Jesus and animal magnetism

Jesus and animal magnetism comes to explanation of Christ's life stories that were until now considered miraculous but belong mostly to the order of magnetic phenomena, that is, those who have the primary cause the attributes of the soul tangenciado by animal magnetism.
Confronting them will be recognized without difficulty that there is among them identity of cause and effect. [...] The only fact of playing a phenomenon under the same conditions, just to prove that it is possible and to find under the law and is not therefore miraculous. The principle of psychic phenomena rests as we have seen, the properties of the perispiritual fluid, which is the magnetic agent [1] [...] considering it a superior Spirit, we can not fail to recognize it one of the highest order and placed, by his virtues, greatly above the Earth's humanity [2]
(Allan Kardec)
The Jesus's magnetism
According to spiritism
The Blind Bethsaida
Analyzing the feat of healing the Blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8: 22-26), Allan Kardec explains that it was evident the effect of animal magnetism where the cure was not instantaneous, but gradual and consequent to prolonged and repeated action, however, in a much faster process than the ordinary magnetization.[3]
The man born blind

The "magnetic process" occurred when the Nazarene healing the man born blind (John 9: 1-12), Kardec explains the following:
As for the means used for its healing, of course that kind of mud made of earth and saliva no virtue could shut down, except for the action of the magnetic fluid that had been impregnated. This is how the most insignificant substances such as water, for example, can acquire powerful and effective qualities under the action of the spiritual fluid or magnetic, to which they serve as vehicles, or, if you will, reservoir [4]

(Allan Kardec)
Other cures and miracles made by Jesus Christ
In addition to the previous explanations, Kardec added saying:

To confirm the quotes made by Allan Kardec, analyze what tells the lawyer Luiz Antonio Sayão (1829 - 1903) when commenting on cures made by Jesus:

To imagine the power of the magnetism that had Jesus, the purest of all Spirits, and so is the power that his will had over these fluids, regenerators and boosters, whose nature, as well as combinations, effects and properties he knew absolutely, just may consider the effects that produces the human magnetism and who manage the magnetiseur (...) [6]

According to protestantism
The Calvinist theologian Johann Peter Lange (1802-1884) making known their explanations of lived moments Rabbi Nazarene, at a certain moment he says there is no way to explain the "miracles of Jesus" without making hand of mesmerism.[7][8]

If we learn first to estimate the ascending lines of powers (over against a descendant of ideas) in the world, and find that these same powers reappear at every stage of life, but always in new changes and higher powers, then the power of relationship healing of Christ must also be related to magnetism.[8]

According to catholicism

A Catholic prayer of healing, presented by the Rev. Robert DeGrandis makes clear the duties of the magnetic fluid coming out of your hands:

Jesus, when we pray for others in your name, we pray you to use our hands that you come to us and touching those for whom we pray as if our hands were yours. Let Your Spirit operate today, through us, especially when we pray for our family members or our community. Thank you, Jesus, for Your healing love that is flowing through me at this time[9]
Complemented by Catholic priest Frei Hugolino Back:

Analyzing carefully, texts, give us the impression that [the] orders given by Jesus are accompanied by gestures. And gestures quick and forceful movements [...] that are made by the person that healing on the side and over that person's body is being cured.[10]
The theologian Strauss also gave his opinion on denoting the opinions of theologians of his day.

As modern theologians like to do, the healing power of Jesus is assumed to have the nature of animal magnetism; except that an instant effect and that its magnetic healing power proportion for sick people from various descriptions and without having magnetic crisis is unprecedented in the history of mesmerism.[11]
Other explanations on the subject
The Scottish writer and politician John Campbell Colquhoun (1803-1870) communed with the idea that since the turn water into wine until his last miracle would be in line with mesmerism.

Mary Baker Eddy states that animal magnetism is the driving force and the grounds for the belief of Jesus, she said the same principle has the power and wisdom of God, besides being the combinante of passion of Christ.[13]

See also
- Jesus Christ
- Miracles of Jesus
- Animal magnetism
- Magnetic fluid
Notes and references
- ↑ KARDEC, Allan, Genesis - FEB 53 rd Ed. - Cap.XV - Item 1 - p. 273
- ↑ KARDEC, Allan, Genesis - FEB 53rd Ed - Cap.XV - Item 2 - pag.274
- ↑ KARDEC, Allan, A Gênese – FEB 53ª Ed. - Cap.XV - Item 12 - pag.280
- ↑ KARDEC, Allan, Genesis - FEB 53 rd Ed. - Cap.XV - Item 25 -. pag.288
- ↑ KARDEC, Allan, Genesis - FEB 53rd Ed -Item 32 of the cap.. XIV.
- ↑ Sayão, Luiz Antonio. In "Elucidations Evangelical", p. 129
- ↑ LANGE, Johann Peter, A Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Kings, Ed. C. Scribner & Company, 1872.
- 1 2 LANGE, Johann Peter, The Life of The Lord Jesus Christ: A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents and Connection of the Gospels, Volume 1, Ed. Smith, English and Company, 1872
- ↑ DeGRANDIS, Robert. The Ten Commandments of healing. In "Healing Ministry for Dummies", ch. 2, p. 36.
- ↑ BACK, Hugolino and GRISA, Peter A. Techniques of Jesus. In The Healing Laying on of Hands, p. 74.
- ↑ STRAUSS, David Friedrich, A New Life of Jesus, Volume 2, Ed. Williams and Norgate, 1865
- ↑ COLQUHOUN, John Campbell, An History of Magic, Witchcraft, and Animal Magnetism, Volume 1, Ed. Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1851.
- 1 2 EDDY, Mary, Science and Health, Ed. Applewood Books, 1 de mai de 2009 - 600 páginas