Genital reconstructive surgery
Genital reconstructive surgery may refer to:
- Foreskin restoration, a process of expanding penile skin to mimic the foreskin
- Intersex medical interventions, performed to modify atypical or ambiguous genitalia
- Labiaplasty, plastic surgery to alter the folds of skin surrounding the vulva
- Phalloplasty, the construction or reconstruction of a penis
- Sex reassignment surgery, to alter a person's existing sexual characteristics to resemble those of their identified gender
- Sex reassignment surgery (female-to-male), a variety of procedures for transgender men
- Sex reassignment surgery (male-to-female), reshaping male genitals into the appearance and function of female genitalia
- Vaginoplasty, any type of surgical procedure to the vagina, vulva or related structures
See also
- Circumcision, removal of the foreskin from the human penis
- Female genital mutilation, the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia
- Genital modification and mutilation, permanent or temporary changes to human sex organs
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