List of wildlife of the Skagit River Basin
This is a list of wildlife found in the Skagit River basin of the Pacific Northwest.

Sockeye salmon

Brook trout
- Sockeye salmon
- Chinook salmon
- Chum salmon
- Pink salmon
- Coho salmon
- Steelhead (coastal rainbow trout)
- Coastal cutthroat trout
- Dolly Varden trout
- Golden trout
- Brook trout
- Bull trout
- Mountain whitefish

Longnose dace
- Peamouth chub
- Northern pikeminnow (formerly known as northern squawfish)
- Longnose dace
- Redside shiner

- Burbot (ling)
- Slimy sculpin
- Torrent sculpin
- Coast range sculpin
- Prickly sculpin
Reptiles and amphibians

Painted turtle

Common garter snake

Pacific giant salamander
- Northwestern salamander
- Long-toed salamander
- Pacific giant salamander
- Rough-skinned newt
- Western redback salamander
- Van Dyke's salamander
- Cope's giant salamander
- Olympic salamander
- Ensatina

Pacific tree frog


American shrew mole
- California myotis
- Yuma myotis
- Little brown myotis
- Long-eared myotis
- Long-legged myotis
- Hoary bat
- Townsend's big-eared bat
- Silver-haired bat
- Big brown bat

Snowshoe hare

Hoary marmot
- Yellow-pine chipmunk
- Townsend's chipmunk
- Hoary marmot
- Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel
- Western gray squirrel
- Fox squirrel (introduced)
- Douglas squirrel
- Northern flying squirrel


Meadow vole
- Deer mouse
- Bushy-tailed woodrat
- Red-backed vole
- Heather vole
- Meadow vole
- Townsend's vole
- Long-tailed vole
- Creeping vole
- Water vole
- Muskrat
- Northern bog lemming
- Norway rat (introduced)
- Black rat (introduced)
- House mouse (introduced)
- Pacific jumping mouse

- Nutria (introduced)

Black bear
- Black bear
- Grizzly bear (threatened)
- Marten
- Fisher
- Ermine
- Long-tailed weasel
- Mink
- Wolverine
- Striped skunk
- Western spotted skunk
- River otter


Western grebe

Great blue heron

Trumpeter swan

- Tundra swan
- Trumpeter swan
- Snow goose
- Canada goose
- Wood duck
- Mallard
- Northern pintail
- Green-winged teal
- Cinnamon teal
- Northern shoveler
- Gadwall
- American widgeon
- Redhead
- Ring-necked duck
- Greater scaup
- Lesser scaup
- Harlequin duck
- Common goldeneye
- Barrow's goldeneye
- Bufflehead
- Hooded merganser
- Red-breasted merganser
- Ruddy duck

- Turkey vulture
- Osprey
- Bald eagle
- Northern harrier
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- Cooper's hawk
- Northern goshawk
- Red-tailed hawk
- Rough-legged hawk
- Golden eagle
- American kestrel
- Merlin
- Peregrine falcon
- Prairie falcon
- Spruce grouse
- Sooty grouse
- White-tailed ptarmigan
- Ruffled grouse
- California grouse (introduced)

Common snipe
- Killdeer
- Lesser yellowlegs
- Greater yellowlegs
- Solitary sandpiper
- Spotted sandpiper
- Pectoral sandpiper
- Western sandpiper
- Least sandpiper
- Dunlin
- Baird's sandpiper
- Common snipe
- Wilson's phalarope
- Red-necked phalarope

California gull

Marbled murrelet

Great grey owl
- Vommon barn owl
- Western screech owl
- Great horned owl
- Mountain pygmy owl
- Northern spotted owl
- Barred owl
- Great grey owl
- Long-eared owl
- Short-eared owl
- Northern saw-whet owl
Nighthawks and swifts

Rufous hummingbird

Pileated woodpecker
- Lewis' woodpecker
- Red-breasted sapsucker
- Downy woodpecker*Hairy woodpecker
- Three-toed woodpecker
- Northern flicker
- Pileated woodpecker
Western kingbird
- Olive-sided flycatcher
- Western wood pewee
- Willow flycatcher
- Hammond's flycatcher
- Dusky flycatcher
- Say's phoebe
- Western kingbird
- Eastern kingbird

Cliff swallow

Common raven
Chickadees, nuthatches, creepers
- Black-capped chickadee
- Mountain chickadee
- Boreal chickadee
- Chestnut-backed chickadee
- Bushtit
- Red-breasted nuthatch
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Brown creeper

Marsh wren

Swainson's thrush
- Mountain bluebird
- Townsend's solitaire
- Veery
- Swainson's thrush
- Hermit thrush
- American robin
- Varied thrush

gray catbird

American pipit
- European starling (introduced)

Warbling vireo
- Orange-crowned warbler
- Nashville warbler
- Yellow warbler
- Yellow-rumped warbler
- Black-throated gray warbler
- Townsend's warbler
- Hermit warbler
- American redstart
- Northern waterthrush
- MacGillivray's warbler
- Common yellowthroat
- Wilson's warbler

Western tanager
Blackbirds, meadowlarks, orioles
- Red-winged blackbird
- Yellow-headed blackbird
- Brewer's blackbird
- Western meadowlark
- Brown-headed cowbird
- Northern oriole

American goldfinch
- Black-headed grosbeak
- Lazuli bunting
- Rufous-sided towhee
- Chipping sparrow
- Savannah sparrow
- Fox sparrow
- Song sparrow
- Lincoln's sparrow
- Golden-crowned sparrow
- White-crowned sparrow
- White-throated sparrow
- Dark-eyed junco
- Rosy finch
- Pine grosbeak
- Purple finch
- House finch
- Red crossbill
- White-winged crossbill
- Common redpoll
- Pine siskin
- American goldfinch
- Evening grosbeak
- House sparrow (introduced)
"Fish checklist" (PDF). U.S. National Park Service. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2005-02-12. Retrieved 2006-05-22.
"Mammal checklist" (PDF). U.S. National Park Service. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2005-02-12. Retrieved 2006-05-22.
"Bird checklist". U.S. National Park Service. Retrieved 2006-05-22.
Weisberg, Saul; Riedel, John; Johannessen, Tracie & Scherer, Wendy (1993). "Sharing the Skagit, An Educator's Guide to the Skagit River Watershed". North Cascade Institute. 0: 49–53.
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