European Flight Test Safety Award

European Flight Test Safety Award of the first recipient Dr. Dieter Reisinger

The European Flight Test Safety Award was created after the fatal accident of test pilot Gérard Guillaumaud by his fiancée Heidi Biermeier. The regulations of the award state that recipients must be individuals who made significant contributions in the area of safety within flight testing.

Award Ceremony

The award was first granted in October 2007 in London at the award dinner concluding the 1st European Flight Test Safety Workshops. The workshop is hosted by the Flight Test Safety Committee of Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) and of Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE). The recipient is nominated by a jury, consisting of two flight test experts and the founder of the award, Ms. Heidi Biermeier.


Workshop Locations and Theme

There is also an annual North American Flight Test Safety Workshop.

External links

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