List of Black Jack Justice episodes

This is a list of episodes of the radio drama series Black Jack Justice by Decoder Ring Theatre. The episodes are divided by season and listed by the release date. Each entry includes the number of the show, its title, a short description of the episode, and its original release date.[1]

Episode List

Season One

# Title Description Release date
"Justice Served Cold"
Jack and his partner Trixie Dixon, girl detective learn lost love letters and a mysterious client add up to more than meets the eye. It's up to them to dish out Justice Served Cold. January 7, 2006
"Justice for Some"
When Jack and Trixie are hired to protect a society dame's diamonds at a charity ball, it looks like they've finally caught that elusive nice, simple case. But when the guest list includes not one, not two but three notorious thieves, things get complicated in a heckuva hurry. Times like that a guy's lucky to manage Justice For Some! January 21, 2006
"Justice is Blind"
Sometimes the answer's right in front of your eyes. Sometimes you're so busy with what you think you saw, you can't be bothered to stop and look again. When Jack and Trixie pay the bills with a little "Peeping Tom" routine, they don't expect the commandments being broken to include the biggest "Thou Shalt Not" of 'em all. But then again, sometimes Justice Is Blind! February 4, 2006
"Justice Delayed"
When Jack and Trixie are hired to solve a seven year old murder, they figure it's a fool's errand. But if this case is so cold, why all the heat from upstairs to lay off? Will they finally run into that brick wall that has their names on it... or will they deliver Justice Delayed? February 18, 2006
"Justice Incorporated"
If it sounds too good to be true, it's all in a day's work at Jack Justice Investigations. When one of the city's most high-powered lawyers wants to buy the agency, Lock Stock and Barrel, Jack and Trixie have just twenty-four hours to figure out what the catch is and torpedo the best offer they've ever had! March 4, 2006
"Justice's Holiday"
It wasn't much of a holiday by most people's standards... just a turn around the park in the sunshine... but boy oh boy, how the work piles up at Jack Justice Investigations. Piles up right in the middle of the floor in a still-fresh pool of blood. Now all Jack and Trixie have to do with the rest of the day is figure out who the triggerman was and why the corpse had a thousand dollars in an envelope with their names on it. And if they can manage it, solving the case before the law puts them away for it wouldn't be a bad idea either. March 18, 2006
"Justice Be Done"
Mordecai Brasseau had been nothing but bad luck for Jack Justice Investigations since the first time he walked through the door. A nice man, but a jinx - quite possibly the unluckiest man in the world. Each time Jack and Trixie took on a case for him, they swore it would be the last. Sooner or later they had to be right... and the registered letter inviting them to the reading of Mordecai's will suggested that time had finally come.... Or, maybe not. June 24, 2006
"Justice and the Deluge"
It was the third straight day of rain that did it. People had been cooped up for days, riding out the storm, and Black Jack is sure that a flurry of human misery, or as he likes to call it - rent money is on its way. But when he turns out to be more right than either he or Trixie could have guessed, they find themselves on an island in the middle of the city, with the water rising fast. An island of the "gaudy, hard-boiled metaphor" variety, admittedly; but sometimes that's the way it goes. July 8, 2006
"No Justice"
It was the end of an uncharacteristic flurry of activity at the mighty world headquarters of Jack Justice Investigations. Trixie was crossing the final i's and dotting the final t's when she looked up and realized that Jack was nowhere to be found. And he'd taken their old snitch Freddie the Finger Hawthorne with him into the ether. Sometimes a gal's just got to look a gift horse in the mouth, and if she ever wants to see old square-jaw sashay in the front door again, this is one of those times. But can she and her "new partner" keep away from each other's throats long enough to find the old one, or is this the beginning of life with... No Justice? July 22, 2006
"Hammer of Justice"
Jack may not know much about art, but he knows what he likes... and what he doesn't. He doesn't much like Nick Franklin's looks, or his self-satisfied grin or his manicured fingernails. What he does like is a client that can afford a fat insurance policy and a couple of gumshoes to go with it. But can Jack and Trixie fit in with the arty set enough to protect Franklin's latest "discovery"? Where will they stand when the Hammer of Justice falls? August 5, 2006
"Justice in Love and War"
They say all's fair in love and war, and Jack and Trixie are about to put that to the test. When Jack finds a drowned rat of a piano player who's both struck by love and several dozen gangsters, love and war don't seem like such different concepts anymore. It's a mad charge into the lion's den, all in the name of romance. Even the hard-boiled have their soft spots. August 19, 2006
"Justice and the Happy Ending"
Every man has his ghosts. Old square-jaw didn't figure he had any right to expect to be the exception. But sometimes the past takes on flesh and looks you in the eye... and things can never be quite the same afterwards. When that moment comes for Jack and Trixie, will it bring down the whole house of cards, coffee and gaudy metaphors; or will it re-introduce those most contradictory concepts - Justice and the Happy Ending? September 2, 2006

Season Two

# Title Description Release date
"The Purloined Format Caper"
Is Jack and Trixie's new client dragon lady or ingenue? In either case, can they get their paws on a ten thousand dollar marker held by a shady underworld type before her wedding march turns funeral dirge? If so, can they do it without strangling each other? And just for an extra kick, can they pull all of this off while paying loving tribute to one of the greatest detective shows in old-time radio?!? Find out as they crack the case of The Purloined Format Caper! December 30, 2006
"The Trouble With Doubles"
Jack's been slumming it in sunny Florida, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine all in the name of thirty-five dollars a day (plus expenses). Trixie's been in their palatial offices, enjoying the No Jack. Five days later they're flush, reunited and on a divorce case... all's right with the world, right? Wrong. If everything's sunny, who's the crazy on the rooftop with the high-powered rifle, and why is he gunning for our gumshoes? Looks like they'll have to find out in a hurry... or they and the client Jack was standing in for are all about to learn... The Trouble With Doubles! January 13, 2007
"How Much is That Gumshoe In The Window?"
They say that every dog will have his day, and that might be true - but there are always consequences to be faced afterwards. Jack and Trixie could swear to that; after seventeen consecutive divorce cases they're starting to go a little squirrely. What they really need is an honest to goodness puzzle to walk through the door. A little murder, a little mayhem... maybe a nice kidnapping just to break up the monotony. Be careful what you wish for... January 27, 2007
"The Beefsteak Botheration"
To say that Jack and Trixie were surprised to get a call from Braithwaites, the biggest spit-and-polish detective agency in town, was putting it mildly. But to be invited to dine with the Gentleman Detective himself at his Club? That's just downright shocking - or at least very very suspicious. But if Big Larry Braithwaite thinks he can con Jack Justice into taking a train wreck of a case off his hands by stuffing our hero so full of prime rib that he can't see straight... well... yeah, that'll probably work. February 10, 2007
"Palookaville Express"
Jack and Trixie's new client is a truly impressive side of beef, if the girl detective does say so herself. A prizefighter on his way to the top, until some shady types decide it might be best if he were to lose his next match... or else. Now its up to our heroes to find out who's in back of the scheme and if this is a fight they can win... or will they all get their tickets punched for the Palookaville Express? February 24, 2007
"Mixed Blessings"
Friends can sometimes be a pain in the you-know-where, but you'd sure be sunk without 'em. When Freddie the Finger has a deal turn south on him, it's only natural that he turn to his ol' pal Jackie. But with the Girl Detective still miffed over an unpaid bill, things get a little complicated. To say nothing of the corpse, or the strong possibility of more just like it. Yes sir, friends can be real Mixed Blessings at times... March 10, 2007

Season Three

# Title Description Release date
"...But to me, it was as if the city had emptied out at the word of Jack Justice's return. As well they might. As well they might..."

Yes, Jack Justice and Trixie Dixon, Girl Detective return for all-new hardboiled adventure and mystery. But with Jack out to settle a score, and Trixie trying to close the books on a murder that's still unsolved at least partly due to the efforts of our intrepid private eyes, it's anyone's guess if they'll both wind up on a slab, if Lt. Sabien'll run them both in, or if ol' square jaw will finally get some... Payback!

December 15, 2007
Sabien's Law
"Law stands mute in the midst of arms" they say. Well, that proves one thing anyway; old man Cicero never met Police Lieutenant Victor Sabien. He'd never stood mute a day in his life. And with ol' Square Jaw and the Girl Detective working at cross purposes through his office... to say nothing of the dynamic duo of Sgt Nelson and Freddie the Finger Hawthorne underfoot... well, can you blame the poor guy? December 29, 2007
Trixie's Pet
It wouldn't be quite right to say that Trixie had a soft spot in her heart for old Button-Down Theo. But she had a soft spot in her head for him anyway. After all, anyone who can make private detecting seem dull as dishwater must have some hidden talents. But when Theo gets himself in hot water, will the Girl Detective be able to persuade ol' Square Jaw to intervene? And if so, just who exactly is footing the bill. January 12, 2008
The Reunion
It sounded like a nice, simple job. Two sisters, estranged long ago over a man who was long gone. An apology... a reunion... the restoration of family ties in a cold and cynical world... Yes sir, it all sounded too good to be true. But Jack and Trixie know when it comes to family, nothing is ever quite that simple. January 26, 2008
Much Ado About Norman
Everywhere you looked, there were goods to be gotten, and the getting often fell to Black Jack and Trixie. But there were consequences to be paid that often had nothing to do with the princely sum of thirty-five dollars a day, plus expenses. When it looks like their client may have stormed off half-cocked to do who-knows-what, it's up to our his-and-her shamuses... (shamuses?... Shami?... Whatever...) to reach deep for the ever-elusive happy ending. February 9, 2008
Dance, Justice, Dance
They say that music hath charms to soothe the savage breast. But like just about everything "they" say, truth is in the eye of the beholder. When Jack and Trixie spend a little time in the company of musicians, the experience is neither particularly charming or remotely soothing. But at least thirty-five dollars a day hath charms to soothe the savage landlord. February 23, 2008

Season Four

# Title Description Release date
A Midsummer Night's Noir
With the city in the grips of a heat wave, things are bound to get a little screwy. But no matter what air-conditioned hidey-hole a gumshoe ducks into, the place is lousy with crouching jade kittens and raincoated would-be girl detectives. It's bound to end badly for someone when Jack and Trixie start A Midsummer Night's Noir! - With special guest star Mary Jo Pehl! December 12, 2008
The Do-Nothing Detective
Private detecting isn't the sort of game where you can pick your battles. Jack and Trixie have done all kinds of things for all kinds of people, and most of the time you just hope for the best. But when a mystery man is prepared to drop a nice, fat retainer in their laps to drop a client that they never had, it looks like our heroes have finally caught that nice soft case everybody always talks about. But it couldn't really be that simple... could it? December 26, 2008
The Family Jewels
The life of a detective has its ups and downs to be sure. Some might even argue that the downs held a pretty strong grip on the majority. But every so often a client like Midge Crocker opened the door and made it all worthwhile. A girl who was equal parts helpless doe-eyed bunny rabbit and hard, practiced liar. Now all Jack and Trixie had to do was figure out if the too-good to be true story was just that, or if they really were after... The Family Jewels. January 8, 2009
No News is Good News
If there's one thing worse than not having one of your best sources at your beck and call, it's never having him again because he went and got dead. With a client yapping at their heels, a word from Mike Rogers, crime reporter for the gazette, could make all the difference. But when the newshound pulls a disappearing act, Jack and Trixie can only hope that it's a case of... No News is Good News. January 23, 2009
The Problem of the Perplexing Pastiche
Two solid days of surveillance can take it out of anybody. Two nights without sleep and things don't make a lot of sense. But when Trixie Dixon, Girl Detective starts mixing her metaphors with Trixia Dixon, Lady Consulting Detective Extraordinaire... well that can't be good, can it? February 6, 2009
Now Who's the Dummy?
The life of a private detective is one that tends to keep a fella behind the times. After all, if you're sitting on top of the world, you rarely find yourself in need of a pair of low-rent gumshoes. Sometimes a little nostalgia isn't a bad thing... and sometimes the line between reality and anything-but is paper thin. Those are the days that leave a fella asking... Now Who's The Dummy? February 20, 2009

Season Five

# Title Description Release date
Requiem for an Elf
It is a season not to be trusted, my friends. It can dress up sadness as nostalgia, tackiness as whimsy and grey-green slush as "Christmas snow"... but it didn't seem like all the holiday spirit in the world was going to do the little man in the red suit and even redder puddle of his own blood much good, now was it? December 4, 2009
Stormy Weather
It has been remarked more than once that there's always a calm just before the storm. Certified meteorological phenomenon or old wives saw, it was still true as often as it wasn't. And if that storm was destined to wash away Marilou Arden, it looked like it just might take a certain pair of gumshoes with her. December 18, 2009
The Stopped Clock
When a snoop-and-peep that paid turned into a murder case that almost certainly didn't, it meant one thing: Jack suddenly got interested. For the Girl Detective, it's just one more reason to strangle the big lug... but even a clock that's stopped is right twice a day... isn't it? January 1, 2010
The Devil You Know
A client who seems a little too eager to pony up his retainer, the feds sniffing around like the wolf at the door and witnesses who keep blossoming into corpses. It's almost enough to make a certain police Lieutenant seem like a welcome sight. Almost. January 15, 2010
Small Mercies
A certain hack writer who shall remain Shakespeare is of the opinion that the quality of mercy is not strained. He obviously doesn't ride the bus past the stylish world headquarters of Justice and Dixon all that often, 'cause around here both the quality and quantity of mercy are strained beyond any reasonable breaking point, and old friends are no exception. January 29, 2010
Journeys End
They say a man meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. Which means that whatever you do, and whatever the result might be, your fortune cookie can smile at you and say "see? I told you so." For some folks that road may lead to a destiny of great importance or heroic meaning. For others, it might lead to a face-down posture in a puddle somewhere. I suppose no one can tell. Except the cookie, and it ain't talkin'. February 12, 2010

Season Six

# Title Description Release date
Hush Money
When everybody's favorite junior boy detective drops by, its usually good for a twist of a certain tail, and our Square-Jawed hero kind of enjoys that, kind of like a mean kid who pulls the wings off flies. But even a bird-dog job courtesy of the Gentleman Detective is tough to smile at when it comes wrapped in... Hush Money! November 30, 2010
Auld Lang Syne
There are few things that cry out for introspection quite like the passing of one year into the next. A time when the rustle of lost illusions crackles underfoot, like a handful of dead leaves in the wind. When past, present and future come together for a single moment to blow a raspberry at you in the shaving mirror. A time when even the handful of thing you might have been sure of shift underfoot, and send you sliding down the slipperly slope to nowhere in particular. And when that moment comes, even the most hard-boiled of gumshoes can spare a moment for... Auld Lang Syne. December 14, 2010
Cops and Robbers
They say that there are no small parts, my friends, only small actors. I've never been entirely clear on exactly what that means, or if the folks that coined the phrase intended it to be as insulting as it is. But one thing is for sure, those thin character sketches that populate the margins are usually kept there for a reason. But when left to their own devices, they tend to play familiar games. Games like... Cops and Robbers! December 31, 2010
The Albatross
"The one that got away" is a fine kind of tale for some. Fishermen, for example, seem to thrive on the subject. But in the detective business, where things seem to exist in a perpetually unfinished state, there are those cases that just won't stay in the drawer. The ones that never sat quite right. If only you had been a little stronger, a little smarter.... and sometimes they can weigh a man down, threaten to drag him under as they hang about his neck. It's sink or swim time, and who will win, the flatfoot or... The Albatross? January 14, 2011
Man's Best Friend
There are always more than one side to every story. And when you're dealing with a newspaper magnate, a missing heiress, a kidnapping with no ransom and an angry fishmonger, sometimes there are more sides than story. No simple matter for your average gumshoe, but just another day at the office for... Man's Best Friend. January 31, 2011
The Sky's the Limit
They say that if a person is lucky at cards, it stands to follow that they must also be unlucky at love. But it doesn't take much research to prove that it's possible to be both. The stakes are in the story - see your two bickering heirs and raise you one missing will - and around this table The Sky's The Limit! February 14, 2011

Season Seven

# Title Description Release date
Mad Dogs and Ambulance Chasers
Matt Dawson was a smooth character, all right. At least half as smooth as he seemed to think he was. But why a lawyer from one of the city's top firms chose to darken the door of a certain his and hers detective agency was a whole other matter. But one thing was for certain; you come out to play in the noon-day sun, and you're gonna get burned, baby. September 14, 2011
Some Kinda Lucky
There are all kind of luck in this world. Good luck, bad luck... the luck you make, the luck you were just born with... and then there is good old-fashioned dumb luck, and it's leading practitioner, Freddie "The Finger" Hawthorne. But when Freddie's luck crosses the line between dumb and just plain stupid, somebody's bound to answer with lead. And if everybody lives through it, it'll be Some Kinda Lucky! October 14, 2011
The Score
They say that time heals all wounds. That's a nice thought, and it just might be true. Maybe. But not today. Sometimes all it takes is a brace of old friends down on their luck and a monster that turned out to be less dead than he was supposed to be, and those wounds feel just as fresh as ever. But will it be enough to get ol' Square-Jaw in on... The Score? November 14, 2011
A Simple Case of Black and White
The sporting life isn't for everyone, my friends. For some, one's athletic pursuits are best not spoken of in polite company, and almost always involve shoes, liquor, tight slacks or handguns. Or all of the above. But when the Girl Detective stumbles on to the Pro Bowling circuit, the result is anything but... A Simple Case of Black and White! December 14, 2011
To The Manor Born
A sudden storm, a secluded manor house full of would-be heirs and the sudden arrival of detectives from the city as if by chance. How exactly did our hard-boiled heroes find themselves this far outside their usual genre? And how will they solve a mystery that's To The Manor Born? January 14, 2012
The Mark Two Caper
They say that no good deed goes unpunished, my friends, and that is even true for good deeds only undertaken following the application of thirty-nine ninety-nine a day, plus expenses. But when that punishment takes the form of a certain bungling-but-loveable police sergeant, can our heroes ever help to solve... The Mark Two Caper? February 14, 2012

Season Eight

# Title Description Release date
Jawbone of an Asp
The unpredictable life of a private detective is a fine thing. But like all good things, it is at least partly an illusion. There are only so many reasons that a person knocks on the grey-green door that reads “Justice and Dixon, Private Investigations”, and they usually fall within a fairly limited range. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. September 14, 2012
Two Is Too Many
They say that you can have too much of a good thing, my fiends, and that is certainly true. There are few things in the world so wonderful that custom cannot stale their infinite variety. And when it comes to the subject of Hawthornes... well, perhaps Two Is Too Many! October 14, 2012
Those Who Wait
It is said by some that good things come to those who wait. It’s an interesting idea, and like most interesting ideas, it’s sufficiently vague as to be effectively meaningless. We all wait, therefore we each see ourselves as the potential recipient of the aforementioned good things. And we find this good, so the adage becomes a truism. Thing is, as comforting as it is, it ain’t quite true. November 14, 2012
The More Things Change
There are certain immutable laws that govern the universe, and to put them to the test is a waste of time. To employ the firm of Justice and Dixon to do so on your behalf will cost you the sum of $39.99 a day and leave you sadder, but wiser, than you were when you came in the door. December 14, 2012
The Late Mr. Justice
Really, if you think about it, we are all just waiting to die. From the moment of birth, in a perpetual holding pattern to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner or later. Most of the time it doesn't bear thinking about. But then the wait suddenly becomes a whole lot less theoretical than it used to be. January 14, 2013
The Empty Desk
They say that familiarity breeds contempt, and history suggests that's pretty true. But what about a Girl Detective on her own in the big, bad city? What's the end result of that equation? When Trixie Dixon is ready to find out she can always ask The Empty Desk. February 14, 2013

Season Nine

# Title Description Release date
Home Fires
A little lost lamb in the big, bad city is hardly a new theme for our intrepid investigators. But with a couple of hundred pounds of strapping small-town lawman distracting the heck out of the Girl Detective, it looks like it's down to Ol' Square-Jaw to keep the Home Fires burning. September 14, 2013
Death and Taxes
There are only two things that are certain in this life, my friends. One is that very little is as it appears, an observation which includes but is not limited to the itemized list of expenses for which you have recently been charged. The other certainty is that it will cost you the princely sum of thirty-nine, ninety-five a day to discover item "A". Oh yeah, also Death and Taxes. October 14, 2013
The Cheshire Cat
A man may smile and smile and be a villain... and then disappear, leaving nothing behind but the memory of that smile. Which might not be a problem, unless his confirmation of your paper-thin story were all that stood between you and stylish prison stripes. November 14, 2013
Home for the Holidays
Is it still a Christmas Card if it comes gift-wrapped in noir and hard-boiled as a three-hour egg? Yeah, we think so too. Pour yourself an egg nog and see if Jack and Trixie make it... Home for the Holidays! December 14, 2013
The Big Time
There are many days when the life of a private detective is not nearly as interesting as you might imagine. The clock ticks, the sun makes its way resolutely across the sky and not much else happens. And on other days, the door bursts open and opportunity strides in, reeking of after-shave and waving an action-packed expense account about like he owned the place. And when that happens, best buckle up, friends, 'cause this is The Big Time! January 14, 2014
The Learner's Permit
They say that a little learning is a dangerous thing, my friends, but in all fairness, they don't usually mean the life-and-limb variety. But when a would-be writer of hard-boiled fiction hires a certain team of his and hers private detectives to help his prose ring true, he had better drink deep or think twice about the whole "Pierian spring" business. February 14, 2014

Season Ten

# Title Description Release date
The Rat Trap
Sometimes the problems that bring people to the grey-green doors of the mighty world headquarters of Justice and Dixon are not as big as they might imagine. Sometimes they are simple people, befuddled by a problem outside of their experience, and assuming a degree of complexity that does not otherwise exist. Those are good days. This isn't one of them. September 1, 2014
Strange Bedfellows
The most powerful man in town wants Jack and Trixie off the job they're working on, and he means right now, brother. Just one problem. They're pretty unemployed, even by their standards. This is going to get socially awkward, and then possibly dead, isn't it? November 1, 2014
My Heart Belongs to Mummy
There's nothing worse for a bodyguard than when the body that you're guarding suddenly goes missing. Unless the body in question is thousands of years old and disinclined to travel under its own power. Then it is a little bit worse. It really is. January 1, 2015
The Road to Hell
People have a lot to say about good intentions. Opinions vary. Some say they are the chains that bind us, some say they are the graces that separate us from the animals. But the one thing that everyone can agree on is that when you find yourself up to your knees in them, you're probably travelling The Road to Hell. March 1, 2015
The One That Got Away
The jaunty angle at which our girl detective chooses to wear her hat does occasionally come with a price, and every once in a great while, that price encompasses something which she actually notices and just possibly cares about. It is entirely possible that this might be the story of one of those times. May 1, 2015
Full Fathom Five
Sometimes miracles happen, and sometimes they don't. And sorting out which is which and when and why can be a heckuva job for even the most hard-boiled of private eyes. Secrets and lies won't bring a sailor home from the sea... or will they? July 1, 2015

Season Eleven

# Title Description Release date
The Dead Duck
Your private detective and your fairy godmother have very different roles. Chief amongst the differences is the fact that “making your dreams come true” is not often the gumshoe’s lot in life. But wouldn’t it be nice if, just once, someone would do something about theirs? Even if it means that somebody is a… Dead Duck? September 1, 2015
The Born Loser
It has been observed more than once that life isn't fair, even if the mass of humanity cannot possibly be as deserving of a thumb on the scales of fate as they think that they are. Still, it is just possible that from time to time the universe does conspire to heap misfortune on the narrow shoulders of one poor specimen, and turn that benighted soul into... The Born Loser! November 1, 2015
As The Northern Star
There are certain things in life that feel fixed… immutable, as if they had never changed and they never would. But the world outside the window changes every day, and a great war is being fought, without a single shot being fired. In times like these, even the Northern Star can change his stripes... or something. January 1, 2016
Chess Pains
Celebrate the arbitrary milestone of seventy delightful episodes with Lord and Lady Flatfoot! Once again our intrepid heroes are thrust into a situation that falls well short of their customary bailiwick, is well and truly outside of their comfort zone and for which they are deeply, deeply unqualified. It’s enough to give a person Chess Pains! March 1, 2016
The Policy
Sometimes a bet comes with such terrible odds that there isn't much point in placing it. Sometimes it's a sure thing, usually because someone has made it so, often by cheating on a massive scale. Those are the times that tend to kill you dead, my friends, they really are. When you can't help but win, everybody loses. Or do they? May 1, 2016
Date Night
The more things change, the more they stay the same, my friends. Except sometimes the most unimaginable changes happen under the guise of the ordinary, everyday things that pop up on a regular day. Or in this case, on Date Night. July 1, 2016


  1. "Black Jack Justice | Decoder Ring Theatre". Retrieved 2016-10-27.
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