Isaías Gamboa

Isaías Gamboa (December 12, 1872 in Cali – July 23, 1904) was a Colombian poet and educator from Cali.
Early Years
Isaiah was brought up in a traditional family consisting of Matthew Gamboa Vallecaucana Llanos and Teresa Herrera Córdoba, who instilled ideals of liberty and justice, ideals which would influence him as a writer. His childhood was developed among green landscapes Mameyal, a province located in the Hill of the Crystals, just outside Cali and where would be inspired to set some of his works.
He attended elementary school in Santa Librada, founded by General Francisco de Paula Santander in 1822. Additionally received private lessons in grammar and literature from a teacher, Alcides Isaacs, brother of famous writer Jorge Isaacs, author of The Maria. He began his poetic career in high school writing love letters.