Multiple planet systems.
Kepler 182 is a yellow star located 4699ly away,[1] in the night sky at RA2000 19:19:19.2 and Dec+50:35:10.[2]
The star is notable for having two planets in the habitable zone.[3]
Kepler-182 is a star with a mass 1.14 times the suns mass a radius 1.15± 0.51 th suns and a Metallicity 0.077 times the sun.[4] Kepler 182 has an effective temperature of 6250.0± 200.0K.[5]
Discovered in 2014[6] The planets were discovered by the Kepler Space teliscope Transit data.
The Kepler-182 planetary system hosts at least 2 planets.
- Planet b is 0.31+0.14−0.05 times th size of jupiter with an Orbital period of 20.6843 days.
- Plaent c is 0.235+0.108−0.016 time the size if jupiter with an orbit of 9.8258 days
Kepler 182 is also known as KOI-546, and KIC 12058931.[7]
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