List of butterflies of India (Hesperiinae)

Common Banded Demon
This is a list of the butterflies of India belonging to the subfamily Hesperiinae of the family Hesperiidae and an index to the species articles. This forms part of the full List of butterflies of India (Hesperiidae) which itself is part of the complete List of butterflies of India. A total of 133 species of 48 genera belonging to this subfamily are found in India.
Actinor - The Veined Dart
- Veined Dart Actinor radians (Moore, 1878)[1]
Aeromachus - The Scrub Hoppers
- Veined Scrub Hopper Aeromachus stigmata (Moore, 1878)[2]
- Dingy Scrub Hopper, Aeromachus dubius (Elwes & Edwards, 1897)[2]
- Pygmy Scrub Hopper, Aeromachus pygmaeus (Fabricius, 1775)[2]
- Grey Scrub Hopper Aeromachus jhora (de Nicéville, 1885)[2]
- Blue-spotted Scrub Hopper Aeromachus kali (de Nicéville, 1885)[2]
Ampittia - The Bush Hopper
- Bush Hopper, Ampittia dioscorides (Fabricius, 1793)[3]
Ancistroides - The Chocolate Demon

Chocolate Demon
- Chocolate Demon, Ancistroides nigrita (Latreille, 1824)[4]
Arnetta - The Bobs

Vindhyan Bob
- Coorg Forest Hopper, Arnetta mercara (Evans, 1932)[5]
- Vindhyan Bob, Arnetta vindhiana (Moore, 1883)[5]
- Atkinson's Bob Arnetta atkinsoni (Moore, 1878)[5]
Astictopterus - Forest Hopper
- Forest Hopper, Astictopterus jama C. Felder & R. Felder, 1860[6]
Baoris - The Swifts
- Paintbrush Swift, Baoris farri (Moore, 1878)[7]
- Swift Baoris penicillata (Moore, 1878)[7]
- Figure-of-8 Swift Baoris pagana de Nicéville, 1887[7]
- Small Paintbrush Swift Baoris unicolor Moore 1873[7]
Baracus - The Hedge-Hopper
- Hampson's Hedge-Hopper, Baracus vittatus (Felder, 1862)[8]
- Hampson's Hedge-Hopper, Baracus hampsoni Elwes & Edwards 1897[8][9]
Borbo - The Swift
- Rice Swift, Borbo cinnara (Wallace, 1866)[10]
Caltoris - The Swifts
- Blank Swift, Caltoris kumara (Moore, 1878)[11]
- Yellow-fringed Swift Caltoris aurociliata (Elwes and Edwards, 1897)[11]
- Colon Swift Caltoris cahira (Moore, 1877)[11]
- Austen's Swift Caltoris cahira austeni (Moore, 1883)[11]
- Full Stop Swift Caltoris cormasa (Hewitson, 1876)[11]
- Purple Swift Caltoris tulsi (de Nicéville, 1884)[11]
- Philippine Swift, Caltoris philippina (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)[11]
- Tufted Swift Caltoris plebeia (de Nicéville, 1887)[11]
- Kanara Swift, Caltoris canaraica (Moore, 1883)[11]
Cephrenes - The Palm Darts
- Plain Palm Dart, Cephrenes chrysozona (Plötz, 1883)[12]
Creteus - The Nonsuch Palmer
- Nonsuch Palmer Creteus cyrina Hewitson, 1876[13]
Cuphita - The Wax Dart
- Wax Dart, Cupitha purreea (Moore, 1877)[14]
Erionota - The Redeyes
- Palm Redeye Erionota hiraca (Moore, 1881)[15]
- Palm Redeye, Erionota thrax (Linnaeus, 1767)[15]
- Banana Skipper Erionota torus Evans, 1941[15][16]
Gangara - The Giant Redeyes

Giant Redeye
- Giant Redeye Gangara thyrsis (Fabricius, 1775)[17]
- Banded Redeye Gangara lebadea (Hewitson, 1886)[17]
Gegenes - The Dingy Swift
- Dingy Swift, Gegenes nostradomus (Fabricius, 1793)[18]
- Pigmy Skipper Gegenes pumilio (Hoffmannsegg, 1804)[18]
Halpe - The Aces

Indian Ace
- Ceylon Ace Halpe egena (Felder)[19]
- Indian Ace, Halpe homolea (Hewitson, 1868)[19]
- Sikkim Ace Halpe sikkima Moore, 1882[19]
- Banded Ace Halpe zema (Hewitson, 1877)[19]
- Moore's Ace Halpe porus (Mabille, 1876)[19]
- Confusing Ace Halpe wantona Swinhoe, 1893[19]
- Madras Ace Halpe honorei (de Nicéville, 1887)[19]
- Halpe arcuata Evans, 1937[19]
- Halpe filda Evans, 1949[19]
- Halpe knyvetti Elwes & Edwards, 1897[19]
- Halpe kumara de Nicéville, 1885[19]
- Halpe scissa Cantlie, 1961[19]
Hyarotis - The Flitters
- Tree Flitter, Hyarotis adrastus (Stoll, 1780)[20]
- Brush Flitter, Hyarotis microsticta (Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1887)[20]
- Coorg Bruss Flitter Hyarotis coorga Evans 1949
Iambrix - The Chestnut Bob

Chestnut Bob
- Chestnut Bob, Iambrix salsala (Moore, 1866)[21]
Iton -The Common Wight
- Common Wight Iton semamora (Moore, 1866)[22]
Koruthaialos - The Velvet Bobs
- Narrow-banded Velvet Bob Koruthaialos rubecula (Plötz, 1882)[23]
- Bright Red Velvet Bob Koruthaialos sindu (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1860)[23]
- Dark Velvet Bob Koruthaialos butleri (de Nicéville, 1884)[23]
Matapa - The Redeyes

Common Redeye
- Common Redeye Matapa aria (Moore, 1866)[24]
- Fringed Redeye Matapa cresta Evans, 1949[24]
- Grey-brand Redeye Matapa druna (Moore, 1865)[24]
- Black-veined Redeye Matapa sasivarna (Moore, 1866)[24]
Notocrypta - The Demons

Resrticted Demon
- Restricted Demon, Notocrypta curvifascia (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862)[25]
- Spotted Demon, Notocrypta feisthamelii (Boisduval, 1832)[25]
- Common Banded Demon, Notocrypta paralysos (Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1881)[25]
Ochlodes - The Darters
- Subhyaline Darter Ochlodes subhyalina (Bremer & Grey, 1853)[26]
- Assam Darter Ochlodes siva Moore, 1878[26]
Ochus - The Tiger Hopper
Oriens - The Dartlets
Common Dartlet
- Tamil Dartlet, Oriens concinna (Elwes & Edwards, 1897)[28]
- Common Dartlet Oriens gola (Moore, 1881)[28]
- Common Dartlet Oriens goloides (Moore, 1881)[28][29]
Parnara - The Swifts
- Straight Swift Parnara guttatus (Bremer & Grey, [1852])[30]
Pelopidas - The Dark Branded Swift
- Great Swift, Pelopidas assamensis (de Nicéville, 1882)[31]
- Conjoined Swift, Pelopidas conjuncta (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)[31]
- Chinese Swift or Large Branded Swift Pelopidas sinensis (Mabille, 1877)[31]
- Bengal Swift, Pelopidas agna (Moore, 1866)[31]
- Large Branded Swift, Pelopidas subochracea (Moore, 1878)[31]
- Dark Small-Branded Swift, Small Branded Swift, Lesser Millet Skipper or Black Branded Swift Pelopidas mathias (Fabricius, 1798)[31]
- Millet Skipper or White Branded Swift Pelopidas thrax (Hübner, 1821)
Pithauria - The Straw Aces
- Dark Straw Ace Pithauria murdava (Moore, 1866)[32]
- Banded Straw Ace Pithauria marsena (Hewitson, 1866)[32]
- Light Straw Ace Pithauria stramineipennis Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1887[32]
Plastingia - The Spotted Lancers
- Silver Spotted Lancer Plastingia naga (de Nicéville, 1884)[33]
Polytremis - The Swifts
- Contiguous Swift, Polytremis lubricans (Herrich-Schäffer, 1869)[34]
- Yellow Spot Swift Polytremis eltola (Hewitson, 1869)[34]
- Himalayan Swift, Polytremis discreta (Elwes & Edwards, 1897)[34]
Potanthus - The Darts
- Indian Dart or Common Dart, Potanthus pseudomaesa (Moore, 1881)[35]
- Himalayan Dart Potanthus dara (Kollar, 1844)[35]
- Palni Dart, Potanthus palnia (Evans, 1914)[35]
- Pallied Dart, Potanthus pallidus (Evans, 1932)[35]
- Branded Dart Potanthus rectifasciata (Elwes and Edwards, 1897)[35]
- Detached Dart Potanthus trachala (Mabille, 1878)[35]
- Burmese Dart Potanthus juno (Evans, 1932)[35]
- Confucian/Chinese Dart, Potanthus confucius (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862)[35]
- Sikkim Dart Potanthus mara Evans, 1932[35]
Pseudoborbo - The Swift
- Beavan's Swift, Pseudoborbo bevani (Moore, 1878)[36]
Psolos - The Coons

- Coon, Psolos fuligo (Mabille, 1876)[37]
Pudicitia - The Spotted Redeyes
- Spotted Redeye Pudicitia pholus (de Nicéville, 1889)[38]
Quedara - The Dubious Flitter
- Dubious Flitter Quedara monteithi (Wood-Mason & de Nicéville, 1887)[39]
- Yellow-Base Flitter / Golden Tree Flitter Quedara basiflava (de Nicéville, 1888)[39]
- Spotted Yellow Lancer Salanoemia noemi (de Nicéville, 1885)[40]
- Maculate Lancer Salanoemia sala (Hewitson, 1866)[40]
Scobura - The Forest Bob
- Forest Bob Scobura cephala (Hewitson, 1876)[41]
- Malay Forest Bob Scobura phiditia (Hewitson, [1866])[41]
- Forest Bob Scobura isota (Swinhoe, 1893)[41]
- Large Forest Bob Scobura cephaloides (de Nicéville, 1889)[41]
Sovia - The Bicolour Ace
- Bicolour Ace Sovia hyrtacus (de Nicéville, 1897)[43]
- Chequered Ace Sovia separata (Moore, 1882)[43]
- Graham's Ace Sovia grahami (Evans, 1926)[43]
Suada - The Grass Bob
- Grass Bob Suada swerga (de Nicéville, 1883)
Suastus - The Palm Bobs
- Indian Palm Bob, Suastus gremius (Fabricius, 1798)[45]
- Small Palm Bob, Suastus minuta (Moore, 1877)[45]
Taractrocera - The Grass Darts
- Tamil Grass Dart, Taractrocera ceramas (Hewitson, 1868)[46]
- Common Grass Dart, Taractrocera maevius (Fabricius, 1793)[46]
- Himalayan Dark Dart Taractrocera danna (Moore, 1865)[46]
Telicota - The Palm Darts
- Common Palm Dart, Telicota colon (Fabricius, 1775)[47]
- Pale Palm Dart Telicota augias (Linnaeus, 1763)[47]
- Linna Palm Dart Telicota linna Evans, 1949[47]
- Dark Palm Dart Telicota bambusae (Moore, 1878)[47]
- Dark Palm Dart Telicota pythias Mabille[47]
Thoressa - The Spotted Aces
- Thoressa aina (de Nicéville, 1890)[48]
- Thoressa cerata (Hewitson, 1876)[48]
- Thoressa fusca (Elwes, [1893])[48]
- Thoressa gupta (de Nicéville, 1886)[48]
- Thoressa hyrie (de Nicéville, 1891)[48]
- Thoressa masuriensis (Moore, 1878)[48]
- Thoressa pandita (de Nicéville, 1885)[48]
- Southern Spotted Ace or Unbranded Ace, Thoressa astigmata (Swinhoe, 1890)[49]
- Evershed's Ace, Thoressa evershedi (Evans, 1910)[50]
- Tamil Ace or Sitala Ace, Thoressa sitala (de Nicéville, 1885)[51]
Udaspes - The Grass Demon

Grass Demon
- Grass Demon, Udaspes folus (Cramer, 1775)[52]
- Zela zeus de Nicéville, 1895[53]
Zographetus - The Flitters
- Purple and Gold Flitter Zographetus satwa (de Nicéville, 1884)[54]
- Purple Spotted Flitter Zographetus ogygia (Hewitson, 1866)[54]
See also
Cited references
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Actinor genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Aeromachus genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Ampittia genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Ancistroides genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Arnetta genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Astictopterus genus.
- 1 2 3 4 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Baoris genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Baracus genus.
- ↑ "Card for '''''Baracus hampsoni''''' in LepIndex. Accessed 31 July 2007". Retrieved 2012-05-06.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera on Borbo genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Caltoris genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Cephrenes genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Creteus genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Cupitha genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Erionota genus.
- ↑ Page for Erionota torus
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Gangara genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Gegenes genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Halpe genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Hyarotis genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Iambrix genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Iton genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Koruthaislos genus.
- 1 2 3 4 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Matapa genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Notocrypta genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Ochlodes genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera. Page on genus Ochus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Oriens genus.
- ↑ Haribal, 1994: Mentions O. g. pseudolus (Mabille, 1883)
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Parnara genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Pelopidas genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Pithauria genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Plastingia genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Polytremis genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Potanthus genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Pseudoborbo genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Psolos genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Pudicitia genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Quedara genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Salanoemia genus.
- 1 2 3 4 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera on Scobura genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera. Page on genus Sebastonyma .
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Sovia genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera on Stimula genus.
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Suastus genus.
- 1 2 3 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Taractrocera genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Telicota genus.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Thoressa genus.
- ↑ Card for Thoressa astigmata in LepIndex. Accessed 27 September 2007.
- ↑ Card for Thoressa evershedi in LepIndex. Accessed 27 September 2007.
- ↑ Card for Thoressa sitala in LepIndex. Accessed 27 September 2007.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Udaspes genus.
- ↑ Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera. Page on genus Zela .
- 1 2 Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera Page on Zographetus genus.
- Evans, W.H. (1932). The Identification of Indian Butterflies (2nd ed.). Mumbai, India: Bombay Natural History Society.
- Gay, Thomas; Kehimkar, Isaac David; Punetha, Jagdish Chandra (1992). Common Butterflies of India. Nature Guides. Bombay, India: World Wide Fund for Nature-India by Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0195631647.
- Haribal, Meena (1992). The Butterflies of Sikkim Himalaya and Their Natural History. Gangtok, Sikkim, India: Sikkim Nature Conservation Foundation.
- Kunte, Krushnamegh (2000). Butterflies of Peninsular India. India, A Lifescape. Hyderabad, India: Universities Press. ISBN 978-8173713545.
- Wynter-Blyth, Mark Alexander (1957). Butterflies of the Indian Region. Bombay, India: Bombay Natural History Society. ISBN 978-8170192329.
- Beccaloni, George; Scoble, Malcolm; Kitching, Ian; Simonsen, Thomas; Robinson, Gaden; Pitkin, Brian; Hine, Adrian; Lyal, Chris. "The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex)". Natural History Museum, London. Retrieved 2016-10-15.
- "Markku Savela's website on Lepidoptera".
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