Instruments used in obstetrics and gynecology
The following is a list of instruments that are used in modern obstetrics and gynecology.[1][2]
Axis traction device for delivery forceps
Cusco's self retaining bivalve vaginal speculum seen from behind
Cusco's self retaining bivalve vaginal speculum (closed) seen from the left. It is very much used in taking smears from the vagina for Papanicolaou test and routine examinations.
Cusco's self retaining bivalve vaginal speculum (opened) seen from the right
Cusco's self retaining bivalve vaginal speculum (closed) seen from the right
Das's modification to the long curved delivery forceps (shorter in length) with axis traction devices in place, seen from the right side (left blade on top: with respect to the mother's vaginal wall)
Das's modification to the long curved delivery forceps (shorter in length) with axis traction devices in place, seen from the right side (left blade in front: with respect to the mother's vaginal wall). The instrument is held in properly as during a delivery.
Das's modification to the long curved delivery forceps with the blades lying loose. The one with the lock is the left blade (judged with respect to the mother).
Das's modification to the long curved delivery forceps with the blades locked in place
Metallic cup for the Ventouse suction device used to assist deliveries
Sim's double-bladed vaginal speculum
Sim's double-bladed vaginal speculum
Allis tissue forceps
Allis tissue forceps
Doyen's retractor
Kocher's forceps with toothed jaw
Disposable manual mucous sucker
Straight needle holding forceps
Jardine's decapitation hook with knife
Jardine's decapitation hook with knife
A cranioclast
Budine's cannula
Hook with crochet
Oldham's perforator
Ayre's spatula and Slide holding bottle(open) used for Papanicoulau smear
Ayre's spatula and Slide holding bottle - Koplick's jar (open) used for Papanicoulau smear
Upper-Long straight hemostatic forceps;Lower-Kocher's hemostatic forceps