
Kundalapatty is a village in the Dindigul District in Tamil Nadu, India.
It has a population nearly 2,000. This village contains multi-lingual people speaking Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. People in this village do cultivation, business and information technology jobs.
- First Education in Dindigul District villages (excluding Townships)
- Second village in Population.
- Citizens of this village are doing IT jobs in foreign countries like, Switzerland, Japan and US.
- Doing business in South Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.
- Working on various jobs in Dubai, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
- Working in bigger manufacturing companies in Chennai like Hyundai, Kiml, Shardha motors, Ador welding, etc.
- Arulmigu Balamurugan Temple
- Arulmigu Muthaalamman Temple
- Sri Sastha Temple
- Sri Pommaiyaswamy Temple
- Srinivasa perumal Kovil
- arulmigu aadhi sakthi veeriyakari amman tenple
- 18mpadi karuppasamy temple
- and also 20+ temples are there
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