European Academy of Sciences
The European Academy of Sciences (Latin: Academia Scientiarum Europaea) is an international non-profit organization (AISBL) aiming to promote excellence in science and technology.[1] Based in Liège, Belgium, it has 500 members, including 65 Nobel Prize and Fields Medal winners, from 63 countries. It is registered in and operates under rules and regulations of Belgium, and was on 17 December 2003 established as an AISBL by Belgian royal decree.
Since 2004, the academy has published multidisciplinary annals, e-newsletters for science and technology, and since 2009 various books. Its first general assemblies and ceremonies of awards were organized in Brussels (Palais d'Egmont, Palais des Académies) and since 2009, each year in another country (2009: Università di Bologna, Italy; 2010: Academy of Athens, Greece; 2011: Università di Milano, Italy; 2012: Université de Liège, Belgium; 2013: L.C.C de Toulouse, France; 2014: Cada do Infante, Porto, Portugal; 2015: Le Quartz Centre de Congrès Brest, France). Since 2012 the academy has also organized an annual symposium called The Future of Sciences in the 21st Century.
The Academy has nine divisions:
- Chemistry
- Computational and Information Sciences
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Engineering
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- Physics
- Social Sciences
The major objective of the academy is to establish efficient collaboration among scientists, researchers, educators, engineers, and public authorities worldwide. The academy promotes interaction between basic and applied research and eases transfer of knowledge between knowledge and end-users. Theacademy contributes towards the development of international policies in science and technology and facilitates the creation of a critical mass needed for solving the most important scientific problems. The Academy draws upon its membership and current information about scientific and technological progress to identify the most important problems and to discuss the ways for their solutions.
Leonardo da Vinci Award
The European Academy of Sciences established the Leonardo da Vinci Award in 2009 for Outstanding Lifelong Achievement. One award is attributed per year.[2]
- 2009 : Rita Levi-Montalcini (IT)
- 2010 : Jacques Friedel (FR)
- 2011 : James D. Murray (GB)
- 2013 : Michael Grätzel (DE)
- 2015 : Jean Jouzel (FR)
Blaise Pascal Medals

The European Academy of Sciences established the Blaise Pascal Medal in 2003 to recognise an outstanding and demonstrated personal contribution to science and technology and the promotion of excellence in research and education. Up to six medals may be awarded in any one year.[3]
- Mathematics
- 2004 : Lev Kudryavtsev (RU)
- 2005 : Edmund Hlawka (AT)
- 2008 : Willi Jaeger (DE)
- 2009 : Pierre-Arnaud Raviart[4] (FR)
- 2011 : Karl Sigmund (DE)
- 2012 : Franco Brezzi (IT)
- 2013 : Benoit Perthame (FR)
- 2015 : Luis Vega (SP)
- Chemistry
- 2007 : Frans Carl de Schryver (BE)
- 2009 : Vincenzo Balzani (IT)
- 2010 : Henry B. Kagan (FR)
- 2011 : Helmut Schwarz[5] (DE)
- 2012 : Jean-Pierre Sauvage (FR)
- 2014 : Hubert Schmidbaur (DE)
- 2015 : Herbert W. Roesky (DE)
- Physics
- 2003 : Enzo Tiezzi (IT)
- 2004 : Emmanuel Floratos (GR) and Manuel Cardona (ES/DE)
- 2005 : Isaak M. Khalatnikov (RU)
- 2007 : Edward Layer (PL)
- 2008 : Bernard Barbara[6] (FR)
- 2009 : Jean Dalibard (fr) [7] (FR)
- 2010 : David Sherrington (GB) and Giovanni F. BIGNAMI (IT)
- 2011 : Peter Zoller (AUT)
- 2012 : Charles Joachain (BE)
- 2013 : Anne L'Huillier (FR)
- 2014 : Daniel Loss (CH)
- 2015 : Manuel Garcia Velarde (SP)
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- 2003 : Enders Robinson (USA)
- 2005 : Khalid Aziz (USA)
- 2007 : Sven Erik Jørgensen (DK)
- 2014 : Jean Pierre Gattuso (FR)
- 2015 : Corinne Le Quéré (GB) and Christos Zerefos (GR)
- Medicine and Life Sciences
- 2003 : Jan Balzarini (BE) and Eric De Clercq (BE)
- 2004 : Erich Windhab (CH)
- 2005 : Peter W. H. Holland (GB)
- 2007 : Howard Green (USA)
- 2008 : Saverio Cinti[8] (IT)
- 2009 : Edgardo D. Carosella (FR)
- 2010 : Howard Morris[9] (GB)
- 2011 : Peter Carmeliet (BE)
- 2012 : Steven Laureys[10] (BE)
- Materials Science
- 2007 : Alexander N. Guz (UA)
- 2008 : Terence G. Langdon[11] (GB)
- 2009 : Herbert Gleiter (DE)
- 2010 : Martin Schadt (CH)
- 2011 : Ruslan Valiev (RU)
- 2012 : Hans-Joachim Freund (DE)
- 2013 : Maurizio Prato (IT)
- 2014 : Sir John M. Thomas (UK)
- 2015 : Ulrike Diebold (DE)
- Computational and Information Sciences
- 2003 : Boris Verkhovsky (USA)
- 2004 : Robert Tarjan (USA)
- 2007 : Oscar H. Ibarra[12] (USA)
- 2008 : Moshe Y. Vardi[13] (USA)
- 2009 : Thomas Kailath (USA)
- 2011 : Gordon Plotkin (GB)
- Engineering
- 2004 : Stan Veprek (DE)
- 2005 : Marie-Paule Pileni (FR)
- 2010 : Anthony Kounadis (GR)
- 2011 : Giulio Maier (IT)
- 2013 : Dmitry Klimov (RU)
- Social Sciences
- 2008 : Georges Van den Abbeele[14] (USA/BE)
- 2009 : Claude DEBRU (FR)
- 2014 : Eberhard Knobloch (DE)
- 2015 : Martin Carrier (DE)
Symposia: The Future of Science in the 21st Century
Following an annual tradition, the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) organizes each year a Ceremony of Awards honouring scientists for their works in different fields of science. The ceremony, hosted in an European University, is generally coupled with a one-day symposium focussing on a subject of general interest. The speakers are invited to give talks accessible to a multidisciplinary scientific audience. The main purpose of the event is to allow our members and guest scientists, to learn, discuss and exchange ideas on subjects of interest for eventual collaborations but also for dissemination in the public and among the European leaders, which is one of the mission of the Academy.
Symposium 2012: Sustainability
The 2012 symposium, the first one of this nature, took place the day before the Ceremony of Awards, on 25 October 2012, at the Université de Liege in Belgium.
- Speakers :
- Professor Avner Friedman (United States), "Technologies that will power Civilization".
- Professor Jerzy Leszczynski (United States), "Nano: Chance or Curse of Current Century?"
- Professor Vincenzo Balzani (IT), "Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis: Basic Century"
- Professor Surya Prakash (United States), "Beyond Oil and Gas: the Methanol Economy"
- Doctor Eric Gaffet (FR), "Solutions for Securing Supplies of Raw Materials"
- Professor Frédéric Bourgois (XYLOWATT[15]), "Development of New energies for the Future".
- Doctor Fabrizio Maseri (CRM GROUP[16]), "Advanced Metals for Energy Applications : How to make a bridge between Fundamentals and Industry?".
- Doctor Richard Zimmermann (IBA[17]), "Technological Improvements of Radioactivity Applications in Healthcare".
- Mrs Valérie Gordenne (MITHRA pharmaceuticals[18]), "Developing Effectiveness of New Medicines: (Cancer, Infertility): MITHRA Story, a Success of Scientific Research".
- Professor Joseph Martial (Symbiose Biotech S.A), "From the Life Sciences to the Materials of the Future".
Symposium 2013: Science and Aerospace
To bring together international experts representing several different EURASC disciplines in the context of scientific contributions to and challenges from aerospace, a technology in which Toulouse is a major centre, together with local scientists and engineers, in anticipation of mutual education and inspiration.
- Speakers:
- Professor Marc Mézard (FR), "Statistical Physics and Information Theory : New Frontiers"
- Professor Giorgio Palumbo (IT), "How to see a black hole"
- Doctor Hervé Dole (FR), "Cosmological results of the Planck Mission"
- Professor Alberto Carpinteri (IT), "Piezonuclear fision reactions from fracture and turbulence : the chemical evolution in the planets of the solar system"
- Professor Ni-Bin Chang (United States), "Monitoring water quality from space : a new frontier on satellite sensor fusion"
- Professor Yves Gourinat (FR), "Dynamics of space structures & living systems"
- Mr. Marcos Kettner (DE), "Development of high energy dense oxidizers for rocket propulsion"
- Professor Robert Goldstein (RU), "Challenges in fracture mechanics of materials and structures for aerospace"
Symposium 2014: Sciences and Ethics
The broad theme Science and Ethics has been a subject of concern for scientists, philosophers, science administrators and decision-makers since the end of WW2, and much more recently since the development of biotechnologies. As a matter of fact, this subject has become a matter of public interest, and not only of specialists. Many problems are involved : the self-representation of science and its internal values (the so-called epistemic values), the public understanding of science, the role of expertise in political decision, the relationships between ethics and law, and the increasing necessity of an ethical education of scientists themselves (see the recommendations of ALLEA and of some national committees of UNESCO).
- Speakers:
- Professor João Rocha (PT), "Materials Science, culture and ethics: personal accounts"
- Professor Simon Berkovich (USA), "Shifting the paradigm in the time of crisis"
- Professor Rui Nunes (PT), "Science, Ethics and Bioethics"
- Professor Paul Tréguer (FR), "Marine sciences in the 21st century: ethical issues"
- Professor Dr. Anna Olsson (PT), "Ethics in Animal Research"
- Professor Sir John Thomas (UK), "Reflections on Ethical Aspects of the Future of Science"
- Professor Claude Debru (FR), "Some remarks about the ethical education and training of scientists and physicians"
Symposium 2015: Climate Change: impacts on ocean, food production, health and the economy
2015 is a special year with the upcoming Climate Conference (Conference of Parties, COP21) in Paris in December. Its goal is to reach a global agreement to mitigate and adapt to climate change as part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Hence, EURASC has focused our 2015 meeting on “Climate change: impacts on ocean, food production, health and the economy”. The symposium will be an official event of COP21, invited by the Université de Bretagne Occidentale and organised by the European Academy of Sciences. EURASC 2015 is hosted by "SaferSeas", an international event that takes place every two years in Brest, France. The EURASC 2015 conferences will be open to the participants of the other "SaferSeas" workshops and conferences; reciprocally the registered EURASC participants can attend the "SaferSeas" workshops and conferences.
- Speakers
- Jean Jouzel : "Climate changes on planet Earth: from the past to the present and the future"
- Andreas Tilche : "Climate challenges for Europe"
- Jan Mees : "The Ocean-Climate Nexus: key messages of the 5th European Marine Board Forum"
- Martin Visbeck : "Climate change in the Atlantic Ocean - Evidence from Observations?"
- Paul Wassmann : "Climate changes impacts on the Arctic Ocean ecosystems"
- Anil Markandya : "The Economic impacts of climate change"
- Sari Kovats : "Health impacts of climate change"
- John R. Porter : "Food systems and food security as drivers and outcomes of climate smart agriculture"
- Michel Colombier : "Climate change and international treaties"
Books edited by the European Academy of Sciences
- "Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry II, An Overview of the Last Two Decades and Current Trends" by Jerzy Leszczynski, Manoj k. Shukla (authors)
Fourth special issue of the European Academy of Sciences
- "Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry 1 An Overview of the Last Two Decades and Current Trends" by Jerzy Leszczynski, Manoj K. Shukla (editors)
Third special issue of the European Academy of Sciences
- "Recent Advances in Computational and Applied Mathematics" by Theodore E. Simos (editor)
Second special issue of the European Academy of Sciences
- "Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry Methods, Concepts and Applications" by Jerzy Leszczynski, Manoj K. Shukla (co-editors)
First special issue of the European Academy of Sciences
Before the creation of the Belgian AISBL European Academy of Sciences, one Italian group using the same name in 2002 had come under scrutiny for listing members who were unaware of their names being used,[19] for holding meetings in secret, and for allegations of fraudulent use of research funds.[20] The European Academy of Sciences is not a member of umbrella organisations like the InterAcademy Panel on International Issues[21] or the All European Academy,[22] and the U.K.'s Royal Society issued a statement on 31 October 2002 warning scientists "to exercise due caution before making financial commitments" to EAS.[23]
External links
- ↑ Europhysics News 43/3 (2012) pp. 10-11, written by B. Barbara and D. Sherrington,
- ↑ Leonardo da Vinci Award of the European Academy of Sciences,
- ↑ Blaise Pascal Medal of the European Academy of Sciences,
- ↑ Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris,
- ↑ H. Schwarz wins the BPM in Chemistry, by ChemViews, Chemistry Views,
- ↑ Prix Scientifiques, 2008, NEEL Institut,
- ↑ Prix et Distinctions, Institut francilien de recherche sur les atomes froids,
- ↑ TG2 (Rai TV), The news,
- ↑ Reporter, sharing stories with Imperial's community, 2011, Imperial College London,
- ↑ Salles académique et des Professeurs, Place du XX Août, 2012, Université de Liège,
- ↑ USC Viterbi School of Engineering
- ↑ Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara (USCB), 2007,
- ↑ RICE Unconventional Wisdom, Rice University News & Media, from RICE NEWS STAFF REPORTS, 2008,
- ↑ School of Humanities, University of California, Irvine, Office of the Dean, 2012,
- ↑ Xylowatt, waste to clean gas,
- ↑ CRM Group, the bridge between science and market,
- ↑ IBA, Protect, Enhance, and Save Lives,
- ↑ Mithra Pharmaceuticals, Life is women,
- ↑ Adam D (2002). "Suspensions intensify over European Academy of Sciences". Nature. 419 (6910): 865. doi:10.1038/419865a. PMID 12410266.
- ↑ Giles G (2007). "Geophysicist faces probe into use of research funds". Nature. 446 (7133): 236–237. doi:10.1038/446236a. PMID 17361141.
- ↑ "InterAcademy Panel on International Issues members". Retrieved 2010-06-25.
- ↑ "All European Academies members". Retrieved 2010-06-25.
- ↑ Weis P (2002). "Mystery academy holds first powwow in private". Science. 298 (5600): 1865. doi:10.1126/science.298.5600.1865a. PMID 12471227.