Hans Munch-Petersen

Hans Wilhelm Munch-Petersen (26 March 1869 - 8 September 1934) was a Danish scholar, son of the medical historian, Professor Julius Petersen, brother of Jon Julius Munch-Petersen and the father of Arne and Erwin Munch-Petersen.[1]

Early life

Munch-Petersen was a student at the Metropolitan School in 1886, cand. jur. in 1891, and received the 1893 University Gold Medal for a forensic essay.


Munch-Petersen was in 1896 assistant in the Department of Justice, the same year dr. jur., 1899 docent, 1901 proper professor at the university, referendarius consistorii 1910 -21, university administrator in 1921, publisher of the university's yearbook 1907, Rector Magnificus 1923 - 24 . Already Munch-Petersen's dissertation, Løftet og dets Causa (1896), brought him to the forefront of his generation scientific working jurists: at numerous papers and the like in the Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, Tidsskrift for Retsvidenskab ("Den saakaldte negative Kontraktsinteresse", XI, 1898), Tilskueren ("Procesret og Menneskeret", 1899) and others.

Munch-Petersen worked eagerly for reforms in the examination studio; His primer Den borgerlige Ret i Hovedtræk (The Civil Court of Main) (1901, 5th edition 1921 plus 1922), and his practical collection Retstilfælde til Brug ved det juridiske Studium (Legal Cases to Use at the Law Study) (1901, 3rd edition 1922), was widely circulated and appreciated. At close range had Munch-Petersen studied the process of reform started in Europe, particularly in Austria. While his work Den danske Civilproces i Hovedtræk (In 1906, II 1908 III 1915 IV 1911 2nd edition, 1915) was intended to replace Nellemanns and Deuntzers representations of the moulting process, claimed that he, partly under the influence of the foreign received impression, considerable work for the effective establishment of a Danish legal reform, so the scriptures Retsreformen med Hensyn til vor Strafferetspleje (1902), Den nye Retspleje belyst i sine Grundtræk (1908) and Retspleje og Kultur (University Programme 1913), numerous papers and articles in Tilskueren, Det ny Aarhundrede and especially Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, whose literary department he edited 1906-20, and in its edition of Lov om Rettens Pleje (1908, 1909).

He produced the first volume of his magnum opus Den danske Retspleje (IV, 1917-19, with the addition and professional register in 1919, 2nd edition 1923 et seq.), Retsplejeloven af 11. April 1916 med senere Tillægsbestemmelser, Henvisninger og udførligt Fagregister (1919) with Appendix (1922), and jurors. En almenfattelig Oversigt (1919). In 1919 he received constitution both in Copenhagen City Court in the High Courts and the Maritime and Commercial Court.

Social issues

Munch-Petersen was not politically active, but with a keen eye for the existing social inequality, he wanted a radical transformation of the laws of socialist spirit as described in his books Den danske Lovgivning og den sociale Retfærdighed (The Danish Law and Social Justice) (1906), Sociale Retfærdighedskrav i dansk Lovgivning (Social Justice Demands in Danish Law) (1907) and other. His social interests have also provided practical influence on his business as arbitration judge in disputes between workers and employers in the preparation of the draft law on married women legal status and more. He was chairman of the board of rent cases for Copenhagen and Frederiksberg 1918-22, and a member of a number of government commissions: universitetskomimissionen from 1912, the commission for the reform of the military justice and several others like him because of his iron diligence and uncommon labor managed to contest a number of other public and private duties. Especially important was his management of university affairs.

Death and legacy

Munch-Petersen died on 8 September 1934. He is buried at the Western Cemetery. His grandson was the literary scholar and librarian Erland Munch-Petersen.

Selected publications


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