Bao Xian Fei

This is a Chinese name; the family name is Fei.
Bao Xian Fei
Born Traditional:

October 4, 1983
Nanjing, China

Bao Xian Fei (born October 4, 1983 in Nanjing, China) is a wushu expert who lives and teaches wushu in the Netherlands.


At the age of 5, Fei started to train with his father, Greatmaster Yuliang Fei, in different wushu styles, including Shaolin and modern forms.

His first film role was a security guard in the 2003 American television production "Second Nature", Alec Baldwin played the lead. In 2004, he played a more important role as "Wong" in "Fighting Fish", the first martial arts production in the Netherlands.

Sport results

4th World Wushu Championships 1997 - Rome, Italy

7th European Wushu Championships 1998 - Athens, Greece

5th World Wushu Championships 1999 - HongKong, PR of China

8th European Wushu Championships 2000 - Rotterdam, The Netherlands

6th World Wushu Championships 2001 - Yerevan, Armenia

9th European Wushu Championships 2002 - Porto, Portugal

7th World Wushu Championships 2003 - Macau, PR of China

8th World Wushu Championships 2005 - Hanoi, Vietnam


See also

External links

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