Film Crash
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Location | Santa Monica, CA, U.S. |
Website | |
Film Crash is a California based annual film festival, programming independent, experimental, low-budget and underground films. The programmers award prizes.[1]
In 1985 film director Matthew Harrison launched a floating film screening series in the East Village, Manhattan, adopting the name Film Crash and its associated logo in early 1988. He was joined later that year by film directors Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders.[2]
Film Crash grew, playing in venues such as 124 Ridge Street Gallery, Performance Space 122, R.A.P.P. Arts Center, Angelika Film Center,[3] Shooting Gallery, São Paulo Museum of Image and Sound, Hirshhorn Museum in Washington D.C. and Heliotrope Theater in Los Angeles.[4] In 2015 a Screenplay Competition component was added to Film Crash. The 2016 festival and screenplay competition was held at MiMoDa Studio in Los Angeles on October 22.[5]
Theater collaboration
As a collective of filmmakers, Film Crash also collaborated with the experimental theater group Ridge Theater, producing and directing films for several theater productions including Jack Benny[6] at La Mama in 1988 and The Manson Family[7] opera at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in 1990.
Film production
In 2002 Film Crash presented Mark Christensen's debut feature film Box Head Revolution. In 2006 Film Crash produced Ben Rodkin’s debut feature film Big Heart City starring Seymour Cassel and Shawn Andrews.
Film Crash Programs
- Aeon Directed by Derek O'Dell, First Prize Animated Film
- Heaven is Now Directed by Audrey Lorea, First Prize Feature Film
- Atomic Couple Directed by Rodrigo Espinosa, First Prize Comedy Short
- Competition Directed by Artur Boruzs, First Prize Student Short
- Retreat Hell Directed by Riley Robbins, Best Actor Short Film
- The Dabbler Man Directed by Mario Horton, First Prize Dramatic Short
- After the Storm Directed by Felix Tobin, First Prize Experimental Short
- Dead Van Drivin' Directed by Drew Morris, First Prize Documentary
- Asomnia Written by Stuart Creque, First Prize 1-Hour Drama Pilot
- Vijay Written by J. Panchalingam, First Prize 1/2-Hour Sitcom Pilot
- Luther's Gang Written by Massimiliano Mauceri, First Prize Action Adventure Screenplay
- The World Lifeguard Championship Written by J. J. Wheeler, Jury Prize Comedy Feature Screenplay
- The Winner Mindset Written by Doug Jacobson, First Prize Comedy Feature Screenplay
- Big Sister Written by David Chester, First Prize Dramatic Feature Screenplay
- Nicole, Her Ex & The Killer Written by Bob Akins, First Prize Horror Screenplay
- Devil's Portal Written by Frank del Aguila, First Prize Best Los Angeles Screenplay
- Male Delivery Written by Paul Penley, First Prize Romantic Comedy Screenplay
- Dinosaur Written by Frederik With-Seidelin Skov, First Prize Dramatic Short Screenplay
- Cajun Justice Written by Mike Briock, First Prize Thriller Screenplay
- WildLike Directed by Frank Hall Green, Best Feature Film
- Best before end... Directed by Nicolas Fogliarini, Best Short Film
- Vessels Directed by Arkasha Stevenson, Grand Jury Prize & Best Student Short Film
- The Little Match Girl Directed by Kyoko Yamashita, Best Animated Film
- Italian Justice Directed by Marzio Mirabella, Best Web/New Media
- Lapsus Directed by Karim Ouaret, Best Thriller Short Film
- Within Directed by Natalia Azevedo Andrade, Best Student Animated Film
- Tak Chung Wu Directed by Tyler Russo, Best Documentary
- September 26, 2015 - Undisclosed Venice Location, Los Angeles
- Who I Am Now Written by L Elizabeth Powers, First Prize Dramatic Screenplay
- The Body Written by Sally Shepard, First Prize Comedy Feature Screenplay
- Luis & Madeline Written by Alain Alfaro, First Prize Romantic Comedy Screenplay
- Raven Winters and the Spirit Vortex Written by Heather Ostrove, First Prize Action Adventure Screenplay
- Children of the Dead Written by Jeff Bassetti, First Prize Horror Screenplay
- Lilac Written by Hank Isaac, First Prize Web/New Media Screenplay
- Bogus Family Vacation Written by Sundae Jahant-Osborn, First Prize Best Los Angeles Screenwriter
- When You Wish Written by Troy Graham, First Prize Dramatic Short Screenplay
- You Love Me Why? Written by John Patishnock, First Prize Comedy Short Screenplay
- Niko Directed by Ilgar Ozturk, First Prize Thriller Short
- Bittersweet Monday Directed by Jaime Lee, First Prize Feature Film
- I Know You Directed by Colin Gerrard, Jury Prize Short Film
- The Caramel Corn Riot Directed by Guang Cheng Shie, First Prize Short Film
- November Directed by Eric Esser, First Prize Student Short
- Flavor & Fuel - A Story Of Modern Craftsmanship Produced by Matthew Woodget, First Prize Web/New Media
- Butterfly Fluttering Directed by Roman Kayumov, Jury Prize Narrative Short
- December 3, 2007 - Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles
- Elements Directed by Andrew Blackwood
- The Hesher Directed by Scott Cummings
- Last Albino Peacock Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Palm Trees Down 3rd St. Directed by Maria Judice
- Sleazeball Directed by Joe Paule
- Untitled Directed by Ben Rodkin
- The Killing Jar Directed by Aion Velie
- December 16, 1998 - Unterfuton Studios, New York City
- Eureka Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- Doctor Loud Directed by Adam Goldstein
- Bootleg Film Crash Intro Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Caring For Your Cat Directed by Matthew Harrison
- West Side Evan Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Losing Screws Directed by Kazuho Ohno
- How The Museum Of Natural History Caught The Brontosaurus Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Rape of Tiprin Slide Show
- Commons Tahiti Footage
- Uncle Hans And The Hamster Directed by Kirsten
- Nightmare On Water Street Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Around New York With Harry Zuno Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Farp Man Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Color Ade Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Robin Pillage Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Finger Directed by Jennifer Sheppard
- December 8, 1993 - Shooting Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- August 20, 1992 - São Paulo Museum of Image and Sound, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum & Scott Saunders
- Off The Roof Directed by Susie Klein
- Rupture Directed by Marcus Fernandez and Emmanuelle Bernard
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- The Beating Chamber Directed by Scott Saunders
- Lost Avenues Directed by Bill Morrison
- The Steep And Thorny Way Directed by Susie Klein
- The Grass Suit Directed by Gene Pool and Karl Nussbaum
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- January 12, 1992 - Anthology Film Archives, New York City
- Rupture Directed by Marcus Fernandez and Emmanuelle Bernard
- Craps Directed by Rick Rodine
- Dr. Fisher Directed by (unknown)
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- The Beating Chamber Directed by Scott Saunders
- Lost Avenues Directed by Bill Morrison
- Time Expired Directed by Danny Leiner
- The Steep And Thorny Way Directed by Susie Klein
- The Grass Suit Directed by Gene Pool and Karl Nussbaum
- September 27, 1991 - Angelika Film Center, New York City
- Rupture Directed by Marcus Fernandez and Emmanuelle Bernard
- Film Crash Intro Directed by Finkel Nussbaum
- The Beating Chamber Directed by Scott Saunders
- Lost Avenues Directed by Bill Morrison
- Time Expired Directed by Danny Leiner
- Her Fragrant Emulsion Directed by Lewis Klahr
- The Steep And Thorny Way Directed by Susie Klein
- The Grass Suit Directed by Gene Pool and Karl Nussbaum
- Soma Sema Directed by Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta
- September 27, 1991 - Limelight, New York City
- Three Directed by Matthew Harrison
- March 21, 1991 - Hirshhorn Museum, Washington D.C.
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum & Scott Saunders
- Off The Roof Directed by Susie Klein
- Covered In Fleas Directed by Ruth Peyser
- January 21, 1991 - Sundance Film Festival Bootleg Film Crash, Park City, Utah
- Spare Me Directed by Matthew Harrison
- September 27, 1990 - Kampo Cultural Center, New York City
- Program Lost
- July 13, 1990 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- June 29, 1990 - Angelika Film Center, New York City
- Film Crash Goes West Directed by Karl Nussbaum & Scott Saunders
- Visje Een, Visje Twee, Visje Visje In De Zee Directed by Kim Niekerk
- Rose Married A Junkie Directed by Laura Margulies
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Snowfield Directed by Bill Morrison
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum & Scott Saunders
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- Tracks Directed by Rupert A. Nadeau
- The Lights Are Out But It's Still Too Bright Directed by Susie Klein
- June 7, 1990 - Heliotrope Theater, Los Angeles
- Film Crash Kids Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Snowfield Directed by Bill Morrison
- Mother Of Wolves Directed by Peter Mark D'Auria
- Visje Een, Visje Twee, Visje Visje In De Zee Directed by Kim Niekerk
- Shark Show Directed by Scott Levy
- Where I'm Coming From Directed by Scott Saunders
- Jimmy And Red Directed by Megan Daniels
- Hotel Du Heartbreak Directed by Adam Green
- Bootleg Film Crash Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Rose Married A Junkie Directed by Laura Margulies
- Cityscrapes Directed by Michael Becker
- Civic Fiesta Directed by Scott Saunders
- Infarct Directed by Nino Rodriguez
- Ken And Barbie Get Married Directed by Michael Haddad
- Sand Castle Intro Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Film Five Directed by Eva Schicker and Ethan Petit
- Manson Promo Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders
- June 6, 1990 - Heliotrope Theater, Los Angeles
- The Scream Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Off The Roof Directed by Susie Klein
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- A Bitter Message Of Hopeless Grief Directed by Jonathan Reiss
- Covered In Fleas Directed by Ruth Peyser
- Ultimate Goal Directed by Matthew Harrison
- What God Did On His First Day Off Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Tracks Directed by Rupert A. Nadeau
- Western Sources Directed by Scott Saunders
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Made In Manhattan Directed by Vincent Reilly
- Manson Promo Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders
- The Affair Directed by Francine Douwes
- Blue Moon Directed by Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta
- Zippo Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Cerebral Paisley Directed by Brian Carroll
- Futility Directed by Greta Snider
- April 7, 1990 - Brand Name Damages, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
- Consumed Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Program Lost
- April 2, 1990 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- The Mission Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Snowfield Directed by Bill Morrison
- Rads Directed by Eddie Freeze
- Open Sesame Directed by Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta
- Hemi-Cuda Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Tennis Match Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Laurie Painting No. 1 Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Where I'm Coming From Directed by Scott Saunders
- Jimmy And Red Directed by Megan Daniels
- Random Positions Directed by Jo Bonney and Ruth Peyser
- Ken And Barbie Get Married Directed by Michael Haddad
- Free Your Ass And Your Mind Will Follow Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- March 20, 1990 - Dance Theater Workshop, New York City
- Program Lost
- March 3, 1990 - Brand Name Damages, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
- Program Lost
- January 21, 1990 - Gas Station 2B, New York City
- Hot Pink Messages From Christ Directed by Matthew Harrison
- The Affair Directed by Francine Douwes
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- January 13, 1990 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- January 11, 1990 - Screening on side of building, East Village, New York City
- Program Lost
- January 8, 1990 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- Shooting Gallery Directed by Bill Morrison
- Bootleg Film Crash Intro. Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Dedicated Underground Directed by Scott Saunders
- Part Of Your Loving Directed by Tony DeNonno
- Zippo Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Son Of Man Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- The Filmers Almanac Multi-Projection Directed by Owen O'Toole
- Hot Pink Messages From Christ Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Purge Directed by Marc Finkel
- The Affair Directed by Francine Douwes
- January 3, 1990 - Max Fish, New York City
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- November 6, 1989 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- Matt's Phone Call Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Address To The Assembled Masses Directed by Scott Saunders
- Dedicated Underground Directed by Scott Saunders
- The Lights Are Out, But It's Still Too Bright Directed by Susie Klein
- Swingin' In The Painter's Room Directed by Greg Mottola
- Pulsate Directed by Andrea Beeman
- Stiff Directed by Larry Fessenden
- The Afterlife Of Grandpa Directed by P.J. Pesce
- Yosef And His Amazing Technicolor Yawn Directed by Robert Carobene
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- September 11, 1989 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- Film Crash Intro Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Brains Directed by David Flanigan
- The Dreamer Never Sleeps Directed by Peter Mark D'Auria
- Mom Directed by George Kuchar
- Visje Een, Visje Twee, Visje, Visje In De Zee Directed by Kim Niekerk
- Composed Directed by Adam Lichtenstein
- One Nation Under T.V. Directed by Ruth Peyser
- Consumed Directed by Matthew Harrison
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders
- June 14, 1989 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- Film Crash Intro Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Off The Roof Directed by Susie Klein
- Missing Home Directed by Scott Saunders
- Sunshine Superman Directed by Richard Rutkowski
- Hotel Du Heartbreak Directed by Adam Green
- Reserection Directed by Bill Morrison
- The Man Who Invented The Twinkie Trailer Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders.
- Two Boneheads Directed by Matthew Harrison
- April 18, 1989 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- Film Crash Intro Directed by Chris Burke and Scott Saunders
- Political Spots Directed by Chris Burke and Scott Saunders
- The Blue Bouquet Directed by Angelo Restivo
- Covered In Fleas Directed by Ruth Peyser
- A Book Report Directed by Star Drooker
- Mother Of Wolves Directed by Peter Mark D'Auria
- Mass And Masses Directed by Marko with sound Directed by Steve Jones
- Lunch Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Coming Attraction Directed by Karl Nussbaum and Scott Saunders.
- January 18, 1989 - Performance Space 122, New York City
- Film 5 Directed by Eva Schicker with lecture by Ethan Pettit
- The Next Modern World Directed by Scott Saunders
- Cerebral Paisley Directed by Brian Carroll
- In Search Of The Pope's Libido Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Who Do You Think You Are? Directed by Mary Filipo
- Ultimate Goal Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Spiral Directed by Emily Breer
- Election Night Directed by Star Drooker and Robert Vuolo
- November 12, 1988 - Gusto House, New York City
- Three Directed by Matthew Harrison
- The Thunder Of Airplanes Directed by Scott Saunders
- In Search Of The Pope's Libido Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- September 24, 1988 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- July 7, 1988 - Cafe Bustelo, New York City
- Santaphobia Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Tilt-A-Whirl Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Safe House Directed by Adam Ben-Ari
- Traffic Jam Directed by John Duffy
- The Thunder Of Airplanes Directed by Scott Saunders
- What God Did On His First Day Off Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Apartment Eight Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Cacklefruit Directed by Gregory Wendt
- En Passant Directed by Scott Galliard
- Interior Decorator From Hell Directed by Sonia Roth
- The Big Itch Directed by Patricia Crevits
- May 26, 1988 - Cafe Bustelo, New York City
- Man Prays To See Four Things Clearly Directed by Mike Pratt
- That Horrible Itching Directed by Scott Saunders
- American Standard Directed by Tom Kincaid
- Shake It Directed by Oliver Potterton
- The Shave Directed by Howard Krupa
- Nazi Girls From Planet Debbie Directed by Brian Carroll
- Mister Brain Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Shark Show Coney Island Directed by Scott Levy
- Coney Island Short Directed by Scott Saunders
- Sleazy Rider Directed by Jon Moritsugu
- May 22, 1988 - Socrates Art Park, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
- Consumed Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Program Lost
- April 16, 1988 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Long Hot Lusty Night Directed by Brian Carroll
- Your Dreams Can Kill You Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Slice Of Life Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Loft Rockin' Directed by Matthew Harrison
- How The Museum Of Natural History Caught The Brontosaurus Directed by Matthew Harrison
- White Noise Directed by Peter Lehner
- Shark Show Coney Island Directed by Scott Levy
- Dying Film Directed by Oliver Potterton
- Rock Trow Directed by Jon Delapa
- Untitled Directed by Star Drooker
- Untitled Directed by Kevin McCarthy
- Untitled Directed by Lars Fuchs
- March 19, 1988 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Chimera Directed by Brian Carroll
- Sex Ghost Directed by Brian Carroll
- Opera Ontologica Directed by Schicker & Pettit
- Jelmi In Rio Directed by Byron Black
- Untitled Directed by Star Drooker
- Big Box Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Consumed Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Real Master Reel Directed by Gina Giobbo
- Love And Industry Directed by Scott Saunders
- Cliche City Directed by Andrew S. Price
- February 18, 1988 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- February 12, 1988 - Minor Injury Gallery, New York City
- Hat Or Hair Directed by Richard Turtletaub
- Your Dreams Can Kill You Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Consumed Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Death Down By The River Directed by Eva Schicker
- Cubo Glitz Directed by Ethan Pettit
- January 22, 1988 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Dog In A Dish Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Consumed Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Homeless Directed by Evan Brenner
- Sugar Shards Directed by Rick Rodine
- Blue Directed by Schicker & Pettit
- All Wound Up Directed by Linda Morgenstern
- Caring For Your Cat Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Love's Choice Directed by Dayton Taylor
- Loraen Directed by Mark Richardson
- Love And Industry Directed by Scott Saunders
- Apartment Eight Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Monroe Directed by Gina Stone
- The Birthday Fish Directed by Alex Zamm
- Your Dreams Can Kill You Directed by Karl Nussbaum
- Video Directed by John Jackles
- November 14, 1987 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- November 1, 1987 - Gas Station 2B, New York City
- Program Lost
- September 10, 1987 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- July 10, 1987 - RAPP Arts Center, New York City
- Walls Directed by Patience Prescott
- Cliche City Directed by Andrew S. Price
- Opera Ontologica Directed by Schicker & Pettit
- Hat Or Hair Directed by Richard Turtletaub
- Silk Scarf Trailer Directed by Frank Pace
- Animal Love Directed by Draper Shreeve
- Jam Directed by Dave Brody
- Apartment Eight Directed by Matthew Harrison
- May 16, 1987 - RAPP Arts Center, New York City
- Waking Up Crazy Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Untitled Directed by Eva Schicker
- Damsell Distress Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Shark Short Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Untitled Directed by Richard Turtletaub
- Stiff Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Park Short Directed by Monty Cantsin
- White Trash Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Dance Film Directed by Howie
- May 1, 1987 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- March 13, 1987 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- February 27, 1987 - RAPP Arts Center, New York City
- Three Ryhmes Directed by Jay Bachemin
- Untitled Shark Short Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Laurie Olinder Painting No. 2 Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Three Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Nightmare On Water St. Directed by Matthew Harrison
- No Answer Directed by Anna Hurwitz
- Etude Directed by Frank Pace
- Blind Man Directed by Andrew S. Price
- Gothic Gardens Directed by Brian Segal
- Untitled Directed by Draper Shreeve
- December 12, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Surprise Part A Directed by Draper Shreeve
- Armed Forces Directed by Tony Carpentiere
- Stiff Directed by Larry Fessenden
- White Trash Directed by Larry Fessenden
- New Work Directed by Nik Mills
- Laurie Olinder Painting No. 1 Directed by Matthew Harrison
- September 27, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Concrete Directed by Russell Johnson
- Take Off Those Silly Sunglasses Directed by Russell Johnson
- Self Portrait Directed by Anna Hurwitz
- Stiff Directed by Larry Fessenden
- White Trash Directed by Larry Fessenden
- Big Box Directed by Matthew Harrison
- How The Museum Of Natural History Caught The Brontosaurus Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Vintage Cooper Union Indescretions Directed by Nik Mills
- July 10, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Roof Slip Directed by Max Becher
- Steve And Sheba Directed by Max Becher
- Chicken Directed by Emily Breer
- Stork Directed by Emily Breer
- Selected Films Directed by Paul Gehres
- Caring For Your Cat Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Sunken Forest Directed by Peter Harrison
- Beaver Directed by Anna Hurwitz
- Concrete Directed by Russell Johnson
- Take Off Those Silly Sunglasses Directed by Russell Johnson
- Surfer Joe Directed by Christopher Grimm
- June 14, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- April 12, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Film by Emily Breer
- Film by Art Sanzari
- Film by Anthony Chase
- Film by Matthew Harrison
- Film by Linus Coraggio
- Film by John Bauman
- May 17, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- March 15, 1986 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Dance Noise Directed by Jo Andress
- Dead Is Dada Directed by Tim Milk
- Garbanzo Beans Directed by John Bauman
- West Side Evan Directed by Matthew Harrison
- Doris & Inez Speak The Truth Directed by Jim Murray and David Shaw
- Untitled Directed by Jim Romaine
- Untitled Directed by Art Sanzari
- December 6, 1985 - 124 Ridge Street Gallery, New York City
- Program Lost
- June 21, 1985 - Club Neither Nor, New York City
- Mister Brain Directed by Matthew Harrison
- A Tourist Day In New York Directed by Matthew Harrison
- February 6, 1985 - 130 East 7 Street, New York City
- Mister Brain Directed by Matthew Harrison
- ↑ Eric Norcross, "Film Crash 2014 Award Winners", Renegade Cinema, October 20, 2014
- ↑ Manohla Dargis, "Survive and Dissent", The Village Voice, June 21, 1988
- ↑ Melissa Pierson, "Crash Groove", Off Hollywood Report, Winter 1990/1991
- ↑ Mary Beth Crain, "Crash Course", LA Weekly, June 1, 1990
- ↑ Eric Norcross, "Film Crash launches new annual festival in Mid-City, Los Angeles", Renegade Cinema, October 16, 2014
- ↑ M. George Stevenson, "Well, This is a Different Side of Benny", New York Newsday, September 28, 1989
- ↑ John Rockwell, "A Theater Work About Charles Manson", New York Times, July 22, 1990