List of Kinnikuman episodes

The Kinnikuman manga by Yudetamago was adapted into two anime TV series by Toei Animation. The original series, simply titled Kinnikuman (キン肉マン) aired on Nippon Television (NTV) affiliates from April 3, 1983 to October 1, 1986, lasting 137 episodes. The second series, Kinnikuman: Scramble for the Throne (キン肉マン キン肉星王位争奪編 Kinnikuman Kinniku-sei Ōi Sōdatsu Hen), aired on NTV affiliates from October 6, 1991 to September 27, 1992, with 46 episodes.
Kaijū Extermination Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
1 | "Messenger from Planet Kinniku" "Kinniku-sei kara no Shisha no maki" (キン肉星からの使者の巻) | April 3, 1983 |
"The Man from America" "Amerika kara kita Otoko no maki" (アメリカからきた男の巻) | ||
Part A: Meat arrives from Planet Kinniku to retrieve the prince, Kinnikuman. | ||
2 | "The Target is Nessie" "Hyouteki wa Nesshii no maki" (標的はネッシーの巻) | April 10, 1983 |
"Save Planet Kinniku!" "Kinniku-sei wo Sukue! no maki" (キン肉星を救え! の巻) | ||
Part A: In order to boost his public image, Kinnikuman wants to fight Nessie on live TV. | ||
3 | "Space Kaijū Attack" "Uchuu Kaijuu Shuurai no maki" (宇宙怪獣襲来の巻) | |
"Kinnikuman's Great Hustle" "Kinnikuman Dai Hassuru" (キン肉マン大ハッスルの巻) | ||
Part A: Because all of the other superheroes are busy, Kinnikuman is asked to fight and alien invasion. | ||
4 | "Groovy Natsuko" "Tonderu Natsuko no maki" (翔んでるナツコの巻) | |
"Part-time Jobs are Annoying" "Arubaito wa Tsurai yo no maki" (アルバイトはつらいよの巻) | ||
Part A: Journalist Natsuko wants to interview Kinnikuman; Iwao plots revenge on Kinnikuman. | ||
5 | "Kinkotsuman and the Battle of Bone and Muscle" "Kinkotsuman to Kotsu-niku no Arasoi no maki" (キン骨マンと骨肉の争いの巻) | |
"Kinnikuman's Broken Heart" "Kinnikuman Shitsuren no maki" (キン肉マン失恋の巻) | ||
Part A: Kinkotsuman arrives and challenges Kinnikuman to a fight. | ||
6 | "Kinnikuman is Sexy!?" "Mote-Mote!? Kinnikuman no maki" (モテモテ!? キン肉マンの巻) | |
"The Japanese Representative is..." "Nippon Daihyou ni nari tai no maki" (日本代表になりたいの巻) | ||
Part A: Kinkotsuman, Iwao, and other Kaijū pose as pretty fangirls of Kinnikuman in order to capture and torture him. |
20th Choujin Olympics Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
7 | "The Hero Olympics" "Hiiroo Orinpikku no maki" (ヒーローオリンピックの巻) | |
"Kinkotsuman's Trap" "Kinkotsuman no Wana no maki" (キン骨マンのワナの巻) | ||
8 | "The Space Marathon" "Uchuu Marason no maki" (宇宙マラソンの巻 Part B: 決戦! バトルロイヤルの巻) | |
"Showdown! The Battle Royal" "Kessen! Batoru Roiyaru no maki" | ||
9 | "Natsuko Becomes Giant" "Natsuko Kyojin ni naru no maki" (ナツコ·巨人になるの巻) | |
"The Hidden Secret" "Kakusareta Himitsu no maki" (かくされた秘密の巻) | ||
10 | "The Tournament Finals Begins!" "Gongu! Kesshou Toonamento no maki" (ゴング! 決勝トーナメントの巻) | |
"Watch Out, Terryman!" "Ayaushi! Teriiman no maki" (危うし! テリーマンの巻) | ||
11 | "The Great Reversal!" "Dai Gyakuten! no maki" (大逆転! の巻) | |
"Ice-Top Death Match" "Hyou-jou Desumatchi no maki" (氷上デスマッチの巻) | ||
12 | "The Deadly Camel Clutch" "Shi no Kyameru Kuratchi no maki" (死のキャメルクラッチの巻) | |
"Just Look at that Western Spirit!" "Mi yo! Kono Seibu Tamashii no maki" (見よ! この西部魂の巻) | ||
13 | "Terryman's Demonic Transformation" "Teriiman Akuma ni Henshin no maki" (テリーマン悪魔に変身の巻) | |
"The Killer Boston Crab" "Hissatsu Bosuton Kurabu no maki" (必殺ボストンクラブの巻) | ||
14 | "Zangyaku-seijin Appears!" "Zangyaku-seijin Araru! no maki" (ザンギャク星人現る!の巻) | |
"Kinnikuman Advances to the Finals" "Kinnikuman Kesshou Shinshutsu no maki" (キン肉マン·決勝進出の巻) | ||
15 | "The Secret Snowy Mountain Training" "Yuki-yama Himitsu Tokkun no maki" (雪山秘密特訓の巻) | |
"Ramenman's Great Rage" "Rāmenman Oh Abare no maki" (ラーメンマン大暴れの巻) | ||
16 | "Let's Go! Battle Style" "Ikuzo! Sentou Sutairu no maki" (行くぞ!戦闘スタイルの巻) | |
"There it is! The Human Rocket" "Deta! Ningen Roketto no maki" (出た!人間ロケットの巻) | ||
17 | "Robin's Dreadful Finisher!" "Kyoufu! Robin Hissatsu Waza no maki" (恐怖!ロビン必殺技の巻) | |
"The Course of Death" "Shi no Kōsu no maki" (死のコースの巻) | ||
18 | "The Electric Hellish Message" "Denki Anma no Jigoku daze no maki" (電気アンマの地獄だぜの巻) | |
"Will Kinnikuman Comeback?" "Kinnikuman Gyakuten naru ka? no maki" (キン肉マン逆転なるか?の巻) |
American Tour Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
19 | "Kinnikuman Flies the World" "Sekai e Kakeku Kinnikuman no maki" (世界へ翔くキン肉マンの巻) | |
"Hawaii! The Mysterious Kamehame" "Hawai! Kamehame no Nazo no maki" (ハワイ!カメハメの謎の巻) | ||
20 | "The 7 Second Fall!" "Nana-byou Fōru! no maki" (7秒フォール!の巻) | |
"The No Rope Death Match" "Nō Rōpu Desumatchi no maki" (ノーロープデスマッチの巻) | ||
21 | "Kinnikuman One-Shot Fight" "Faito Ippatsu Kinnikuman no maki" (ファイト一発キン肉マンの巻) | |
"Finishing Move: Fuu Rin Ka Zan" "Hissatsu Waza Fuu Rin Ka Zan no maki" (必殺技·風林火山の巻) | ||
22 | "The Choujin League Crumbles!" "Choujin Doumei wo Taose! no maki" (超人同盟を倒せ!の巻) | |
"Watch Out, Suguru" "Ayaushi Suguru no maki" (危うしスグルの巻) | ||
23 | "The Terrifying Magician Appears" "Kyoufu no Majishan Toujou no maki" (恐怖のマジシャン登場の巻) | |
"The 4th Killer Technique" "Yo-banme no Satsujin Waza no maki" (4番目の殺人技の巻) | ||
24 | "Tendon vs. Kinnikuman" "Tendōn tai Kinnikuman no maki" (テンドーン対キン肉マンの巻) | |
"The Secret of Skull Boze" "Sukaru Bōzu no Himitsu no maki" (スカルボーズの秘密の巻) | ||
25 | "Robin Mask Appears Again" "Robin Masuku Sai Toujou no maki" (ロビンマスク再登場の巻) | |
"The Great Amazon Canyon Duel!" "Kettou! Amazon Dai Keikoku no maki" (決闘!アマゾン大渓谷の巻) | ||
26 | "The Hellish Midair Death Match" "Jigoku no Kuuchuu Desumatchi no maki" (地獄の空中デスマッチの巻) | |
"The End of Robin Mask" "Robin Masuku no Saigo no maki" (ロビンマスクの最後の巻) |
21st Choujin Olympics Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
27 | "The Choujin Olympics Again" "Futatabi Choujin Orinpikku no maki" (再び超人オリンピックの巻) | |
"The Insanely Strong Rikishiman Appears" "Kairiki Rikishiman Toujou no maki" (怪力リキシマン登場の巻) | ||
28 | "The Choujin Sieve Drop" "Choujin Furui Otoshi no maki" (超人ふるい落としの巻) | |
"Challenge in the Gasoline Pool" "Gasorin Puuru ni Chousen no maki" (ガソリンプールに挑戦の巻) | ||
29 | "Kinniku Edition: Springtime of Love" "Kinniku-ban: Ai to Seishun no maki" (キン肉版·愛と青春の巻) | |
"Knock Away the Shinkansen" "Shinkansen wo Kettobase no maki" (新幹線をケッとばせの巻) | ||
30 | "Final Prelim: The Ravine of Falling Choujin" "Saishuu Yosen: Choujin Otoshi no Tani no maki" (最終予選·超人落しの谷の巻) | |
"The Deadly Roller Game" "Shi no Rooraa Geemu no maki" (死のローラーゲームの巻) | ||
31 | "Deadly Struggle Before the Goal" "Gooru-mae no Shitou no maki" (ゴール前の死闘の巻) | |
"The Choujin are Pachinko Balls" "Choujin wa Pachinko Tama no maki" (超人はパチンコ玉の巻) | ||
32 | "Warsman, The Iron Claw" "Woozuman: Testu no Tsume no maki" (ウォーズマン·鉄のツメの巻) | |
"Can You See It!? The Killer Wax Hold" "Mitaka! Rou Gatame Sappou no maki" (見たか!ロウ固め殺法の巻) | ||
33 | "Brocken Jr.'s Challenge" "Burokken Junia no Chousen no maki" (ブロッケンJrの挑戦の巻) | |
"And Here's Kinnikuman's Finishing Move!" "Deta! Kinnikuman Hissatsuwaza no maki" (出た!キン肉マン必殺技の巻) | ||
34 | "The Concrete Death Match" "Konkurii Desumatchi no maki" (コンクリーデスマッチの巻) | |
"Brocken Jr.'s Fierce Assault" "Burokken Junia Moukou no maki" (ブロッケンJr猛攻の巻) | ||
35 | "Secret Technique: Great Wall of China" "Higi: Banri no Choujou no maki" (秘技·万里の長城の巻) | |
"The American-Soviet Choujin Clash!" "Bei-So Choujin Gekitotsu! no maki" (米ソ超人激突!の巻) | ||
36 | "Benkiman's Trap" "Benkiiman no Wana no maki" (ベンキーマンの罠の巻) | |
"Ramenman is a True Choujin" "Raamenman wa Shin no Choujin no maki" (ラーメンマンは真の超人の巻) | ||
37 | "The Sumo Choujin Rikishiman" "Sumou Choujin Rikishiman no maki" (スモウ超人リキシマンの巻) | |
"To the Edge of the Dohyo!" "Douhyougiwa ni Kakero! no maki" (土俵際にかけろ!の巻) | ||
38 | "Casket Death Match" "Kanoke Desumatchi no maki" (棺桶デスマッチの巻) | |
"The Fighting Machine Choujin" "Tatakau Kikai Choujin no maki" (戦う機械超人の巻) | ||
39 | "The Deadly Bear Claws" "Shi no Beaa Kuroo no maki" (死のベアークローの巻) | |
"The Scramble Soft Reversal" "Sukuranburu Sofuto Kaeshi no maki" (スクランブル·ソフト返しの巻) | ||
40 | "Mask Removal Death Match!" "Fukumen Hagi Desumatchi! no maki" (覆面はぎデスマッチ!の巻) | |
"Ramenman's Oath" "Raamenman tono Chikai no maki" (ラーメンマンとの誓いの巻) | ||
41 | "Defeat the Palo Special" "Paro Supesharu wo Yabure no maki" (パロ·スペシャルを破れの巻) | |
"That's it! The Kinniku Buster" "Deta! Kinniku Basutaa no maki" (出た!キン肉バスターの巻) | ||
42 | "The Day of the Final Battle Arrives!" "Kessen no Hi Kitaru! no maki" (決戦の日きたる!の巻) | |
"What is Barracuda's True Identity!?" "Barakuuda no Shoutai!? no maki" (バラクーダの正体は!?の巻) | ||
43 | "The Terrible Computer Choujin!" "Kyoufu! Konpyuuta Choujin no maki" (恐怖!コンピュータ超人の巻) | |
"The Torn Mask" "Hikisakareta Masuku no maki" (引き裂かれたマスクの巻) | ||
44 | "The Crucial Kinniku Gard" "Gokui: Kinniku Gaado no maki" (極意·キン肉ガードの巻) | |
"The Greatest Pinch!" "Saidai no Pinchi! no maki" (最大のピンチ!の巻) | ||
45 | "Robin Mask's Revenge" "Robin Masuku no Fukushuu no maki" (ロビンマスクの復讐の巻) | |
"Burning Inner Strength!" "Kajiba no Kuso Djikara! no maki" (火事場のクソ力!の巻) | ||
46 | "90 Brutal Minutes! The Single Round Match" "Shitou Kyuujuu-bun! Ippon Shoubu no maki" (死闘90分!一本勝負の巻) | |
"Do You Give Up, Kinnikuman!?" "Gibu Appu!? Kinnikuman no maki" (ギブアップ!?キン肉マンの巻) | ||
47 | "The Blazing Spirit Calls for a Miracle!!" "Kiseki wo Yobu Honoo no Tamashii!! no maki" (奇跡を呼ぶ炎の魂!!の巻) | |
"An Historic First! V2" "Shijouhatsu! Bui Tsuu no maki" (史上初!V2の巻) |
Seven Akuma Choujin Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
48 | "The Seven Akuma Choujin Appear!!" "Shutsugen!! Shichinin no Akuma Choujin no maki" (出現!!七人の悪魔超人の巻) | |
"Meat is Separated" "Bara-Bara ni sareta Miito no maki" (バラバラにされたミートの巻) | ||
49 | "The Akuma Choujin Series Begins" "Akuma Choujin Shiriizu Hajimaru no maki" (悪魔超人シリーズ始まるの巻) | |
"The Bad SteCase King" "Jigoku no Sutekase Kingu no maki" (地獄のステカセキングの巻) | ||
50 | "The Devil's Symphony" "Akuma no Shinfonii no maki" (悪魔のシンフォニーの巻) | |
"Secret Technique! The Three Minute Killer" "Higi! San-bun Koroshi no maki" (秘技!三分殺しの巻) | ||
51 | "Akuma Choujin Black Hole" "Akuma Choujin Burakku Hooru no maki" (悪魔超人ブラックホールの巻) | |
"The Terrible 4D Wrestling" "Senritsu no Yojigen Resuringu no maki" (戦慄の四次元レスリングの巻) | ||
52 | "The Shadow Hitmen Clone Technique!" "Kage no Koroshiya! Bunshin Waza no maki" (影の殺し屋!分身技の巻) | |
"Is He Alive or Dead!? The Pit of Darkness" "I ka Shi ka!? Ankoku no Otoshi Ana no maki" (生か死か!?暗黒の落し穴の巻) | ||
53 | "I Did It!! The Yellow Hole" "Yatta!! Ieroo Hooru no maki" (やった!!イエローホールの巻) | |
"I am Forever Immortal!!" "Watashi wa Eien ni Fumetsu desu!! no maki" (私は永遠に不滅です!!の巻) | ||
54 | "The Idol Choujin vs. The Akuma Choujin" "Aidoru Choujin tai Akuma Choujin no maki" (アイドル超人対悪魔超人の巻) | |
"Attack, Akuma Choujin!!" "Soukougeki!! Akuma Choujin no maki" (総攻撃!!悪魔超人の巻) | ||
55 | "The Dreadful Demon Tomboy" "Kyoufu no Debiru Tomubooi no maki" (恐怖のデビルトムボーイの巻) | |
"The Great Underwater Tactics" "Suichuu Dai Sakusen no maki" (水中大作戦の巻) | ||
56 | "The Dreaded Mummy Package!!" "Kyoufu!! Miira Pakkeeji no maki" (恐怖!!ミイラパッケージの巻) | |
"The Finisher!! Underworld Fang" "Hissatsu Waza!! Kiba Jigoku no maki" (必殺技!!キバ地獄の巻) | ||
57 | "Who is This Mysterious Choujin!?" "Nazo no Choujin no Shoutai!? no maki" (謎の超人の正体は!?の巻) | |
"The Trump Blade: Bear Claws" "Denka no Houtou: Beā Kurō no maki" (伝家の宝刀·ベアクローの巻) | ||
58 | "Spirit of the Revived Human" "Yomigaetta Ningen no Kokoro no maki" (甦った人間の心の巻) | |
"Double Bear Claws" "Daburu Beā Kurō no maki" (ダブルベアクローの巻) | ||
59 | "Terryman Falls into the Ravine" "Tanisoko ni Ochita Teriiman no maki" (谷底に落ちたテリーマンの巻) | |
"The Mysterious Red Spots!" "Nazo no Akai Hanten! no maki" (謎の赤い斑点!の巻) | ||
60 | "The Akuma Choujin Blood Bind" "Akuma Choujin Chi Shibari no maki" (悪魔超人血しばりの巻) | |
"The Intense Saint Helens Eruption" "Kyouretsu Sento Herenzu Funka no maki" (強烈セントへレンズ噴火の巻) | ||
61 | "Rescue Meat, Kinnikuman" "Miito wo Sukue Kinnikuman no maki" (ミートを救えキン肉マンの巻) | |
"The Mysterious Choujin Mongolman" "Nazo no Choujin Mongoruman no maki" (謎の超人モンゴルマンの巻) | ||
62 | "The Shower of Underworld" "Jigoku no Shawā no maki" (地獄のシャワーの巻) | |
"10 Million Power at Full Throttle!" "Zenkai! Issen-man Pawā no maki" (全開!1000万パワーの巻) | ||
63 | "The Secret of the Long Horns" "Rongu Hōn no Himitsu no maki" (ロングホーンの秘密の巻) | |
"Burning Reversals" "Kajiba no Gyakufunsha no maki" (火事場の逆噴射の巻) | ||
64 | "The Ring is Torn to Shreds" "Kirisakareta Ringu no maki" (切り裂かれたリングの巻) | |
"There it is! The Neo Kinniku Buster" "Deta! Neo Kinniku Basutā no maki" (出た!新キン肉バスターの巻) | ||
65 | "The Time Limit is Just Before 1 Second!!" "Taimu Rimitto Ichi-byou mae!! no maki" (タイムリミット1秒前!!の巻) | |
"Their Friendship is in the Ring" "Ringu wa Otoko no Yuujou no maki" (リングは男の友情の巻) |
Golden Mask Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
66 | "The Legendary Golden Mask" "Densetsu no Ougon Masuku no maki" (伝説の黄金マスクの巻) | |
"The Challenge of the Demon Knights" "Akuma Kishi no Chousen no maki" (悪魔騎士の挑戦の巻) | ||
67 | "The Outrageous Crocodile Underworld!" "Kaiki! Wani Jigoku no maki" (怪奇!ワニ地獄の巻) | |
"Molting Choujin Sneagator" "Tabbi Choujin Sunigētā no maki" (脱皮超人スニゲーターの巻) | ||
68 | "The Atrocious Frill-Necked Lizard!!" "Kyou'aku!! Erimaki Tokage no maki" (凶悪!!エリマキトカゲの巻) | |
"Sneagator's True Form" "Sunigētā no Shoutai no maki" (スニゲーターの正体の巻) | ||
69 | "The Silver Mask Comes Like a Miracle" "Kiseki wo Yobu Gin Masuku no maki" (奇跡を呼ぶ銀マスクの巻) | |
"The Life Giving Dohyo Entrance" "Inochi Agemasu Dohyou'iri no maki" (命あげます土俵入りの巻) | ||
70 | "Planetman's Space Underworld" "Uchuu Jigoku Puranettoman no maki" (宇宙地獄プラネットマンの巻) | |
"The Seigi Choujin Annihilation?!" "Seigi Choujin Zenmetsu ka?!" (正義超人全滅か?!の巻) | ||
71 | "Geronimo's War Cry" "Jeronimo no Otakebi no maki" (ジェロニモのおたけびの巻) | |
"Chased to the Bottom of Underworld" "Jigoku no Soko made Oikakero no maki" (地獄の底まで追いかけろの巻) | ||
72 | "The Deadly Five Story Ring" "Shi no Go-e Ringu no maki" (死の五重リングの巻) | |
"Junkman's Counterattack!" "Hangeki! Jankuman no maki" (反撃!ジャンクマンの巻) | ||
73 | "Are You Looking!? Those Robin Tactics" "Mita ka! Kono Robin Senpou no maki" (見たか!このロビン戦法の巻) | |
"The Ninja's Binding Spider Web" "Za Ninja Kumo Ito Shibari no maki" (/ザ·ニンジャくも糸縛りの巻) | ||
74 | "There it is! The Red Rain of Berlin" "Deta! Berurin no Akai Ame no maki" (出た!ベルリンの赤い雨の巻) | |
"Bad Technique: The Ashura Buster" "Jigoku Waza Ashura Basutā no maki" (地獄技アシュラバスターの巻) | ||
75 | "Both Arms Stolen" "Ubawareta Ryou-Ude no maki" (奪われた両腕の巻) | |
"Warsman is in Danger!" "Aya'ushi! Wōzuman no maki" (危うし!ウォーズマンの巻) | ||
76 | "Terryman Prepares for Death" "Shi wo Kakugoshita Teriiman no maki" (死を覚悟したテリーマンの巻) | |
"Geronimo's Fierce Assault!" "Moukou! Jeronimo no maki" (猛攻!ジェロニモの巻) | ||
77 | "Killer Technique: The Underworld's Pyramid" "Satsujin Waza Jigoku no Piramiddo no maki" (殺人技地獄のピラミッドの巻) | |
"The Immortal Choujin Spirit" "Fujimi no Choujin Tamashii no maki" (不死身の超人魂の巻) | ||
78 | "The Mystery of the Golden Mask" "Ougon Masuku no Nazo no maki" (黄金マスクのナゾの巻) | |
"Akuma Shogun Appears" "Akuma Shougun Toujou no maki" (悪魔将軍登場の巻) | ||
79 | "The Explosive Underworld's Guillotine!" "Sakuretsu! Jigoku no Dantoudai no maki" (炸裂!地獄の断頭台の巻) | |
"Buffaloman Lives Again!" "Fukkatsu! Baffarōman no maki" (復活!バッファローマンの巻) | ||
80 | "The Hellish Spider Nest Arrives Like a Storm" "Arashi wo Yobu Kumo no Su Jigoku no maki" (嵐を呼ぶクモの巣地獄の巻) | |
"The Kinniku Buster is Defeated!" "Yaburetari! Kinniku Basutā no maki" (破れたり!キン肉バスターの巻) | ||
81 | "The Ashura Buster is Defeated" "Ashura Basutā wo Yabure no maki" (アシュラバスターを破れの巻) | |
"Buffaloman's Treason!" "Baffarōman Hangyaku! no maki" (バッファローマン反逆!の巻) | ||
82 | "Train Extra Hard! The New Finishing Move!!" "Moutokkun! Shin Hissatsu Waza!! no maki" (猛特訓!新必殺技!!の巻) | |
"Direct Hit! Skull Crush" "Chokugeki! Sukaru Kurasshu no maki" (直撃!スカルクラッシュの巻) | ||
83 | "Akuma Shogun is a Hollow Choujin" "Akuma Shougun wa Nantai Choujin no maki" (悪魔将軍は軟体超人の巻) | |
"The Neo Kinniku Buster Explodes" "Neo Kinniku Basutā Sakuretsu no maki" (ネオキン肉バスター炸裂の巻) | ||
84 | "The Explosive Diamond Power" "Sakuretsu Daiyamondo Pawā no maki" (炸裂ダイヤモンドパワーの巻) | |
"Burning Megaton Punch" "Kajiba no Megaton Panchi no maki" (火事場のメガトンパンチの巻) | ||
85 | "Survive the Death Match" "Ikinokori Desumatchi no maki" (生き残りデスマッチの巻) | |
"The Chairman's Friendship" "Iinchou no Yuujou no maki" (委員長の友情の巻) | ||
86 | "Kinnikuman vs. Akuma Shogun" "Kinnikuman tai Akuma Shougun no maki" (キン肉マンVS悪魔将軍の巻) | |
"The Victory of Justice and Friendship" "Seigi to Yuujou no Shouri no maki" (正義と友情の勝利の巻) |
Dream Choujin Tag Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
87 | "The Dream Tag Tournament" "Yume no Taggy Tōnamento no maki" (夢のタッグトーナメントの巻) | |
"Challenge of the Three Gateways!" "Chousen! Mitsu no Kanmon no maki" (挑戦!三つの関門の巻) | ||
88 | "Kinnikuman Great Appears" "Kinnikuman Gurēto Toujou no maki" (キン肉マングレート登場の巻) | |
"Great Riot! The Bad Combo" "Ō Abare! Jigoku no Konbi no maki" (大暴れ!地獄のコンビの巻) | ||
89 | "The Dreadful 4D Trap!" "Osorubeshi! Yojigen no Wana no maki" (恐るべし!四次元のワナの巻) | |
"Watch Out, Kinnikuman Great!" "Aya'ushi! Kinnikuman Gurēto no maki" (危うし!キン肉マングレートの巻) | ||
90 | "The Miraculous Muscle Docking" "Kyoui Massuru Dokkingu no maki" (驚異マッスルドッキングの巻) | |
"The Terrible Perfect Choujins" "Senritsu! Kanpeki Choujin no maki" (戦慄!完璧超人の巻) | ||
91 | "The Blood-Spilling Underworld's Rotating Screw" "Chi wo Fuku Jigoku no Neji Mawashi no maki" (血を吹く地獄のネジ廻しの巻) | |
"The Don Appears" "Don Shutsugen no maki" (首領出現の巻) | ||
92 | "Big the Budou's True Form" "Biggu Za Budou no Shoutai no maki" (ビッグ·ザ·武道の正体の巻) | |
"Rough Technique! The Robin Special" "Arawaza! Robin Supesharu no maki" (荒技!ロビンスペシャルの巻) | ||
93 | "Remove the Mask" "Hagasareta Masuku no maki" (はがされたマスクの巻) | |
"Robin Mask's Counterattack!" "Gyakushuu! Robin Masuku no maki" (逆襲!ロビンマスクの巻) | ||
94 | "A New Terryman is Born" "Nyū Teriiman Tanjou no maki" (ニュー·テリーマン誕生の巻) | |
"Take This! Underworld's Tornado" "Kurae! Tatsumaki Jigoku no maki" (食らえ!竜巻地獄の巻) | ||
95 | "The Cursed Roller Tactic" "Noroi no Rōrā Sakusen no maki" (呪いのローラー作戦の巻) | |
"The Bad Sand Ball" "Jigoku no Suna Dango no maki" (地獄の砂団子の巻) | ||
96 | "Terryman is Back" "Teriiman Yomigaeru no maki" (テリーマン甦るの巻) | |
"The Blood-Thirsty Demon Combo" "Chi ni Ueta Akuma Konbi no maki" (血に飢えた悪魔コンビの巻) | ||
97 | "The Explosive Bad Clothesline" "Jigoku no Kurosurain Sakuretsu no maki" (地獄のクロスライン炸裂の巻) | |
"Kinnikuman Great's True Identity" "Kinnikuman Gurēto no Shoutai no maki" (キン肉マングレートの正体の巻) | ||
98 | "The Semi-finals Begin!" "Junkesshou Hajimaru! no maki" (準決勝始まる!の巻) | |
"The Lumberjack Death Match" "Ranbājakku Desumatchi no maki" (ランバージャックデスマッチの巻) | ||
99 | "Terryman's Anguish" "Kunou no Teriiman no maki" (苦悩のテリーマンの巻) | |
"Kinnikuman Great Returns" "Kinnikuman Gurēto Fukkatsu no maki" (キン肉マングレート復活の巻) | ||
100 | "Sunshine Magnum" "Sanshain Magunamu no maki" (サンシャインマグナムの巻) | |
"The Critical Point! The Killer Sleeping Strategy" "Gokui! Tanuki Neiri Sappou no maki" (極意!タヌキ寝入り殺法の巻) | ||
101 | "The Demon Realm Prince" "Makai no Purinsu no maki" (魔界のプリンスの巻) | |
"The Dreadful Ashura Fireball Bullets" "Kyoufuu no Ashura Hidama-dan no maki" (恐怖のアシュラ火玉弾の巻) | ||
102 | "The Cursed Roller is Defeated" "Yaburetari Noroi no Rōrā no maki" (破れたり呪いのローラーの巻) | |
"Akuma Shogun is Back!?" "Akuma Shougun Yomigaeru!? no maki" (悪魔将軍よみがえる!?の巻) | ||
103 | "The Demonic Spirit Burns Up" "Moe Agaru Akuma Reijutsu no maki" (燃えあがる悪魔霊術の巻) | |
"Ashuraman Weeps!" "Ashuraman Naku! no maki" (アシュラマン泣く!の巻) | ||
104 | "The Friendship Combination" "Yuujou no Konbinēshon no maki" (友情のコンビネーションの巻) | |
"Sunshine's End" "Sanshain no Saigo no maki" (サンシャインの最後の巻) | ||
105 | "The Brutal Steel Cage Match!" "Zankoku! Tetsujoumou Matchi no maki" (残酷!鉄条網マッチの巻) | |
"Watch Out, Mongolman!" "Aya'ushi! Mongoruman no maki" (危うし!モンゴルマンの巻) | ||
106 | "The Long Horn is Back" "Yomigaetta Rongu Hōn no maki" (甦ったロングホーンの巻) | |
"The Mountain Ring Crumbles!" "Houkai! Maunten Ringu no maki" (崩壊!マウンテンリングの巻) | ||
107 | "The Pyramid Ring Appears!" "Piramiddo Ringu Shutsugen! no maki" (ピラミッドリング出現!の巻) | |
"Jump for the Hokkaido Sky!" "Hokkaidou Kuuchuu ni Tobidasu! no maki" (北海道空中に飛び出す!の巻) | ||
108 | "The Mystery of the Pyramid Ring" "Piramiddo Ringu no Nazo no maki" (ピラミッドリングの謎の巻) | |
"The Deadly Thunder Sabers!" "Hissatsu! Sandā Sāberu no maki" (必殺!サンダーサーベルの巻) | ||
109 | "Buffaloman's Friendship" "Baffarōman no Yuujou no maki" (バッファローマンの友情の巻) | |
"The Magnetic Cross Bomber" "Jiki'arashi Kurosu Bonbā no maki" (磁気嵐クロスボンバーの巻) | ||
110 | "Ramenman Will Not Die!" "Rāmenman wa Shi nazu! no maki" (ラーメンマンは死なず!の巻) | |
"Kinnikuman's Arm is Taken" "Ubawareta Kinnikuman no Ude no maki" (奪われたキン肉マンの腕の巻) | ||
111 | "The Long Horn of Friendship" "Yuujou no Rongu Hōn no maki" (友情のロングホーンの巻) | |
"The Finals! Sword Death Match" "Kesshou! Sōdo Desumatchi no maki" (決勝!ソードデスマッチの巻) | ||
112 | "The Limitless Three-Part Match" "Museigen San-bon Shoubu no maki" (無制限三本勝負の巻) | |
"The Burning Smart Play" "Kajiba no Zunou Purē no maki" (火事場の頭脳プレーの巻) | ||
113 | "Mask Hunt: 30 Seconds Remain" "Masuku Gari: Nokori Sanjuu-byou no maki" (マスク狩·残り30秒の巻) | |
"The Explosive Magnetic Crash!" "Sakuretsu! Jiki Kurashu no maki" (炸裂!磁気クラッシュの巻) | ||
114 | "The First Defeat!" "Hatsu no Haiboku! no maki" (初の敗北!の巻) | |
"Ashuraman's Friendship" "Ashuraman no Yuujou no maki" (アシュラマンの友情の巻) | ||
115 | "The Machineguns are Back!" "Fukkatsu! Za Mashinganzu no maki" (復活!ザ·マシンガンズの巻) | |
"Mask The End" "Masuku Zi Endo no maki" (マスク·ジ·エンドの巻) | ||
116 | "Look! It's Kinnikuman's Real Face" "Mita! Kinnikuman no Sugao no maki" (見た!キン肉マンの素顔の巻) | |
"Neptune King Appears" "Nepuchūn Kingu Shutsugen no maki" (ネプチューンキンブ出現の巻) | ||
117 | "Terryman is Skewered!" "Kushizashi! Teriiman no maki" (くし刺し!テリーマンの巻) | |
"The Friendship Power Comes Like a Miracle" "Kiseki wo Yobu Yuujou Pawā no maki" (奇跡を呼ぶ友情バワーの巻) | ||
118 | "Burning Uneven Parallel Bars" "Kajiba no Danchigai Heikoubou no maki" (火事場の段違い平行棒の巻) | |
"The Mystery of the Apollon Window" "Aporon Windou no Nazo no maki" (アポロンウィンドウの謎の巻) | ||
119 | "Lock the Ancient Graveyard" "Zenpou Kou'enfun ni Kagi wo Kakero no maki" (前方後円墳に鍵をかけろの巻) | |
"The Shining Trophy!" "Hikari Kagayaku Torofii! no maki" (光り輝くトロフィー!の巻) |
Psycho Choujin Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
120 | "The Prince Kinniku-Maru Capsizes" "Purinsu Kinniku-Maru Tenpuku no maki" (プリンスキン肉丸·転覆の巻) | |
"The Psycho Choujin Corps Appears" "Za Saikō Choujin Gundan Shutsugen no maki" (ザ·サイコー超人軍団出現の巻) | ||
121 | "The Strategist Yama Khan Appears" "Gunshi Yama Kān Toujou no maki" (軍師ヤマカーン登場の巻) | |
"Transforming Choujin Kareiyasu" "Henshi Choujin Kareiyasu no maki" (変身超人カレイヤスの巻) | ||
122 | "Kinnikuman Melts" "Tokasareta Kinnikuman no maki" (溶かされたキン肉マンの巻) | |
"Great Melee! Where is Mari?" "Dai Ransen! Mari wa Doko ni? no maki" (大乱戦!マリはどこに?の巻) | ||
123 | "It's Here! The Psycho Jaws" "Deta! Saikō Jōzu no maki" (出た!サイコージョーズの巻) | |
"Yama Khan's One-on-One Fight" "Yama Kān tono Ikki'uchi no maki" (ヤマカーンとの一騎打ちの巻) | ||
124 | "The Strongest Psycho Warp!" "Saikyou! Saikō Wāpu no maki" (最強!サイコーワープの巻) | |
"The Seigi Choujin are Forever!" "Seigi Choujin yo Towa nare! no maki" (正義超人よ·永遠なれ!の巻) |
Goku'aku Choujin Arc
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
125 | "The Two Kinnikumen" "Futari no Kinnikuman no maki" (2人のキン肉マンの巻) | |
"Protect the Sword of Justice!" "Mamore! Seigi no Ken no maki" (守れ!正義の剣の巻) | ||
126 | "The Casket Deliveryman Dirty Baron" "Kanoke Haitatsunin Daati Baron no maki" (棺桶配達人ダーティバロンの巻) | |
"The Sparking Bad Ring" "Hibana Chiru Jigoku no Ring no maki" (火花散る地獄のリングの巻) | ||
127 | "The Dormant Volcano Erupts!?" "Kyuukazan Dai Bakuhatsu!? no maki" (休火山大爆発!?の巻) | |
""Night Fog" Wild Bakuto" "Yogiri no Wairudo Bakuto no maki" (夜霧のワイルドバクトの巻) | ||
128 | "The Heinous Bakuto Trump!!" "Goku'aku!! Bakuto Toranpu no maki" (極悪!!バクトトランプの巻) | |
"Dirty Baron Lives" "Ikiteita Daati Baron no maki" (生きていたダーティバロンの巻) | ||
129 | "The Dreaded 3D Trump" "Kyoufu no Sanjigen Toranpu no maki" (恐怖の三次元トランプの巻) | |
"Terryman is Tattered!" "Zutaboro! Teriiman no maki" (ズタボロ!テリーマンの巻) | ||
130 | "Crash! The New Long Horns" "Shougeki! Nyuu Rongu Hoon no maki" (衝撃!ニューロングホーンの巻) | |
"Buffaloman Becomes a Demon" "Akuma ni natta Baffarooman no maki" (悪魔になったバッファローマンの巻) | ||
131 | "Ramenman's Determination" "Raamenman no Ketsui no maki" (ラーメンマンの決意の巻) | |
"Finishing Move: The Great Guangzhou Water Wheel" "Hissatsu Waza: Koushuu Dai Suishu no maki" (必殺技·広州大水車の巻) | ||
132 | "Ramenman is Skewered!" "Kushizashi! Raamenman no maki" (串刺し!ラーメンマンの巻) | |
"Sichuan: The Great Rising Dragon!" "Shisen: Dai Shouryuu! no maki" (四川·大昇竜!の巻) | ||
133 | "Disadvantaged! The Irregular Tag Match" "Furi daa! Hensoku Taggu Matchi no maki" (不利だっ!変則タッグマッチの巻) | |
"The Giant Kaijuu Sky Devil" "Sukai Debiru no Dai Kaijuu no maki" (スカイデビルの大怪獣の巻) | ||
134 | "Robin Mask's Desperate Situation!" "Zettai Zetsumei! Robin Masuku no maki" (絶対絶命!ロビンマスクの巻) | |
"The Thousand-Man Bite of Bull Docky" "Sennin Kamikoroshi no Buru Dokkii no maki" (千人噛み殺しのブルドッキーの巻) | ||
135 | "Brocken Jr. Gets Angry!" "Ikare! Burokken Junia no maki" (怒れ!ブロッケンJr.の巻) | |
"A Threat! The Seven Tools of the Shinigami" "Kyoui! Shinigami no Nanatsu Dougu no maki" (脅威!死神の七つ道具の巻) | ||
136 | "Watch it! The Single Biggest Match of the Century" "Miyo! Seiki no Ichidai Kessen no maki" (見よ!世紀の一大決戦の巻) | |
"Burning Inner Strength+α" "Kajiba no Kuso Djikara+α" (火事場のクソ力+αの巻) | ||
137 | "The Long Horn's Confused Attack!" "Rongu Hoon Midarebuchi! no maki" (ロングホーン乱れ打ち!の巻) | |
"Whose Hand Wields the Sword of Justice!?" "Seigi no Ken wa Dare no Te ni!? no maki" (正義の剣はだれの手に!?の巻) |
Kinnikuman: Scramble for the Throne
Ep# | Title | Original airdate |
1 | "Disastor of the Planet Kinniku Throne Coronation!!" "Kinniku-sei Oui Taikanshiki no Ihen!! no maki" (キン肉星王位戴冠式の異変!! の巻) | |
2 | "Pick the Castle Battle Sites! The Plot of the Evil Gods!!" "Shiro Tori Kassen! Ja'aku na Kami no Inbou!! no maki" (城取り合戦! 邪悪な神の陰謀!! の巻) | |
3 | "The Gong Rings! The 5-on-2 Showdown" "Gongu wa Natta! Kessen Go tai Ni no maki" (ゴングは鳴った! 決戦5対2の巻) | |
4 | "The Dreadful Choujin Hawkman!" "Osorubeshi! Choujin Hōkuman no maki" (恐るべし! 超人ホークマンの巻) | |
5 | "Danger! Burning Inner Strength" "Aya'ushi! Kajiba no Kuso Djikara" (危うし! 火事場のクソ力の巻) | |
6 | "It's a Miracle! Escape from the Choujin Graveyard" "Kiseki! Choujin Hakaba kara no Dasshuu no maki" (奇跡! 超人墓場からの脱出の巻) | |
7 | "Meat's Great Struggle! Catch that Victory" "Miito Dai Fuusen! Tsukame Shouri wo no maki" (ミート大奮戦! つかめ勝利をの巻) | |
8 | "Is it in Time? Friendship Power at Full Throttle" "Mani'au ka? Yuujou Pawā Zenkai no maki" (間に合うか? 友情パワー全開の巻) | |
9 | "The Dream is Alive! The Muscle Friendship Union" "Yume yo Todoke! Massuru Yuuhou Doumei no maki" (夢よ届け! マッスル友情同盟の巻) | |
10 | "The Mysterious Light!? Burning Texas Spirit" "Shinpi na Hikari!? Moeru Tekisasu Tamashii no maki" (神秘な光!? 燃えるテキサス魂の巻) | |
11 | "The Deadly Muscle Revenger!" "Hissatsu! Massuru Ribenjā no maki" (必殺! マッスルリベンジャーの巻) | |
12 | "Stand up, Robin! A Cry from the Past" "Tate Robin! Kako kara no Sakebi no maki" (たてロビン! 過去からの叫びの巻) | |
13 | "Dye the White Cape in Scarlet" "Shinku ni Somaru Junpaku no Manto no maki" (真紅に染まる純白のマントの巻) | |
14 | "The Unexpected Rival!? The Choujin Blood Brigade Appears" "Igai na Kataki!? Choujin Chimeigun Toujou no maki" (意外な敵!? 超人血盟軍登場の巻) | |
15 | "Saving a Friend! Warsman Returns" "Tomo wo Sukue! Wōzuman Fukkatsu no maki" (友を救え! ウォーズマン復活の巻) | |
16 | "Ah! A Rain of Blood Splatters on the Ring" "Aa! Ringu ni Tobichiru Chi no Arashi no maki" (嗚呼! リングに飛び散る血の嵐の巻) | |
17 | "Live or Die!? The Two Friendship Powers" "I ka Shi ka!? Futatsu no Yuujou Pawā no maki" (生か死か!? 二つの友情パワーの巻) | |
18 | "Foe or Friend!? The Two Bikemans" "Kataki ka Mikata ka!? Futari no Baikuman no maki" (敵か味方か!? 2人のバイクマンの巻) | |
19 | "Alive Again! Ramenman Lives!!" "Inochi Futatabi! Ikiro Rāmenman!! no maki" (命再び! 生きろラーメンマン!! の巻) | |
20 | "The Dreadful Prophecy!? March, 1992..." "Osorubeki Yogen!? Sen-Kyuuhyaku-Kyuujuuni-nen Sangatsu... no maki" (恐るべき予言!? 1992年3月...の巻) | |
21 | "Just Like the Prophecy Said! The Deadly Battle Road" "Yogen Tekichuu! Shi no Nettou Rōdo no maki" (予言的中! 死の熱闘ロードの巻) | |
22 | "The Evil Angel!? Split Personality Zebra" "Akuma Tenshi!? Nijuu-Jinkaku Zebura no maki" (悪魔天使!? 二重人格ゼブラの巻) | |
23 | "Great Explosion!! Burning Friendship Power" "Dai Bakuhatsu!! Kajiba no Yuujou Pawā no maki" (大爆発!! 火事場の友情パワーの巻) | |
24 | "Until the Bone Melts! The Capillaria Ray" "Hone made Tokero! Kapiraria Kousen no maki" (骨まで溶けろ! カピラリア光線の巻) | |
25 | "Farewell! Brocken Burns Out" "Saraba! Moetsukita Burokken no maki" (さらば! 燃え尽きたブロッケンの巻) | |
26 | "Can You See It!? This is True Friendship Power!!" "Mita ka!? Kore ga Shin Yuujou Pawā da!! no maki" (見たか!? これが真·友情パワーだ!! の巻) | |
27 | "That One's Life is Important! This is Friendship!!" "Inochi yori Taisetsu na mono! Sore ga Yuujou da!! no maki" (命より大切なもの! それが友情だ!! の巻) | |
28 | "The Prophecy Page Burns! Soldier Disappears!!" "Moeru Yogensho! Kieru Sorujā!! no maki" (燃える予言書! 消えるソルジャー!! の巻) | |
29 | "Little Brother! This is the Muscle Spark!!" "Ototo yo! Kore ga Massuru Supāku da!! no maki" (弟よ! これがマッスル·スパークだ!! の巻) | |
30 | "The Deadly Special Training! Hurry to the Showdown at Osaka Castle!!" "Shi no Tokkun! Isoge Ohsaka-jou Kessen!! no maki" (死の特訓! 急げ大阪城決戦!! の巻) | |
31 | "Choujin Spirit! Never Give Up!!" "Choujin Tamashii! Nebā Gibu Appu!! no maki" (超人魂! ネバー·ギブアップ!! の巻) | |
32 | "Wisdom and Courage! The Magic Ring Death Match" "Chie to Yuuki! Mahoujin Desumatchi no maki" (知恵と勇気! 魔法陣デスマッチの巻) | |
33 | "Is That It!? The Complete Muscle Spark" "Deru ka!? Kanpeki Massuru Spāku no maki" (出るか!? 完璧マッスルスパークの巻) | |
34 | "The Legendary Blood! The Two Plots that Scream Death" "Chi no Densetsu! Shi wo Yobu Futatsu no Inbou no maki" (血の伝説! 死を呼ぶ二つの陰謀の巻) | |
35 | "Four Thousand Chinese Years! Pyramid Power" "Chuugoku Yosen-nen! Piramiddo Pawā no maki" (中国四千年! ピラミッドパワーの巻) | |
36 | "The Choujin Hunter Omegaman Appears!" "Choujin Hantā! Omegaman Arawaru no maki" (超人ハンター! オメガマン現わるの巻) | |
37 | "Find it! The Proof of the Fake Prince!!" "Sagase! Nise Ouji no Shouko!! no maki" (探せ! 偽王子の証拠!! の巻) | |
38 | "An Ally!? We Meet Samurai" "Mikata ka!? Samurai Kenzan no maki" (味方か!? サムライ見参の巻) | |
39 | "Farewell, Noble Robin!" "Saraba! Kikoushi Robin no maki" (さらば! 貴公子ロビンの巻) | |
40 | "Can You See It!? The Hellish Metemorphisis Choujin" "Mitaka! Jigoku Henshin Choujin no maki" (見たか! 地獄変身超人の巻) | |
41 | "Showdown With Master Kamehame" "Onshi Kamehame tono Taiketsu no maki" (恩師カメハメとの対決の巻) | |
42 | "Bibinba's Confession of Love!?" "Bibinba, Ai no Kokuhaku!? no maki" (ビビンバ、愛の告白!? の巻) | |
43 | "Message of Love and Death!" "Ai to Shi no Messēji! no maki" (愛と死のメッセージ! の巻) | |
44 | "The Final Battle! Evil or Justice?" "Saishuu-sen! Ja'aku ka Seigi ka no maki" (最終戦! 邪悪か正義かの巻) | |
45 | "Never Give Up!!" "Nebā Gibu Appu!! no maki" (ネバー·ギブアップ!! の巻) | |
46 | "Kinnikuman is Forever!!" "Kinnikuman yo Eien ni!! no maki" (キン肉マンよ永遠に!! の巻) |
External links
- Kinnikuman the Movie DVD Boxset (archived) (Japanese) - contains links to the TV series boxsets as well