cleopatra (1997)
- Delphine de Girardin: Cléopâtre (1847)
- Kristiana Gregory: The Royal Diaries: Cleopatra VII: Daughter of the Nile, Egypt, 57 B.C.
- Henry Gréville: Cléopâtre (1886)
- H. Rider Haggard: Cleopatra: Being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harmachis
- Margaret Carver Leighton: Cleopatra: Sister of the Moon (1969)
- Michael Livingston: The Shards of Heaven (2015)[53][54]
- Emil Ludwig: Kleopatra: Geschichte einer Königin (1937)
- Colleen McCullough: Caesar: Let the Dice Fly, The October Horse, and Antony and Cleopatra
- Michelle Moran: Cleopatra's Daughter (2009)
- Talbot Mundy: Tros of Samothrace
- Plutarch: Life of Antony
- François Rabelais: Cléopâtre dans l'Hadès (1553)
- Steven Saylor: The Judgment of Caesar
- John Maddox Roberts: The Princess and the Pirates
- Thornton Wilder: The Ides of March
- Tal Bachman's "She's So High" references Cleopatra
- Charles Griffes's "Cleopatra to the Asp" (1912)
- Charlie Sexton's "Impressed" references Antony and Cleopatra (from Pictures for Pleasure)
- Danny Schmidt's "Cleopatra" (2005) [55]
- Spin Doctors's "Cleopatra's Cat" (1994) (from Turn It Upside Down)
- Sophie Tucker's "Cleopatra Had a Jazz Band" (1917) [56]
- Thompson Twins's "Lies" references Cleopatra
- Adam and the Ants's Cleopatra (1979) (from Dirk Wears White Sox) - later covered by Elastica
- Frank Ocean's "Pyramids" (2012) extensively references Cleopatra
- Epic Rap Battles of History's battle, Cleopatra vs. Marilyn Monroe
- Katy Perry's music video for "Dark Horse" features an Ancient Egyptian theme, complete with the singer playing the role of "Katy-Patra".
- Madonna's Like it Or Not references Cleopatra (from Confessions On A Dancefloor)
- The Lumineers' sophomore album is titled Cleopatra, after the third track. The black and white photo on the cover depicts silent movie star Theda Bara in the title role in the 1917 film Cleopatra. It was released in 2016.
- Cleopatra (1779) by Pasquale Anfossi
- Antony and Cleopatra by Samuel Barber
- La Mort de Cléopâtre (1829) (cantata) by Hector Berlioz
- Antoine et Cléopâtre (1972) by Emmanuel Bondeville
- Cleopatra (1904) (tone poem) by George Whitefield Chadwick
- La Cleopatra by Domenico Cimarosa
- Omnium (2005) by Norman Durkee
- Antoine et Cléopâtre (2006) by Lewis Furey (adapted from Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra)
- "Variation de Cléopâtre" (from Faust) by Charles Gounod
- Cleopatra e Cesare (1742) by Carl Heinrich Graun
- Great Caesar (1899) (burlesque) by George Grossmith, Jr. and Paul Rubens
- Cleopatra's Night by Henry Kimball Hadley
- Giulio Cesare by George Frideric Handel
- Antonio e Cleopatra (1725) (serenata) by Johann Adolph Hasse
- Antonio e Cleopatra (1937) by Gian Francesco Malipiero
- Cléopâtre by Jules-Émile-Frédéric Massenet
- Die unglückselige Kleopatra, Königin von Ägypten (1704) by Johann Mattheson
- Antonio e Cleopatra (1701) (serenata) by Alessandro Scarlatti
- Die Perlen der Kleopatra (1923) by Oscar Straus
- Caesar's Revenge (1595) by Anonymous
- The False One (1620) by Francis Beaumont and Philip Massinger
- Caesar in Egypt (1724) by Colley Cibber (Cleopatra is a major character)
- Cleopatra by Samuel Daniel
- All for Love by John Dryden
- Marc-Antoine (c. 1578) by Robert Garnier
- Harmachio (1890) by H. Rider Haggard (renamed Cleopatra in 1891)
- Cléopâtre Captive (1552–1553) by Étienne Jodelle
- Cleopatra (1661) by Daniel Casper von Lohenstein
- Cléopâtre (1630) by Jean Mairet [57]
- Cleopâtre (1750) by Jean-François Marmontel [58]
- Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, Her Tragedy (1639) by Thomas May
- Cléopâtre (1890) by Émile Moreau and Victorien Sardou
- Antony and Cleopatra (1677) by Charles Sedley
- Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare
- Caesar and Cleopatra by George Bernard Shaw
- The Death of Cleopatra (1929) by Ahmed Shawqi
- The Tragedy of Antonie (c. 1592) by Mary Sidney
- "Dead Cleopatra Lies in a Crystal Casket" (1917) by Conrad Aiken
- "Cerchio II, Canto V" by Dante Alighieri (from Inferno)
- "Клеопатра" by Anna Akhmatova
- "Cléopâtre" (1670) by Isaac de Benserade
- "Cleopatrie Martiris, Egipti Regine" by Geoffrey Chaucer (from The Legend of Good Women)
- "Cleopatra" by Robert Crawford [59]
- "La Cleopatra" (1632) by Girolamo Graziani
- "Antoine et Cléopâtre" (from Les Trophées, 1878–1887) by José-Maria de Heredia
- "Cleopatra to the Asp" (1960) by Ted Hughes
- "Antony and Cleopatra" (1857) by William Haines Lytle
- "Au jardin de l’infante, Cléopâtre" (1893) by Albert Samain
- "Early in the Morning" (1955) by Louis Simpson [60]
- "After Reading Antony and Cleopatra" (1890) by Robert Louis Stevenson
- "Cleopatra" (1868) by William Wetmore Story
- "Cleopatra" (1864) by Algernon Charles Swinburne
- "Cleopatra to the Asp" (1897) by John B. Tabb

Lyndsey Marshal as Cleopatra in Rome
- Antonio e Cleopatra (1965) (Valeria Valeri)
- Antony and Cleopatra (1974) Royal Shakespeare Company (Janet Suzman)
- Antony and Cleopatra (1981) BBC Television Shakespeare (Jane Lapotaire)
- Antony and Cleopatra (1983) (Lynn Redgrave)
- Astro Boy: "The Return of Queen Cleopatra" (Season 1, Episode 31)
- Bewitched: "Samantha's Caesar Salad", Samantha conjures up Cleopatra to try to persuade Julius Caesar to return to his time
- Cleopatra (Leonor Varela)
- Cleopatra (2010) (TV series) (Sulaf Fawakherji)
- Cleopatra (2010) (TV series) (Cyrine Abdelnour)
- The Cleopatras (Michelle Newell)
- Clone High: a clone of Cleopatra is voiced by Christa Miller
- The Danny Thomas Show: "The Singing Sisters", as Kathy badgers Danny to audition a pair of singing nuns, he tells her "Okay, Cleopatra, get that snake away from me."
- Doctor Who: River Song (Alex Kingston) poses as Cleopatra several decades after her death
- Fantasy Island: "My Fair Pharaoh", a woman (Joan Collins) wants to be Cleopatra
- General Electric Theater: "Caesar and Cleopatra" (Piper Laurie)
- Giulio Cesare (1990) (Susan Larson)
- Hallmark Hall of Fame: "Caesar and Cleopatra" (Geneviève Bujold)
- Histeria! (voiced by Tress MacNeille)
- Horrible Histories (2009 TV series) (Martha Howe-Douglas/Kathryn Drysdale)
- Imperium: Augustus (Anna Valle)
- Julius Caesar (Samuela Sardo)
- Legends of the Hidden Temple: "The Snake Bracelet of Cleopatra"
- Meeting of Minds: "Queen Cleopatra/Theodore Roosevelt/Thomas Aquinas/Thomas Paine" (Jayne Meadows)
- The Morecambe & Wise Show: "Season 5, Episode 5" (Glenda Jackson)
- Mujeres Insólitas: "La Sierpe del Nilo" (Rocío Dúrcal)
- The New Addams Family: "Cleopatra, Green of the Nile" (Adam Behr and Nicholas Podbrey)
- Producers' Showcase: "Caesar and Cleopatra" (Claire Bloom)
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 11
- Rome (2005–07) (Lyndsey Marshal)
- The Spread of the Eagle (1963) (TV series) (Mary Morris)
- The Supersizers...: "The Supersizers Eat...Ancient Rome" (Sue Perkins)
- Teen Angel: "Honest Abe and Popular Steve" (Sue Giosa)
- You Are There: "The Death of Cleopatra" (Kim Stanley)
- Xena: Warrior Princess:
- "King of Assassins" (Gina Torres)
- "Antony & Cleopatra" (Jo Davidson/Lucy Lawless)
- ↑ "Whoopi Goldberg as Cleopatra" on YouTube April 22, 2010
- ↑ "Ad Campaign" May 12, 2014
- ↑ May 12, 2014
- ↑ "Plate" Museum of Fine Arts, Boston August 21, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" Museum of Fine Arts, Boston August 21, 2010
- ↑ "Beham, The Death of Cleopatra" ARTBase April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra Presented with the Head and Limbs of Her Own Child" J. Paul Getty Museum August 18, 2010
- ↑ "The Tomb of Marc Antony and Cleopatra" J. Paul Getty Museum August 18, 2010
- ↑ "Antony and Cleopatra by Andrea Casali" University of Texas Web Server August 21, 2010
- ↑ "Chelsea porcelain Cleopatra vase" British Museum May 12, 2010
- ↑ Benvenuto Cellini by Robert Henry Hobart Custby (p. 110) May 12, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" Historia del Arte (in Italian) April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" (in Italian) April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Illustration to Cleopatra a poem by Swinburne from Cornhill Magazine, 1864" Museum of Fine Arts, Boston August 21, 2010
- ↑ "Jacopo de' Barbari, Cleopatra a Drawing and Print" British Museum August 18, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" (in Italian) April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Feb 1927 Erté" Pinterest May 12, 2014
- ↑ "Cleopatra" Thom Buchanan March 19, 2014
- ↑ "Basin with Scenes from the Life of Cleopatra" J. Paul Getty Museum August 18, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" (in Italian) April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Les reines de la Méditerranée-Cléopâtre" Ministère de l’Éducation nationale April 23, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra". Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 1873. Retrieved March 5, 2015.
- ↑ "The Banquet of Cleopatra" March 19, 2014
- ↑ "Legendary Women" April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Five Women and Four Serpents" April 24, 2010
- ↑ "The Death of Cleopatra by Mazzuoli" Philadelphia Museum of Art April 22, 2010
- ↑ "The Banquet of Cleopatra" Smithsonian American Art Museum March 19, 2014
- ↑ "Two Tragic Destinies: Cleopatra and Lucretia" April 24, 2010
- ↑ "File:Johann Georg Platzer 004.jpg" March 19, 2014
- ↑ "Valentine Cameron Prinsep" April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Marcantonio_Raimondi_001.jpg" April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Two Tragic Destinies: Cleopatra and Lucretia" April 24, 2010
- ↑ "The Death of Cleopatra, lunette, 1531-1532" May 12, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra, French Fontainebleau School" National Gallery April 22, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra, Hulton Archive" J. Paul Getty Museum April 22, 2010
- ↑ "Sirani Cleopatra.JPG" Wikipedia April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Andrea Solari" Web Gallery of Art April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Attributed to Leonello Spada, The Death of Cleopatra" Christie's August 21, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" (in Italian) April 24, 2010
- ↑ "On the Antique Painting in Encaustic of Cleopatra, Discovered in 1818" by John Sartain April 22, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" (in Italian) April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Facius" Mobys Newt Ltd March 19, 2014
- ↑ "A Flemish Historical Tapestry" Christies April 22, 2010
- ↑ "Geraert Peemans" Art Institute of Chicago April 22, 2010
- ↑ "De stervende Cleopatra" Rijksmuseum Amsterdam April 24, 2010
- ↑ "The Art of the Vienna Galleries" (p. 286) April 24, 2010
- ↑ The Art of Suicide by Ron M. Brown, p. 53 April 24, 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra Premiere's March 8, 1908" Ballets Russes blog 22 April 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra, the new Ballet by Claude-Michel Schönberg & David Nixon". Northern Ballet. Retrieved 5 June 2011.
- ↑ "Cleopatra: A New Queen Reigns in Houston" Dance Magazine 3/2000 via 22 April 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra Cream Soap" Facebook Page May 12, 2014
- ↑ "Tales of Suspense (1959) #44" Accessed March 27, 2011
- ↑ "The Shards of Heaven by Michael Livingston". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved January 29, 2016.
- ↑ "Review: The Shards of Heaven by Michael Livingston". Kirkus Reviews. September 3, 2015. Retrieved January 29, 2016.
- ↑ "Danny Schmidt-Cleopatra" on YouTube 23 April 2010
- ↑ "CleopatraHadAJazzBandCoverSophieTucker" Wikimedia 25 April 2010
- ↑ Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama E. Cobham Brewer; Marion Harland p. 240 23 April 2010
- ↑ Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama E. Cobham Brewer; Marion Harland p. 240 23 April 2010
- ↑ "Cleopatra" by Robert Crawford" 24 April 2010
- ↑ "Louis Simpson, Early in the Morning" The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry 24 April 2010
External links
- Cleopatra at the Internet Movie Database
This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 9/30/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.