Johannes Hoff

Professor Johannes Hoff
Johannes Hoff (Ph.D., Dr. Habil.) is Professor of Systematic Theology at Heythrop College, London. Hoff previously taught philosophical theology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David until 2013. He was born in Trier, Germany (also the hometown of Ambrose, Kaspar Olevianus, and Karl Marx). He completed his doctorate and habilitation at the University of Tübingen.[1] His specializations include: Radical Orthodoxy (esp. Nicholas of Cusa, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine of Hippo and Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite), postmodern Christianity, German and continental philosophy, hermeneutics, aesthetics, and Christian mysticism.[2]
Selected publications
The following is a partial list of publications. See faculty page for more information.
- Kontingenz, Berührung, Überschreitung. Zur philosophischen Propädeutik christlicher Mystik nach Nikolaus von Kues Alber: Freiburg/Br. 2007 (Contingency, Tangency, Transgression. A Philosophical Propaedeutics of Christian Mysticism subsequent to Nicholas of Cusa)
- Spiritualität und Sprachverlust. Theologie nach Foucault und Derrida Paderborn, München, Zürich: Schöningh 1999 (Spirituality and the Loss of Language. Theology after Foucault and Derrida).
Edited volumes
- Modern Believing, Special Issue: German Theology in Contemporary Society, Guest editor Dr. Johannes Hoff, Vol. 50:1 (January 2009).
- Lexikon der theologischen Werke, ed. by Michael Eckert, Eilert Herms, Eberhard Jüngel, Bernd Jochen Hilberath, Stuttgart: Kröner 2003 (co-edited).
- Self-Revelation as Hermeneutic Principle? The Rise and the Fall of the Kantian Paradigm of Modern Theology. In: Conor Cunningham; Peter M. Candler (Ed.), The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition and Universalism, London: SCM 2010.
- Hampson, P. J.; Hoff, J., "Whose self? Which unification? Augustine's anthropology and the psychology-theology debate." In: New Blackfriars (2010) (Abstract)
- "German Theology in Contemporary Society." In: Modern Believing (Special Issue, ed. by Johannes Hoff) 50/1 (2009), 2-12 (Article)
External links
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