List of Fellows of the British Academy elected in the 2000s

The Fellowship of the British Academy consists of world-leading scholars and researchers in the humanities and social sciences. A number of fellows are elected each year in July at the Academy's Annual General Meeting.[1]


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2009:[2]

  • Professor Simon Baron-Cohen. Professor of Developmental Psychopathology; Director, Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge
  • Professor William Beinart. Rhodes Professor of Race Relations, University of Oxford; Professorial Fellow, St Antony’s College
  • Professor Martin Bell. Professor of Archaeology, University of Reading
  • Robin Briggs. Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford
  • Professor Bruce Campbell. Professor of Medieval Economic History, Queen’s University, Belfast
  • Professor Christine Chinkin. Professor of International Law, London School of Economics
  • Professor Paul Cloke. Professor of Human Geography, University of Exeter
  • Dr Jean Dunbabin. Senior Research Fellow, St Anne's College, University of Oxford
  • Professor John Duncan. Assistant Director, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge
  • Professor Richard English. Professor of Politics, Queen's University, Belfast
  • Professor Philip Ford. Professor of French and Neo-Latin Literature, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Michael D. Freeman. Professor of English Law, University College London
  • Professor Graham Furniss. Professor of African Language Literature, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
  • Professor Malcolm Godden. Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon, University of Oxford
  • Professor Rachel Griffith. Deputy Research Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies; Professor of Economics, University College London
  • Professor Peter Hammond. Marie Curie Professor, Department of Economics, University of Warwick
  • Professor Colin Haselgrove. Professor of Archaeology and Head of School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester
  • Professor Jonathan Haslam. Professor of the History of International Relations, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Patsy Healey. Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University
  • Dr Wilfrid Hodges. Formerly Professor of Mathematics, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Glyn Humphreys. Professor of Cognitive Psychology, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Mary Jacobus. Professor of English and Director, Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Ruth Lister. Professor of Social Policy, Loughborough University
  • Professor John Mack. Professor of World Art Studies, University of East Anglia
  • Dr John Marenbon. Senior Research Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge
  • Professor Roger Pearson. Professor of French, University of Oxford; Fellow and Praelector, The Queen's College
  • Professor Christopher Pelling. Regius Professor of Greek, University of Oxford
  • Professor Geoffrey Pullum. Professor of General Linguistics and Head of Linguistics and English Language, The University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Susan Rankin. Professor of Medieval Music, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Emmanuel College
  • Professor Michael Silk. Professor of Classical and Comparative Literature, King's College London
  • Professor David M. Smith. Emeritus Professor of Geography, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Margaret J. Snowling. Professor of Psychology, University of York
  • Professor Fiona A. Steele. Professor of Social Statistics, University of Bristol
  • Professor Peter Taylor-Gooby. Professor of Social Policy, University of Kent; Honorary Co-Director, Risk Research Centre, Beijing Normal University
  • Professor Alexandra Walsham. Professor of Reformation History, University of Exeter
  • Professor Reg Ward. Formerly Professor of Modern History, University of Durham
  • Professor David Womersley. Thomas Warton Professor of English Literature, University of Oxford
  • Professor Sarah Worthington. Pro-Director and Professor of Law, London School of Economics


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2008:[3]

  • Professor Sara Arber, Professor of Sociology, University of Surrey; Co-Director, Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender
  • Professor Alan Baddeley, CBE, FRS, Professor of Psychology, University of York
  • Professor Michael Bell, Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
  • Professor John Blair, Professor of Medieval History and Archaeology, University of Oxford; Fellow and Praelector, The Queen's College
  • Professor Martin Browning, Professor of Economics, University of Oxford; Fellow, Nuffield College
  • Professor Harald Clahsen, Professor of Linguistics, University of Essex
  • Professor Trevor J. Dadson, Professor of Hispanic Studies and Vice-Principal (Humanities and Social Sciences), Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Jon Driver, FMedSci, Director, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London
  • Professor David Firth, Professor of Statistics, University of Warwick
  • Professor Chris Frith, FRS, Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London; Niels Bohr Visiting Professor, University of Aarhus
  • Professor Roberta Gilchrist, Professor of Archaeology, University of Reading
  • Professor Robert Hillenbrand, Professor Emeritus, History of Art, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Colin Jones, Professor of History, Queen Mary, University of London
  • Professor Oliver B. Linton, Professor of Econometrics, London School of Economics
  • Professor Julius Lipner, Professor of Hinduism and the Comparative Study of Religion, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Ruth Mace, Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, University College London
  • Professor Christopher McCrudden, Professor of Human Rights Law, University of Oxford; Fellow, Lincoln College
  • Professor Linda McDowell, Professor of Human Geography, University of Oxford; Fellow, St John's College
  • Professor Iain McLean, Professor of Politics, University of Oxford; Official Fellow in Politics, Nuffield College
  • Professor Hugh McLeod, Professor of Church History, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Daniel Miller, Professor of Anthropology, University College London
  • Professor Peter Neary, Professor of Economics, University of Oxford; Fellow, Merton College
  • Professor Vivian Nutton, Professor of the History of Medicine, University College London
  • Professor Stephen Oakley, Kennedy Professor of Latin, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Michael O'Brien, Professor of American Intellectual History, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Jesus College
  • Professor Ray Pahl, Visiting Research Professor, University of Essex; Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Kent
  • Professor Roger Parker, Thurston Dart Professor of Music, King’s College London
  • Professor Kenneth Reid, CBE, FRSE, WS, Professor of Property Law, University of Edinburgh
  • Professor Martin J. S. Rudwick, Affiliated Research Scholar, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge; Professor Emeritus of History, University of California, San Diego
  • Professor Roger Scruton, Senior Research Fellow, Blackfriars Hall; Research Professor, Institute for the Psychological Sciences, Arlington, Virginia
  • Professor Vivienne Shue, Professor and Director, Contemporary China Studies, University of Oxford
  • Professor Paul Julian Smith, Professor of Spanish, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Susan J. Smith, Professor of Geography and Director of the Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University
  • Professor Lisa Tickner, Professor Emerita of Art History, Middlesex University; Visiting Professor, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London
  • Professor John Tiley, Professor of the Law of Taxation, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Queens’ College
  • Professor Charles Townshend, Professor of International History, Keele University
  • Professor Tony Wilkinson, Professor of Archaeology, Durham University
  • Professor Mark Williams, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, University of Oxford


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2007:[4]

  • Ash Amin, Professor of Geography and Executive Director, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Durham
  • Mark Armstrong, Professor of Economics, University College London
  • Derek Attridge, Professor of English, University of York
  • Toby Barnard, Lecturer in History, University of Oxford, Fellow of Hertford College
  • John Barton, Oriel and Laing Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford
  • Paul Binski, Professor of the History of Medieval Art, University of Cambridge
  • Rachel Bowlby, Northcliffe Professor of Modern English Literature, University College London
  • Harvey Brown, Professor of Philosophy of Physics, University of Oxford
  • Andrew Burrows, Norton Rose Professor of Commercial Law, University of Oxford, Fellow of St Hugh’s College
  • Bryony Coles, Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Exeter
  • Ross Cranston, Centennial Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Robert Foley, Director of the Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, University of Cambridge, Fellow of King’s College
  • Mary Fulbrook, Professor of German History, University College London
  • Christopher Fuller, Professor of Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • John Gillingham, Emeritus Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • John Haffenden, Research Professor in English Literature, University of Sheffield
  • Christopher Hill, Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations, University of Cambridge
  • Carole Hillenbrand, Professor of Islamic History, University of Edinburgh
  • Boyd Hilton, Reader in Modern British History, University of Cambridge, Fellow of Trinity College
  • Michael Hunter, Professor of History, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Catriona Kelly, Professor of Russian and Co-Director, European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford
  • Joni Lovenduski, Anniversary Professor of Politics, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Richard McCabe, Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Oxford, Fellow of Merton College
  • David Martin, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Henrietta Moore, Professor of Social Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Colin Morris, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History, University of Southampton
  • Anthony Ogus, Professor of Law, University of Manchester
  • Carole Pateman, Research Professor, European Studies, Cardiff University
  • Nicholas Purcell, Fellow in Ancient History, St John’s College, Oxford
  • Genevra Richardson, Professor of Law, King’s College London
  • Ian Roberts, Professor of Linguistics, University of Cambridge
  • Kevin Roberts, Sir John Hicks Professor of Economics, University of Oxford
  • Mike Savage, Professor of Sociology and Director of the ESRC Centre for Research in Socio-Cultural Change, University of Manchester
  • John Scott, Professor of Sociology, University of Essex
  • Richard Smith, Professor of Econometric Theory and Economic Statistics, University of Cambridge
  • Zara Steiner, Emeritus Fellow, New Hall, Cambridge
  • Steven Tipper, Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Wales, Bangor
  • H. Peyton Young, Professorial Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford; Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, Washington DC


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2006:[5]

  • Professor Robert Adams (University of Oxford) Philosophy
  • Professor Stephen Ball (The Institute of Education, University of London) Sociology of Education
  • Professor Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford) Developmental Neuropsychology
  • Professor Ken Booth (University of Wales) International Relations
  • Professor John Butt (University of Glasgow) History of Music
  • Professor Richard Carwardine (University of Oxford) American History
  • Professor Avshalom Caspi (King’s College London, University of London) Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry
  • Professor John Child (University of Birmingham) Commerce
  • Professor Hugh Collins (London School of Economics) Law
  • Professor Helen Cooper (University of Cambridge) English Literature
  • Professor James Dunn (University of Durham) Theology & Religion
  • Professor David Feldman (University of Cambridge) Law
  • Professor Andrew George (School of Oriental and African Studies) Assyriology
  • Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh (University of Oxford) Politics
  • Professor Ray Hudson (University of Durham) Geography
  • Professor Michael Lipton (University of Sussex) Economics
  • Professor Edna Longley (Queen’s University Belfast) English Literature
  • Professor Stephen Machin (University College London) Economics
  • Professor Hector MacQueen (University of Edinburgh) Law
  • Professor Martin Millett (University of Cambridge) Archaeology
  • Professor Michael Moriarty (Queen Mary, University of London) French
  • Professor Robin Osborne (University of Cambridge) Ancient History
  • Professor Jacqueline Rose (Queen Mary, University of London) English Literature
  • Professor Jill Rubery (University of Manchester) Economic Sociology
  • Rosalind Savill (The Wallace Collection) History of Art
  • Professor Hamish Scott (University of St Andrews) International History
  • Professor Stephen Shennan (University College London) Archaeology
  • Professor Neil Shephard (University of Oxford) Economics
  • Professor Avi Shlaim (University of Oxford) International Relations
  • Professor Paul Sillitoe (University of Durham) Anthropology
  • Professor Patricia Thane (Institute of Historical Research, University of London) Contemporary British History
  • Professor Edward Timms (University of Sussex) German Studies
  • Professor Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester) Linguistics
  • Professor Charles Withers (University of Edinburgh) Historical Geography

Senior Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2005:[6]

  • Professor Philip Alexander (University of Manchester), Theology
  • Professor Andrew Barker (University of Birmingham), Classics
  • Dr Bonnie Blackburn, Musicology (Independent scholar)
  • Professor Richard Britnell (University of Durham), History
  • Professor Bernard Capp (University of Warwick), History
  • Professor Gordon Clark (University of Oxford), Geography
  • Professor Roger Cotterrell (Queen Mary, University of London), Law
  • Professor Cairns Craig (University of Edinburgh), English Literature
  • Professor Colin Crouch (University of Warwick), Sociology
  • Professor David d'Avray (University College London), History
  • Professor Simon Deakin (University of Cambridge), Law
  • Professor Ian Diamond (Economic and Social Research Council), Sociology
  • Professor Dorothy Edgington (University of Oxford), Philosophy
  • Professor Sandra Fredman (University of Oxford), Law
  • Professor Miriam Glucksmann (University of Essex), Sociology
  • Professor Christopher Gosden (University of Oxford), Archaeology
  • Professor Sir Brian Harrison (University of Oxford), History
  • Professor Jo Labanyi (University of Southampton), Spanish Literature
  • Professor Andrew Linklater (University of Wales, Aberystwyth), Political Studies
  • Professor David McCrone (University of Edinburgh), Sociology
  • Professor April McMahon (University of Edinburgh), Linguistics
  • Professor Ronald Martin (University of Cambridge), Geography
  • Professor Costas Meghir (University College London), Economics
  • Professor Dawn Oliver (University College London), Law
  • Professor David Perrett (University of St Andrews), Psychology
  • Professor Robert Plomin (Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London), Psychology
  • Professor Graham Rees (Queen Mary, University of London), English Literature
  • Professor David Reynolds (University of Cambridge), History
  • Professor David Sanders (University of Essex), Political Studies
  • Professor Geoffrey Searle (University of East Anglia), History
  • Professor Hyun Song Shin (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor Nicholas Thomas (Goldsmiths College, University of London), Anthropology
  • Professor Gerard van Gelder (University of Oxford), Oriental Studies
  • Professor Anthony Venables (London School of Economics and Political Science), Economics
  • Professor Marina Warner (University of Essex), English Literature

Senior Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2004:[7]

Senior Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2003:[8]

Senior Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2002:[9]

Senior Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2002:[10]

Senior Fellows


The following Fellows of the British Academy were elected at the Annual General Meeting in 2000:[11]


  1. "About the British Academy". British Academy. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
  2. "Elections to the Fellowship 2009", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2012.
  3. "Elections to the Fellowship 2008", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 6 August 2008.
  4. "Elections to the Fellowship 2007", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2008.
  5. "Elections to the Fellowship 2006", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 4 August 2008.
  6. "Fellows Elected 2005", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 12 May 2006.
  7. "Fellows Elected 2004", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2004.
  8. "Fellows Elected 2003", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 3 June 2004.
  9. "Fellows Elected 2002", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 26 October 2002.
  10. "AGM 2001", British Academy. As archived at the Internet Archive on 4 August 2002.
  11. "Annual elections at the British Academy's AGM", British Academy. 7 July 2000. As archived at the Internet Archive on 6 September 2004.
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