Khatri Uppal clan

For other uses, see Uppal (disambiguation).

Uppal (sometimes spelled as Upal or even Oppal) is a Khatri clan found in India and Pakistan. Uppal/Upal Khatris are found among Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus in the states of Punjab, Haryana, and Punjab. The word Uppal is said to mean a sacred stone.


The vernacular word Uppal is derived from the Sanskrit word Utpala / उत्पल which means, a waterlily.


Although Uppals were historically found in Punjab, they now live in all parts of India and Pakistan and among the Punjabi diaspora in UK and North America [1]

In History
One of the most successful, Punjabi generals of all time, Hari Singh Nalwa, was an Uppal.

Uppals were among the first Punjabi immigrants that came to Vancouver Canada in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This includes some of those who were involved in the Komagata Maru incident.[2]


  1. Delhi People of India by K Singh Manohar Publications
  2. Kazimi, Ali (2012) Undesirables: White Canada and the Komagata Maru, Douglas & McIntyre.
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