List of Rio de Janeiro metro stations

This is a list of stations on the underground railway system (Metrô Rio) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nowadays, the system has two lines denominated numerically: broadly Linha 1 serves the south and central zones while Linha 2 serves the north. There used to be an interchange between them at Estácio Station, but now Linha 2 uses the rails of Linha 1 to get at Botafogo Station, closing interchange at Estácio.
Line 4 (yellow line) links West Zone, in the neighbourhood of Barra da Tijuca, to South Zone, in Ipanema.
Line 3, serving Niterói and São Gonçalo municipalities is planned.
Currently, there are 41 operational stations.
Current lines
Linha 1 (Line 1 - Orange)

- General Osório
- Cantagalo
- Siqueira Campos
- Cardeal Arcoverde
- Botafogo
- Flamengo
- Largo do Machado
- Catete
- Glória
- Cinelândia
- Carioca
- Uruguaiana
- Presidente Vargas
- Central
- Praça Onze
- Estácio (exchange to Line 2 only on holidays and weekends)
- Afonso Pena
- São Francisco Xavier
- Saens Peña
- Uruguai
Linha 2 (Line 2 - Green)
- Cidade Nova
- São Cristóvão
- Maracanã
- Triagem
- Maria da Graça
- Nova América/Del Castilho
- Inhaúma
- Engenho da Rainha
- Thomaz Coelho
- Vicente de Carvalho
- Irajá
- Colégio
- Coelho Neto
- Acari/Fazenda Botafogo
- Engenheiro Rubens Paiva
- Pavuna
Linha 4 (Line 4 - Yellow)
- Nossa Senhora da Paz
- Jardim de Alah
- Leblon
- Gávea (under construction)
- São Conrado
- Jardim Oceânico
Under construction/planned
Linha 3 (Line 3 - Blue)
Planned. It will go from Niterói to Guaxindiba, in São Gonçalo. Plans include also an extension from Niterói to Carioca Station, in Rio.
Other planned stations
- Belford Roxo - line 2
- São João de Meriti - line 2
- Duque de Caxias - line 2
- Barra da Tijuca - line 4
- Alvorada - line 4
- Galeão (possible transference to the airport) - line 5
- "Mapa Esquematico" (PDF). MetrôRio. Retrieved 12 September 2014.