List of Intangible Cultural Properties of Japan (Tokushima)

This list is of the Intangible Cultural Properties of Japan in the Prefecture of Tokushima.[1]

National Cultural Properties

As of 1 February 2015, zero Important Intangible Cultural Properties have been designated.[2][3][4]

Prefectural Cultural Properties

As of 12 February 2015, six properties have been designated at a prefectural level.[4][5]

Property Holder Comments Image Ref.
Awa True Indigo-dyed Shijira-ori Weaving Technique
Awa shō-aizome shijira-ori
Inoue Kaikei (井上光雄), Katō Teruo (加藤輝男), Nagao Tōtarō (長尾藤太郎)
Awa True Indigo Method
Awa shō-aizome-hō
Okamoto Cloth Weaving Workshop (岡本織布工場)
Hand-made Washi Production Technique
tesuki washi seizō no gihō
Fujimori Minoru (藤森実)
Awa Indigo Natural Fermentation with Lye
Awa ai ni yoru aku shizen hakkō date ni yoru aizome
Takeuchi Akiko (竹内晃子)
Awa-tafu Mulberry Cloth Production Technique
Awa-tafu seizō gihō
Awa-tafu Production Technique Preservation Society (阿波太布製造技法保存伝承会)
tōken seisaku
Sugiyama Toshio (杉山俊雄)

Municipal Cultural Properties

As of 1 May 2014, five properties have been designated at a municipal level,[6] including:

Property Holder Comments Image Ref.
Awa Indigo Chūsen Dyeing Technique
Awa ai no chūsen
Furushō Toshiharu (古庄紀治) Cultural Property of Tokushima

See also


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 9/30/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.