List of New York Giants players

Lawrence Taylor, linebacker for the Giants between 1981 and 1993, was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1999.
This is a list of American football players who have played for the New York Giants in the National Football League (NFL). It includes players that have played one or more games in the NFL regular season. The New York Giants franchise was originally founded in 1925. The Giants have played for fifty NFL Championships and have won eight, including four of the five Super Bowls in which they have played in.
- Bobby Abrams
- Ed Adamchik
- George Adams
- O'Neal Adams
- Titus Adams
- Verlin Adams
- Ben Agajanian
- Ray Agnew
- Bill Albright
- Steve Alexakos
- Brent Alexander
- Doc Alexander
- John Alexander
- Kevin Alexander
- Brian Alford
- Jay Alford
- Raul Allegre
- Derek Allen
- Ian Allen
- Kenderick Allen
- Matt Allen
- Will Allen
- Neely Allison
- Beau Almodobar
- John Amberg
- Bob Anderson
- Bruce Anderson
- Cliff Anderson
- Morten Andersen
- Ottis Anderson
- Roger Anderson
- Winnie Anderson
- Winston Anderson
- Prince Amukamara
- Ben Apuna
- Troy Archer
- Billy Ard
- Jessie Armstead
- LaVar Arrington
- Corrie Artman
- Cliff Ashburn
- Pete Athas
- Jess Atkinson
- John Atwood
- Bill Austin
- Charles Avedisian
- Ken Avery
- Clarence Avinger
- Adrian Awasom
- Kole Ayi
- Morris Badgro
- Matt Bahr
- Carlton Bailey
- Ed Baker
- John Baker
- Jon Baker
- Stephen Baker
- Rich Baldinger
- Gary Ballman
- Carl Banks
- Willie Banks
- Tiki Barber
- Elmer Barbour
- Ramses Barden
- Carl Barisich
- Hubert Barker
- Charles Barnard
- Erich Barnes
- Len Barnum
- Emmett Barrett
- Mike Barrow
- Al Barry
- Fritz Barzilauskas
- John Bauer
- Mark Bavaro
- Willie Beamon
- Ray Beck
- Brad Beckman
- Odell Beckham Jr.
- Al Bedner
- Keith Beebe
- Earl Beecham
- Larry Beil
- Kevin Belcher
- Gordon Bell
- Jason Bell
- Kay Bell
- Marcus Bell
- Bob Bellinger
- Harry Benkert
- Fred Benners
- Lewis Bennett
- Sean Bennett
- Brad Benson
- George Benyola
- Wayne Berry
- Bill Berthusen
- Fred Besana
- Art Best
- Riley Biggs
- Joe Biscaha
- Greg Bishop
- Ryan Bishop
- Mike Black
- Chase Blackburn
- Kory Blackwell
- Cary Blanchard
- Tom Blanchard
- Tony Blazine
- Elbert Bloodgood
- Tony Blount
- Al Blozis
- Jim Blumenstock
- Ron Blye
- Chris Bober
- Rex Boggan
- Reed Bohovich
- Bookie Bolin
- Don Boll
- Lynn Bomar
- Rik Bonness
- Johnny Bookman
- Kevin Boothe
- John Booty
- Dennis Borcky
- Les Borden
- Kevin Boss
- McKinley Boston
- Jim Bowdoin
- Steve Bowman
- Bill Boyle
- M. L. Brackett
- Ahmad Bradshaw
- Larry Brahm
- John Brandes
- Steve Brannon
- Chad Bratzke
- Matt Brennan
- Al Brenner
- Leon Bright
- Lamont Brightful
- Marion Broadstone
- Barrett Brooks
- Bobby Brooks
- Michael Brooks
- Fred Brossard
- Casimir Brovarney
- Barry Brown
- Boyd Brown
- Dave Brown
- Dave A. Brown
- Derek Brown
- Gary Brown
- Lomas Brown
- Otto Brown
- Ralph Brown
- Roger Brown
- Rosey Brown
- Greg Browning
- Scott Brunner
- Bill Bryant
- Matt Bryant
- Will Buchanon
- Curtis Buckley
- Marcus Buckley
- Terrell Buckley
- Ted Bucklin
- Bart Buetow
- Harry Buffington
- Maury Buford
- Danny Buggs
- Jarrod Bunch
- Mike Bundra
- Charlie Burgess
- Rodney Burgess
- Jeremy Burkett
- Dale Burnett
- Hal Burnine
- Curry Burns
- Plaxico Burress
- Jim Burt
- Mike Busch
- Carl Butkus
- James Butler
- Skip Butler
- Dick Buzin
- Ken Byers
- Joe Byler
- Boris Byrd
- Chris Cagle
- Alan Caldwell
- Bruce Caldwell
- Len Calligaro
- Carter Campbell
- Chris Calloway
- Dan Campbell
- Glenn Campbell
- Jesse Campbell
- Billy Campfield
- Phil Cancik
- John Cannady
- John Cannella
- Leo Cantor
- Roland Caranci
- Art Carney
- Brian Carpenter
- Rob Carpenter
- Henry Carr
- Reggie Carr
- Russ Carroccio
- Jim Carroll
- Vic Carroll
- Harry Carson
- Scott Carter
- Tim Carter
- Maurice Carthon
- Pete Case
- Matt Cavanaugh
- Lester Caywood
- Frank Cephous
- Gene Ceppetelli
- Don Chandler
- Karl Chandler
- Ike Charlton
- Clifford Chatman
- Mike Cherry
- George Cheverko
- John Chickerneo
- O. J. Childress
- Clarence Childs
- Todd Christensen
- Steve Christie
- Mike Ciccolella
- Jim Clack
- Chris Claiborne
- Kendrick Clancy
- Bob Clatterbuck
- Randy Clay
- Roy Clay
- Harvey Clayton
- Vin Clements
- Lloyd Clemons
- Mike Cloud
- Don Clune
- Ray Coates
- R. J. Cobbs
- Junior Coffey
- Barry Cofield
- Rondy Colbert
- Pete Cole
- Charles Coleman
- Jake Colhouer
- Jim Collier
- Kerry Collins
- Landon Collins
- Mark Collins
- Ray Collins
- Doug Colman
- Jim Colvin
- Greg Comella
- Rudy Comstock
- Glen Condren
- Charlie Conerly
- John Contoulis
- Brett Conway
- Charles Cook
- Johnie Cooks
- Joe Cooper
- Frank Cope
- Gus Coppens
- Lou Cordileone
- Charles Corgan
- José Cortéz
- Lester Corzine
- Tom Costello
- Vince Costello
- Tex Coulter
- Keith Council
- John Counts
- Terry Cousin
- Brad Cousino
- Jamie Covington
- Greg Cox
- Dennis Crane
- Bill Crawford
- Ed Crawford
- Keith Crawford
- Bob Crespino
- Chuck Crist
- Jim Crocicchia
- Mike Croel
- Steve Crosby
- Howard Cross
- Lindon Crow
- Tommy Crutcher
- Victor Cruz
- Larry Csonka
- Ward Cuff
- Jim Culbreath
- Val Culwell
- Mack Cummings
- Jerome Cunningham
- Bill Currier
- Craig Dahl
- Brad Daluiso
- Francis Damiani
- Joe Danelo
- Kenny Daniel
- Ed Danowski
- Charles Davis
- Chris Davis
- Don Davis
- Gains Davis
- Henry Davis
- Kelvin Davis
- Paul Davis
- Roger Davis
- Roosevelt Davis
- Russell Davis
- Scott Davis
- Thabiti Davis
- Tyrone Davis
- Joe Dawkins
- Lawrence Dawsey
- Ron Dayne
- Randy Dean
- Lou DeFilippo
- Jim DelGaizo
- John Dell Isola
- Curtis Deloatch
- Will Demps
- Jerry Dennerlein
- Vince Dennery
- Mike Dennis
- Burnell Dent
- Steve DeOssie
- Zak DeOssie
- Al DeRogatis
- Dan DeRose
- Darrell Dess
- David Diehl
- Stacey Dillard
- Darnell Dinkins
- Fred DiRenzo
- Bob DiRico
- Al Dixon
- Ron Dixon
- Zach Dixon
- Bob Dobelstein
- Kevin Dockery
- Keith Doggert
- Jack Doolan
- Dan Doornink
- Derek Dorris
- Dewayne Douglas
- Eric Dorsey
- John Douglas
- Omar Douglas
- Robert Douglas
- Maurice Douglass
- Paul Douglass
- Ed Dove
- Gary Downs
- Reuben Droughns
- Fred Dryer
- Tom Dublinski
- Maurice Dubofsky
- Walt Dubzinski
- Mark Duckens
- Damane Duckett
- Dick Duden
- Paul Dudley
- Dave Duerson
- Jamal Duff
- Bill Dugan
- Leonard Dugan
- Gilford Duggan
- Bobby Duhon
- Dave Dunaway
- Jim Duncan
- Bob Dunlap
- Jonathan Dunn
- Rick Dvorak
- Kay Eakin
- Lou Eaton
- Scott Eaton
- Keith Eck
- Floyd Eddings
- Antonio Edwards
- Bill Edwards
- Steve Edwards
- Keith Elias
- Bill Ellenbogen
- Russell Ellington
- John Elliott
- Mark Ellison
- Percy Ellsworth
- Carlos Emmons
- Dick Enderle
- Derek Engler
- Bobby Epps
- Issac Epps
- Bill Erickson
- Len Eshmont
- Don Ettinger
- Charlie Evans
- Willie Evans
- Art Faircloth
- Nello Falaschi
- Terry Falcon
- Jeff Feagles
- Tiny Feather
- Jay Feely
- Eric Felton
- Carl Fennema
- Frank Ferrara
- Diamond Ferri
- Joe Fields
- Frank Filchock
- Jim Files
- Steve Filipowicz
- Gene Filipski
- Jim Finn
- Cletus Fischer
- Mike Fitzgerald
- Ray Flaherty
- Max Flenniken
- Ereck Flowers
- Larry Flowers
- Richmond Flowers
- Tom Flynn
- Mark Flythe
- Steve Folsom
- Chris Foote
- Charlie Ford
- Jay Foreman
- Ike Forte
- Dan Fowler
- Mike Fox
- Samuel Fox
- George Franck
- Ike Frankian
- George Franklin
- Tucker Frederickson
- Lorenzo Freeman
- Mike Friede
- Benny Friedman
- Byron Frisch
- Jim Frugone
- John Fuqua
- Bobby Gaiters
- Stan Galazin
- Tony Galbreath
- Arnold Galiffa
- Dave Gallagher
- Scott Galyon
- Jim Garcia
- Bob Garner
- Sam Garnes
- Alvin Garrett
- Curtis Garrett
- Jason Garrett
- Art Garvey
- Mike Garzoni
- Tom Gatewood
- Bruce Gehrke
- Charles Gelatka
- Mike Gibbons
- Robert Giblin
- Denver Gibson
- Frank Gifford
- John Gildea
- Larry Gillard
- Walker Gillette
- Darnell Gilliard
- Chet Gladchuk
- Chip Glass
- Vencie Glenn
- Rich Glover
- Chris Godfrey
- Jim Goff
- Pete Gogolak
- Dan Goich
- Jack Golden
- Wen Goldsmith
- Jerry Golsteyn
- Conrad Goode
- Tod Goodwin
- Pete Gorgone
- Paul Governali
- Scott Gragg
- Kent Graham
- Ev Grandelius
- Len Grant
- Ryan Grant
- Carl Grate
- Gordon Gravelle
- Carlton Gray
- Earnest Gray
- Barrett Green
- Joe Green
- Tony Green
- A J. Greene
- Bob Greenhalgh
- Jack Gregory
- Rosey Grier
- Nick Greisen
- Cornelius Griffin
- Glynn Griffing
- Forrest Griffith
- Cecil Grigg
- Bob Grim
- Andy Gross
- Lee Grosscup
- Neal Guggemos
- Ralph Guglielmi
- Jimmy Gunn
- Marquies Gunn
- Al Gursky
- Leroy Gutowsky
- Buzz Guy
- Lou Guy
- Joe Guyon
- Myron Guyton
- Andy Haase
- Bill Hachten
- Wayne Haddix
- John Haden
- John Hagerty
- Henry Haines
- Ali Haji-Sheikh
- Ryan Hale
- Harald Hall
- John Hall
- Pete Hall
- Conrad Hamilton
- Keith Hamilton
- Bobby Hammond
- Rodney Hampton
- Norman Hand
- Ray Hanken
- Herb Hannah
- Dick Hanson
- Merle Hapes
- Dee Hardison
- Cecil Hare
- Art Harms
- Charlie Harper
- LaSalle Harper
- Gary Harrell
- Don Harris
- Johnnie Harris
- Oliver Harris
- Phil Harris
- Robert Harris
- Wendell Harris
- Max Harrison
- Harold Hart
- Howard Hartzog
- George Hasenohrl
- Don Hasselbeck
- Tim Hasselbeck
- Dave Hathcock
- Art Hauser
- Larry Hayes
- Mark Haynes
- Matt Hazeltine
- Andy Headen
- Joe Heap
- Larry Heater
- Bud Hebert
- Ralph Heck
- Madison Hedgecock
- Brody Heffner-Liddlard
- Mel Hein
- Don Heinrich
- Dutch Hendrian
- Steve Henry
- Wilbur "Pete" Henry
- Dick Hensley
- Arnie Herber
- Johnny Hermann
- Don Herrmann
- Ray Hickl
- Eddie Hicks
- John Hicks
- Ed Hiemstra
- Cowboy Hill
- John Hill
- Kenny Hill
- Ralph Hill
- Jerry Hillebrand
- Ike Hilliard
- Hal Hilpirt
- Roy Hilton
- Jack Hinkle
- Chuck Hinton
- Nate Hobgood-Chittick
- Merwin Hodel
- Mike Hogan
- Paul Hogan
- Jimmy Holifield
- Vernon Holland
- John Holman
- Jaret Holmes
- Kenny Holmes
- Bernard Holsey
- Tam Hopkins
- Mike Horan
- Richard Horne
- Sam Horner
- Ron Hornsby
- Jeff Hostetler
- Dick Houston
- John Hovious
- Anthony Howard
- Dosey Howard
- Erik Howard
- Red Howard
- Jim Lee Howell
- Lane Howell
- Cal Hubbard
- Bob Hudson
- Sam Huff
- Keith Hugger
- Ed Hughes
- Ernie Hughes
- Pat Hughes
- Cedric Humes
- Byron Hunt
- George Hunt
- Bill Hutchinson
- Ralph Hutchinson
- Gerry Huth
- Bob Hyland
- Henry Hynoski
- Talma Imlay
- Mark Ingram
- Cecil Irvin
- Chris Iverson
- Bob Jackson
- Cleveland Jackson
- Greg Jackson
- Honor Jackson
- Louis Jackson
- Mark Jackson
- Terry Jackson
- Allen Jacobs
- Brandon Jacobs
- Proverb Jacobs
- Larry Jacobson
- Dick James
- Charlie Janarette
- Paul Jappe
- Jon Jelacic
- Ed Jenkins
- Izel Jenkins
- Dave Jennings
- Michael Jennings
- Brandon Jessie
- Gary Jeter
- Dwayne Jiles
- Bill Johnson
- Bobby Johnson
- Curley Johnson
- Damian Johnson
- Darcy Johnson
- Dennis Johnson
- Dwight Johnson
- Gene Johnson
- Herb Johnson
- Joe Johnson
- John Johnson
- Ken Johnson
- Larry Johnson
- Len Johnson
- LeShon Johnson
- Michael Johnson
- Nate Johnson
- Pepper Johnson
- Randy Johnson
- Ron Johnson
- Brian Johnston
- Cedric Jones
- Chris Jones
- Clarence Jones
- Daryl Jones
- Dhani Jones
- Ernie Jones
- Homer Jones
- Mark Jones
- Robbie Jones
- Tom Jones
- David Jordan
- William Joseph
- Delvin Joyce
- Trey Junkin
- Joe Jurevicius
- Vyto Kab
- Herb Kane
- Danny Kanell
- Jim Kanicki
- Bernie Kaplan
- John Karcis
- Carl Karilivacz
- Jim Katcavage
- Thom Kaumeyer
- Eulis Keahy
- Tom Kearns
- Brian Kelley
- Ellison Kelly
- Shipwreck Kelly
- Paul Kelly
- Jim Kendrick
- George Kennard
- Tom Kennedy
- William C. Kenyon
- George Kershaw
- Ken Keuper
- Glenn Killinger
- Charlie Killett
- Bruce Kimball
- Bill Kimber
- Jerry Kimmel
- Terry Kinard
- Gordon King
- Jerome King
- Phil King
- Carl Kinscherf
- John Kirby
- Lou Kirouac
- Johnny Kitzmiller
- Mathias Kiwanuka
- Al Klasoskus
- Harry Kline
- Mike Klotovich
- Pat Knight
- Milt Kobrosky
- Adam Koets
- Ed Kolman
- Ross Kolodziej
- Joe Koontz
- Walter Koppisch
- Doug Kotar
- Rich Kotite
- Ernie Koy, Jr.
- Brian Kozlowski
- Jim Krahl
- Matt Kranchick
- Bob Kratch
- Max Krause
- Ray Krouse
- Ryan Kuehl
- Troy Kyles
- Bob Lacey
- Chester Lagod
- Scott Laidlaw
- Roland Lakes
- Roger Lalonde
- Sean Landeta
- Tom Landry
- Eric Lane
- Gary Lane
- Granville Lansdell
- Myron Lapka
- Greg Larson
- John Lascari
- Greg Lasker
- Frank Lasky
- Dick Lasse
- Dick Leavitt
- Clarence LeBlanc
- Edgar Lechner
- Tuffy Leemans
- Lance Legree
- Matt Lentz
- Jim Leo
- Bashir Levingston
- Art Lewis
- Danny Lewis
- Kevin Lewis
- Thomas Lewis
- Frank Liebel
- Don Lieberum
- Jeremy Lincoln
- Virgil Lindahl
- Gabe Lindstrom
- Chris Linnin
- Jim Little
- Cliff Livingston
- Howard Livingston
- Dan Lloyd
- Carl "Spider" Lockhart
- Buford Long
- Tom Longo
- Joe Don Looney
- Jared Lorenzen
- Billy Lott
- Walter Love
- Edwin Lovelady
- John LoVetere
- Frank LoVuolo
- Wayne Lucier
- Jack Lummus
- Ron Lumpkin
- Ken Lunday
- Bob Lurtsema
- Dick Lynch
- Babe Lyon
- Ken MacAfee
- Buck MacDonald
- Phillip Mack
- John Mackorell
- Bill Mackrides
- Tommy Maddox
- Sam Madison
- Bruce Maher
- Wesly Mallard
- Larry Mallory
- Ray Mallouf
- Pete Mangum
- Eli Manning
- Mario Manningham
- Tillie Manton
- Lionel Manuel
- Andy Marefos
- Frank Marion
- Cliff Marker
- Dale Markham
- Sal Marone
- Dusan Maronic
- Dick Marsh
- Arthur Marshall
- Ed Marshall
- Leonard Marshall
- Frank Martin
- George Martin
- John Martinkovic
- Robert Massey
- John Mastrangelo
- Bill Matan
- Billy Matthews
- Michael Matthews
- Bo Matthews
- Chris Maumalanga
- Alvin Maxson
- Jim Maxwell
- Brad Maynard
- Don Maynard
- Mike Mayock
- Ed Mazurek
- Jack McBride
- Don McCafferty
- Ed McCaffrey
- Jim McCann
- Tim McCann
- Phil McConkey
- Mike McCoy
- Bob McChesney
- Clint McClain
- Loaird McCreary
- Emmanuel McDaniel
- LeCharls McDaniel
- Ramos McDonald
- Brady McDonnell
- John McDowell
- Hugh McElhenny
- Paul McFadden
- Ed McGee
- Tony McGee
- Kanavis McGhee
- Ed McGinley
- Ed McGlasson
- Reggie McGowan
- Lawrence McGrew
- Curtis McGriff
- Lamar McGriggs
- Kareem McKenzie
- Odis McKinney
- Joe McLaughlin
- John McLaughry
- Ron McLean
- Dan McMullen
- Typail McMullen
- Clifton McNeil
- R. W. McQuarters
- Leon McQuay
- Bennie McRae
- Jack Mead
- David Meggett
- Greg Meisner
- John Mellus
- Don Menasco
- John Mendenhall
- Hartwell Menefee
- Chuck Mercein
- Jim Mercer
- Casey Merrill
- Bernie Mertes
- Max Messner
- Ed Micklovic
- Saul Mielziner
- Bill Miklich
- Ron Mikolajczyk
- Leo Miles
- Calvin Miller
- Corey Miller
- Ed Miller
- Jim Miller
- Mike Miller
- Solomon Miller
- James Milling
- Jeff Mills
- Bill Milner
- Martrez Milner
- Century Milstead
- Skip Minisi
- Randy Minniear
- Bob Mischak
- John Mistler
- Grandville Mitchell
- Hal Mitchell
- Kawika Mitchell
- Pete Mitchell
- Russell Mitchell
- Matt Mitrione
- Anthony Mix
- Dick Modzelewski
- Frank Molden
- John Molenda
- Quincy Monk
- Joe Montgomery
- Pete Monty
- Dana Moore
- Eric Moore (OL)
- Eric Moore (DL)
- Henry Moore
- Herman Moore
- Ken Moore
- Emery Moorehead
- Dale Moran
- Hap Moran
- Jim Moran
- Tom Moran
- Bill Morgan
- Dan Morgan
- Eddie Morgan (defensive tackle)
- Earl Morrall
- Joe Morris
- Robert Morris
- Joe Morrison
- Pat Morrison
- Bob Morrow
- Chad Morton
- Craig Morton
- Sinorice Moss
- Kelly Mote
- Zeke Mowatt
- Bob Mrosko
- Tom Mullady
- Tom Mullen
- Lee Mulleneaux
- Noah Mullins
- George Munday
- Lyle Munn
- Les Murdock
- Earl Murray
- George Murtagh
- Brandon Myers
- Tommy Myers
- Toby Myles
- Bob Nash
- Bill Neill
- Jim Neill
- Andy Nelson
- Karl Nelson
- Al Nesser
- Doug Nettles
- Tom Neville
- Harry Newman
- Frank Nicholson
- Walter Nielsen
- Hakeem Nicks
- Jerry Niles
- Björn Nittmo
- Emery Nix
- Dick Nolan
- John Norby
- Harry Nordstrom
- Jimmy Norris
- Jim Norton
- Harry Nutts
- Dave O'Brien
- Shaun O'Hara
- Dan O'Leary
- Bart Oates
- Roman Oben
- Jim Obradovich
- Steve Odom
- Cory Ohnesorge
- Cliff Olander
- Doug Oldershaw
- Ray Oldham
- Joe Orduna
- Raheem Orr
- Jim Ostendarp
- Alton Owen
- Steve Owen
- Tom Owen
- William Owen
- R.C. Owens
- Lou Palazzi
- Lonnie Palelei
- Mike Palm
- Jesse Palmer
- Kaulana Park
- Frank Parker
- Glenn Parker
- Jeremiah Parker
- Ken Parker
- Preston Parker
- Fred Parnell
- Owen Parry
- Bill Paschal
- Gordon Paschka
- Bear Pascoe
- DeWayne Patmon
- David Patten
- Don Patterson
- Elvis Patterson
- Robert Patton
- Jimmy Patton
- Francis Peay
- Winifield Pedersen
- Erric Pegram
- Ray Pelfrey
- Willard Perdue
- Mike Perez
- Johnny Perkins
- Ralph Perretta
- Leon Perry
- Dick Pesonen
- Christian Peter
- Marty Peterson
- William Peterson
- Luke Petitgout
- William Petrilas
- Gary Pettigrew
- Bob Peviani
- Ewell Phillips
- Ryan Phillips
- Bill Piccolo
- Aaron Pierce
- Antonio Pierce
- Al Pierotti
- Jason Pierre-Paul
- Jim Pietrzak
- Joyce Pipkin
- Joe Pisarcik
- Danny Pittman
- Tony Plansky
- Milt Plum
- Owen Pochman
- Willie Ponder
- Barney Poole
- Jim Poole
- Ray Poole
- Geoffrey Pope
- Rob Porter
- Bobby Post
- Earl Potteiger
- Ernie Pough
- Andre Powell
- Dick Powell
- Clyde Powers
- Jim Prestel
- Eddie Price
- Dominic Principe
- Bosh Pritchard
- Steve Pritko
- Joe Prokop
- Marion Pugh
- Alfred Pupunu
- Dave Rader
- Phil Ragazzo
- Joe Ramona
- Rod Randle
- Rueben Randle
- Thomas Randolph
- John Rapacz
- Kenyon Rasheed
- Corey Raymond
- Frank Reagan
- Gary Reasons
- Beasley Reece
- Henry Reed
- Mark Reed
- Max Reed
- Smith Reed
- Darren Reese
- Henry Reese
- Moses Regular
- Steve Rehage
- Tom Rehder
- Milt Rehnquist
- Edwin Reihert
- Ed Reynolds
- Jerry Reynolds
- Owen Reynolds
- Ray Rhodes
- Orian Earl Rice
- Herb Rich
- Elvin "Kink" Richards
- Eddie D Richardson
- Tim Richardson
- Doug Riesenberg
- Lee Riley
- Marcellus Rivers
- Nate Rivers
- Philip Rivers
- Jack Rizzo
- Fred Robbins
- Brian Roberson
- Gene Roberts
- Tom Roberts
- William Roberts
- Jimmy Robinson
- Stacy Robinson
- Andy Robustelli
- Ruben Rodriguez
- Jeff Roehl
- Johnny Roland
- Dave Roller
- George Roman
- Bill Rooney
- Rudy Rosatti
- Gene Rose
- Mike Rosenthal
- Aaron Ross
- Kyle Rote
- Lee Rouson
- Tony Rovinski
- Harmon Rowe
- Ed Royston
- Reggie Rucker
- Coleman Rudolph
- Grey Ruegamer
- Lafayette "Reb" Russell
- Jeff Rutledge
- Kelly Saalfeld
- Jerome Sally
- John Salscheider
- John Sanchez
- Brandon Sanders
- Tony Sarausky
- Harvey Sark
- Ollie Satenstein
- Brian Saxton
- Dwight Scales
- Babe Scheuer
- Henry Schichtle
- Bob Schmidt
- Bob Schmit
- Bob Schnelker
- Otto Schnellbacher
- Bob Scholtz
- Adam Schreiber
- Eric Schubert
- Paul Schuette
- Bill Schuler
- Ray Schwab
- Cedric Scott
- George Scott
- Joe Scott
- Lance Scott
- Malcolm Scott
- Tom Scott
- Stan Sczurek
- Jonas Seawright
- Len Sedbrook
- Jason Sehorn
- Earl Seick
- Warren Seitz
- Andy Selfridge
- Rich Seubert
- Kato Serwanga
- Leland Shaffer
- George Shaw
- Pete Shaw
- Ricky Shaw
- Jerry Shay
- Ed Shedlosky
- Mike Sherrard
- Horace "Bud" Sherrod
- Tim Sherwin
- Visanthe Shiancoe
- Dick Shiner
- Bill Shipp
- Gary Shirk
- Jeremy Shockey
- Del Shofner
- Brandon Short
- Pete Shufelt
- Les Shy
- Jules Siegle
- Sam Silas
- Roy Simmons
- Tony Simmons
- Bob Simms
- Phil Simms
- Dave Simonson
- Al Simpson
- James Sims
- Walter Singer
- Bill Singletary
- John Sinnott
- Brian Sisley
- Jim Sivell
- Leo Skladany
- John Skorupan
- Lou Slaby
- Eldridge Small
- George Small
- Doug Smith
- Jeff Smith (LB)
- Jeff Smith (TE)
- Joey Smith
- Lance Smith
- Omar Smith
- Steve Smith
- Torin Smith
- Willis Smith
- Zeke Smith
- Norm Snead
- Chris Snee
- Gerry Snyder
- Hank Soar
- Ben Sohn
- Herbert "Tiny" Solomon
- Phillippi Sparks
- Willie Spencer
- Jack Spinks
- Harold Springer
- Charles Stackhouse
- Harrison Stafford
- Dick Stahlman
- Randy Staten
- Sam Stein
- Al Steinfeld
- Paul Stenn
- Reggie Stephens
- Art Stevenson
- Jim Stienke
- Bill Stits
- Tim Stokes
- Bryan Stoltenberg
- Michael Stone
- Ron Stone
- Omar Stoutmire
- John Strada
- Michael Strahan
- Bill Stribling
- Ken Strong
- Jack Stroud
- Henry Stuckey
- Andy Stynchula
- Joe Sulaitis
- Marques Sullivan
- Pat Summerall
- Carl Summerell
- Don Sutherin
- Ed Sutton
- Frank Sutton
- Harland Svare
- Bill Svoboda
- Bill Swain
- Gregg Swartwoudt
- Bill Swiacki
- Joe Szczecko
- Phil Tabor
- Joe Taffoni
- Joe Taibi
- Ben Talley
- Fran Tarkenton
- Bob Tarrant
- Matt Tarullo
- David Tate
- John Tate
- John Tautolo
- Billy Taylor
- Bob Taylor
- Jamaar Taylor
- Lawrence Taylor
- Tommy Thigpen
- Aaron Thomas
- Bob Thomas
- Dave Thomas
- George Thomas
- Mark Thomas
- Tre Thomas
- Chris Thome
- James Thompson
- Reyna Thompson
- Rocky Thompson
- Warren Thompson
- George Thornton
- Jim Thorpe
- Steve Thurlow
- Travis Tidwell
- Leo Tierney
- Lewis Tillman
- Bob Timberlake
- Dave Tipton
- Y. A. Tittle
- George Tobin
- Steve Tobin
- Army Tomaini
- Carl Tomasello
- Tom Tomlin
- Amani Toomer
- Jeff Tootle
- Bob Topp
- Reggie Torbor
- Bob Torrey
- John Treadaway
- David Treadwell
- Bill Triplett
- Mel Triplett
- Bob Trocolor
- Justin Tuck
- Bob Tucker
- John Tuggle
- Emlen Tunnell
- Francis Turbert
- J. T. Turner
- Kevin Turner
- Odessa Turner
- Orville Tuttle
- Maurice Tyler
- Lawrence Tynes
- David Tyree
- Osi Umenyiora
- Rich Umphrey
- E. J. Underwood
- Scott Urch
- Doug Van Horn
- Brad Van Pelt
- Olivier Vernon
- Vanoy Vernon
- Michael Varajon
- Larry Vargo
- Larry Visnic
- Otto Vokaty
- Rick Volk
- Don Vosberg
- Tillie Voss
- Carl Wafer
- Lyman Walbridge
- Craig Walendy
- Frank Walker
- Herschel Walker
- Mickey Walker
- Paul Walker
- Robert (Bill) Walls
- Everson Walls
- Joe Walton
- Wayne Walton
- Whip Walton
- Derrick Ward
- Kurt Warner
- Vince Warren
- Damon Washington
- Gene Washington
- John Washington
- Keith Washington
- Larry Watkins
- Tim Watson
- Darius Watts
- Ted Watts
- Charles Way
- Andre Weathers
- Larrye Weaver
- Allen Webb
- Dutch Webber
- Alex Webster
- Corey Webster
- Arnie Weinmeister
- Eric Weir
- Ed Weisacosky
- John Weiss
- Herb Welch
- Joe Wellborn
- Joel Wells
- Kent Wells
- Mike Wells
- Cecil Wesley
- Lyle West
- Stan West
- Jeff Weston
- Tyrone Wheatley
- Ernie Wheelwright
- Guy Whimper
- Adrian White
- Art White
- Clayton White
- Freeman White
- Jim White
- Marsh White
- Phil White
- Robb White
- Sheldon White
- Bob Whitfield
- David Whitmore
- Mike Whittington
- Jason Whittle
- Oscar Wiberg
- Corey Widmer
- Ed Widseth
- Ray Wietecha
- Dick Wilkins
- Bob Wilkinson
- Gerris Wilkinson
- Andre Williams
- Brian Williams
- Byron Williams
- Davern Williams
- Ellery Williams
- Frank Williams
- George Williams
- Harry Williams
- Jarvis Williams
- Joe Williams
- Perry Williams
- Rodney Williams
- Shaun Williams
- Van Williams
- Willie Williams
- Ernie Williamson
- Ken Willis
- Butch Wilson
- Fay Wilson
- Gibril Wilson
- Gillis Wilson
- Bill Windauer
- Brandon Winey
- Jason Winrow
- Bill Winter
- Frank Winters
- Hugh Wolfe
- Gary Wood
- Dick Woodard
- Butch Woolfolk
- Gary Woolford
- Tito Wooten
- Roscoe Word
- Harry Workman
- Joe Wostoupal
- Adam Wright
- Anthony Wright
- Manuel Wright
- Steve Wright
- Kervin Wyatt
- Doug Wycoff
- Harry Wynne
- James Yarbrough
- Howard Yeager
- Todd Yeaman
- Dick Yelvington
- Len Younce
- Dave Young
- James Young
- Rodney Young
- Willie Young
- Frank Youso
- Walt Yowarsky
- Joe Zapustas
- Rob Zatechka
- Dusty Zeigler
- Coleman Zeno
- Chris Zieman
- Mickey Zofko
- Jim Zyntell
- "New York Giants' All-time Roster". New York Giants. Retrieved 2008-01-05.
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