List of Once Upon a Time creatures

This list comprises the different creatures and races featured in the American fantasy-drama television series Once Upon a Time and its spin-off Once Upon a Time in Wonderland.
Agrabahn Vipers
The Agrabahn Vipers are two-headed snakes that originate from Agrabah (from Aladdin). The Evil Queen Regina uses them to kill King Leopold through manipulation of The Genie. Later, she hired Edmond Dantès to kill Snow White and Prince Charming with this same venom. After Dantès changed his mind, Rumplestiltskin used the venom to kill the handmaiden Charlotte in order to give Dantès incentive to leave Snow and Charming alone.
In Storybrooke, Henry Mills unleashes the Agrabahn Vipers from their box in the Queen's vault, which corner him until David Nolan (Prince Charming) appears and closes the box.
Years later, King Arthur forces his incarcerated squire Grif to commit suicide via Agrabahn viper venom in order to further his goals to make Storybrooke the new Camelot.
Atlantean Rat Snake
The Atlantean Rat Snake is a black, red, and blue rat snake whose poison kills anyone infected by it in 24 hours. As a young boy, Baelfire was bitten by an Atlantean Rat Snake which ended up killed by Milah and causing Rumplestiltskin to resort to any way possible to obtain the antidote from Fendrake the Healer.
In Wonderland, the Bandersnatch is a monstrous wild boar. In the past, Alice had faced the Bandersnatch before. In the present, Jafar and the Red Queen send the female Bandersnatch after Alice and the Knave of Hearts in order to get Alice to use one of her three wishes from Cyrus. Jafar gives the Bandersnatch the magic message response that Alice made for Cyrus so that it can pick up her scent. The Bandersnatch tracks Alice to the Grendel's house and attacks where it knocks out the Grendel. As Alice restrains the Bandersnatch, the Knave of Hearts stabs it. The Red Queen states to Jafar that the Bandersnatch mates for life and that the male Bandersnatch in their possession is now dead.
Gorgon the Invincible is a previous Dark One, who was able to take the appearance of a fire-breathing Bandersnatch. Some time after becoming the Dark One, Gorgon tried to steal the Sorcerer's Hat created by Merlin, but he failed. Eventually, Gorgon is killed or died. He was succeeded by a man named Zoso.
Blood Scarab
Blood Scarabs are a type of venomous insect that reside in the Enchanted Forest. According to Rumplestiltskin, the only thing worse than their venom is their blood-lust. Cruella De Vil is able to control them with her powers of persuasion as they served as one of the lines of defenses for protecting the Dark Curse that's held within Bald Mountain.
Jafar once used a Blood Scarab to help him find Cyrus' bottle when he thought it was located under the Tum Tum Tree.
Cecaelias are native to the Enchanted Forest, and first appear in the episode "Ariel". They are sea creatures which are half-woman and half-octopus. Just like mermaids, they have the ability to open portals to another world. The known cecaelia in the series is Ursula the Goddess of the Sea, a deity of the Enchanted Forest.
A mermaid named Ursula (the daughter of the King Poseidon who was named after the Sea Goddess) turned herself into a cecaelia with King Poseidon's trident after the loss of her singing voice.
Cerberus is the three-headed hellhound who is the guardian of the Underworld. He guards those Hades doesn't want found from escaping a dungeon.
At some point in his life, Hercules was on his 12th Labor to defeat Cerberus. When Megara was being pursued by Cerberus, Hercules held Cerberus off for as long as he could where both of them perished. The reason being all three heads must be destroyed; Hercules lesson was to rely on the help of others. Hades could only laugh that Cerberus killing his nephew is what allowed them to be "reunited as a family" as this sent Hercules to the Underworld.
Captain Hook and Megara were once guarded by him in the Underworld's tunnels. After Megara got away followed by Captain Hook's failed attempt to buy her some time, Cerberus pursued Megara into the town where he ran into Hercules and Mary Margaret. With some persuasion from Mary Margaret, Megara helped Hercules and Mary Margaret defeat Cerberus as it disappears in a black smoke upon its defeat. The defeat of Cerberus enabled Hercules to have his unfinished business completed.
Charon (pronounced "care-on") is the Ferryman being who takes the souls of the departed to the Underworld, or brings back ones for a temporary time.
Furies serve him to a certain degree as they bring him those who were healed from death's door, but didn't give up something of equal value.
He can be summoned by dropping blood from someone who has come back from the Underworld via proper resurrection into a lake.
The Chernabog is an ancient demon that feeds on evil. It seeks out the heart with the greatest potential for darkness and devours it. The name appears to be related to the Slavic "Chernyj Bog" - "Black God."
Deep within Bald Mountain, the Chernabog stands guard over a curse within a crystal ball. Three great obstacles block those who attempt to venture in. However, whoever manages to bypass them and steal the curse incurs the wrath of the Chernabog who serves as the failsafe for the thef. Through Rumplestiltskin's false promises to provide them with happy endings, Cruella De Vil, Maleficent and Ursula help him nab the curse, but this awakens an angry Chernabog. Before making his own hasty exit, Rumplestiltskin advises the trio about the beast's ability to detect whoever has the heart with the greatest potential for evil and devour it. Left to the creature's mercy, the women hide behind rock pillars as they brainstorm a plan to let the Chernabog choose who it wants to kill first while the other two climb up a crack in the ceiling and then rescue the remaining person. Soon, the women step out into view, allowing the Chernabog a good look at each one of them, to which the beast settles for Maleficent, who combats with magic blasts. Once Cruella and Ursula reach safety, Maleficent reminds them of the plan, but when they do not save her, she grudgingly accepts her fate. As the Chernabog lunges at her, she is suddenly grabbed by Ursula's tentacles and lifted to safety. Unable to reach the intruders, the Chernabog glares up at them with its red glowing eyes and roars in anger.
At some point, the Chernabog ends up trapped in the Sorcerer's Hat. After the nuns are absorbed in as well, Belle and Hook research for a spell to free them. Belle consults a professor from Oxford to translate the spell, but little does she know, the man who helps her via email is none other than the banished Mr. Gold. Regina succeeds in releasing the nuns, but the Chernabog is also freed and flies off without anyone's notice. Later, the winged beast perches atop the clock tower and lets out a vicious growl, which attracts much fear and shock from the townspeople. Working together, Emma and Regina combine their magic to physically stun it temporarily. While the Chernabog is still on the loose, the pair gain knowledge from Cruella De Vil and Ursula about the creature's knack for finding and consuming the heart of a person with the greatest potential for evil. Since the Chernabog is magical, the demon must go across the town line as there is no magic outside of Storybrooke which will cause Chernabog to disappear. Believing that Chernabog wants her, Regina joins Emma in her car as they lure it out of Storybrooke. Instead, the Chernabog is actually stalking Emma and after it causes damage to the car windshield, Regina teleports to the town line and offers herself as bait. While Chernabog is on the car roof, Emma rapidly accelerates the vehicle speed, and then halts the car abruptly, which throws the Chernabog across the town barrier where it disappears.
The Chimera is a creature that is described as a combination of a lion, a serpent, and a goat. One is caught by a hunting party sent by Sir Lancelot (who was actually Cora in disguise) and its meat is served to Emma and Mary Margaret. Emma responds by asking if it is similar to Turducken.
The Darkness isn't exactly a creature, but rather a sentient force of pure evil. It appears as a black mass of tendrils without a host. It's later revealed to be the embodiment of Nimue's magic/soul, which became corrupted after Nimue used the magic granted to her by the Holy Grail to kill Vortigan (the Darkness is immortal, this is a result of Nimue drinking the waters of the Holy Grail). She, along with the other consciousnesses of the Dark Ones, continue to reside in their successors. When one becomes a Dark One, a mental image of their predecessor appears to guide them in how to use the Darkness's powers. The waterfall in the pocket dimension inside the Vault of the Dark One is liquid darkness.
To keep Nimue from causing damage, Merlin created the Dark One's Dagger via a tethering spell to control her. However, she stole it and later used it to turn Merlin into a tree. Nimue would later be stabbed by the dagger, allowing her magic and consciousness to possess her attacker. Thus anyone who killed a Dark One gained magic and the Darkness grew more powerful with each new Dark One. This began the Dark One line. Between Nimue and Gorgon the Invincible, there were at least 18 Dark Ones. After these 20 came Zoso and Rumplestiltskin.
When Mr. Gold's heart is in danger of being devoured by the Darkness, the Apprentice attempts to seal it in the Sorcerer's Hat; it escapes and fatally wounds him in an attempt to make him its new host. It tries using Regina next, but Emma uses the dagger to force the Darkness to possess her instead.
Though it's believed Emma has fallen under the Darkness's sway, flashbacks reveal that she remains un-corrupted by it; in truth she was planning to transfer the Darkness into Zelena after she gives birth, and then slay her to put an end to the Darkness. The reason for this is that half of the Darkness was transferred into Hook to save his life; he had received a wound to his neck from Excalibur, which was unable to be healed, thus forcing Emma to do this out of love.
Unfortunately, Hook has surrendered to the Darkness (and acts quirky as Rumplestiltskin when around Mr. Gold), continuing Nimue's plan to destroy light magic; he manages to open a portal to the Underworld, bringing back every Dark One between Nimue and Zoso. Luckily, Hook's love for Emma allows him to see that revenge is not the right path, allowing him to seal all the Dark Ones into Excalibur; rather than have Emma sacrifice herself, as she has family, Hook offers his own life, freeing her of the Darkness. With this, both the Darkness and Excalibur vanish into nothingness.
Unfortunately, Mr. Gold created a new Dark One's Dagger to absorb all the Dark Ones' magic making him even stronger than Emma.
Dark One
The Dark One is a magical entity featured on Once Upon a Time. Some Dark Ones have a different skin tone, such as Nimue's skin turning green when she became the first Dark One and Zoso and Rumplestiltskin having greyish tan skin. Emma's appearance changed the least with her hair becoming pale and her lips appearing to have lipstick. Hook as a Dark One, had messier hair and a somewhat quirky demeanor. True love's kiss will not break a Dark One's curse if the Dark One doesn't want to give up the power.[1] Nor will true love's kiss work if both people involved are Dark Ones.[2] Everyone who becomes a Dark One always claims that they will never give in to the darkness, but fails; Emma proved the strongest at resisting, but gave in when she refused to let Hook die by turning him into a second Dark One. Hook later pointed out that Emma only gave in out of love; likely being born of her parents' True Love gave Emma a stronger will than others possessed by the darkness. Dark Ones don't need sleep, as the power of the Darkness keeps them energized. However, it appears this is optional in the Real World, as Mr. Gold was seen sleeping after magic was brought to Storybrooke; Hook also never mentioned having trouble sleeping when his memory of being a Dark One was erased. Dark Ones such as Rumplestiltskin and Emma Swan developed hobbies to pass the time instead; Rumplestiltskin spun straw into gold and Emma made dreamcatchers. All Dark Ones find it irresistible to make deals.
According to Cora and Mr. Gold, when the Dark One is killed without the dagger, she/he will expel the power of the darkness, with no new Dark One, and the curse will "pass from this world". Dark Ones are drawn to their dagger, as it "whispers" to them to take possession of it. Emma later finds out, that she can still hear the whispers of the Dark One dagger; Mr. Gold hadn't counted on this, as all past Dark Ones are dead, and Emma was an exception.
Some of known Dark Ones are:
- Nimue (original Dark One, deceased)
- At least eighteen unnamed Dark Ones (deceased)
- Gorgon the Invincible (deceased)
- Zoso (deceased)
- Rumplestiltskin / Mr. Gold (current Dark One)
- Emma Swan (Darkness removed)
- Killian Jones (Darkness removed)
Demigods are the children of a God and a human. Because of their both parents, they are mortal people with strong powers.
Hercules is a known demigod who is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. He has the power of super strength.
Deities are beings from mythology that have greater magic than any mortal can possess. Among known deities are Ursula, King Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Ursula is a sea goddess who is worshiped by the merfolk and humans. King Poseidon rules the sea, but only in the Enchanted Forest. Hades rules the Underworld. Zeus rules Mount Olympus. They are capable of giving practitioners of witchcraft greater power, such as when Hades improved the Blind Witch's "half-baked" skills to more threatening levels.
Ursula is seen briefly in Season 3 where she warns Regina against impersonating her again.
In Season 4, the Sea Witch version was named after her by the King Poseidon who revered the goddess.
In Season 5, Hades is introduced as the ruler of the Underworld. However, his position was later given to Cruella De Vil and (later) King Arthur. Zeus runs Mount Olympus.
Hades has mentioned to Zelena that he isn't the Devil, though he implies that the Devil is a real person. Nothing is known about him, however.
Morpheus, the god of dreams, was referenced in the episode "The Savior." Though the unborn child of Rumplestiltskin and Belle French impersonated him in order to convince his mother not to be fooled by his father again, the real Morpheus has not yet appeared and very little is known about him.
Doppelgänger Fear Spirits
Doppelgänger Fear Spirits are paranormal doubles of a living person. When people seek a plant called Nightroot to remove their fears, they are presented with a doppelganger who represents all of the person's worst fears. A young woman named Rapunzel becomes trapped in a large tower for many years, after she searched for the plant to remove her fears of becoming Queen after her brother's death. After David (Prince Charming) begins to fear that he will not make a good father to his and Mary Margaret (Snow White)'s baby, Robin Hood tells him where to find nightroot. He then climbs the tower and eventually helps Rapunzel face her fears by facing what truly scares her: herself. Presented with her own doppelganger, she is encouraged by David and cuts off her hair, killing the figure and allowing her freedom.
In Storybrooke, David faces his own doppelganger after the Wicked Witch of the West spikes his drinking tea with Nightroot. He is taunted by the figure before stabbing and killing it with his sword. However, the sword then disappears and becomes a symbol of courage obtained by the Wicked Witch.[3]
Dragons are winged fire-breathing reptiles that reside in mountain caves.
When a dragon terrorizes a village in King Midas' kingdom, King George agrees to have his son Prince David slay the beast in exchange for gold, which he successfully manages. King Midas later uses his Golden Touch on the dragon's head.
The witch Maleficent also has the ability to shape-shift into a dragon.[4] She used this form to give birth to an egg, which would later hatch into her daughter Lily. After having her hand cut by Regina, Lily's anger caused her to transform into a dragon until she calmed down.
When the Dark Curse is enacted, some dragons are among the wildlife shown trying to evade the cloud that is associated with it.
In "I'll Be Your Mirror", the Evil Queen used her magic to turn The Dragon into a Chinese dragon to attack Emma Swam and Regina Mills at the time when they were transported to the Land Behind the Mirror. The Evil Queen tells Henry that he can stop The Dragon by using the Hammer of Hephaestus on The Dragon's heart. Instead, Henry uses the Hammer of Hephaestus on the nearby mirror to crack it. While saving The Dragon's heart, Emma and Regina trick The Dragon's Chinese dragon form into attacking the intact mirror enough for Emma and Regina to escape from the Land Behind the Mirror.
In the Once Upon a Time in Wonderland episode "Bad Blood", Jafar in the form of Alice's father Edwin summoned a dragon (the version that has wings in place of its arms) to attack Alice and the Knave of Hearts. Alice and the Knave of Hearts were able to slay that dragon.
In Wonderland, the Dragonflies are depicted as dragon-headed versions of themselves that breathe fire. Alice caught one of them which she used in order to get her and the Knave of Hearts out of Mallow Marsh.
Dwarfs are humanoids that are shorter than humans. There are only male dwarfs and they hatch from eggs, fully grown. If Fairy Dust is sprinkled on an egg, it will hatch earlier with a very positive dwarf. Dreamy/Grumpy is the example seen so far. So far, the lifespan and aging of a Dwarf are left unexplained. Since the casting of the first Dark Curse, only two years of actual time have passed for any of the dwarfs seen in the series since then.
Fairies are tiny humanoids with insect-like wings who use dust to practice magic. Fairies have colourful lights surrounding their tiny bodies and their dresses have the same colour.[5] Known fairies include the Blue Fairy, the Black Fairy, Nova, Tinker Bell, Cinderella's fairy godmother, and Silvermist (who lives in Wonderland). In Storybrooke, the fairies are nuns, which is a fitting occupation for beings so pious, as Mr. Gold describes them.
Only the Black Fairy that helped Malcolm to mother Rumplestiltskin is known to have dabbled in dark magic. Her wand later ended up in the Blue Fairy/Mother Superior's possession and was necessary in switching Henry Mills and Peter Pan back into their correct bodies.
Flying Monkeys
Flying Monkeys are monkeys with bird-like wings who act as servants to the Wicked Witch of the West. Zelena created her first Flying Monkey after she discovers the Wizard of Oz is a failed circus performer from Earth named Walsh and being inspired by the circus poster in his secret room.
Zelena once sent a Flying Monkey to capture the Scarecrow in order to harvest his brain as part of an attempt to create a time-traveling spell.
Later overtaking her half-sister Regina's castle, she sends a Flying Monkey to retrieve a sample of her blood. Another monkey later attacks Snow White's group, attempting to harm Robin Hood's son Roland. Regina transforms it into a stuffed toy.
In New York City, Zelena sends Walsh in his human form to the location to maintain a relationship with Emma Swan and keep her away from Storybrooke. After Emma rejects his marriage proposal, he reveals his true form and attacks her. Emma fights back and pushes him from her apartment roof, vanishing into smoke before he can hit the ground.[6] In Storybrooke, Zelena abducts the inhabitants and transforms them into Flying Monkeys. Little John is the first to be converted into one of the creatures, who are unaware of their friends and relatives. The Flying Monkeys returned to human form when Zelena was defeated.
Upon Zelena's return to Oz, the Flying Monkey's resurfaced where they tried to attack Dorothy and Zelena.
The Furies are creatures from the Underworld that are sent to collect unpaid debts for the price of magic.
The Fury appeared in Camelot when Emma (who was the current Dark One) healed Robin Hood on Regina's behalf.
In Storybrooke, the Fury arrived where it snatched up Robin Hood. Upon arriving near the lake with Robin Hood's body, the Fury begins to take Robin Hood's body only for Regina, Mary Margaret, David, King Arthur, and Leroy to offer themselves enough for the Fury to be overwhelmed and to retreat back to the Underworld. However, it's possible that she took an equal amount of life from the five of them to pay off the debt.
Genies are humanoids that grant wishes to anyone who owns their lamps, and they have a weakness to silver. Following the theme that "magic always has a price", the bigger the wish, no matter how noble the intentions, it will always backfire in someway upon the wisher.
The Magic Mirror was originally a genie from Agrabah who came into the Evil Queen's possession. Using the last wish of his lamp, the genie accidentally trapped himself within every reflective surface the Queen would gaze into, as it was his desire to always see her. Another wish that backfired came from Will Scarlet; he wished for Alice's suffering to be brought to an end, but since it was mental and physical (she was dying), he ended up taking Cyrus' place as genie as the price to heal her.
In Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, it was also shown that if someone takes water from the Well of Wonders without Nyx's approval, Nyx will invoke the genie curse which transforms the person responsible into a genie where their lamp is teleported to another location. Only upon returning the water to the Well of Wonders will the curse be undone. In a twist, Cyrus attempts to return the water, but Jafar destroys it. The Nyx invokes the genie curse on Jafar while freeing her previous victims.
Gorgons is a female creature half-woman and half-snake that possesses the power to transform who look in her eyes to stone instantly, and only appear in the episode "The New Neverland." The known gorgon in the series is Medusa.
Medusa lives in a cavern near the old Summer Palace of the Enchanted Forest. She gains a notorious reputation as a creature who can turn anyone into stone if the person looks straight into her eyes. One day, she chases two intruders, Snow White and Prince Charming, after they purposely enter into her home. While Prince Charming goads Medusa into coming after him, Snow White hides in wait to cut off her head. Surprisingly, the sword has no effect on Medusa and she entraps Prince Charming, forcing him to meet her gaze, and thus transforming him into a stone statue. Medusa goes after Snow White next, but is tricked into meeting her own reflection and immobilizing herself into stone. As a result of this, Prince Charming is freed.
According to Snow White, legends say that Medusa is immortal.
Hercules is suggested to have killed one as one of his Twelve Labors, as one of his medals appears to have a Gorgon's head.
Ghosts are the spirits of deceased people who reside in the Spirit World. One method to summon a ghost requires that both the murder weapon and murderer must be present at the seance. A ghost may linger even after the portal is closed. If vengeful, they prove vicious towards their killer. If a pregnant woman is possessed, there is no harm to the baby. Mary Margaret is shown to have been only slightly exhausted after the possession.
In "Bleeding Through", Regina had to invoke a seance in order to contact Cora's ghost and have her tell Regina about why Cora had to abandon Zelena. Regina ended up learning about her mother's past when Cora possessed Mary Margaret who experienced a flashback of Cora's early life that led up to Zelena's birth.
Lost Souls
Lost Souls are the victims of souls that fell into the River of Lost Souls. Having no sense of self and a longing desire to have an end brought to their pain, they flow continuously through the River of Lost Souls. While in the Underworld, five people have fallen victim to the River of Lost Souls and become another of the souls trapped in the river: Milah, Gaston, Prince James, Emily Brown, and Peter Pan. Although in the case of the males, it was because they could never move on.
After Hades left the Underworld, the Lost Souls started emerging from the River of Lost Souls. When Captain Hook found the "Once Upon a Time" book in Hades's throne, two Lost Souls attempt to claim it to find out their unfinished business only to be stopped by King Arthur.
Giants are large human-like beings who live at the top of beanstalks, away from humans. They grow magic beans which were originally used to trade with humans until they are stolen from them. They have the ability to smell the blood of humans. Anton and his brothers are some of the known Giants. Due to a raid by Prince James where Anton was the only survivor, the Giants are considered endangered.[7]
According to Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, Giants are vegetarians.
Giant Cobra
The Giant Cobra is a snake that is larger than normal.
During Amara's duel with Jafar, she used her magic to summon some Giant Cobras to attack Jafar. Jafar used his magic to vanquish them.
Giant Squid
Giant squids, mistakenly referred to as krakens by Captain Hook, reside in the waters near Neverland.
Using a conch shell, Neal Cassidy (Baelfire) had to lure, spear, and reel in a giant squid so that Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) could harvest their ink (which can temporarily paralyze any magical creature) in a plot to disable Peter Pan. The very same kind of ink was used by Prince Thomas and Cinderella in their plan to outwit and imprison Rumplestiltskin before the first Dark Curse.
At one point, King Poseidon offered some to Hook in exchange for stealing Ursula's singing voice. Both attempted to double-cross King Posideon and take the ink, but it was destroyed and Ursula's voice was stolen in Captain Hook's vengeance on King Poseidon.
Later, Hook was attacked by a giant squid, one he referred to as a kraken, only to be rescued by Captain Nemo.
There had been some Horses that appear in this show.
Rocinante was a horse that was owned by the Evil Queen. In order to win the heart of King Leopold, the Evil Queen rode Rocinante into catching Snow White on her runaway horse that was startled by Cora. He was killed when the Evil Queen used his heart in her first attempt at the Dark Curse.
Nicodemus is a horse that is owned by Violet in Camelot upon receiving it from her late mother.
Ice Viking
The Ice Viking is a large creature made out of ice which bares the resemblance to a knight or Viking with armor, a helmet, cape and huge axe and shield. The creature was created by Ingrid. The Ice Viking is eventually defeated by Emma and Regina as they're about to rescue.
The Kraken is a monstrous squid. While at the underwater cave that the chest containing Key to the Land of Untold Stories is located, Captain Nemo, Captain Hook, and his half-brother Liam were attacked by a giant squid. Hook mistakenly referred to it as a kraken. The same mistake was used by Charming in the third season after the Jolly Roger was attacked by mermaids.
The Leviathan is a giant sea creature that appears in the graphic novel Out of the Past. Besides the fact that it resides in Leviathan Shoals, it can produce a green illusion-casting mist. This creature was honored as a title for the mercenary Lancelot in reference to his stealthy maneuvers in battle.
The Mapinguari is an Enchanted Forest creature. It is shown that a hunting trophy of a Mapinguari is owned by King Midas.
Marshmallow is a Snow Monster that is made of snow and ice (as well as the emotion of fear). Elsa creates him in order to defend herself and help her find Anna. Marshmallow causes a rampage in Storybrooke and ends up heading towards the forest where he attacks the Merry Men. He nearly kills Maid Marian (actually Zelena in disguise) before being destroyed by Regina Mills.
Mermaids are creatures that are half-human half-fish. They can travel between realms without any aid from a magic bean or the Dark Curse, even The Land Without Magic. The mermaids are known to worship a sea goddess of old named Ursula, and have differing personalities based on the realm they reside in. They have the ability to walk on land between high tides, which is twelve hours. However, magic bracelets can allow them to stay in human form so long as they're worn.
The mermaids of Neverland are unpleasant and dangerous. Regina turns one mermaid to wood in an attempt to stop a storm summoned by the mermaid. Captain Hook has said that Neverland mermaids are liars and holding one hostage is good leverage.[8] He also has said mermaids are the most dangerous creatures in all the sea.
Ariel is a mermaid in the oceans near the Enchanted Forest who is known to rescue those who are drowning like she did with Prince Eric and Snow White.[9] King Poseidon is suggested to also reside here, or someplace between realms.
Revering the sea goddess Ursula, King Poseidon named his daughter after her. In a fit of rage after losing her singing voice as part of Captain Hook's vengeance on King Poseidon, Ursula used her father's trident to transform herself with octopus tentacles replacing her mermaid tail.
Mock Turtle
In Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, the Mock Turtle is depicted in this franchise as a giant aquatic turtle that is as large as a small island (somewhat similar to the turtle variation of the Aspidochelone). In "Trust Me", Alice and the Knave of Hearts end up on it after being dropped by Silvermist. Alice takes advantage of this and commands the Mock Turtle to take it to the other side of the lake.
Mome Rath
The Mome Raths are native to Wonderland, and first appear in the ninth episode of the first season of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. They are some of the wildest and deadliest creatures of the land.
According to the Red Queen, their mouths are full of fangs, which give the appearance they are pressed together by two beds of nails. They are also attracted to bright lights.
In "Forget Me Not", the Mome Rath was one of the creatures that was among Jafar and the Red Queen's choices to send after Alice. The illustration in Jafar's creature book depicted the Mome Rath as a three-headed monster.
In "Nothing to Fear", five Mome Raths (which look like big black wolves with two sparkling violet eyes) attacked the Red Queen, Alice and Cyrus when they were tied to a post by the local peasants (who are angry at the Red Queen for not aiding them against the wild beasts that attacked their land during her reign). The lit fires surrounding the trio attract them. Even though they put out the torches, they were still attracted to the glow of Alice's necklace. She throws the pendant at the Mome Raths who then begin fighting over the object while the three of them flee.
The Munchkins are an Oz species. They are first mentioned in the episode "Ariel." Not much is known about them. They seem to be similar to dwarves as Zelena originally thought that Sneezy was a Munchkin. Also, Regina once mistakenly referred to the Seven Dwarves as Munchkins.
Following Dorothy's return to Oz, Zelena confronted the Munchkins to find out which one told Dorothy that she was still alive. When a Munchkin named Boq spoke out against her demands, Zelena turned him to ash. The rest of the Munchkins fled when Hades came into view.
Nemean Lion
The Nemean Lion was a powerful creature with a fur as impenetrable as steel, making it invincible. Hercules' first labor was to defeat the beast. After a long exhausting fight against the Nemean Lion, Hercules accidentally dropped his torch which sets a brush on fire. The flames singed the Lion's fur from his body, so it lost its invincibility. Then, Hercules slayed the beast completing his first labor. Hercules recapped this labor to Snow White.
Ogres are large humanoid creatures that were the enemies of the humans. In the Ogre Wars various kingdoms fought against an army of Ogres. As Emma finds out, they are more resistant to bullets than humans.
During a ride with Belle, Gaston find a young injured Ogre as Belle wanted to know its purpose. Both of them researched a book that told about every magical item listed where Belle found a mirror called the Mirror of Souls. When Belle and Sir Maurice went to where the young Ogre was, Gaston claimed that the young Ogre attacked him leading Sir Maurice to lead a hunting party. When Sir Maurice, Gaston, and the soldiers with them caught up to the young Ogre, Belle arrived stating that she still wants to find the young Ogre's purpose. When Gaston fires an arrow at the young Ogre, the Mirror of Souls takes the brunt of the attack as the young Ogre gets away. The Mirror of Souls revealed that Gaston tortured the young Ogre.
A band of Ogres invaded Sir Maurice's castle, but Belle couldn't remember what happened to her mother Colette that day. After her visit to Arendelle, Belle learned from Sir Maurice that Colette fought the invading Ogres while Belle was being evacuated by the guards. By the time the guards returned for Colette, she had already been killed by the Ogres. Keeping Belle alive was considered a heroic act by Sir Maurice.
A Scarred Ogre (played by C. Ernst Harth) was among the villains present at the Evil Queen's first attempt to enact the Dark Curse.
After Emma Swan and Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White) are transported back to the Enchanted Forest in the aftermath of breaking the Dark Curse, Emma is attacked by an Ogre. She is saved by Mary Margaret who slays the creature with an arrow through the eye.[10]
Oracle's Bird
The Oracle's Bird is a red cockatiel that is owned by the Oracle of Agrabah. It led Emma to the Oracle of Agrabah twice: first when Emma stumbled upon it and second when she was in the company of Archie Hopper and Pongo.
Phantom Knights
The Phantom Knights are a bunch of possessed armor that reside in Brocéliande. A bunch of them attacked David Nolan after he claimed a specific toadstool that's at the center of a large lake which is needed for a spell that would free Merlin from the tree that he is imprisoned in. The Phantom Knights tried to drown David only for him to be saved by King Arthur.
Pongo is Archie's pet dalmatian in Storybrooke. During the First Curse, Pongo is constantly by Archie's side. Since Pongo was part of the Dark Curse, he too did not age like the rest of the inhabitants in Storybrooke.
After the First Curse, Pongo is the only witness to Archie's simulated murder by Cora. Emma, with the help from Mr. Gold, uses the Dream Catcher to see the false events that have been perceived by the dog. When Peter Pan enacts the Dark Curse once again, it is not known to which realm Pongo was returned to in the Fairy Tale Land, but does show up back in Storybrooke, where he was under the influence of Cruella's power by using Pongo to kidnap Henry.
Archie later walked Pongo when Emma took him to see the Oracle of Agrabah only to find her dead.
Reindeer is a species of deer with circumpolar distribution, native to Arctic, Subarctic, tundra, boreal and mountainous regions of northern Europe, Siberia, and North America.
In Once Upon a Time, a reindeer named Sven resides in Arendelle (the same location that is featured in Frozen).
Shadows are shadow people that emulate the human bodies to which they belong. They can be removed by its owner or other people by ripping from the body, leaving a lifeless body behind. Most shadows are trapped in Dark Hollow in Neverland.[11]
Peter Pan's Shadow

The Shadow (voiced by Marilyn Manson)[12] is a mysterious dark being with gleaming eyes. When Rumplestiltskin and his father Malcolm arrive in Neverland, Malcolm is approached by The Shadow who states that he cannot fly as he does not belong. Upon realizing that the reason he cannot believe in his childhood dreams is because he is a father, Malcolm enlists The Shadow to take Rumplestiltskin back to his original world. Before departing, Rumplestiltskin witnesses his father become a child (Peter Pan). The Shadow later informs Pan that Skull Rock was created by Malcolm's decision to stay in Neverland while other boys only visit in their dreams. The creature adds that when the hourglass is complete, Pan's youth will expire and he will die.[13]
Some time after, it is implied that the Shadow became Pan's own shadow. Pan uses the creature to carry out his bidding. He enlists it to enter the open windows of sleeping children in the real world and kidnap unsuspecting boys, flying them to Neverland in hopes of them being Henry Mills (who is the target in question). Wendy Darling is taken by his Shadow, but as she was a girl she was allowed to be brought back to her home. Baelfire (who had been living with The Darlings) promises to protect Wendy and her brothers, sacrificing himself to save them. Pan's Shadow takes Baelfire to Neverland but drops him in the waters encircling Neverland when frightened by a lit match.[14]
When Greg and Tamara arrive in Neverland with Henry, the Lost Boys confront the pair ordering them to hand him over. When the two of them refuse, Pan's Shadow rips Greg's from his body leaving a lifeless body behind. In the remaining part of the Enchanted Forest, Neal uses Robin Hood's son to call Pan's Shadow, then uses himself as bait to travel to Neverland to be with Emma and Henry. A vision of Belle is later unveiled by Regina as Pan's Shadow in disguise, a plan to prevent Mr. Gold from defeating Pan. Emma, Neal and Captain Hook visit Dark Hollow on their mission to save Henry and escape the island. The area holds the shadows of the creature's victims. Neal and Hook are soon attacked by the shadows of the victims that it controls. Using her magic, Emma lights a candle in a coconut and traps Pan's Shadow. Neal releases Pan's Shadow in front of the Jolly Roger's cannon, upon the group successfully rescuing Henry. Regina then uses her magic to control his Shadow into the ship's sail in order to make the ship fly back to Storybrooke. Whilst in Storybrooke in Henry's body, Peter Pan releases his Shadow who proceeds to chase and rip out the Mother Superior's shadow. When Pan's Shadow attacks the church to obtain the Black Fairy's wand, Tinker Bell believes in herself to fly and light a candle to trap Pan's Shadow. Once the candle with the trapped Shadow is burned, the Mother Superior is revived upon her returned shadow.[15]
The Siren (played by Aria Pullman) is the guardian of Lake Nostos who keeps its waters untouched by outsiders. She uses the waters to transform herself into whoever her victim is in love with, then drowns them. Prince Charming encounters her when he attempts to obtain the waters to revert Princess Abigail's true love, Frederick, from gold. She disguises as Charming's true love Snow White, dragging Charming under the water. However, he sees through the disguise and kills the siren with his sword as she reverts to her true form upon death.[16] Following the death of the siren, Lake Nostos dries up.[10]
Despite what many viewers believed, she is not the Lady of the Lake from the Arthurian mythology. The real one is still alive and is the mother of Lancelot.
Toto is Dorothy Gale's fictional dog in L. Frank Brum's Oz series. He's a Cairn Terrier. Toto portrayed by Terry is a female brindle Cairn Terrier in 1939's The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy & her dog Toto live in Oz. Toto is a Maltipoo (Maltese & Poodle mix) is accompanied with Dorothy in the Land of Oz.
During Zelena's return to Oz, she captured Toto in order to get Dorothy to give up the Silver Slippers. Toto was in a cage at the time when Zelena put a Sleeping Curse on Dorothy.
Trolls are humanoid creatures.
Bridge Trolls
The Bride Trolls are a type of troll that reside under bridges and are based on the troll from Three Billy Goats Gruff. Bridge Trolls enjoy dealing with jewels and would often barter with humans for gold. According to Snow White, Bridge Trolls do not like horses.
Snow White comes across a group of Bridge Trolls on the Troll Bridge, attempting to make a deal with them to buy back Prince Charming's mother's ring which she had traded after stealing. The Bridge Troll Leader (portrayed by Mark Gibbon) suspects that it is a trap with Charming present and Prince Charming ends up captured. Using fairy dust, Snow turns the Bridge Trolls into cockroaches where they are stepped upon by Charming.[17]
When Emma and Captain Hook traveled back to the past, Snow White had already used the dark fairy dust to escape from the Evil Queen's execution. This time, she had fooled the Bridge Trolls into thinking that she had dark fairy dust with her where it was actually sand. This caused the Bridge Trolls to retreat. The Evil Queen was the one who turned the Bridge Trolls into cockroaches and stepped on them following their failure.
Rock Trolls
The Rock Trolls are a type of troll in Arendelle that can turn into rocks. They are said to be more friendly than the Bridge Trolls, which is true as they are not aggressive or rude.
Grand Pabbie is the leader of the Rock Trolls, and Kristoff's foster father. A unique magic belonging to Rock Trolls is the ability to manipulate memories, either to recover or erase. A stone is needed as a medium for the magic, given Ingrid used a similar spell on Emma and Elsa.
Unicorns are horses with one horn on their head. In the Enchanted Forest, Rumplestiltskin agrees to teach Queen Regina magic in exchange that she rips out a unicorn's heart and crushes it, which she cannot manage. Later, a black unicorn is pet of The Evil Queen (Regina).[18]
When someone grabs onto a unicorn's horn, that person can see vision of one's future.
In the Dark Castle there is a tapestry with a unicorn in a gate. The tapestry is from this world, it is the last tapestry of the series called The Hunt of the Unicorn. The story says that the unicorn was enchanted into the tapestry (reference to Bizard of the Blue Moon). The tapestry can be seen in "Skin Deep" when Rumplestiltskin yells at the mirror, it can be seen in the reflection.
Werewolves are people born via genetic inheritance with the ability to shape shift into a wolf during the full moon (also known as "wolf's-time"). A person born without the gene can become susceptible to also having the ability to shape shift by being marked by a werewolf. Ruby (Red Riding Hood), Quinn and Anita are all werewolves while Widow Lucas (Granny) also has werewolf abilities remaining from an attack.
As Granny implies, she could take wolf form in her prime, but lost the ability with age retaining only the benefit of enhanced senses.
Will-o'-the-wisps are spiritual, ethereal beings. They have the appearance of small floating bright blue-colored lights. The Will-o'-the-wisps can lead one to their fate and destiny.
Mérida once caught a wisp so that it can tell her where the United Clans are holding her three brothers.
A wolf was a companion of the Huntsman and hunts deer for both of them to feed upon. Sheriff Graham Humbert's recollection of his being the Huntsman results in a wolf appearing before him. It takes him and Emma Swan to the vault where his heart is said to be, but they are unable to find it.[19]
There has been a Wolf that appears whenever Emma is traveling. One wolf was seen when she first approached the Storybrooke town line. Another wolf was seen where it was a sign that Emma was on the right path at the time when Emma and Regina were looking for Lily Page.
Wonderland Rabbits
The Wonderland Rabbits are intelligent anthropomorphic rabbits that live in Wonderland.
Percy the White Rabbit and his family are known Wonderland Rabbits.
Wraiths are hooded creatures that are summoned by an amulet marking its victims. The creature will then hunt the victim down and suck its soul out, transporting it to another world, leaving a lifeless body. According to Regina, these creatures are undead and thus cannot be killed again. After the curse is broken in Storybrooke, Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) summons a wraith to kill Regina Mills (the Evil Queen) for abducting Belle. However, it is stopped by Emma Swan, Mary Margaret Blanchard (Snow White) and David Nolan (Prince Charming), before dragging Emma and Mary Margaret into a portal to the remaining part of the Enchanted Forest.[20] Phillip accidentally marked himself with the amulet, having his soul temporarily removed.
The Yaoguai is a fearsome beast that resembles a lion with flames for a mane, eyes, and the tip of its tail. Maleficent turns Prince Phillip into the Yaoguai, With the help of Belle, Phillip took back his human form.
Yaoguai is a Chinese term that means "demon."
Zombies are animated corpses of dead people that can be controlled by a powerful magic user. After Cora killed all the remaining inhabitants of a village in the Enchanted Forest left behind by the Dark Curse, she uses one of their hearts to control the other hearts to manipulate their bodies into attacking Emma, Mary Margaret, Mulan and Princess Aurora.[13]
- ↑ Andrew Chamblissdate=October 4, 2015. "Andrew Chambliss on Twitter". Twitter. Retrieved July 11, 2016.
- ↑ Brigitte Hales (November 15, 2015). "Brigitte Hales on Twitter". Twitter. Retrieved July 11, 2016.
- ↑ "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Fear Itself" from Entertainment Weekly (March 23, 2014)
- ↑ "'Once Upon a Time' season finale recap: Now I'm a Believer" by Hilary Busis, from Entertainment Weekly (May 13, 2012)
- ↑ ""Once Upon a Time" An Apple Red As Blood (2012)". IMDB.
- ↑ Hillary, Busis (March 9, 2014). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Monkey Business". Entertainment Weekly.
- ↑ "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Hold Me Closer, Tiny Giant" from Entertainment Weekly (February 10, 2013)
- ↑ Busis, Hillary (September 29, 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: Season 3 premiere". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved September 29, 2013.
- ↑ 'Once Upon a Time' recap: Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun by Hilary Busis, from Entertainment Weekly (November 3, 2013)
- 1 2 Milan Cheylov, Writ. Andrew Chambliss & Ian Goldberg (October 14, 2012). "Lady of the Lake". Once Upon a Time. Season 2. Episode 3. ABC.
- ↑ Busis, Hillary (10 November 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: 'Dark Hollow'". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 10 November 2013.
- ↑ "Marilyn Manson Joining 'Once Upon a Time' Cast". Rolling Stone.
- 1 2 Busis, Hillary (17 November 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: A Family Affair". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 17 November 2013.
- ↑ Ralph Hemecker, Writ. Andrew Chambliss & Ian Goldberg (May 5, 2013). "Second Star to the Right". Once Upon a Time. Season 2. Episode 21. ABC.
- ↑ Busis, Hilary (15 December 2013). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: The End Is the Beginning Is the End". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
- ↑ ""Once Upon a Time" What Happened to Frederick (2012)". IMDB.
- ↑ David Solomon, Writ. David H. Goodman (November 13, 2011). "The Price of Gold". Once Upon a Time. Season 1. Episode 4. ABC.
- ↑ Shaunna, Murphy (October 31, 2011). "'Once Upon a Time' recap: This Town Ain't Big Enough". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved September 2, 2013.
- ↑ Ratcliffe, Amy (December 12, 2011). "Once Upon a Time: "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" Review". IGN. Retrieved April 16, 2012.
- ↑ Prudom, Laura (September 30, 2012). "'Once Upon A Time' Season Premiere Recap: Magic Returns And Brings New Danger In 'Broken'". The Huffington Post. Retrieved October 17, 2012.