List of Ultraman Orb characters

This is the character list for the 2016 Ultra Series Ultraman Orb.
Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb

- Above (from left to right): Burnmite, Spacium Zeperion, and Hurricane Slash.
- Below: Thunder Breastar
Gai Kurenai (クレナイ・ガイ Kurenai Gai) is a mysterious, yet cheerful young adventurer that travels around the Earth for a long time while playing his Orbnica (オーブニカ Ōbunika)[lower-alpha 1] musical instrument. His true identity is the mysterious warrior Ultraman Orb (ウルトラマンオーブ Urutoraman Ōbu), who descended from beyond the outer galaxy to protect the Earth and stop the resurrection of the King Demon Beasts.[1][2][3] He possesses abilities that are beyond what normal humans are capable of, such as withstanding cold environments for a long time, performing superhuman leaps and displaying the use of ESP to detect objects from beneath the ground. Having lived on Earth for a long time, he has a habit of remarking the past events and nostalgia that seemingly faded in the modern times due to constant development in the human civilization.
Sometime in the past, Gai was chosen to be the Warrior of Light and had the powers of Orb bestowed upon him, which caused Jugglus to defect to the darkness and eventually started a rivalry between the two. He fought against Maga-Zetton and managed to destroy it, but the ensuing battle created an explosion that destroyed an entire forest of Rusalka (ルサールカ Rusāruka), causing Gai to lose his true form (designated Orb Origin) and seemingly killing Natasha (a woman he befriended), which mentally scarred Gai for his failures despite being able to claim Ultraman's Card. In the present, he faced off against Jugglus, who intended to use the Beast Cards to reawaken the sealed King Demon Beasts. Although Orb managed to destroy them and gain the Cards of the Ultramen who sealed them away, he unknowingly helped Jugglus retrieve the Beast's cards as well. In several missions, he crosses paths with both SSP and VTL Squad while playing his Orbnica upon introduction, with the melody emitted from the Orbonica somewhat disorienting his opponents, such as Jugglus and Alien Nackle Nagus. He took refuge in the SSP base after rescuing Naomi from Alien Zetton Maddock, as well as having been persuaded to do so by its members. He briefly left them after his battle with Galactron when he felt that he had failed to protect Naomi (whom Galactron had assimilated). This incident had shaken his will to the core, believing that his own presence is a threat to their safety. During that time, Ultraman Orb had also been labelled as a public enemy due to his usage of Thunder Breastar endangering Naomi and a nearby Z-VTOL pilot despite the fact that both miraculously survived the battle. Returning to Rusalka, he fought against Zeppandon and escaped the battle after being proven weak and allowing the Color Timer to elapse. While he recovered, he was visited by Natasha's ghost who gives him a blank card. After returning to Japan to save Naomi from Juggler's assassination attempt, he discovered that Natasha survived the explosion and during that time regained faith in his own power and gained control over Thunder Breastar. He also regained both his good reputation and original powers (Orb Origin), allowing him to finish Zeppandon.
Gai transforms into Ultraman Orb using a device called the Orb Ring (オーブリング Ōbu Ringu). In the present day, he lost his original powers (presumably due to his fight with Maga-Zetton) and relies upon the use of Ultra Fusion Cards (ウルトラフュージョンカード Urutora Fyūjon Kādo), a set of cards which hold the powers of 42 past Ultra Warriors, and Fusion Up forms to fight against monster threats. Orb can also channel the power of these cards even in human form, as shown when Gai blocked an incoming attack by Alien Zetton Maddock via Ultraman's card. Once Orb's Color Timer (カラータイマー Karā Taimā) starts blinking, the Fusion Up form begins to break apart so he must end the fight quickly before entering the time limit. After defeating a King Demon Beast, Gai would use the Orb Ring to harvest its Maga Crystal and acquire the corresponding Ultra Fusion Card based on the Ultra Warrior that was used to seal the monster. Once the card is acquired, he would store it in his Ultra Fusion Card Holder (ウルトラフュージョンカードホルダー Urutora Fyūjon Kādo Horudā) until the time would be needed to use said card.
By initiating Fusion Up, Orb can harness the power of two Ultra Warriors at once through his forms:
- Spacium Zeperion (スペシウムゼペリオン Supeshiumu Zeperion):[lower-alpha 2] Orb's default form, aside from his original Orb Origin form, based on Ultraman and Ultraman Tiga. In this form, Orb relies on balanced fighting skills and energy-based attacks. He is also capable of channeling either Ultraman's various abilities, such as the Ultra Barrier and Ultra Shower, or one of the unique abilities of Tiga's Type Change forms, such as Power Type's strength and Sky Type's speed. His finisher is the Sperion Ray (スペリオン光線 Superion Kōsen).[4]
- Burnmite (バーンマイト Bānmaito): Orb's strength-oriented form based on Ultraman Taro and Ultraman Mebius. In this form, Orb is capable of channeling both Taro's acrobatic feats and Mebius Burning Brave's pyrokinetic-based attacks. His finishers are the Stobium Dynamite (ストビュームダイナマイト Sutobyūmu Dainamaito) and Stobium Burst (ストビュームバースト Sutobyūmu Bāsuto).[5]
- Hurricane Slash (ハリケーンスラッシュ Harikēn Surasshu): Orb's speed-oriented form based on Ultraman Jack and Ultraman Zero. In this form, Orb is capable of utilizing teleportation and wielding the Orb Slugger (オーブスラッガー Ōbu Suraggā) energy boomerang knives, which can also combine into the Orb Slugger Lance (オーブスラッガーランス Ōbu Suraggā Ransu) trident. His finishers with the Orb Slugger Lance are the Orb Lancer Shoot (オーブランサーシュート Ōbu Ransā Shūto), Big Bang Thrust (ビッグバングスラスト Biggu Bangu Surasuto), and Trident Slash (トライデントスラッシュ Toraidento Surasshu).[6][7][8]
- Thunder Breastar (サンダーブレスター Sandā Buresutā):[lower-alpha 3] Orb's violence-oriented form based on Zoffy and Ultraman Belial. In this form, Orb's fighting skills revolve around brute strength, reflecting that of a rampant, where he will even use the environments around him to his own advantage, such as tearing off a building and throwing it towards the opponent. Orb's voice and grunts also become distorted due to his savage nature. Originally, Gai was reluctant to use this form due to both his notoriety and Belial's refusal but was given approval in response to Gai's anger over Princess Tamayura's loss by Maga-Orochi. This form as well cause Gai to lose control over himself using various means to destroy his opponent and had almost killed both Naomi and a Z-VTOL pilot while fighting against Galactron. This eventually shaken his will and had his reputation tarnished until Gai learned to accept his inner darkness, giving him more control over this form and eventually restoring his reputation when shielding the SSP members from Zeppandon's attacks. His finisher is the Zettcium Ray (ゼットシウム光線 Zettoshiumu Kōsen).[6][9][10]

Orb's original form is known as Orb Origin (オーブオリジン Ōbu Orijin) which appears every time he initiates a Fusion Up (フュージョンアップ Fyūjon Appu).[11] He also used this form for combat in the past where he wielded the Orb Calibur (オーブカリバー Ōbu Karibā). This form was originally lost upon destroying Maga-Zetton but regained after obtaining a blank card from Natasha's spirit and regaining faith in his own power. The Orb Calibur, Origin's main attack weapon, was acquired from Zeppandon (Maga-Orochi)'s tail, using it to destroy the monster itself. Orb Origin's main finisher is Orb Supreme Calibur (オーブスプリームカリバー Ōbu Supurīmu Karibā), a power drawn by activating all 4 Elemental Caliburs on the Orb Calibur simultaneously and launching a stream of energy beam from the sword, but can also create a city-wide explosion when used with full anger. In Fusion Fight!, his second finisher is Origium Ray (オリジウム光線 Orijiumu Kōsen), performed in a similar pose to the original Ultraman's Spacium Ray. Apart from that, he can also utilize elemental attacks in the Orb Calibur:
- Orb Ground Calibur (オーブグランドカリバー Ōbu Gurando Karibā)
- Orb Flame Calibur (オーブフレイムカリバー Ōbu Fureimu Karibā)
- Orb Water Calibur (オーウォーターカリバー Ōbu Wōtā Karibā)
- Orb Wind Calibur (オーブウインドカリバー Ōbu Uindo Karibā)
In the upcoming Ultraman Orb The Movie, Ultraman Orb will gain access to the form known as Orb Trinity (オーブトリニティ Ōbu Torinitī), which used the aspects of New Generation Ultra Warriors, Ginga, Victory and X.[12]
In addition, the Data Carddass game Ultraman Fusion Fight! also introduced game-exclusive Fusion Up. Alongside the original Fusion Up, Orb retained the original attacks of past Ultra Warriors in addition to newer attacks.[4]
- Photon Victorium (フォトンビクトリウム Foton Bikutoriumu): Based on Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Victory, Orb is equipped with a pair of huge gauntlets on his arms that allow him to either manipulate earth or create shockwave eruptions. His finishers is the Photorium Knuckle (フォトリウムナックル Fotoriumu Nakkuru).[lower-alpha 4][13]
- Sky Dash Max (スカイダッシュマックス Sukai Dasshu Makkusu): Based on Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Max, Orb is equipped with the Maxtole (マックストール Makkusutōru) scarf around his neck as well as a pair of twin bracers on his arms. His finisher is the Macbalt Attack (マクバルトアタック Makubaruto Atakku).
- Full Moon Xanadium (フルムーンザナディウム Furu Mūn Zanadiumu): Based on Ultraman Cosmos and Ultraman X, Orb's fighting skills revolve around agility and speed. His finisher is the Fulldium Ray (フルディウム光線 Furudiumu Kōsen).
- Lightning Attacker (ライトニングアタッカー Raitoningu Atakkā): Based on Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman X, Orb gains a body modeled after futuristic technology called the Cyber Mechanic (サイバーメカニック Saibā Mekanikku) and is able to use electricity-based attacks. His finisher is the Attacker Ginga X (アタッカーギンガエックス Atakkā Ginga Ekkusu).
- Leo Zero Knuckle (レオゼロナックル Reo Zero Nakkuru): Based on Ultraman Leo and Ultraman Zero. His finisher is the Knuckle Cross Beam (ナックルクロスビーム Nakkuru Kurosu Bīmu).
- Zeperion Solgent (ゼペリオンソルジェント Zeperion Sorujento): The first of two Fusion Up forms based on Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna, which is based on their default forms (Multi Type and Flash Type respectively). His finisher is the Multi Flash Slicer (マルチフラッシュスライサー Maruchi Furasshu Suraisā).
- Thunder Miracle (サンダーミラクル Sandā Mirakuru): Based on Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Belial, Orb is able to use black hole-based attacks. His finisher is the Thunder Miracle Attack (サンダーミラクルアタック Sandā Mirakuru Atakku).
- Slugger Ace (スラッガーエース Suraggā Ēsu): Based on Ultraseven and Ultraman Ace, Orb is equipped with the Vertical Slugger (バーチカルスラッガー Bāchikaru Suraggā) sword. His finisher is the Slugger Ace Slicer (スラッガーエーススライサー Suraggā Ēsu Suraisā).
- Knight Liquidator (ナイトリキデイター Naito Rikideitā): Based on Ultraman Agul and Ultraman Hikari, Orb is equipped with the Knight Agul Blade (ナイトアグルブレード Naito Aguru Burēdo) twin energy swords on his arms. His finisher is the Crusher Knight Liquidator (クラッシャーナイトリキデイター Kurasshā Naito Rikideitā).
- Spacium Storm (スペシウムシュトローム Supeshiumu Shutorōmu): Based on Ultraman and Ultraman Nexus. His finisher is the Ultra Full Burst (ウルトラフルバースト Urutora Furu Bāsuto).
- Power Strong (パワーストロング Pawā Sutorongu): The second of two Fusion Up forms based on Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna, which is based on their strength-oriented forms (Power Type and Strong Type respectively). His finisher is the Galracium Hammer (ガルラシウムハンマー Garurashiumu Hanmā).
Gai Kurenai is portrayed by Hideo Ishiguro (石黒 英雄 Ishiguro Hideo), whose previously known for his role as Kai, the main/final antagonist of 2007 Kamen Rider Series, Kamen Rider Den-O.[1][3] Hideo has been a fan of Ultra Series but in fact never expected to become the main protagonist himself. In an interview, he revealed that his favorite Ultra Warriors are Ultraman Taro and Ultraseven while his favorite Ultra Monster being that of Alien Guts from episode 39 and 40 of Ultra Seven. Being a winner of the 17th Junon Super Boy Contest Grand Prix, he even joked that "if an Ultraman version of the contest were to exist, Ultraman 80 would have most likely to become the winner".[14][15][16][17] He wishes that he and the series' production crew would turn Ultraman Orb into "the best entertainment program.[18] Unlike recent Ultra Series protagonists, Hideo himself is an experienced actor instead of rookie/newcomer actors.[19] Meanwhile, the voice actor for the Orb Ring is Takahiro Sakurai (櫻井 孝宏 Sakurai Takahiro), who also voice Ultraman in Ultraman Festival 2016.[20]
The conception of Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb was made by the series' director Kiyotaka Taguchi, based on Dan Moroboshi/Ultraseven from the Ultra Series' second installment Ultra Seven. Takao Nakano soon added more fictional wanderer attributes such as Japanese novel Lone Samurai Monjiro, actor Clint Eastwood and Tsunehiko Kamijō's image song, Dareka ga Kaze no Naka de. All this is done under the purpose to "re-invoke the wanderer hero in the 21st century world".[21][22]
SSP (stands for "Something Search People" (サムシングサーチピープル Samushingu Sāchi Pīpuru)) is a mysterious phenomenon tracking site which bends on uncovering paranormal events and monster sightings. They usually patrol in the SSP-7 car and is always the place where Shibukawa (and by extent the whole VTL Squad) relies on information when the VTL is incapable of researching on their own.[1][3][23] The group's name is simply one letter short from SSSP (Science Special Search Party), the main investigation attack team from Ultraman. Instead of being website managers, the original idea behind the SSP was to follow the example of Kogoro Akechi, the fictional character from Edogawa Ranpo's novel series, The Boy Detectives Club.[24]
Naomi Yumeno
Naomi Yumeno (夢野 ナオミ Yumeno Naomi)[lower-alpha 5] is SSP's team captain and the series' secondary protagonist. Long ago in her youth, she had a dream about the giant of light, which involves Orb's past battle with Maga-Zetton. After graduating from college, she formed the paranormal investigation team SSP and dedicating herself to investigate paranormal incidents. As the SSP is an independent "organization", she also holds various part-time jobs (a construction worker, a café waitress, etc.) for the team's financial support. She displayed a huge curiosity for Gai and Jugglus, though the former warned her that things are better to be kept secret for her own sake. Strangely enough, she shows to be able to memorize the melody played by Gai's Orbnica, which she humming it when singing a lullaby for Ragon Jr.. During Galactron's arrival, Naomi was kidnapped and held hostage while being used as the robot's interpreter. She survived when Orb as Thunder Breastar reduced the robot to pieces but was quickly hospitalized due to the injuries she sustained. During Keiko's arrival, she learned of her great-great-grandmother being a Rusalka resident before she moved to Japan and was further revealed to be Natasha's great-great granddaughter.
Naomi Yumeno is portrayed by Miyabi Matsuura (松浦 雅 Matsūra Miyabi).[1] In her childhood, Miyabi was a fan of the Ultra Series, mainly Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna, and was excited to become a part of the series' main casts.[16][25]
Jetta Hayami
Jetta Hayami (早見 ジェッタ Hayami Jetta)[lower-alpha 6] is one of the founding members of SSP alongside Naomi and works by updating and become a cameraman for the SSP's website. Informative and self-proclaimed adventurous, he has an affinity for UFO and UMA. His dream is to become a celebrity through his research on the world's mysteries. As a child, Jetta was reminded by his father that being a hero doesn't mean to always put his own life in harm. Of all SSP members, Jetta is the most active person who tries to uncover Ultraman Orb's true identity.
Jetta Hayami is portrayed by Naoto Takahashi (髙橋 直人 Takahashi Naoto).[1] Naoto himself had went through several auditions for superhero shows in the past. While auditioning for Jetta in Ultraman Orb, he expected the role to be harder after reading the scripts but was overjoyed when he passed the audition. As a child, Jetta is portrayed by Atsuki Hagihara (萩原 淳貴 Hagihara Atsuki).
Shin Matsudo
Shin Matsudo (松戸 シン Matsudo Shin) is SSP's research analyst. He is a 23-year-old genius who graduated by skipping years in college. He is knowledgeable in state-of-the-art physics and ancient civilizations but lacks common sense. A genius himself, Shin has made multiple scientific achievements ever since he was a child. He is always creating ingenious inventions and researching, something that Naomi is incapable of understanding. His invention involves the use of junk parts and sometimes come of the SSP members' possession, as well consuming a large amount of electricity much to their dismay. As a child, Shin received moral support from the Kofune Manufacturing president Soichi Kofune in building a robot, and sometimes work on his factory when needed. He has multiple childhood dreams such as building a transporter, a heroic robot and becoming a veterinarian.
Shin Matsudo is portrayed by Hiroaki Nerio (ねりお 弘晃 Nerio Hiroaki).[1] According to Nerio, his audition for the series started after watching the previous Ultra Series, Ultraman X, and he passed the audition of his character when he "wore a costume" to emulate Shin's outlook.[16]
VTL Squad
VTL Squad (ビートル隊 Bītoru-tai, stands for "Versatile Tactical Leader")[lower-alpha 7] is an attack team dedicated to fight against strange monster threats. They possess a connection to the independent group SSP via their captain, Shibukawa and the Kofune Manufacturing in terms of mechanics.[1] After Orb as Thunder Breastar endangered both a Z-VTOL pilot and Naomi, VTL labelled the Ultra Warrior as a public enemy until he saved the SSP members during Zeppandon's rampage.
According to Kiyotaka Taguchi, VTL is a small contrast to most of the attack teams from past Ultra Series as this team lacks a research department, further explaining their ties to SSP. This is also due to Taguchi himself viewing them as "ordinary street officers", wanting to give the SSP a larger screen time.[22]
Ittetsu Shibukawa
Ittetsu Shibukawa (渋川 一徹 Shibukawa Ittetsu) is VTL's team captain and Naomi's uncle, being her mother's younger brother-in-law.[lower-alpha 8] A godan in Judo and sandan in Karate, he has a strong sense in responsibility and is fearful of Naomi wandering off investigating paranormal cases but does shows some support by notifying the SSP of paranormal activity or visiting them for informations. When Orb's public reputation was tarnished, Shibukawa still retained his faith in the Ultra Warrior and was excited when Jetta managed to filmed his actions of saving them.
Ittetsu Shibukawa is portrayed by Shingo Yanagisawa (柳沢 慎吾 Yanagisawa Shingo).[1] In an interview with Dengeki Hobby, Shingo recollected his past life watching one of the first Ultra Series, Ultraman and Ultra Seven. As Shibukawa, Shingo's has his own self-motivation, "not to lose over the younger generations".[16]
Arsenal and mechas
- Communicator
- Super Gun Revolver (スーパーガンリボルバー Sūpā Gan Riborubā): A revolver which is the VTL Squad's main weapon. The gun is based on a revolver, while its barrel and namesake is a tribute to SSSP's Super Gun (スーパーガン Sūpā Gan) from Ultraman.
- Z-VTOL (ゼットビートル Zetto Bītoru): Coded S050, this VTOL jet is the crew's main transportation and is always seen when fighting against giant monster threats.[3] Despite being an aerial craft, it can also function in a similar way to a space fighter. This ship is also made in the Kofune Manufacturing, with its president felt glad that his inventions prove beneficial to save lives. This fighter craft is themed after SSSP's Jet VTOL from Ultraman, but uses the modified Space VTOL S217 Ikazuchi prop from Ultraman Mebius.[22]
Ultra Warriors
The Ultra Warriors (ウルトラ戦士 Urutora senshi) are warriors that fought the King Demon Beasts in the past and used their powers of Ultra Fusion Cards to seal them. In the present day, the power of these cards can be negated by Monster Cards which blocked their sealing property to reawaken King Demon Beasts until Ultraman Orb stops them. He harvested the past Ultra Warriors' powers through the crystals left by destroyed King Demon Beasts and added them to his strength. Even if the cards only symbolizes their power, Gai always had the tendency to treat them with great respect. It is also shown that Gai is capable of using the powers of the Ultra Fusion Cards.
Each of Ultra Warriors' Ultra Fusion Card bears different elements represented by a kanji character on their Color Timer, symbolizing their traits and specialties.
Sealers of King Demon Beasts
- Ultraman (ウルトラマン Urutoraman): An Ultraman that fought and sealed the King Demon Beast of Light Maga-Zetton. His card bears the element Light (ヒカリ(光) Hikari). For more of Ultraman's history and exploits, see here.
- Ultraman Tiga (ウルトラマンティガ Urutoraman Tiga): An Ultraman that presumably fought and sealed the King Demon Beast of Darkness Maga-Tanothor. His card was already acquired by Gai Kurenai before he would fought Maga-Zetton. (off-screen) His card bears the element Ancient (イニシエ(古) Inishie). For more of Ultraman's history and exploits, see here.
- Ultraman Mebius (ウルトラマンメビウス Urutoraman Mebiusu): An Ultraman that fought and sealed the King Demon Beast of Wind Maga-Basser. His card was acquired by Gai Kurenai after Orb defeated the sealed King Demon Beast. His card bears the element Sword (ツルギ(剣) Tsurugi).
- Ultraman Taro (ウルトラマンタロウ Urutoraman Tarō): An Ultraman that fought and sealed the King Demon Beast of Earth Maga-Grand King. His activities in the past were recorded by the Pacific Records and his Ultra Fusion Card was acquired by Gai Kurenai after Orb defeated the King Demon Beast. His card bears the element Fire (ヒ(火) Hi).
- Ultraman Jack (ウルトラマンジャック Urutoraman Jakku): An Ultraman that fought and sealed the King Demon Beast of Water Maga-Jappa. His Ultra Fusion Card was acquired by Gai Kurenai after Orb defeated the King Demon Beast. His card bears the element Shield (タテ(盾) Tate).
- Ultraman Zero (ウルトラマンゼロ Urutoraman Zero, Movie): An Ultraman that fought and sealed the King Demon Beast of Fire Maga-Pandon. His card bears the element Slash (ザン(斬) Zan). For more of Ultraman Zero's history and exploits, see here.
- Zoffy (ゾフィー Zofī): The sealer of Maga-Orochi, his card was destroyed by Ultraman Belial's Ultra Fusion Card in hopes of reawakening the destroyer. The card was recreated by Tamayura for Gai to use it with Belial's card, therefore acquiring the form Thunder Breastar. His card bears the element Merits (クン(勲) Kun).
Other Ultra Warriors
- Ultraseven (ウルトラセブン Urutorasebun, Movie): His card bears the element Slash (ザン(斬) Zan). For more of Ultraseven's history and exploits, see here.
- Ultraman Belial (ウルトラマンベリアル Urutoraman Beriaru): Also called by Jugglus as the "dark king" (黒き王 kuroki ō), his card was in possession of Alien Mefilas Nostra, to which he replied as "their ultimate trump card". After collecting the cards of King Demon Beasts, Jugglus strikes a deal with Nostra to trade Belial's card for Gai's possession of Ultra Fusion Cards but soon stole it from him after Nostra was proven treacherous in their agreement. This card was used by Jugglus to destroy Zoffy's card that was halted Maga-Orochi from its awakening and was picked by Princess Tamayura for Gai to use with Zoffy's card. The card at first refused Gai to use its power but soon approved it in response to Gai's anger over Tamayura's destruction. Originally, Belial's influence caused Orb as Thunder Breastar to lose control until Gai started to have faith in his own power. His card bears the element Darkness (ヤミ(闇) Yami).
- Ultraman Ginga (ウルトラマンギンガ Urutoraman Ginga, Movie): An Ultraman who was captured by Murunau as one of her space jewels. His card bears the element Light (ヒカリ(光) Hikari).
- Ultraman Victory (ウルトラマンビクトリー Urutoraman Bikutorī, Movie): Ginga's partner, who was also captured by Murunau as one of her space jewels. His card bears the element Earth (ツチ(土) Tsuchi)
- Ultraman X (ウルトラマンエックス Urutoraman Ekkusu, Movie): An Ultraman who was separated from his host Daichi after an attack from a mysterious enemy. He inhabited the X Devizer, which landed in the SSP's base while asking for them and Gai/Ultraman Orb for help to relocate Daichi. But while doing so, he was quickly captured by Murunau's followers and turned into a space jewel for her collection. His card bears the element Armor (ヨロイ(鎧) Yoroi).
- Daichi Ozora (大空 大地 Ōzora Daichi): Ultraman X's human host, he was separated from them due to a mysterious enemy attack. His role is reprised by Kensuke Takahashi (高橋 健介 Takahashi Kensuke) from the previous series.
Jugglus Juggler

Phantom Demon Jugglus Juggler (無幻魔人 ジャグラス・ジャグラー Mugen Majin Jagurasu Jagurā, [lower-alpha 9]) is the main alien antagonist of the series, disguised as a well-dressed youth and is Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb's archenemy. He hated the music played by his Orbnica due to its melody disturbed his concentrations and is willing enough to endanger nearby civilians. Jugglus' main goal was to collect the Monster Cards of King Demon Beasts that Orb defeated in hopes of awakening Maga-Orochi, and finally completed his collection after obtaining Maga-Pandon's card. However, Gai pointed out that to awaken said monster, all King Demon Beast needed to be simultaneously awaken and fully aligned but their "destruction" by Orb made it seemingly impossible.[1]
Jugglus and Gai were once fighting on the same force and from that point on, the two would always competing each others to become stronger. But after the Gai inherited the light, the former travels across the space in search for a greater power until he swayed into the darkness, believing that he never needed the light. He collaborated with the Planetary Invasion Syndicate and providing them a cover to escape, but is well aware of their attempt to betray him as well. In the present day, after collecting all King Demon Beast cards, he targets Ultraman Belial's Ultra Fusion Card, which was in possession of Planetary Invasion Syndicate's leader Nostra by working within the group. He later killed Nostra after the latter's failed assassination attempt, therefore completing the card sets he needed. After awakening Maga-Orochi through the King Demon Beast cards, Jugglus destroyed Zoffy's card with Belial's power and steals Gai's possession of Ultra Fusion Cards, therefore cementing his victory. However, upon witnessing Orb's destructive powers as Thunder Breastar, he yells in anger for being bested again and returned his Ultra Fusion Cards but at the same time warned Gai that both of them are not so different at all, leaves out and maniacally laughs. Soon he salvaged Maga-Orochi's tail and used it to create his own King Demon Beast Zeppandon, emerged victorious in his first fight but was defeated when Zeppandon destroyed by Orb Origin.
In his human form, he is capable of teleportation and has enhanced physical reflexes. He also possesses a katana called the Evil Sword (邪心剣 Jashin-ken) that is used for a powerful attack called Snake-Hearted Sword Sword-Drawing Slash (蛇心剣抜刀斬 Jashin-ken Battō-zan), which is also used in his true form called Demon Form (魔人態 Majin-tai).
Jugglus' main weapon is the Dark Ring (ダークリング Dāku Ringu) and Monster Cards (怪獣カード Kaijū Kādo), which allow him to awaken the King Demon Beasts, summoning monsters from respective Monster Cards or manifesting their powers. He also possess a Super Beast-type Monster Cards, which are considered rarity. Upon an Ultra Monster's destruction, Jugglus can harvest their remains to create a corresponding card, which he does so to gain the sets of King Demon Beasts. The Dark Ring was destroyed from Zeppandon's destruction, further infuriating Juggler on his defeat. Among the monsters he summoned were:
- Aribunta: See below
- Cherubim: See below
- Black King: See below
- Combination King Demon Beast Zeppandon (合体魔王獣 ゼッパンドン Gattai Maō-jū Zeppandon, 16, 17): A monster resulted from the combination of Zetton and Pandon's cards, as well as that of Maga-Orochi's tail. Jugglus controlled this monster from within and managed to defeat Gai/Ultraman Orb in all of his three forms in Rusalska before the latter escaped. Zeppandon appeared on Japan the next day, fighting Ultraman Orb in Thunder Breastar but while it seemed that the monster is about to win again, Orb's requirement of his original form Orb Origin turn the tides of the battle, causing both monster and the Dark Ring to be destroyed. Zeppandon retained all of its components' attacks, such as Zetton's teleportation, Pandon's projectile-catching reflex and Maga-Orochi's Maga Thunderclap. It also has additional attacks such as Zeppandon Attack Fire Bullet (ゼッパンドン撃炎弾 Zeppandon Gekien-dan) and Zeppandon Shield (ゼッパンドンシールド Zeppandon Shīrudo).
Jugglus Juggler is portrayed by Takaya Aoyagi (青柳 尊哉 Aoyagi Takaya).[1] Takaya was originally meant to audition for the main character Gai Kurenai. Although losing to Hideo, he was overjoyed when being appointed as the main antagonist instead. He also looked forward for the series to be watched by his colleague's children.[16] Series writer Takao Nakano views Jugglus as "a wanderer's stereotypical worthy opponent".[22]
King Demon Beasts

(Clockwise) Maga-Tanothor, Maga-Pandon, Maga-Grand King, Maga-Zetton, Maga-Jappa and Maga-Basser.
(Center) Maga-Orochi
King Demon Beasts (魔王獣 Maō-jū)[lower-alpha 10] are monsters that terrorized the Earth in a distant past until they were sealed by the Ultra Warriors.[1] They were awakened by Jugglus through the use of his Dark Ring and Monster Cards and possess Maga Crystals on their heads which allowed Gai to claim the corresponding Ultra Fusion Cards should they be defeated but at the same time, it also allowed Jugglus to claim theirs. To awaken a sealed King Demon Beast, Jugglus need to send in Monster Cards of the similar attribute as a counteract to the sealed Ultra Warrior energy and to feed them with the cards' powers. Most of these monsters are original to the series, while others are reincarnation of monsters from past Ultra Series. Due to them being present in the past, their activities were recorded in the present day by the Pacific Records (太平風土記 Taihei Fudoki).[lower-alpha 11] It seems that Jugglus was anticipating Orb to destroy every King Demon Beast he awakens just to collect their cards and wanted to awaken Maga-Orochi. After Maga-Pandon's defeat, Jugglus now possess a full collection of their Monster Cards.
- King Demon Beast of Darkness Maga-Tanothor (闇ノ魔王獣 マガタノゾーア Yami no Maō-jū Magatanozōa): Although never shown, its card was in Jugglus' possession by the time he acquired Maga-Pandon's card. Maga-Tanothor is a tribute to Gatanothor from episode 51 and 52 of Ultraman Tiga.[26]
- King Demon Beast of Light Maga-Zetton (光ノ魔王獣 マガゼットン Hikari no Maō-jū Maga Zetton, 1): A King Demon Beast that was sealed by Ultraman. Maga-Zetton's main attack is Maga Light Bullet (マガ光弾 Maga Kōdan), launching a destructive light ball from its head. Once being unsealed, it fought Orb in the past while using his true form. Orb eliminated the monster and claimed Ultraman's card but the ensuing battle cost the life of a bystander. Maga-Zetton is a tribute to Zetton from episode 39 of Ultraman.
- King Demon Beast of Wind Maga-Basser (風ノ魔王獣 マガバッサー Kaze no Maō-jū Maga Bassā, 1):[1] A King Demon Beast that was sealed by Ultraman Mebius and laid dormant within the ionosphere until it was awakened by Jugglus. It possess a pair of giant wings, which allows it to create Maga Shockwave (マガ衝撃波 Maga Shōgekiha), a gust of wind and creating butterfly effect through Maga Storm (マガ嵐 Maga Arashi) cyclones. Having changed the world climate in its flight, the monster made its way to Japan and fought Orb before being destroyed by Sperion Ray. Gai claimed Ultraman Mebius' card from its Maga Crystal while Jugglus claimed Maga-Basser's card.
- King Demon Beast of Earth Maga-Grand King (土ノ魔王獣 マガグランドキング Tsuchi no Maō-jū Maga Gurando Kingu, 2):[6] A King Demon Beast that was sealed by Ultraman Taro and laid dormant under the city by a feng shui system. Maga-Grand King's body is heavily armored and has the ability to create earthquakes with Maga Flash (マガ一閃 Maga Issen) and launching drilling laser beam called Maga Perforation (マガ穿孔 Maga Senkō). However, the laser beam cannot be simultaneously used alongside its heavy armor, based on a Chinese proverb. Jugglus awaken this monster through the use of Telesdon, Antlar, Gomora and Golza, which simultaneously disrupt the qi of the feng shui seal and awaken it.[lower-alpha 12] Ultraman Orb faced the Demon King Beast upon its awakening and finds himself at disadvantage due to the it's thick armor and its destructive beam. Discovering that the beam is reflectable, Orb used his shield to trick Maga-Grand King into creating a hole on its chest before using it as an opening to launch his Sperion Ray, destroying it from within. Gai claimed Ultraman Taro's card from its Maga Crystal while Jugglus claimed Maga-Grand King's card. Maga-Grand King is a tribute to Grand King from Ultraman Story.
- King Demon Beast of Water Maga-Jappa (水ノ魔王獣 マガジャッパ Mizu no Maō-jū Maga Jappa, 3):[6] A King Demon Beast that was sealed by Ultraman Jack and laid dormant under Okunara Lake. In the present day, Maga-Jappa was awakened by Jugglus and polluted the water supply in the city for weeks, causing it to emit an awful stench. Maga-Jappa's main attacks are turning himself invisible, using Maga Water Flow (マガ水流 Maga Suiryū) by launching high-pressure water stream from its nose, Maga Suction (マガ吸引 Maga Kyūin) vacuum from both of its arms and exhaling terrible odor gas called Maga Odor (マガ臭気 Maga Shūki). As Ultraman Orb can neither harm the monster in Spacium Zeperion, he utilizes Burnmite, using the form's flame abilities to counter Maga-Jappa and finally ending it with Stobium Dynamite. Gai claimed Ultraman Jack's card from its Maga Crystal while Jugglus claimed Maga-Jappa's card. According to Yuji Kobayashi and Takao Nakano, Maga-Jappa's costume was modified from Zoa-Muruchi in Ultraman Mebius.[27]
- King Demon Beast of Fire Maga-Pandon (火ノ魔王獣 マガパンドン Hi no Maō-jū Maga Pandon, 4):[6] A King Demon Beast that was sealed by Ultraman Zero. In the present day, Maga-Pandon was awakened by Jugglus and emitted a strong heatwave to the city. Maga-Pandon's main attacks are Maga-Fireball (マガ火球 Maga Kakyū) which encases the monster in a fireball that is able to emit a heatwave that exceeded the temperature of 40 ℃ and Maga-Fireball Flame Bullets (マガ火玉火炎弾 Maga Hidama Kaen-dan), launching rapid fireball attacks. As the Maga-Fireball was thick enough to sustain Orb's attacks, the Ultra moved it out from the atmosphere before his Color Timer runs out. While still emitting heatwave to the city, VTL Squad tried to attack with cooling missiles until returned to Earth before Ultraman Orb appeared and uses Burnmite to counter it. Soon, he resumes Spacium Zeperion and launched Sperion Ray to Pandon before it was destroyed from a long struggle sustaining the attack. Gai claimed Ultraman Zero's card from its Maga Crystal while Jugglus claimed Maga-Pandon's card, at the same time completing his collection of King Demon Beast Monster Cards. Maga-Pandon is a tribute to Pandon/Modified Pandon from episodes 48 and 49 of Ultra Seven.
- Great King Demon Beast Maga-Orochi (大魔王獣 マガオロチ Dai Maō-jū Maga Orochi, 11): The most powerful King Demon Beast, who was notorious for consuming planets within its path. While rampaging on Earth, Orochi kidnapped Princess Tamayura before it was sealed by Zoffy. Although Gai believed that Jugglus' efforts to awaken it were thwarted after all six of the King Demon Beast had been "destroyed", he simply used their cards and with Belial's card, the seal made by Zoffy's Ultra Fusion Card broke, allowing Maga-Orochi to reawaken once more. Orb tried to stop it but was quickly defeated and went to sleep afterwards. After waking up and resuming its reign of terror, Maga-Orochi soon destroyed Princess Tamayura, Gai to transform into Orb's Thunder Breastar form. Unlike before, Maga-Orochi found itself weakened by both Belial and Zoffy's powers before being destroyed by Zettium Ray. Maga-Orochi's main attack is Maga Thunderclap (マガ迅雷 Maga Jinrai), launching a bolt of lightning from its mouth.
- Zeppandon: See above
Planetary Invasion Syndicate
Planetary Invasion Syndicate (惑星侵略連合 Wakusei Shinryaku Rengō) is a mysterious group which bends on conquering the Earth. The group's main transportation is a twin-conjoined saucer (based on Alien Metron's saucer from episode 8 of Ultra Seven) which had the function to trap people in a dimensional distortion. They collaborated with Jugglus Juggler and played a game of poker using Monster Cards. The group's current status is unknown following the deaths of its members (save Tarude) by Jugglus.
- Members
- Malicious Alien Alien Mefilas "Nostra" (悪質宇宙人 メフィラス星人 ノストラ Akushitsu Uchūjin Mefirasu Seijin Nosutora, 6, 9, 10): Also called "Don Nostra" (ドン・ノストラ Don Nosutora) by his associates, he is the leader of the Planetary Invasion Syndicate and is in possession of Ultraman Belial's Ultra Fusion Card, to which he replied as "their ultimate trump card". He also planned on betraying Jugglus, having set his sight on the latter's King Demon Beast Kaiju Cards despite having gained the man as their trusted accomplice. This betrayal was quickly carried out by having Jugglus controlling Nagus' Black King while Nagus prepared to attack him by chance. Although the plan succeeded and Nostra gaining the King Demon Beast cards, Jugglus was revealed to have faked his death through Bemstar's card and quickly slay Nostra in his true form. Aside from his possession of Belial's Card, Nostra can also unleash Grip Beam (グリップビーム Gurippu Bīmu) attack from his right hand. He is voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto (安元 洋貴 Yasumoto Hiroki), who previously voiced Sly of the Dark Magic, another Alien Mefilas from Ultra Zero Fight and is a tribute to Alien Mefilas from episode 33 of Ultraman.[28]
- Assassin Alien Alien Nackle "Nagus" (暗殺宇宙人 ナックル星人 ナグス Ansatsu Uchūjin Nakkuru Seijin Nagusu, 6, 9, 10): An alien that was responsible for disappearances of humans that trespasses the group's forest hideout. When SSP and Shibukawa intruded their hideout, he and his henchman tried to hunt them but they managed to escape with the help of Princess Tamayura and Gai's interference. His main weapon is a blaster gun and has a pair of henchmen that appeared as men in black suit and sunglasses. He is also in possession of a set of Monster Cards, with his strongest one being Black King. When Nostra finally decided to have Jugglus eliminated, Nagus quickly carried out the order to kill him while he was controlling Black King. Following the "successful" assassination plan, Nagus and Nostra celebrated Jugglus demise while suggesting to use the King Demon Beast and Ultraman Belial's Cards for an All Monsters Attack (怪獣総進撃 Kaijū Sōshingeki)[lower-alpha 13] operation until Jugglus killed Nagus by stabbing on his back. He is voiced by Tetsuo Kishi (岸 哲生 Kishi Tetsuo) and is a tribute to Alien Nackle from episode 39 and 40 of Return of Ultraman.
- Hallucination Alien Alien Metron "Tarude" (幻覚宇宙人 メトロン星人 タルデ Genkaku Uchūjin Metoron Seijin Tarude, 6, 9, 13, 20): An alien who tried to plan an invasion by using hallucinogenic cigrattes but failed after the declining number of smokers. He is also doubtful on Jugglus' membership into their group, having once affiliated to the side of light. His skepticism would be true later on, being absent when Jugglus assassinated Nostra and Nagus. Seeing how Jugglus have been using the group for his own agenda, Tarude swears vengeance upon the former and equipped with a pair of Round Launchers (ラウンドランチャー Raundo Ranchā). He tried to hunt Juggler on his own and warned Gai not to interfere with his conquest but fights him when accidentally placing Naomi's life in danger. He was killed by Orb Origin after having a final glance over the sunset. He is voiced by Kōichi Toshima (外島 孝一 Toshima Kōichi) and is a tribute to Alien Metron from episode 8 of Ultra Seven.
- Agents
- Transforming Phantom Alien Zetton "Maddock" (変身怪人 ゼットン星人 マドック Henshin Kaijin Zetton Seijin Madokku, 5, 21): Wanting to earn a reputation by killing Orb, Maddock first kidnap Naomi by disguising as a schoolgirl named Matoko (真渡子) and had her as a bait to lure Gai. Once Gai arrived, he launched Hyper Zetton Deathscythe for Orb to fight until the monster was defeated, forcing him to fend off against Gai and defeated after being hit by a blast from his own rifle. In his last breath, he revealed his true motives and stated that the Earth is still in danger before reducing to bubbles. It was soon revealed that he created an artificial life form named Maya for his consciousness to inhabit but soon fell into an internal conflict over the control of her body. Eventually, he was destroyed by Maya at the expense of her own memories. He was voiced by Kenta Matsumoto (松本 健太 Matsumoto Kenta) and played by Moeko Ikeda (池田 萌子 Ikeda Moeko) when disguising as Matoko. He is a tribute to an Alien Zetton from episode 39 of Ultraman.[30]
- Monster
- Space Dinosaur Hyper Zetton Deathscythe (宇宙恐竜 ハイパーゼットンデスサイス Uchū Kyōryū Haipā Zetton Desusaisu, 5): A monster under ownership by Alien Zetton Maddock, who wanted to use it to defeat Gai/Ultraman Orb. During its arrival on Earth, it hid inside a factory by shrinking itself to 5 meters. After successfully capturing Naomi and baiting Gai towards him, Maddock unleashed Hyper Zetton to its rampaging spree. With Hyper Zetton knows of Orb's past movements, the latter assumed Hurricane Slash, catching on par with the monster's quick teleportation and finally put an end to it with Big Bang Thrust. Although based on Imago Hyper Zetton from Ultraman Saga, Hyper Zetton Deathscythe possess sickles on each arms (a distinction from its original incarnation) while retaining attacks from its predecessor such as Dark Fireball (暗黒火球 Ankoku Kakyū), Hyper Zetton Teleport (ハイパーゼットンテレポート Haipā Zetton Terepōto) and Hyper Zetton Barrier (ハイパーゼットンバリヤー Haipā Zetton Bariyā).
- Hyper Zetton Deathscythe (Reserver) (ハイパーゼットンデスサイス(リザーバー) Haipā Zetton Desusaisu Rizābā, 21): The revived Hyper Zetton Deathscythe, who was manipulated by Maya/Maddock's Spare into attacking the suburban area but was interrupted each time due to Maya trying to rebel against her creator. When Maddock gained full control over her, Hyper Zetton went rampant and fought against Orb but was weakened after Maya broke the bracelet controller device and for Orb Thunder Breastar to finish it.
- Giant Ant Super Beast Aribunta (大蟻超獣 アリブンタ Ō Ari Chōjū Aribunta, 6): Summoned by Jugglus via its Monster Card, Aribunta was used as a distraction for members of Planetary Invasion Syndicate to escape. Ultraman Orb battled against Aribunta in all of his three forms and finally put an end to the monster by using Hurricane Slash's Trident Slash. First appeared in episode 5 of Ultraman Ace.
- Space Precipitous Monster Cherubim (宇宙凶険怪獣 ケルビム Uchū Kyōken Kaijū Kerubimu, 9): Summoned by Jugglus via its Monster Card, Cherubim was used as a eliminate Alien Babarue Babaryu due to his wish of redeeming from his evil path. Although managed to weaken Babaryu as Imitation Ultraman Orb, the real Ultraman soon appeared and utilized Hurricane Slash to put an end to said monster. Cherubim's main attack is Ballistic Exclusive Spit (弾道エクスクルーシブスピット Dandō Ekusukurūshibu Supitto), launching a fireball from its mouth. First appeared in episode 4 of Ultraman Mebius.
- Bodyguard Monster Black King (用心棒怪獣 ブラックキング Yōjinbō Kaijū Burakku Kingu, 10): Nagus' Monster Card, which Don Nostra gave to Jugglus in his mission to defeat Ultraman Orb while at the same time planning to assassinate the latter just for his Monster Cards. Black King was summoned and controlled by Jugglus to fight Orb until he was "killed" by Nagus, who later reclaimed Black King and controlled it before Orb defeated the monster with Stobium Dynamite. Black King's main attack involves the use of its durable skin and launches flame attack called Hell Magma (ヘルマグマ Heru Maguma). First appeared in episodes 37 and 38 of Return of Ultraman.
Space Witch Thief Murunau (宇宙魔女賊 ムルナウ Uchū Majo Zoku Murunau) is the main antagonist of Ultraman Orb the Movie. An evil space sorceress, she fancied upon pretty things and added them to his collection by turning them into jewellery. Having captured the Ultra Warriors Ginga and Victory, she set her sight on the Earth and turned X into one of her jewel collections with the help of her minions.
Her main weapon is the Dark Ring which she used to turn objects and lifeforms that she fancied upon into jewellery for her collections. It also function by empowering her own strength.
She is portrayed by Japanese comedian Oniyakko Tsubaki (椿 鬼奴 Tsubaki Oniyakko).
Other characters
- Natasha Romanova (ナターシャ・ロマノワ Natāsha Romanowa, 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12):[31] [lower-alpha 14] A civilian who was originally a friend of Gai Kurenai/Ultraman Orb in the past. She witnessed the battle between Ultraman Orb and Maga-Zetton but when Maga-Zetton launched an energy ball attack, the blast also knocked her unconscious. This caused an enraged Orb to decimate Maga-Zetton in cold blooded but at the same time creating a large explosion that engulfed the entire forest, presumably killing her and mentally scarred Gai. However, it was revealed that she survived the explosion and migrated to Japan after that, with her descendants being Naomi and to a lesser extent Keiko themselves. She kept a photo of Gai in a matryoshka doll as a memorial, which was soon given to Naomi by Keiko as her good luck charm. During Gai's escape from Zeppandon, her spirit delivered him a blank card that would become his original power after regaining faith on his own strength. She is portrayed by Vlada (ブラダ Burada) of the idol group Hajirai Rescue JPN.[32]
- Princess Tamayura (タマユラ姫 Tamayura-hime, 6, 11, 12): An ancient princess that laid to rest in the forbidden forest, she possess psychic powers, such as the ability to turn giant. Long ago, she was kidnapped by Maga-Orochi in its rampaging spree before she was rescued by Zoffy and had used the latter's power to keep the monster from awakening again. In the present day, with the Planetary Invasion Syndicate made their hideout in the forest, Tamayura tried her best to ensure those who enter the forest to escape but some of them were killed by Alien Nackle Nagus after trapping the humans in a space distortion. She managed to rescue the SSP and Captain Shibukawa long enough for Gai to appear and take care of them. As the Syndicate left the forest, both her and Gai exchange smile before fading away. She reappeared again when Jugglus tried to awaken Maga-Orochi, with her efforts were futile as the former succeeded. After Naomi's mother Keiko planted a seed near her memorial, she reappeared again from the plant and delivered Gai the cards of Zoffy and Belial before sacrificing herself to Maga-Orochi, allowing Belial to give Gai a permission to use his power. She is portrayed by Morgan Mala (モーガン茉愛羅 Mōgan Maara).
- Haruka Kirishima (霧島 ハルカ Kirishima Haruka, 7): A civilian who was born with the precognition abilities, foreseeing the future in a terrible way which causes her to fell into sorrow and despair and gives birth to the Minus Energy monster Hoe. She had been foreseeing monsters in the series the day before their appearances and when predicting Hoe's attack, she saw Gai/Ultraman Orb died from the attack. As Orb's battle with Hoe in the next day seems to go based on her dream, Gai and Naomi's words allowed her to move on from her fears and finally gives Orb an upper hand to defeat it. She meets Gai for the last time and revealed another dream she had, which was him facing Ultraman Belial's card but knows that he would bravely overcome it. She is portrayed by Narumi Uno (宇野 愛海 Uno Narumi).
- Genzaburo Tomatsu (戸松 源三郎 Tomatsu Genzaburō, 8): A local fishmonger that took care of the parent-child pair Ragon. When they wanted to return to the sea, he helped them get out and receive help from both SSP and VTL Squad. He is portrayed by Kenji Anan (阿南 健治 Anan Kenji).
- Jetta's father (9): Jetta's unnamed father, he was shown in the youth's flashback and taught his son that being a hero doesn't always meant to get oneself injured. He is portrayed by Katsuyuki Yamazaki (山﨑 勝之 Yamazaki Katsuyuki), the actor of Masaki Kazamori from Heisei Ultra Seven.
- Keiko Yumeno (夢野 圭子 Yumeno Keiko, 11, 12, 16): Naomi's mother and Shibukawa's older sister-in-law. She is rather a spoiled woman, due to her grandmother's influence and hastily wanted Naomi to marry a successful man but does shows some sense of support to help Naomi realize her dreams. While SSP were busy reforming Tamayura's memorial stone, she planted a seed which soon grows into Tamayura herself, allowing the princess to help delivering Gai the cards of Zoffy and Belial. Before leaving, she heard of Gai playing his Orbnica and recalled its similarity to somewhere else. Like Naomi, she is Natasha's descendant and gave Naomi the former's matryoshka as a good luck charm. She is portrayed by Minako Tanaka (田中 美奈子 Tanaka Minako).
- Soichi Kofune (小舟 惣一 Kofune Sōichi, 14, 15): The president of his spring manufacturing company, Kofune Manufacturing (コフネ製作所 Kokune Seisakusho). His factory is known to be aligning with the VTL Squad, providing them with Z-VTOL designs in exchange of financial support to his factory. He has known Shin since the boy's childhood and has been the latter's source of moral support. He is portrayed by Ryo Kinomoto (木之元 亮 Kinomoto Ryō), whose previously known for portraying Gosuke Hibiki in Ultraman Dyna.
- Tetsuko Shibukawa (渋川 テツコ Shibukawa Tetsuko, 18): Shibukawa's only daughter and a middle school student, who has a strained relationship with her father, going as far as to change her name to Katherine (キャサリン Kyasarin) to further sever her ties with her father. She is in love with the jewel seller Takahiro and alongside SSP, tailed Shibukawa in his daily activities. She was shocked to discover the man she fallen for is an alien in disguise until Shibukawa killed him for hurting her. After the incident, Tetsuko's relationship with her father started anew. She is portrayed by Chika Arakawa (荒川 ちか Arakawa Chika).
- Wataru Iwaki (岩木 渉 Iwaki Wataru, 21) and Kaoru Iwaki (岩木 薫 Iwaki Kaoru, 21): A pair of elderly couple that travelled across the world, they adopted Maya after finding her abandoned in the street, raising her as if she was their granddaughter and were well aware of her evil side (Maddock) trying to usurp control for her body before Maya expelled him at the expense of her memories. The two decided to let her go travelling around the world and wished for her to return to their house someday. They are portrayed by Kotaro Shiga (志賀 廣太郎 Shiga Kōtarō) and Taeko Hattori (服部 妙子 Hattori Taeko) respectively.
Other Monsters and Aliens
- Undersea Hominid Ragon (海底原人 ラゴン Kaitei Genjin Ragon, 8): A race of Gill-man-like creatures who previously ruled the Earth in its prehistoric age. In the present day, a Ragon and its child wandered in the human world after the fish supply at the sea depleted. The two seek refuge under the fishmonger Genzaburo who provided them with fish. One day, while trying to get back to the shore, local residents reported their sightings to the VTL Squad, prompting Genzaburo to quietly smuggle them out with the SSP and Shibukawa offered them their help. First appeared in episode 21 of Ultra Q.
- Ragon Jr. (ラゴンJr. Ragon Junia, 8): The child of a Ragon, who was also under care by Genzaburo and was given a wooden sailing ship toy by said fishmonger. When Gubila surfaced to hunt them for food, the Ragon child was quickly eaten by the monster until Orb rescued it. After the battle, Ragon Jr. and its parent were quickly brought away to safety with the help of SSP and VTL Squad.
- Dark Alien Alien Babarue "Babaryu" (暗黒星人 ババルウ星人 ババリュー Ankoku Seijin Babarū Seijin Babaryū, 9): Originally an agent of Planetary Invasion Syndicate by the codename Space Directive M774 (宇宙指令M774 Uchū Shirei Emu Nana Nana Yon),[lower-alpha 15] he was send by Alien Meflias Nostra to frame Ultraman as Imitation Ultraman Orb (にせウルトラマンオーブ Nise Urutoraman Ōbu), but when he was forced to fight Telesdon, who appeared in a contrived coincidence, Babaryu accidentally saved the civilians. He was met by Jetta in his human disguise, named Ryuji Baba (馬場 竜次 Baba Ryūji), and was mistaken by the young man and the town's children for the human form of Ultraman Orb, and through his time spent playing with the children, eventually allowed him to desire to redeem himself from his criminal past, and trying to fight a Cherubim that was sent by the Syndicate before the real Ultraman Orb. Although his real identity was revealed, Babaryu was nonetheless thanked by Jetta and the children that he saved earlier before starting his new life on Earth as a cleaner at a playground. He was briefly shown in episode 22 among the photos of Black Directive's past customers. He is portrayed by Ryusuke Nakamura (中村 龍介 Nakamura Ryūsuke). Meanwhile, he is a tribute to the Alien Babarue from episode 38 and 39 of Ultraman Leo.
- Maya (マーヤ Māya, 21): An artificial life form created by Alien Zetton Maddock as his own spare body should he died. Called by many as The Girl With the Blue Ribbon (青いリボンの少女 Aoi Ribon no Shōjo), the appearance of a human girl would gave Maddock an advantage in his encounter against Gai but because of the moments she spent with the Iwaki couple, this caused the artificial life form to develop her own sentience. She was adopted by the elderly Iwaki couple and struggled with Maddock's own consciousness, finally being able to destroy her own creator at the expense of her own memories. In aftermath of the battle, she went travelling across the world while promising to return to the Iwaki household area someday. She is portrayed by Kayako Okuda (奥田 佳弥子 Okuda Kayako).
- Black Directive (ブラック指令 Burakku Shirei, 22): An alien who runs his own coffee shop Cafe Black Star (カフェ・ブラックスター Kafe Burakku Sutā) as Manager Black (ブラック店長 Burakku-tenchō). He is portrayed by Shoichiro Akaboshi (赤星 昇一郎 Akaboshi Shōichirō) and is based on the similarly named antagonist of episode 40 to 51 of Ultraman Leo.
- In-series
- Sulfuric Acid Monster Hoe (硫酸怪獣 ホー Ryūsan Kaijū Hō, 7): A Minus Energy (マイナスエネルギー Mainasu Enerugī) monster created from a civilian named Haruka, whose precognitive abilities driven her into sorrow and despair. Orb uses Burnmite and engaged in a battle against the monster but was quickly overpowered until Gai and Naomi's words brought Haruka out of her fears and encourages Orb, thus removing Hoe off from its abilities and allowing Spacium Zeperion to finish it. Hoe is capable of absorbing Minus Energies to strengthen itself and reform to its original state should it be destroyed. Its main attack involves acidic tears and the use of Hoe Flash (ホーフラッシュ Hō Furasshu) from its mouth. First appeared episode 3 of Ultraman 80.
- Space Phantom Alien Zelan (宇宙怪人 ゼラン星人 Uchū Kaijin Zeran Seijin, 18): An alien criminal that was chased by Shibukawa in the latter's flashback. First appeared in episode 31 of The Return of Ultraman.
- Darkness Alien Alien Shaplay "Katarohi" (暗黒星人 シャプレー星人 カタロヒ Ankoku Seijin Shapurē Seijin Katarohi, 18): An alien criminal that assumed the disguise of a youth named Takahiro (タカヒロ). His agenda involves selling Yaseltonium (ヤセルトニウム Yaserutoniumu) necklaces to women and absorb their life-forces into his Yaseltonium crystal in hopes of empowering his monster Bemular. Although both the Yaseltonium and his Bemular destroyed, he managed to escape after faking his death but was killed for real by Jugglus Juggler. He is voiced by Shōta Yamamoto (山本 祥太 Yamamoto Shōta) while his human form Takahiro is portrayed by Takuya Inoue (井上 拓哉 Inoue Takuya). He is a tribute to the Alien Shaplay from episode 20 of Ultra Seven.
- Space Monster Bemular (Empowered) (宇宙怪獣 ベムラー(強化) Uchū Kaijū Bemurā Kyōka, 18): Originally a space monster under Katarohi's control, Bemular was empowered through his Yaseltonium, gaining enhanced abilities. It was able to shake off Ultraman Orb in Spacium Zeperion before it was defeated by Orb Origin's Orb Flame Calibur. Bemular's main attack is Hyper Pale Heat Ray (ハイパーペイル熱線 Haipā Peiru Nessen) and can absorb incoming attacks from its horns before channelling it to its own energy. While first appeared in episode 1 of Ultraman, Bemular's scenario fits that of Golza (Empowered) from episode 18 of Ultraman Tiga.[lower-alpha 16]
- Vengeful Demon Renki (Guren Equestrian) (怨霊鬼 戀鬼(紅蓮騎) Onryō-ki Renki Gurenki, 19): A samurai-themed demon clad in crimson armor (thus the nickname Guren Equestrian) from Sengoku period, who was created from the grudge of a pair of deceased lovers from different factions, a daimyo and a princess. Their jealousy on happy couples prompted Renki to attack any wedding ceremony before he was sealed by an omyoji into a magic stone. In the present day, his sealed form helped women find their ideal couple but Naomi's jealousy towards Yoko lifted the seal. This allowed the samurai ghost to return and attack Yoko's wedding. While Orb tried his best to hold the giant until Naomi apologized and stopped him, allowing Renki to surrender and willingly terminated by Orb Water Calibur. His main attack is Mystic Energy Guren Reversal (妖気紅蓮返し Yōki Guren-gaeshi), charging his katana with dark energies before slashing the enemy with it. He is a tribute to the similarly named samurai ghost from episode 18 of Ultraman Cosmos.
- Organic Saucer Nova (円盤生物 ノーバ Enban Seibutsu Nōba, 22): First appeared in episode 49 of Ultraman Leo.
- Stage shows
- Zetton Alien Baltan (ゼットンバルタン星人 Zetton Barutan Seijin): A monster/alien hybrid which is exclusive to the first arc of Ultraman Festival 2016 stage show, this form is resulted when a nearly defeated Alien Baltan uses the Monster Cards of himself and Zetton. Although managed to destroy the Ultra Warriors, he was soon weakened when the original Ultraman appeared and used Colorium Ray before the latter was joined by Orb to combine their finishers. Upon defeat, the Alien Baltan was fortunately spared by the pacifist Tiny Baltan.[34] In the second arc of the stage show, Zetton Alien Baltan was summoned by Z in his final moments as the Ultra Warriors' final opponents. He was shortly defeated by Ultraman Orb's Sperion Ray.[35]
- Cyber Mecha Baltan (サイバーメカバルタン Saibā Meka Barutan): A cyborg Alien Baltan which appeared in the first arc of Ultraman Festival. This figure is armed with a drill on its right arm and a mechanical pincher from its left arm. Its suit was modified from Baltan Battler Barel from Mega Monster Rush: Ultra Frontier game series that was used for attraction and its right hand drill is from Denpagon Armor, a MonsArmor that is exclusive to the 2015 Ultraman Festival.[36]
- Space Fear Demon Z (宇宙恐魔人 ゼット Uchū Osore Majin Zetto):[lower-alpha 17] The main antagonist of the second stage-show of Ultraman Festival 2016. His main weapon is a spear and has the abilities of Zetton and its past incarnations. Created by Alien Bat, Z is a biological weapon with the data of every incarnation of Zetton but soon betrayed his master once developing sentience. Following his former master's wish, he led an army of Zetton in an attack against the Land of Light.[37] He soon fight against the Space Garrisons who joined by Ultraman Zero, X and Orb. He was defeated by the original Ultraman when the two clashed their finisher rays but summoned the Zetton Alien Baltan as his final servant before perishing.[35] He is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita (杉田 智和 Sugita Tomokazu).[38][39]
- Deep Sea Monster Gubila (深海怪獣 グビラ Shinkai Kaijū Gubira, 8): A fish-like monster that ate up the fish supplies in the sea. With the number of fishes decreasing, it surfaced towards the land and proceed to hunt the Ragon parent-child pair. When the child Ragon was devoured, Orb appeared and saved it before engaging in a fight against the monster and brought it away from the shore, ending the fight with no loses on both sides. Gubila's main weapon is a drill on its nose and its main attack is Die-Hard Drill Attack (ダイハードドリルアタック Dai Hādo Doriru Atakku), which involves impaling the opponent with its drill. First appeared in episode 24 of Ultraman.
- Underground Monster Telesdon (地底怪獣 テレスドン Chitei Kaijū Teresudon, 9): A prehistoric carnosaurian monster that appeared in a contrived coincidence when Babaryu/Imitation Ultraman Orb tried to damage the real Ultra's reputation. Their fight only boosted the real Orb's reputation when Babaryu accidentally shielded Gai and two children before the monster retreated underground. Prior its physical appearance, Telesdon's Monster Card was used by Jugglus as one of the sets required to awaken Maga-Grand King. First appeared in episode 22 of Ultraman.
- Civil Judge Mentor Galactron (シビルジャッジメンター ギャラクトロン Shibiru Jajji Mentā Gyarakutoron, 14, 15): A mysterious robot which had been responsible for attacking multiple dimensions due to its warlike status. During its arrival on Earth, the robot was named Galactron by Naomi, who combined it under the proposed names Galaxy Dragon (ギャラクシードラゴン Gyarakushī Doragon) by Jetta and Salvatron (サルヴァトロン Saruvatoron) by Shin. After landing besides the Kofune Manufacturing, VTL and the warehouse's crew decided to analyze the robot, but said robot at the same time analyzing the Earth and its cultures. Once completed its task, it awoke and captured Naomi to be used as its speech interpreter, trying to reset Earth due to finding it corrupted. Orb tried to attack the robot but was quickly overpowered and defeated instantly when it pierced towards his body. Seeing the collateral damage Galactron made, Gai had no choice but to use Thunder Breastar and wreak the robot apart with his immense power, which almost cost Naomi her own life. Galactron's main weapons are Galactron Shaft (ギャラクトロンシャフト Gyarakutoron Shafuto) capture claw which took the appearance of its "braid", Galactron Blade (ギャラクトロンブレード Gyarakutoron Burēdo) sword from its left arm that can be extended in a manner of a spear and a catcher claw on its right arm that can be ejected and remotely controlled as a drone. Its strongest attack is Galactron Spark (ギャラクトロンスパーク Gyarakutoron Supāku), which is capable of decimating a countryside with relative ease. Gai speculated that Galactron's invention was deemed a failure by his creators, thus prompting them to perform illegal dumping towards other dimensions.
- Transformation Phantom Alien Pitt "Myu" (変身怪人 ピット星人 ミュー Henshin Kaijin Pitto Seijin Myū, 22): A customer of Black Directive's Cafe Black Star under her human disguise Miyuki (みゆき). She is portrayed by Rio Akisada (秋定 里穂 Akisada Rio).
- ↑ A pun of "Orb" (オーブ Ōbu) and "Harmonica" (ハーモニカ Hāmonika)
- ↑ Although spelled Spacium in official material, Crunchyroll subtitle spelled it as Specium Zeperion.
- ↑ Although spelled Breastar in official material, Crunchyroll subtitle spelled it as Breaster.
- ↑ Originally labelled as Photorium Shoot (フォトリウムシュート Fotoriumu Shūto).
- ↑ Her given name is written in kanji as "奈緒美".
- ↑ "Jetta" is a nickname for him, and his real given name is Zenta (善太).
- ↑ The word "Leader" is spelled as "Lerder" by "" official site, though its badge stated to be otherwise.[1][2]
- ↑ It is unrevealed whether Shibukawa is Keiko's younger sister's husband or she is his older brother's wife.
- ↑ Appeared in all episodes except 5, 7, 14, 15 and 21.
- ↑ In all King Demon Beasts, the Katakana letter no (ノ) is always used to represent the letter "of" (の no).
- ↑ The same record that unveiled Demaaga in Ultraman X.
- ↑ Telesdon, Antlar and Gomora debuted in Ultraman episodes 22, 7 and 26 respectively while Golza debuted in episode 1 of Ultraman Tiga.
- ↑ This name is a tribute to the episode 1 of The Return of Ultraman, as part of Find the Subtitle of episode 10.[29]
- ↑ Initially credited as "Foreign girl" (異国の少女 Ikoku no shōjo)
- ↑ This name is a tribute to the episode 21 of Ultra Q, as part of Find the Subtitle of episode 9.[33]
- ↑ now called Fire Golza in succeeding media of Ultra Series.
- ↑ Originally called "Unknown Enemy" (謎の強敵 Nazo no Kyōteki)
- Published materials
- 宇宙船. vol.153. ホビージャパン. 2016-07-01. ISBN 978-4-7986-1261-4.
- 宇宙船. vol.154. ホビージャパン. 2016-10-01. ISBN 978-4-7986-1312-3.
- Sources
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