List of compositions by Carl Maria von Weber

Carl Maria von Weber in 1821
The following is a complete list of compositions by Carl Maria von Weber in order of both opus number and catalogue number. A complete chronological catalogue of Weber's works was compiled by Friedrich Wilhelm Jähns and published in 1871. Catalogue numbers are indicated by a preceding "J.".
By opus number
Op. | Description |
1 | 6 Fughettas, J. 1-6 |
2 | 6 Variations in C on an Original Theme, J. 7 |
3 | 6 petites pièces faciles, J. 9-14 |
4 | 12 allemandes, J. 15-26 |
5 | 8 Variations on a theme from Vogler's Castor and Pollux, J. 40 |
6 | 6 Variations in C on a theme from Vogler's Samori, J. 43 |
7 | 7 Variations on "Vien quà, Dorina bella," J. 53 |
8 | Opera, Peter Schmoll und seine Nachbarn, J. 8 |
9 | Thème original varié, J. 55 |
10 | 6 pieces for Piano 4-hands, J. 81-6 |
10 | 6 Violin Sonatas, J. 99-104 |
11 | Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major, J. 98 |
12 | Momento capriccioso in B flat major, J. 56 |
13 | 5 Songs & a Canon, J. 91, 96, 52, 72, 97, 35 |
14 | Cantata, "Der erste Ton," J. 58 |
15 | 6 Songs, J. 73, 63, 74, 68, 67, 57 |
16 | Aria, "Il momento s'avvicina," J. 93 |
17 | ? |
18 | Piano Quartet in B flat major, J. 76 |
19 | Symphony No. 1 in C major, J. 50 |
20 | Concerto (Fantasie) for cello and orchestra (Grand pot-pourri), J. 64 |
21 | Grande polonaise in E flat major, J. 59 |
22 | Nine Variations on a Norwegian Air for violin and piano |
23 | 4 Songs & 2 Choruses, J. 62, 70, 117, 130, 136, 133 |
24 | Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, J. 138 |
25 | 5 Songs for voice & guitar, J. 140, 110, 112, 137, 113 |
26 | Clarinet Concertino in E flat major, J. 109 |
27 | Overture, "Der Beherrscher der Geister" ("Ruler of the Spirits"), J. 122 |
28 | 7 Variations on "A peine au sortir de l'enfance," J. 141 |
29 | 3 Songs, J. 108, 124, 120 |
30 | 6 Songs, J. 42, 161, 157, 160, 159, 156 |
31 | 3 Duets, J. 107, 123, 125 |
32 | Piano Concerto No. 2 in E flat major, J. 155 |
33 | 7 Variations on a theme from Silvana, J. 128 |
34 | Clarinet Quintet in B flat major, J. 182 |
35 | Andante e Rondo ungarese in C minor, for bassoon & orchestra, J. 79 |
36 | Cantata, "In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr," J. 154 |
37 | Incidental music for Turandot (Schiller, after Gozzi), J. 75 |
38 | Divertimento assai facile, for guitar & piano, J.207 |
39 | Piano Sonata No. 2 in A flat major, J. 199 |
40 | 9 Variations, J. 179 |
41 | "Leyer und Schwert" (cycle of 4 songs), J. 174-7 |
42 | "Leyer und Schwert" (6 male choruses), J. 168-73 |
43 | Songs, "Bei der Musik des Prinzen Louis Ferdinand von Preussen," J. 205 |
44 | Cantata, "Kampf und Sieg," J. 190 |
45 | Horn Concertino in E minor, J. 188 |
46 | Song cycle, "Die Temperamente beim Verluste der Geliebten," J. 200-3 |
47 | 6 Songs, J. 197, 198, 189, 192, 196, 166 |
48 | Grand duo concertant, J. 204 |
49 | Piano Sonata No. 3 in D minor, J. 206 |
50 | Aria, "Misera me!" J. 121 |
51 | Aria, "Non paventar mia vita," J. 181 |
52 | Scena, "Ah, se Edmondo," J. 178 |
53a | Aria, "Signor, se padre sei," J. 142 |
53b | Chorus, "Zwei Kränze zum Annen-Tage," J. 218 |
54 | 5 Songs & 2 Duets, J. 232, 209, 212, 208, 211, 233, 231 |
55 | 7 Variations in C on a Gypsy Song, J.219 |
56 | Scena & aria, "Was sag ich?" J. 239 |
57 | Scena, "Ah, se Edmondo," (for Méhul's opera, Héléna), J.178 |
58 | Jubel-Kantate, J. 244 |
59 | Jubel-Ouverture in E major, J. 245 |
60 | 8 pieces for Piano 4-hands, J. 236, 242, 248, 253-4, 264-6 |
61 | Chorus, "Natur und Liebe," J. 241 |
62 | Rondo brillante, J. 252 |
63 | Trio in G minor for Piano, vc, fl, J. 259 |
64 | 6 Songs, a Duet, & a Chorus, J. 234, 210, 235, 230, 255, 247, 249, 258 |
65 | Invitation to the Dance, J. 260 |
66 | 6 Songs, J. 217, 238, 48, 134, 65, 213 |
67 | ? |
68 | 6 Partsongs, J. 132, 263, 262, 285, 261, 284 |
69 | ? |
70 | Piano Sonata No. 4 in E minor, J. 287 |
71 | 6 Songs, J. 256, 243, 267, 28, 229, 105 |
72 | Polacca brillante, J. 268 |
73 | Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in F minor, J. 114 |
74 | Clarinet Concerto No. 2 in E flat major, J. 118 |
75 | Bassoon Concerto in F, J. 127 |
75a | Missa sancta No. 1 in E flat major, J. 224 |
76 | Missa sancta No. 2 in G, J. 251 |
77 | Opera, Der Freischütz, J. 277 |
78 | Incidental music for Preciosa (P. A. Wolff, after Miguel de Cervantes), J. 279 |
79 | Konzertstück in F minor for Piano and Orchestra, J. 282 |
80 | 6 Songs, J. 281, 269, 270, 274, 275, 278 |
81 | Opera, Euryanthe, J. 291 |
By Jähns catalogue number
J. (Jähns) | Description |
1-6 | 6 Fughettas, Op. 1 (Piano) [1798] |
7 | 6 Variations in C on an Original Theme, Op. 2 (Piano) [1800] |
8 | Opera, Peter Schmoll und seine Nachbarn, Op. 8 [1801-2] |
9-14 | 6 petites pièces faciles, Op. 3 (Piano 4-hands) [1801] |
15-26 | 12 allemandes, Op. 4 (pf; No. 11 & 12 for Piano 4-hands) [1801] |
27 | Song, "Die Kerze" [1802] |
28 | Song, "Umsonst ensagt ich," Op. 71/4 [1802] |
29-34 | 6 Ecossaises (Piano) [1802] |
35 | Canon, "Mädchen, ach meide Männerschmeichelei'n," Op. 13/6 (3v) [1802] (used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) |
36 | "Ein Gärtchen und ein Häuchen drin" (chorus [STB]) [1803] |
37 | Grablied (TTB, 9 wind) [1803] |
38 | Song, "Entfliehet schnell von mir" [1803] |
39 | Arrangement of vocal score of GJ Vogler's opera Samori [1803] |
40 | 8 Variations sur l'air de ballet de Castor and Pollux, Op. 5 (Piano) [1804] |
41 | Song, "Ich sah die hingesunken" [1804] |
42 | Song, "Wiedersehen," Op. 30/1 [1804] |
43 | 6 Variations in C on a theme from Vogler's Samori, Op. 6 (Piano [vn, vc ad lib]) [1804] |
44-46 | Opera, Rübezahl (3 nos. only) [1804-5] |
47 | Romanza siciliana in G minor (fl, orch) [1805] |
47a | Tusch (20 tpt) [1806] |
48 | Song, "Ich denke dein," Op. 66/3 [1806] |
49 | 6 Variations in C on "A Schüsserl und a Rein'dl'" (vla, orch) [1806] |
50 | Symphony No. 1 in C major, Op. 19 [1807] |
51 | Symphony No. 2 in C [1807] |
52 | Song (with gui. acc.), "Liebeszauber," Op. 13/3 [1807] |
53 | 7 Variations sur l'air "Vien quà, Dorina bella" [by Bianchi], Op. 7 (Piano) [1807] |
54 | Grande ouverture à pleusieurs instruments, Op. 8 (revision of ov. to J. 8) [1807] |
55 | Thème original varié, Op. 9 (7 variations for Piano) [1808] |
56 | Momento capriccioso in B flat major, Op. 12 (Piano) [1808] |
57 | Song, "Er an Sie," Op. 15/6 [1808] |
58 | Cantata, "Der erste Ton," Op. 14 (reciter, SATB, orch) [1808, rev. 1810] |
59 | Grande polonaise in E flat major, Op. 21 (Piano) [1808] |
60 | Song (with bc acc.), "Komisches musikalisches Sendschreiben" [1808] |
61 | 9 Variations on a Norwegian air (vn, Piano) [1808] |
62 | Song, "Meine Farben," Op. 23/1 [1808] |
63 | Song, "Klage," Op. 15/2 [1808] |
64 | Grand pot-pourri, Op. 20 (vc, orch) [1808] |
65 | Song, "Serenade" ("Die Lethe des Lebens"), Op. 66/5 [1809] |
66 | "Die Lethe des Lebens" (B, chorus, Piano) [1809] |
67 | Song, "Das Röschen," Op. 15/5 [1809] |
68 | Song, "Was zieht zu deinem Zauberkreise," Op. 15/4 [1809] |
69 | "Chorlied" (chorus) [1809] |
70 | Song, "Rhapsodie" ("Die Blume"), Op. 23/2 [1809] |
71 | Song, "Romanze" ("Die Ruinen") [1809] |
72 | Song (with gui. acc.), "Sanftes Licht, weiche nicht," Op. 13/4 [1809] |
73 | Song, "Meine Lieder, meine Sange," Op. 15/1 [1809] |
74 | Song, "Der kleine Fritz," Op. 15/3 [1809] |
75 | Incidental music for Turandot (Schiller, after Gozzi), Op. 37 (ov. & 6 inst. nos.) [1809] |
76 | Piano Quartet in B flat major, Op. 18 [1811] |
77-78 | 2 nos. for Haydn pasticcio, Der Freibrief [1809] (77 used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) |
79 | Andante e Rondo ungarese in C minor, Op. 35 (vla, orch) (see also J. 158) [1809] |
80 | Song, "Trinklied" [1809] |
81-6 | 6 pieces, Op. 10 (Piano 4-hands) [1809] |
87 | Opera, Silvana [1808-10] |
88 | Canzonetta, "Sicchè t'inganni" (voice, Piano/harp) [1810] |
89 | Canon, "Die Sonate soll ich spielen" (3v) [1810] |
90 | Canon, "Canons zu zwei sinc nicht drei" (3v) [1810] |
91 | Song (with gui. acc.), "Die Schäferstunde" ("Damon und Chloé"), Op. 13/1 [1810] |
92 | Song, "Das neue Lied" [1810] |
93 | Recit & Rondo, "Il momento s'avvicina," Op. 16 (S, orch) [1810] |
94 | Variations in F (vc, orch) [1810] |
95 | Canon, "Leck mich im Angesicht" (3v) [1810] |
96 | Song (with gui. acc.), "Wiegenlied," Op. 13/2 [1810] |
97 | Song (with gui. acc.), "Die Zeit," Op. 13/5 [1810] |
98 | Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major, Op. 11 [1810] |
99-104 | 6 sonates progressives in F, G, d, E flat, F, C, Op. 10 (vn, Piano) [1810] |
105 | Song, "Des Künstlers Abshied," Op. 71/6 (v, gui/pf) [1810] |
106 | Singspiel, Abu Hassan [1810-11] |
107 | Duet, "Se il mio ben," Op. 31/1 (AA, Clarinet, 2 hn, str) [1811] |
108 | Canzonetta, "Ah, dove siete," Op. 29/1 (v, gui/pf) [1811] |
109 | Clarinet Concertino in E flat, Op. 26 [1811] |
110-13 | 4 songs for Der arme Minnesinger (voice, gui) (see Op. 25) [1811] |
114 | Clarinet Concerto No. 1 in F minor, Op. 73 [1811] |
115 | Adagio & Rondo in F (harmonium, orch) [1811] |
116 | Trauer-Musik (Bar, chorus, 10 wind) [1811] |
117 | Song, "Maienblümlein, so schön," Op. 23/3 [1811] |
118 | Clarinet Concerto No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 74 [1811] |
119 | Melody in F (Clarinet, with Piano accom by FW Jähns) [1811] |
120 | Canzonetta, "Ch'io mai vi possa," Op. 29/3 (v, gui/pf) [1811] |
121 | Scena & aria, "Misera me!" Op. 50 (S, orch) [1811] |
122 | Overture, "Der Beherrscher der Geister" ("Ruler of the Spirits"), Op. 27 [1811] |
123 | Duet, "Mille volte," Op. 31/2 (SS, Piano) [1811] |
124 | Canzonetta, "Ninfa se liete," Op. 29/2 (v, gui/pf) [1811] |
125 | Duet, "Va, ti consola," Op. 31/3 (SS, Piano) [1811] |
126 | Scena & aria, "Qual altro attendi" (T, chorus, orch) [1812] |
127 | Bassoon Concerto in F, Op. 75 [1811, rev. 1822] |
128 | 7 Variations on a theme from Silvana, Op. 33 (Clarinet, Piano) [1811] |
129 | Song, "Romanze" ("Wiedersehen") [1812] |
130 | Song, "Sonett," Op. 23/4 [1812] |
131 | "Lenz erwacht, und Nachtigallen" (STB, chorus [STB], Piano) [1812] |
132 | "Das Turnierbankett," Op. 68/1 (TTB, male chorus) [1812] (used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) |
133 | "An eine Freundin," Op. 23/6 (chorus [STTB], Piano) [1812] |
134 | Song, "Lebensansicht," Op. 66/4 [1812] |
135 | "Schwäbisches Tanzlied" (chorus [STTBB], Piano) [1812] |
136 | "Heisse, stille Liebe schwebet," Op.23/5 (chorus [STTB], Piano) [1812] |
137 | Song, "Bettlerlied," Op. 25/4 (v, gui/pf) [1812] |
138 | Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, Op. 24 [1812] |
139 | "Kriegs-Eid" (unison male vv, 2 tpt, 3 hn, bsn, trbn) [1812] |
140 | Song, "Liebeglühen," Op. 25/1 (v, gui/pf) [1812] |
141 | 7 Variations on "A peine au sortir de l'enfance" from Méhul's opera Joseph, Op. 28 (Piano) [1812] |
142 | Scena & aria, "Signor, se padre sei," Op. 53a (T, 2 choruses, orch) [1812] |
143-8 | 6 Favorite Waltzes of the Queen of France, Marie Louise (Piano) [1812] |
149 | Waltz (fl, 2 Clarinet, 2 hn, tpt,2 bsn) [1812] |
150-53 | 4 songs by Duke Leopold August of Gotha, accompaniments arr. for winds [1812] |
154 | Hymn, "In seiner Ordnung schafft der Herr," Op. 36 (SATB, chorus, orch) [1812] |
155 | Piano Concerto No. 2 in E flat major, Op. 32 [1812] |
156 | Song, "Sind es Schmerzen," Op. 30/6 [1813] |
157 | Song, "Unbefangenheit," Op. 30/3 [1813] |
158 | Andante e Rondo ungarese in c (bsn, orch) (rev. of J. 79) [1813] |
159 | Song, "Reigen," Op. 30/5 [1813] |
160 | Song, "Minnelied," Op. 30/4 [1813] |
161 | Song, "Es stürmt auf der Flur," Op. 30/2 [1814] |
162-3 | 2 pieces arr. & orch'd for use in Fischer's Singspiel Die Verwandlungen [1814]: |
162 | J. Weigl's duet, "Ein jeder Geck" |
163 | anon. arietta, "Ihr holden Blumen" |
164 | Canon, "Zu dem Reich der Töne schweben" (4v) [1814] |
165 | "Lebenslied am Geburtstage" (4 male vv, Piano) [1814] |
166 | Song, "Gebet um die Geliebte," Op. 47/6 [1814] |
167 | Canon, "Scheiden und leiden uist einerlei" (4v) [1814] |
168-73 | "Leyer und Schwert," Op. 42 (6 male choruses) [1814]: |
168 | No. 2, "Lützows wilde Jagd" |
169 | No. 6, "[[Schwertlied]]" |
170 | No. 4, "Männer und Buben" |
171 | No. 5, "Trinklied vor der Schlacht" |
172 | No. 1, "Reiterlied" |
173 | No. 3, "Gebet vor der Schlacht" |
174-7 | Song cycle, "Leyer und Schwert," Op. 41 [1814] |
178 | Scena, "Ah, se Edmondo," Op. 57 (for Méhul's opera, Héléna) [1815] |
179 | Air russe (Schöne Minka), 9 Variations, Op. 40 (Piano) [1815] |
180 | "Drei Knäbchen lieblich austaffiret" (burlesque on Mozart's Magic Flute) (male vv) [1815] |
181 | Scena & aria, "Non paventar mia vita," Op. 51 (S, orch) [1815] |
182 | Clarinet Quintet in B flat major, Op. 34 [1815] |
183-4 | 2 songs for A. Fischer's Singspiel, Der travestierte Aeneas [1815] (183 used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5; 184 revised as J. 185) |
185 | Deutscher (Original-Walzer) in D (orch) (rev. of J. 184) [1815] |
186-7 | 2 songs in "Lieb und Versöhnen" [1815] |
188 | Horn Concertino in E minor, Op. 45 (1st version lost) [1806, rev. 1815] |
189 | Ballad, "Was stürmet," Op. 47/3 (Bar, harp) [1815] |
190 | Cantata, "KamPiano und Sieg," Op. 44 (SATB, chorus, orch) [1815] |
191 | Tedesco in D (orch) [1816] |
192 | Song, "Der Jüngling und die Spröde," Op. 47/4 [1816] |
193 | Canon, "Weil Maria Töne hext" (3v) [1816] |
194 | Arietta for Das Sternenmädchen in Maidlinger Walde (text lost) [1816] |
195 | Romance, "Ein König einst gefangen sass" (voice, gui) [1816] |
196 | Song, "Mein Verlangen," Op. 47/5 [1816] |
197 | Song, "Die gefangenen Sänger," Op. 47/1 [1816] |
198 | Song, "Die freien Sänger," Op. 47/2 [1816] |
199 | Piano Sonata No. 2 in A flat major, Op. 39 [1816] |
200-03 | Song cycle, "Die Temperamente beim Verluste der Geliebten," Op. 46 [1816] |
204 | Grand duo concertant in E flat major, Op. 48 (Clarinet, Piano) [1815-16] |
205 | Songs, "Bei der Musik des Prinzen Louis Ferdinand von Preussen," Op. 43 [1816] |
206 | Piano Sonata No. 3 in D minor, Op. 49 [1816] |
207 | Divertimento assai facile (gui, Piano) [1816] |
208 | Duet, "Abschied: O Berlin, ich muss dich lassen," Op. 54/4 (2v, Piano) [1817] |
209 | Duet, "Quodlibet: So geht es in Schnützelputz-Häusel," Op. 54/2 (2v, Piano) [1817] |
210 | Duet, "Mailied: Tra, ri, ro!" Op. 64/2 (2v, Piano) [1817] |
211 | Song, "Alte Weiber," Op. 54/3 [1817] |
212 | Song, "Liebeslied," Op. 54/2 [1817] |
213 | Song, "Wunsch und Entsagung," Op. 66/6 [1817] |
214 | Incidental music for König Yngurd (A. Müllner; 10 inst. nos., 1 song) [1817] |
215-16 | Orchestrations of 2 pieces for inclusion in Méhul's opera Héléna [1817]: |
215 | F. Paer's recit & cavatina, "Von dir entfernt" |
216 | S. Nasolini's recit & duet, "Ja, Liebe" |
217 | Song, "Das Veilchen im Tale," Op./ 66/1 [1817] |
218 | "Zwei Kränze zum Annen-Tage," Op. 53b (4 male vv, Piano) [1817] |
219 | 7 Variationen [in C] über ein Zigeunerlied, Op. 40 (Piano) [1817] |
220 | Incidental music for Donna Diana (C. A. West [J. Schreyvogel], after A. Moretto; 6 nos.) [1817] |
221 | Cantata, "L'accoglienza" (SSSTBB, chorus, orch) [1817] |
222 | Song, "Hold ist der Zyanenkranz" (solo vv, chorus) [1817] |
223 | Romance, "Leise weht es" (used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) [1818] |
224 | Missa sancta No. 1 in E flat major, Op. 75a (SATB, chorus, orch) [1817-18] |
225 | Song, "Sei gegrüsst, Frau Sonne, mir" [1818] |
226 | Offertory, "Gloria et honore" (S, chorus, orch) (for J. 224) [1818] |
227 | Dance & Song, "In Provence" (T, chorus) (spurious?) [1818] |
228 | "Schöne Ahnung ist erglommen" (4 male vv, Piano) [1818] |
229 | Song, "Lied der Hirtin," Op. 71/5 [1818] |
230 | Song, "Gelahrtheit," Op. 64/4 [1818] |
231 | Song, "Weine, weine," Op. 54/7 [1818] |
232 | Song, "Die fromme Magd," Op. 54/1 [1818] |
233 | Song, "Wenn ich ein Vöglein wár," Op. 54/6 [1818] |
234 | Song, "Mein Schatzerl ist hübsch," Op. 64/1 [1818] |
235 | Song, "Heimlicher Liebe Pein," Op. 64/3 [1818] |
236 | Moderato, Op. 60/1 (Piano 4-hands) [1818] |
237 | Incidental music for Heinrich IV, König von Frankenreich (E. Gehe; 8 inst. nos.) [1818] |
238 | Song, "Rosen im Haare," Op. 66/2 [1818] |
239 | Scena & aria for Cherubini's Lodoiska, "Was sag ich?" Op. 56 [1818] |
240 | Chorus, "Heil dir, Sappho" (SSB, wind, perc) [1818] |
241 | "Natur und Liebe," Op. 61 (chorus [SSTTBB], Piano) [1818] |
242 | Allegro, Op. 60/2 (Piano 4-hands) [1818] |
243 | Song, "Ein Mädchen ging," Op. 71/2 (voice, Piano/gui) [1818] |
244 | Jubel-Kantate, Op. 58 (SATB, chorus, orch) [1818] |
245 | Jubel-Ouverture in E major, Op. 59 [1818] |
246 | Incidental music for Lieb' um Liebe (Rublack; 6 nos.) [1818] |
247 | "God Save the King," arr. male chorus [?1818] |
248 | Adagio, Op. 60/3 (Piano 4-hands) [1818] |
249 | "Ei, ei, ei, wie scheint der Mond so hell," Op. 64/7 (male vv) [1818] |
250 | Offertory, "In die solemnitatis" (S, chorus, orch) (for J. 251) [1818] |
251 | Missa sancta No. 2 in G, "Jubelmesse" (SATB, chorus, orch) [1818-19] |
252 | Rondo brillante in E flat major, "La gaîté," Op. 62 (Piano) [1819] |
253 | Allegro – tutto ben marcato, Op. 60/4 (Piano 4-hands) [1819] |
254 | Alla siciliana, Op. 60/5 (Piano 4-hands) [1819] |
255 | Song, "Abendsegen," Op. 64/5 [1819] |
256 | Song, "Triolett," Op. 71/1 (used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) [1819] |
257 | Song, "Liebesgruss aus der Ferne," Op. 64/6 [1819] |
258 | Song, "Herzchen, mein Schätzchen," Op. 64/8 [1819] |
259 | Trio in G minor for fl, vc, Piano, Op. 63 [1819] |
260 | Aufforderung zum Tanz (Invitation to the Dance): Rondo brillant in D flat, Op. 65 (Piano) [1819] |
261 | Partsong, "Gute Nacht," Op. 68/5 (4 male vv) [1819] |
262 | Partsong, "Freiheitslied," Op., 68/3 (4 male vv) [1819] |
263 | Partsong, "Ermunterung," Op. 68/2 (4 male vv) [1819] |
264 | Tema variato ("Ich hab' mir Eins erwählet"), Op. 60/6 (Piano 4-hands) [1819] |
265 | Marcia, Op. 60/7 (Piano 4-hands) [1819] |
266 | Rondo, Op. 60/8 (Piano 4-hands) [1819] |
267 | Song, "Das Mädchen an das erste Schneeglöckchen," Op. 71/3 [1819] |
268 | Polacca brillante in E major, "L'hilarité," Op. 72 (Piano) [1819] |
269 | Song, "Sehnsucht" ("Weihnachtslied"), Op. 80/2 [1818] |
270 | Song, "Elfenlied," Op. 80/3 [1819] |
271 | Music for ceremonial prologue (including song, "Du hohe Rautenzeig," to melody of "God Save the King") (chorus, 6 wind) [1819] |
272 | Double canon (4v) [1819] |
273 | Agnus Dei (SSA, wind) [1820] |
274 | Song, "Schmerz," Op. 80/4 [1820] |
275 | Song, "An sie," Op. 80/5 [1820] |
276 | Incidental music for Der Leuchtturm (E. von Houwald; 4 harp nos.) [1820] |
277 | Opera, Der Freischütz, Op. 77 [1817-21] |
278 | Song, "Der Sänger und der Maler," Op. 80/6 [1820] |
279 | Incidental music for Preciosa (P. A. Wolff, after Miguel de Cervantes), Op. 78 (ov., 11 nos.) [1820] |
280 | Song for The Merchant of Venice, "Sagt, woher" (women's vv, gui) [1821] |
281 | Song, "Lied von Clotilde," Op. 80/1 [1821] |
282 | Konzertstück in F minor, Op. 79 (pf, orch) [1821] |
283 | Cantata, "Du, bekränzt unsre Laren" (SSTB, chorus, fl, Piano) [1821] |
284 | Partsong, "Husarenlied," Op. 68/6 (4 male vv) [1821] |
285 | Partsong, "Schlummerlied," Op. 68/4 (4 male vv) [1822] |
286 | Song, "Das Licht im Tale" [1822] |
287 | Piano Sonata No. 4 in E minor, Op. 70 [1819-22] |
288 | Marcia vivace (10 tpt) [1822] |
289 | Incidental music for "Den Sachsensohn vermählet heute" (ov., 5 choral nos.) (one used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) [1822] |
290 | Cantata, "Wo nehm ich Blumen her" (chorus [STB], Piano) [1823] |
291 | Opera, Euryanthe, Op. 81 [1822-3] |
292 | Song (Romance), "Elle était simple et gentilette" (used by Mahler in J.Anh. 5) [1824] |
293 | "Reiterlied" (4 male vv, Piano ad lib) [1825] |
294 | "Schützenweihe" (4 male vv, Piano ad lib) [1825] |
295ff | 10 schottische Nationalgesänge (10 Scottish Folksongs), acc. arr. fl, vn, vc, Piano [1825]: |
295 | "The soothing shades of gloaming" |
296 | "The Troubadour" |
297 | "O poortith cauld" |
298 | "Bonny Dundee" |
299 | "Yes, thou may'st walk" |
300 | "A soldier am I" |
301 | "John Anderson, my jo'" |
302 | "O my love's like the red, red rose" |
303 | "Robin is my joy" |
304 | "Whar' hae ye been a' day" |
305 | Arioso & recit for Spontini's Olympie, "Doch welche Töne" [1825] |
306 | Opera, Oberon [1825-6] |
307 | March (wind) (rev. of J. 13 with new trio; also arr. chorus, orch as "Zu den Fluren des heimischen Herdes") [1826] |
308 | Song, "Gesang der Nurmahal: From Chindara's warbling fount I come" (Piano part reconstructed by Moscheles) [1826] |
Anh. 1 | Opera, Das Waldmädchen [1800] |
Anh. 3 | "Deo rosa" (incomplete) (4 male vv, Piano) [1821] |
Anh. 5 | Opera, Die drei Pintos (unfinished; completed by Mahler, 1888) [1820-1] |
Anh. 6 | Singspiel, Die Macht der Liebe und des Weins (lost) [1798] |
Anh. 8 | Mass in E flat major, "Grosse Jugendmesse" (SATB, chorus, orchestra, organ) [1802] |
Anh. 67-70 | 4 solfèges [1818] |
– |
See also
- Douglas Briscoe (1999). "Weber - Works List". Classical Net. Retrieved 2008-01-01.
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