List of butterflies of Singapore

Location of Singapore
This is a list of butterflies of Singapore. About 305 species are known from Singapore.[1]
- Chilasa clytia clytia — Common Mime
- Graphium agamemnon agamemnon — Tailed Jay
- Graphium doson evemonides — Common Jay
- Graphium evemon eventus — Blue Jay
- Graphium sarpedon luctatius — Common Bluebottle
- Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris — Common Rose
- Papilio demoleus malayanus — Lime Butterfly
- Papilio demolion demolion — Banded Swallowtail
- Papilio iswara iswara — Great Helen
- Papilio memnon agenor — Great Mormon
- Papilio polytes romulus — Common Mormon
- Papilio prexaspes prexaspes — Blue Helen
- Pathysa antiphates itamputi — Five Bar Swordtail
- Troides amphrysus ruficollis — Malayan Birdwing
- Troides helena cerberus — Common Birdwing
- Catopsilia pomona pomona — Lemon Emigrant
- Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe — Mottled Emigrant
- Catopsilia scylla cornelia — Orange Emigrant
- Eurema andersonii andersonii — Anderson's Grass Yellow
- Eurema blanda snelleni — Three Spot Grass Yellow
- Eurema brigitta senna — No Brand Grass Yellow
- Eurema hecabe contubernalis — Common Grass Yellow
- Eurema sari sodalis — Chocolate Grass Yellow
- Eurema simulatrix tecmessa
- Gandaca harina distanti — Tree Yellow
- Appias indra plana — Plain Puffin
- Appias libythea olferna — Striped Albatross
- Appias lyncida vasava — Chocolate Albatross
- Delias hyparete metarete — Painted Jezebel
- Delias pasithoe parthenope — Red Base Jezebel
- Hebomoia glaucippe aturia — Great Orange Tip
- Leptosia nina malayana — Psyche
- Pareronia valeria lutescens — The Wanderer
- Pieris canidia canidia — Cabbage White
- Danaus chrysippus chrysippus — Plain Tiger
- Danaus genutia genutia — Common Tiger
- Danaus melanippus hegesippus — Black Veined Tiger
- Euploea camaralzeman malayica — Malayan Crow
- Euploea crameri bremeri — Spotted Black Crow
- Euploea eyndhovii gardineri — Striped Black Crow
- Euploea midamus singapura — Blue Spotted Crow
- Euploea mulciber mulciber — Striped Blue Crow
- Euploea phaenareta castelnaui — King Crow
- Euploea radamanthus radamanthus — Magpie Crow
- Euploea tulliolus ledereri — Dwarf Crow
- Idea leuconoe chersonesia — Mangrove Tree Nymph
- Idea stolli logani — Common Tree Nymph
- Ideopsis vulgaris macrina — Blue Glassy Tiger
- Parantica agleoides agleoides — Dark Glassy Tiger
- Parantica aspasia aspasia — Yellow Glassy Tiger
- Elymnias hypermnestra agina — Common Palmfly
- Elymnias panthera panthera — Tawny Palmfly
- Elymnias penanga penanga — Pointed Palmfly
- Lethe europa malaya — Bamboo Tree Brown
- Melanitis leda leda — Common Evening Brown
- Mycalesis fusca fusca — Malayan Bush Brown
- Mycalesis mineus macromalayana — Dark Brand Bush Brown
- Mycalesis orseis nautilus — Purple Bush Brown
- Mycalesis perseoides perseoides
- Mycalesis perseus cepheus — Dingy Bush Brown
- Mycalesis visala phamis — Long Branded Bush Brown
- Orsotriaena medus cinerea — Nigger
- Ypthima baldus newboldi — Common Five Ring
- Ypthima fasciata torone
- Ypthima horsfieldii humei - Malayan Five Ring
- Ypthima huebneri — Common Four Ring
- Ypthima pandocus corticaria — Common Three Ring
- Amathusia phidippus phidippus —Palm King
- Discophora sondaica despoliata —Common Duffer
- Faunis canens arcesilas —Common Faun
- Thaumantis klugius lucipor —Dark Blue Jungle Glory
- Zeuxidia amethystus amethystus —Saturn
- Doleschallia bisaltide ?bisalitide var. —Autumn Leaf
- Doleschallia bisaltide pratipa — Autumn Leaf
- Hypolimnas anomala anomala —Malayan Eggfly
- Hypolimnas bolina bolina —Great Eggfly
- Hypolimnas bolina jacintha — Jacintha Eggfly
- Hypolimnas misippus misippus —Danaid Eggfly
- Junonia almana javana —Peacock Pansy
- Junonia atlites atlites —Grey Pansy
- Junonia hedonia ida —Chocolate Pansy
- Junonia orithya wallacei —Blue Pansy
- Vanessa cardui — Painted Lady
- Vanessa indica indica — Indian Red Admiral
- Acraea violae —Tawny Coster
- Cethosia cyane —Leopard Lacewing
- Cethosia hypsea hypsina —Malay Lacewing
- Cethosia penthesilea methypsea —Plain Lacewing
- Cirrochroa orissa orissa —Banded Yeoman
- Cupha erymanthis lotis —Rustic
- Phalanta phalantha phalantha —Leopard
- Terinos terpander robertsia —Royal Assyrian
- Vindula dejone erotella —Cruiser
- Athyma asura idita —Studded Sergeant
- Athyma kanwa kanwa —Dot-Dash Sergeant
- Athyma nefte subrata —Colour Sergeant
- Athyma pravara helma —Lance Sergeant
- Athyma reta moorei —Malay Staff Sergeant
- Euthalia aconthea gurda —Baron
- Euthalia adonia pinwilli —Green Baron
- Euthalia merta merta —White Tipped Baron
- Euthalia monina monina —Malay Baron
- Lasippa heliodore dorelia —Burmese Lascar
- Lasippa tiga siaka —Malayan Lascar
- Lebadea martha parkeri —Knight
- Lexias canescens pardalina —Yellow Archduke
- Lexias dirtea merguia —Black Tipped Archduke
- Lexias pardalis dirteana —Archduke
- Moduza procris milonia —Commander
- Neptis harita harita —Chocolate Sailor
- Neptis hylas papaja —Common Sailor
- Neptis leucoporos cresina —Grey Sailor
- Pandita sinope sinope —The Colonel
- Pantoporia hordonia hordonia —Common Lascar
- Pantoporia paraka paraka —Perak Lascar
- Phaedyma columella singa —Short Banded Sailor
- Symbrenthia hippoclus — Common Jester
- Tanaecia iapis puseda —Horsfield's Baron
- Tanaecia pelea pelea —Malay Viscount
- Chersonesia peraka peraka —Little Maplet
- Eulaceura osteria kumana —Purple Duke
- Euripus nyctelius eupleoides —Courtesan
- Charaxes solon echo —Black Rajah
- Polyura hebe plautus —Plain Nawab
- Polyura schreiber tisamenus —Blue Nawab
- Abisara geza niya —Spotted Judy
- Abisara saturata kausamboides —Malayan Plum Judy
- Abisara savitri savitri —Malay Tailed Judy
- Laxita thuisto thuisto —Lesser Harlequin
- Taxila haquinus haquinus —The Harlequin
- Poritia philota philota —Malayan Gem
- Poritia sumatrae sumatrae —Sumatran Gem
- Allotinus unicolor unicolor —Lesser Darkie
- Liphyra brassolis abbreviata — The Moth Butterfly
- Logania marmorata damis —Pale Mottle
- Miletus biggsii biggsii —Bigg's Brownie
- Miletus gopara gopara
- Miletus symethus petronius
- Spalgis epius epius —The Apefly
- Curetis santana malayica —Malayan Sunbeam
- Curetis saronis sumatrana —Sumatran Sunbeam
- Acytolepis puspa lambi —Common Hedge Blue
- Ancema blanka blanka —Silver Royal
- Anthene emolus goberus —Ciliate Blue
- Anthene lycaenina miya —Pointed Ciliate Blue
- Arhopala abseus abseus —Aberrant Oakblue
- Arhopala aedias agnis —Large Metallic Oakblue
- Arhopala ammon ammon
- Arhopala amphimuta amphimuta
- Arhopala antimuta antimuta
- Arhopala athada athada —Vinous Oakblue
- Arhopala atosia malayana —Tailed Disc Oakblue
- Arhopala aurea
- Arhopala centaurus nakula —Centaur Oakblue
- Arhopala epimuta epiala —Common Disc Oakblue
- Arhopala eumolphus maxwelli —Green Oakblue
- Arhopala major major
- Arhopala myrzala lammas
- Arhopala pseudomuta pseudomuta —Raffles Oakblue
- Arhopala silhetensis adorea — Sylhet Oakblue
- Arhopala trogon
- Bindahara phocides phocides —The Plane
- Caleta elna elvira —Elbowed Pierrot
- Castalius rosimon rosimon —Common Pierrot
- Catapaecilma major emas — Gray Tinsel
- Catochrysops panormus exiguus —Silver Forget-Me-Not
- Catochrysops strabo strabo —Forget-Me-Not
- Catopyrops ancyra —Ancyra Blue
- Cheritra freja friggia —Common Imperial
- Chilades pandava pandava —Cycad Blue
- Deudorix elioti —Eliot's Cornelian
- Deudorix epijarbas cinnabarus —Cornelian
- Drupadia ravindra moorei —Common Posy
- Drupadia rufotaenia rufotaenia —Pygmy Posy
- Drupadia theda thesmia —Dark Posy
- Eliotia jalindra burbona —Banded Royal
- Eooxylides tharis distanti —Branded Imperial
- Euchrysops cnejus cnejus —Gram Blue
- Everes lacturnus rileyi —Indian Cupid
- Flos anniella anniella —Darky Plushblue
- Flos apidanus saturatus —Plain Plushblue
- Flos diardi capeta —Bifid Plushblue
- Flos fulgida singhapura —Shining Plushblue
- Horaga syrinx maenala —Ambon Onyx
- Hypolycaena erylus teatus —Common Tit
- Hypolycaena thecloides thecloides —Dark Tit
- Ionolyce helicon merguiana —Pointed Line Blue
- Iraota distanti distanti —Spotted Silverstreak
- Iraota rochana boswelliana —Scarce Silverstreak
- Jacoona anasuja anasuja —Great Imperial
- Jamides alecto agelandas — Metallic Caerulean
- Jamides bochus nabonassar —Dark Caerulean
- Jamides caeruleus caeruleus —Sky Blue
- Jamides celeno aelianus —Common Caerulean
- Jamides elpis pseudelpis — Glistening Caerulean
- Jamides malaccanus malaccanus —Malaccan Caerulean
- Lampides boeticus —Pea Blue
- Loxura atymnus fuconius —Yamfly
- Manto hypoleuca terana — Green Imperial
- Megisba malaya sikkima —The Malayan
- Nacaduba angusta kerriana — White Four-line Blue
- Nacaduba berenice icena —Rounded Six Line Blue
- Nacaduba beroe neon —Opaque Six Line Blue
- Nacaduba biocellata — Two Spotted Line Blue
- Nacaduba calauria malayica —Dark Malayan Six Line Blue
- Nacaduba pactolus odon — Large Four-Line Blue
- Nacaduba pavana singapura —Singapore Four-line Blue
- Nacaduba sanaya elioti — Jewel Four-Line Blue
- Neocheritra amrita amrita —Grand Imperial
- Neopithecops zalmora zalmora —The Quaker
- Petrelaea dana dana —Dingy Line Blue
- Pratapa deva relata —White Royal
- Prosotas dubiosa lumpura —Tailess Line Blue
- Prosotas lutea sivoka — Banded Lineblue
- Prosotas nora superdates —Common Line-Blue
- Pseudotajuria donatana donatana —Golden Royal
- Rachana jalindra burbona — Banded Royal
- Rapala dieneces dieneces —Scarlet Flash
- Rapala domitia domitia —Yellow Flash
- Rapala iarbus iarbus —Common Red Flash
- Rapala manea chozeba —Slate Flash
- Rapala pheretima sequiera —Copper Flash
- Rapala suffusa barthema —Suffused Flash
- Rapala varuna orseis —Indigo Flash
- Remelana jangala travana —Chocolate Royal
- Semanga superba deliciosa —The Red-edge
- Sinthusa nasaka amba —Narrow Spark
- Spindasis lohita senama —Long Banded Silverline
- Spindasis syama terana —Club Silverline
- Surendra vivarna amisena —Acacia Blue
- Tajuria cippus maxentius —Peacock Royal
- Tajuria dominus dominus
- Tajuria mantra mantra —Felder's Royal
- Virachola kessuma deliochus —Pitcher Blue
- Zeltus amasa maximinianus —Fluffy Tit
- Zizeeria maha serica —Pale Grass Blue
- Zizina otis lampa —Lesser Grass Blue
- Zizula hylax pygmaea —Pygmy Grass Blue
- Badamia exclamationis —Brown Awl
- Bibasis sena uniformis —Orange Tailed Awl
- Burara etelka —Great Orange Awlet
- Burara harisa consobrina —Orange Awlet
- Hasora badra badra —Common Awl
- Hasora chromus chromus —Common Banded Awl
- Hasora schoenherr chuza —Yellow Banded Awl
- Hasora taminatus malayana —White Banded Awl
- Hasora vitta vitta —Plain Banded Awl
- Celaenorrhinus asmara asmara — White Banded Flat
- Gerosis limax dirae —Black and White Flat
- Gerosis sinica minima
- Mooreana trichoneura trichoneura — Yellow Flat
- Odina hieroglyphica ortina —Hieroglyphic Flat
- Odontoptilum angulatum angulatum —Chestnut Angle
- Pseudocoladenia dan dhyana —Fulvous Pied Flat
- Tagiades calligana —Malayan Snow Flat
- Tagiades gana gana —Large Snow Flat
- Tagiades japetus atticus —Common Snow Flat
- Tagiades ultra —Ultra Snow Flat
- Tapena thwaitesi bornea
- Ampittia dioscorides camertes —Bush Hopper
- Ancistroides nigrita maura —Chocolate Demon
- Astictopterus jama jama — Forest Hopper
- Baoris farri farri —Bamboo Paintbrush Swift
- Baoris oceia —Paintbrush Swift
- Borbo cinnara cinnara — Formosan Swift
- Caltoris cormasa —Full Stop Swift
- Caltoris philippina philippina —Philippine Swift
- Cephrenes trichopepla — Yellow Palm Dart
- Cephrenes acalle niasicus — Plain Palm Dart
- Eetion elia —White Spot Palmer
- Erionota acroleuca apicalis —White-tipped Skipper
- Erionota thrax thrax —Banana Skipper
- Erionota torus — The Torus Skipper
- Gangara lebadea lebadea — Banded Redeye
- Gangara thyrsis thyrsis —Giant Redeye
- Halpe ormenes vilasina —Dark Banded Ace
- Hidari irava —Coconut Skipper
- Hyarotis adrastus praba —Tree Flitter
- Iambrix salsala salsala —Chestnut Bob
- Iambrix stellifer stellifer —Starry Bob
- Matapa aria —Common Redeye
- Notocrypta paralysos varians —Banded Demon
- Oriens gola pseudolus —Common Dartlet
- Oriens paragola — Malay Dartlet
- Pelopidas assamensis —Great Swift
- Pelopidas conjunctus conjunctus — Conjoined Swift
- Pelopidas mathias mathias —Small Branded Swift
- Pemara pugnans —Pugnacious Lancer
- Plastingia naga —Chequered Lancer
- Plastingia pellonia —Yellow Chequered Lancer
- Polytremis lubricans lubricans —Contiguous Swift
- Potanthus omaha omaha —Lesser Dart
- Potanthus serina — Large Dart
- Potanthus trachala tytleri — Detached Dart
- Pyroneura latoia latoia —Yellow Vein Lancer
- Quedara monteithi monteithi
- Salanoemia tavoyana — Yellow Streak Darter
- Suastus everyx everyx —White Palm Bob
- Suastus gremius gremius —Palm Bob
- Taractrocera archias quinta —Yellow Grass Dart
- Taractrocera ardonia lamia
- Telicota augias augias —Palm Dart
- Telicota besta bina —Besta Palm Dart
- Telicota colon stinga — Common Palm Dart
- Udaspes folus —Grass Demon
- Unkana ambasa batara —Hoary Palmer
- Zela storeyi
- Zographetus doxus —Spotted Flitter
- Fleming, W. A., 1975 Butterflies of West Malaysia & Singapore Berkshire, Eng. : Classey Publications Two volumes ISBN 0900848715 (volume 1)
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