List of Central Java regencies and cities

Central Java province, Indonesia.
The Indonesian province of Central Java comprises the following 29 regencies (kabupaten) and 6 cities (kota, previously kotamadya and kota pradja).
Name | Capital | Area (km²) | Population 2000 Census | Population 2005 estimate | Population 2010 Census | Population 2014 estimate |
Banjarnegara Regency | Banjarnegara | 1,023.73 | 838,962 | 854,785 | 868,913 | 879,570 |
Banyumas Regency | Purwokerto | 1,335.30 | 1,460,324 | 1,980,575 | 1,554,527 | 1,573,593 |
Cilacap Regency | Cilacap | 2,124.47 | 1,613,964 | 1,716,922 | 1,642,107 | 1,662,248 |
Purbalingga Regency | Purbalingga | 677.55 | 788,675 | 810,108 | 848,952 | 859,364 |
Southwestern region | 5,161.05 | 4,919,660 | 4,974,775 | |||
Magelang City | Magelang | 16.06 | 116,800 | 124,374 | 118,227 | 119,677 |
Kebumen Regency | Kebumen | 1,211.74 | 1,166,604 | 1,196,304 | 1,159,926 | 1,174,153 |
Magelang Regency | Mungkid | 1,102.93 | 1,102,359 | 1,137,938 | 1,181,723 | 1,196,219 |
Purworejo Regency | Purworejo | 1,091.49 | 704,063 | 712,851 | 695,427 | 703,956 |
Temanggung Regency | Temanggung | 837.71 | 665,470 | 687,901 | 708,546 | 717,236 |
Wonosobo Regency | Wonosobo | 981.41 | 739,648 | 647,984 | 754,883 | 764,142 |
Southern (Kedu) region | 5,241.34 | 4,618,732 | 4,675,383 | |||
Surakarta (or Solo) City | Surakarta | 46.01 | 489,900 | 506,397 | 499,337 | 505,461 |
Boyolali Regency | Boyolali | 1,008.45 | 897,207 | 923,207 | 930,531 | 941,944 |
Karanganyar Regency | Karanganyar | 775.44 | 761,988 | 793,417 | 813,196 | 823,170 |
Klaten Regency | Klaten | 658.22 | 1,109,486 | 1,023,484 | 1,130,047 | 1,143,907 |
Sragen Regency | Sragen | 941.54 | 845,320 | 854,751 | 856,266 | 868,793 |
Sukoharjo Regency | Sukoharjo | 489.12 | 780,949 | 598,574 | 824,238 | 834,347 |
Wonogiri Regency | Wonogiri | 1,793.67 | 967,178 | 977,471 | 928,904 | 940,297 |
Southeastern (Solo) region | 5,712.45 | 5,982,519 | 6,057,919 | |||
Pekalongan City | Pekalongan | 45.25 | 263,190 | 269,177 | 281,434 | 284,886 |
Salatiga City | Salatiga | 57.36 | 155,244 | 165,394 | 170,332 | 172,421 |
Semarang City | Semarang | 373.78 | 1,353,047 | 1,438,733 | 1,555,984 | 1,575,068 |
Tegal City | Tegal | 39.68 | 236,900 | 238,676 | 239,599 | 242,539 |
Batang Regency | Batang | 788.65 | 665,426 | 673,406 | 706,764 | 715,432 |
Blora Regency | Blora | 1,804.59 | 813,675 | 827,587 | 829,728 | 839,905 |
Brebes Regency | Brebes | 1,902.37 | 1,711,364 | 1,701,460 | 1,733,869 | 1,755,136 |
Demak Regency | Demak | 900.12 | 984,741 | 1,008,822 | 1,055,579 | 1,068,524 |
Grobogan Regency | Grobogan | 2,013.86 | 1,271,500 | 1,309,346 | 1,308,696 | 1,324,747 |
Jepara Regency | Jepara | 1,059.25 | 980,443 | 1,041,360 | 1,097,280 | 1,110,738 |
Kendal Regency | Kendal | 1,118.13 | 851,504 | 907,771 | 900,313 | 911,355 |
Kudus Regency | Kudus | 425.15 | 709,905 | 754,183 | 777,437 | 786,972 |
Pati Regency | Pati | 1,489.19 | 1,154,506 | 1,160,546 | 1,190,993 | 1,205,601 |
Pekalongan Regency | Kajen | 837.00 | 807,051 | 830,632 | 838,621 | 848,907 |
Pemalang Regency | Pemalang | 1,118.03 | 1,271,404 | 1,329,990 | 1,261,353 | 1,276,823 |
Rembang Regency | Rembang | 887.13 | 559,523 | 563,122 | 591,359 | 598,612 |
Semarang Regency | Ungaran | 950.21 | 834,314 | 878,278 | 930,727 | 942,142 |
Tegal Regency | Slawi | 876.10 | 1,391,184 | 1,400,588 | 1,394,839 | 1,411,947 |
Totals | 32,800.69 | 31,223,258 | 31,896,114 | 32,382,657 | 32,779,832 |
See also
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