List of amphibians of Tasmania

Brown tree frog
This is a comprehensive list of amphibians of Tasmania. They are all frogs.
- Litoria raniformis (Green and Gold Frog)
- Litoria ewingi (Brown tree frog)
- Litoria burrowsae (Tasmanian tree frog)
- Geocrinia laevis (Smooth froglet)
- Limnodynastes dumerili (Eastern banjo frog)
- Limnodynastes peroni (Striped marsh frog)
- Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted marsh frog)
- Pseudophryne semimarmorata (Southern toadlet)
- Bryobatrachus nimbus (Moss froglet)
- Crinia signifera (Common froglet)
- Crinia tasmaniensis (Tasmanian froglet)
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