Ecbolium linneanum

Ecbolium linneanum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Ecbolium
Species: E. linneanum
Binomial name
Ecbolium linneanum
  • Justicia ecbolia

Ecbolium linneanum [1] is a shrub, endemic to India. It is a synonym of Ecbolium ligustrinum.

The roots of this plant are used in jaundice and menorrhagia.[2]

Blue Fox Tail is a shrubby plant, with 4-sided flower-spikes at the end of branches. Bracts are oval, entire, mucronate. Leaves are elliptic-oblong, narrowed at both ends, velvety. Flowers are large, greenish blue. Upper lip of the flower is linear, reflexed. Blue Fox Tail is found in Mumbai and Konkan region.

Medicinal uses

Plant is used in gout and dysuria; decoction of leaves for stricture. Roots are given in jaundice, menorrhagia and rheumatism.

Common names


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