Dimitrie Anghel

Dimitrie Anghel (July 16, 1872 in Corneşti, Iaşi - November 13, 1914) was a Romanian poet.
His first poem was published in Contemporanul (1890). His debut editorial Traduceri din Paul Verlaine was published in 1903 and in 1905 he published a volume of his works in În grădină, and in 1909, in Fantazii.
Notable poems, many of which were in collaboration with Ștefan Octavian Iosif, include Legenda funigeilor (dramatic poem, 1907), Cometa (comedy, 1908), Caleidoscopul lui A. Mirea (1908), Carmen saeculare (historical poem, 1909), published in 1910, Cireşul lui Lucullus (proză).
Around 1911 later in life he developed an interest in prose and published Povestea celor necăjiţi (1911), Fantome (1911), Oglinda fermecată (1912), Triumful vieţii (1912) and Steluţa (1913).
He fell in love with Iosif's wife Natalia Negru, who left her husband and divorced him. Anghel and Negru married in November 1911. In the autumn of 1914, during a quarrel, Anghel fired a warning shot at Negru, lightly wounding her. Believing he had killed her, he shot himself in the chest. The resulting wound became infected, and he died of septicemia two weeks later.[1]
- ↑ (Romanian) Marius Mototolea, "Povestea tragicului triunghi amoros din istoria literaturii române", Adevărul, February 8, 2013
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