Dor Guez

Portrait of Dor Guez by Dvora Orbach

Dor Guez (born in Baka, Jerusalem) is an artist and a scholar who lives in Jaffa. Guez is a critical voice from the Middle East whose work interrogates personal and official accounts of the past while revealing histories that were previously absent. His work raises questions about contemporary art's role in narrating unwritten histories, and re-contextualizing visual and written documents. The artist's cultural heritage, Christian Palestinian and Jewish Tunisian, is reflected in his artistic interest. Guez's latest on-going project, "The Sick Man of Europe", has been shown at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art, London), MOCAD (Museum of Contemporary Art, Detroit) Villa Stuck Museum, Munich and CCA, Tel Aviv.


On his father's side Guez is a third-generation Holocaust survivor, and on his mother's side, the scion of a prominent Palestinian-Christian family from Lydda, Al-Monayer, whom were among the 2% of the city population that remained in Lydda after the 1948 war, when Israel was established.

Guez is a graduate of Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem. He received his PhD from Tel Aviv University in 2014. Guez's latest research project about archives, Pre-Israeli Orientalism, was published by Resling in October 2015. In 2014 Guez was nominated as head of the Photography Department at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. At the age of 33, Guez is the youngest department head in the history of the academy. With over 200 students and teachers, the Photography Department is one of the leading departments in the Middle East. Guez's appointment marks the Photography Department's commitment to exploring the cultural and political context of the Middle East, emphasizing the context in which the Jewish and Palestinian students live and work. A related initiative on the link between artistic practice and research is currently a central element of the new curriculum.

Artistic career

Guez's work has been the subject of over 25 solo exhibitions worldwide, with his most recent at the ICA in London, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Detroit. Past solo exhibitions have been held at The Rose Art Museum in Boston, Artpace, San Antonio, the Mosaic Rooms, Centre for Contemporary Arab Culture, London, The KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin,Tel Aviv Museum of Art, and Petach Tikva Museum of Art. Guez's work has been included in numerous international exhibitions and biennials including the 12th Istanbul Biennial; 8th Berlin Biennial; 17th, 18th and 19th International Contemporary Art Festival, Videobrasil, São Paulo; 3rd Moscow International Biennale, Moscow; Biennale Benin, Cotonou; Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography; MAXXI Museum, Rome; Cleveland Institute of Art; Triennale Museum, Milan; Villa Stuck Museum, Munich; Weatherspoon Art Museum, North Carolina, among others.

Seven publications have published Guez's artistic practice:

Dor Guez: The Sick Man of Europe: The Architect, Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Texts by: Chelsea Haines, Kamal P. and Dor Guez, MOCAD, Detroit, 2015.

Dor Guez: The Sick Man of Europe: The Painter, ICA London, Texts by: Achim Borchardt-Hume, D.Guez and Dor Guez, Published by: A.M Qattan Foundation and ICA, London, 2015.

Dor Guez: 40 Days, The Mosaic Rooms, Texts by: Omar al-Qattan, Mitra Abbaspour, and Dor Guez, Published by: Al-Qattan Foundation, Contemporary Culture from the Arab World, 2013.

Dor Guez: 100 Steps to the Mediterranean, The Rose Art Museum, Texts by: Samir Srouji, Gannit Ankori, Dabney Hailey, and Dor Guez, Published by: New England Press, 2012.

Dor Guez: The Nation's Groves, Tel Aviv Museum of Art: Nathan Gottesdiener Foundation, Texts by: Ellen Ginton, and Efrat Livny, Published by: Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2011.

Dor Guez: Al-Lydd, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Texts by: Susanne Pfeffer, Felix Ensslin, Ariella Azoulay, and Dor Guez, Published by: DISTANZ Verlag, Berlin, 2010.

Dor Guez: Georgiopolis, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Texts by: Drorit Gur Arie, Ariella Azoulay, Gil Eyal, Michal Heiman and Dor Guez, Published by: Petach Tikva Museum of Art, 2009.

Guez's works are held in numerous international private and public collections, including Rose Art Museum (Boston), FRAC collection (Marseille), Israel Museum (Jerusalem), Schocken collection (Te Aviv), BNL collection (Italy), Petach Tikva Museum of Art (Petach Tikva), Brandis University (Waltham), Recanati collection (New York), Beit Hatfutsot (Tel Aviv), amongst others.

Dor Guez is represented by Dvir Gallery in Tel Aviv and Brussels[1] and Galerie carlier|gebauer, Berlin.[2]

Awards and recognition

Guez is the recipient of The Ruth Ann and Nathan Perlmutter Artist in Residency Award, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University; and International Artist in Residence Award, Artpace, San Antonio.

See also


External links

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