
Elegua (Yoruba: Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára, also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America) is an Orisha Of The Roads Or, Caminos, In The Religion Of Santeria, Candomble, and in Palo Mayombe. He is syncretized with either Saint Michael, Saint Anthony of Padua, or the Holy Child of Atocha.[1]
Elegua is sometimes viewed both as a an orisha and an Ajogun.
Ellegua is depicted in the Yoruba religion of Santeria, which is also known as the Regla de Ocha in Cuba, as the Orisha, or God, of the caminos or roads. All ceremonies/rituals done in the religion of Santeria, must first have approval by Ellegua before progressing.
There is a Pataki, also known as a story in Santeria, in which Olodumare, gives Ellegua the keys to the past, present, and future; for this reason, Ellegua is often depicted holding a set of keys.
In Africa
Ellegua also makes an appearance in the Yoruba religion before the religion of Santeria was formed.

Ellegua is usually depicted as a young boy, or in some caminos, an old man. His object of power is the garabato.

See also
External links
- Santeria.fr :: All About Eleggua
- Santeria.fr :: Todo Sobre Eleggua
- Santeria.fr :: Tout sur les Eleggua