List of birds of North America (Psittaciformes)
Main article: List of birds of North America
Old World parrots
- Order: Psittaciformes Family: Psittaculidae
- Budgerigar, Melopsittacus undulatus (I) LC
- Rosy-faced lovebird, Agapornis roseicollis (I) LC
- Rose-ringed parakeet, Psittacula krameri (I) LC
African and New World parrots

Green parakeet
- Order: Psittaciformes Family: Psittacidae
- Barred parakeet, Bolborhynchus lineola LC
- Black-billed parrot, Amazona agilis VU
- Blue-and-yellow macaw, Ara ararauna LC
- Blue-crowned parakeet, Aratinga acuticaudata LC
- Blue-fronted parrotlet, Touit dilectissimus LC
- Blue-headed parrot, Pionus menstruus LC
- Brown-hooded parrot, Pyrilia haematotis LC
- Brown-throated parakeet, Aratinga pertinax LC
- Carolina parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis (E) EX
- Chestnut-fronted macaw, Ara severus LC
- Crimson-fronted parakeet, Aratinga finschi LC
- Cuban macaw, Ara tricolor (E) EX
- Cuban parakeet, Aratinga euops VU
- Cuban parrot, Amazona leucocephala NT E
- Great green macaw, Ara ambiguus EN
- Green parakeet, Aratinga holochlora LC (including Pacific parakeet, Aratinga (holochlora) strenua)
- Green-rumped parrotlet, Forpus passerinus LC
- Hispaniolan parakeet, Aratinga chloroptera VU
- Hispaniolan parrot, Amazona ventralis VU
- Imperial parrot, Amazona imperialis EN E
- Lilac-crowned parrot, Amazona finschi VU
- Lilac-tailed parrotlet, Touit batavicus LC
- Maroon-fronted parrot, Rhynchopsitta terrisi EN
- Mealy parrot, Amazona farinosa LC
- Mexican parrotlet, Forpus cyanopygius LC
- Military macaw, Ara militaris VU
- Mitred parakeet, Aratinga mitrata (I) LC
- Monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus (I) LC
- Nanday parakeet, Aratinga nenday (I) LC
- Olive-throated parakeet, Aratinga nana LC
- Orange-chinned parakeet, Brotogeris jugularis LC
- Orange-fronted parakeet, Aratinga canicularis LC
- Orange-winged parrot, Amazona amazonica LC
- Painted parakeet, Pyrrhura picta LC (only Azuero parakeet, Pyrrhura (picta) eisenmanni)
- Puerto Rican parrot, Amazona vittata CR E
- Red-and-green macaw, Ara chloropterus LC
- Red-bellied macaw, Orthopsittaca manilata LC
- Red-crowned parrot, Amazona viridigenalis EN
- Red-fronted parrotlet, Touit costaricensis VU
- Red-lored parrot, Amazona autumnalis LC
- Red-necked parrot, Amazona arausiaca VU E
- Red-shouldered macaw, Diopsittaca nobilis (A) LC
- Saffron-headed parrot, Pyrilia pyrilia NT
- St. Lucia parrot, Amazona versicolor VU E
- St. Vincent parrot, Amazona guildingii VU E
- Scarlet macaw, Ara macao LC
- Scarlet-shouldered parrotlet, Touit huetii (Ex) VU
- Spectacled parrotlet, Forpus conspicillatus LC
- Sulphur-winged parakeet, Pyrrhura hoffmanni LC
- Thick-billed parrot, Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha EN E
- White-crowned parrot, Pionus senilis LC
- White-eyed parakeet, Aratinga leucophthalma LC
- White-fronted parrot, Amazona albifrons LC
- White-winged parakeet, Brotogeris versicolurus (I) LC
- Yellow-billed parrot, Amazona collaria VU
- Yellow-crowned parrot, Amazona ochrocephala LC
- Yellow-headed parrot, Amazona oratrix EN
- Yellow-lored parrot, Amazona xantholora LC
- Yellow-naped parrot, Amazona auropalliata VU
- Yellow-shouldered parrot, Amazona barbadensis VU
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